Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 170 The Militant Zao Wou-Ki

Chapter 170 The Militant Zao Wou-Ki

Following Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing retreating into the poison formation first, Tang San took the various sausages from Oscar, each of them ate a recovery sausage first, and immediately looked towards the three of Flender past.

Strength, this is strength!
Seeing the four of Master Flender's actions, the real-original Shrek Seven Monsters present couldn't help but admire secretly.

Flender, Liu Erlong and Zao Wou-ki are all soul saints above level [-], and even the weaker masters are soul emperors of the ten thousand year soul ring. At this time, the three members of the Golden Iron Triangle With tacit cooperation and clear positioning, they withstood the attack of the seven soul beasts without letting them go one step further.Even the guy who occasionally probed was beaten back by Zao Wou-ki, the Fudo King.

This is also the advantage of martial soul fusion skills. Ordinary soul masters can't cooperate at all. At their level, the power of soul skills is too great.

As for the three members of the Golden Iron Triangle, once the formation is formed, the three of them will be of one mind, and there will be Zhao Wou-ki guarding the formation, so they cooperate quite tacitly.

At this time, Ning Rongrong wanted to add buffs to Tang Tian, ​​but it was completely impossible.

She had already stopped assisting Tang San and the others when activating the copying skill, and she didn't use much soul power to assist Tang San and the others. Even so, she felt as if her soul power had been drained, My whole body feels unspeakably uncomfortable.

After all, copying the soul skills copied Qian Renxue's seventh and eighth soul skills, and the consumption was definitely not small.

At this time, Tang Tian did not break into the encirclement, but showed his own Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda.

"Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is prehistoric, one, two, three, four, six"

"The fifth soul skill should be the power of restriction, right?" Tang Tian felt a little nervous when he set up the booster for the master and others.
After thinking for a while, Tang Tian also applied a layer of blessing power to everyone in the poisonous mist.

Dai Mubai's injury just now and Ning Rongrong's lost soul power were healed and replenished in an instant.

"Brother Tian's tower is amazing."

At this moment, the master also had a result. Facts proved that Tang Tian was not a pig teammate.

The auxiliary functions of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Pagoda and the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda are not much different, and the effect on the more powerful soul masters is better, and everyone in Douluo knows this.Because its assistance is a percentage increase, the larger the base, the stronger the effect of the increase.But when it was really applied in actual combat, the terrifying effect of turning things around still surprised Tang Tian.

The light on the three of Flender's bodies soared at the same time, and the seven-headed soul beasts that had been attacking them continuously before were forced to retreat almost at the same time.

Tang Tian is not Ning Rongrong. After putting on buffs on himself, it is conservatively estimated that the stable support will be stress-free for a few hours.

"Back into the poison formation." Flender shouted loudly.He had no choice but to make such a decision, because dozens of soul beasts had already rushed out of the forest, and their targets were all this way.

Although various attributes have skyrocketed with Tang Tian's help, Flender hasn't inflated yet, and he knows how to be cowardly when it's time to be cowardly.

Zhao Wou-ki was a little bit reluctant to fight, "I feel that I can fight seven, you go first."

Flender said speechlessly: "Wuji, look over there."

"Damn, dozens of them, Old Ghost Flanders, I'm leaving first."

The fragrance of Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product is strong and lingering for a long time. Although it has been taken back into the treasure bag by Tang San at this time, the smell is still there.Many of the later spirit beasts were above 5 years old, which made Flender and the others scramble to retreat.

Golden Iron Triangle and Zhao Wuji quickly retreated into the poison formation arranged by Dugu Bo, perhaps because the poison formation here has been deterrent for a long time, just as Tang San expected, nearly fifty spirit beasts were chasing to the outer circle of the poison formation Immediately stopped, and could only issue some long-range attacks.

It's a pity that the distance is limited, and after being blocked by Flender and the others, the Shrek Academy group has already retreated into the poison formation, and they are beyond their ability to attack.

"Little San, the effect of your fairy herb is really good." Flender looked at the number of spirit beasts that were still increasing outside with lingering fear.Who said that there are no powerful soul beasts in the sunset forest?Among the more than fifty soul beasts gathered outside, at least six or seven of them have strengths exceeding 5 years, and there is even a soul beast whose cultivation base is close to 8 years.Most of the remaining soul beasts are more than 1 years old.

Even Liu Erlong, who is more impulsive, understands that with so many high-level soul beasts, they are definitely not something they can match.It can only temporarily avoid its sharpness.

The master turned his eyes to Zhu Zhuqing, who was already absorbing the spirit ring, and said happily: "Finally, the effort was not in vain. That ghost tiger is quite good, whether it is skills or attributes, it matches Zhuqing very well."

Tang Tian has been observing the soul beasts outside at this time. Since the smell of Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade has not dissipated, the soul beasts outside are still wandering outside the poisonous formation, absorbing the smell in the air while staring at it. look this way.

They apparently won't leave, at least until the aroma wears off.

Tang Tian said while observing the soul beasts: "Little San, try your flying claws. These soul beasts are too strong. Although they may not succeed, there is no harm in trying."

Tang San also had this intention, immediately raised the sleeve on his right arm, quickly removed the Flying God Claw on it, and handed it to Flender beside him.

Flender, who was still in shock, asked doubtfully, "What are you doing?"

Tang San said: "Principal, there are so many spirit beasts outside, some of them are just suitable for us. They dare not enter the poison formation, so we will capture and kill the ones we need. With the strength of you, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Erlong, There should be no problem catching them in."

Flender said in surprise: "Little San, are you kidding me? Didn't you see so many spirit beasts outside? As long as we go out, we will undoubtedly be attacked by them. And retreat. There are too many soul beasts outside, and the explosive attack power generated in an instant will cause headaches even for Titled Douluo, and he is almost lucky to fall."

Tang San smiled slightly, pointed to the Flying God Claw on his hand confidently, and said: "That's why I give this to you. With it, you don't need to go out at all. Mubai, Xiao Ao, give Zhao your Flying God Claw Teacher and Teacher Erlong use it first."

Hearing what Tang San said, Flender was immediately very curious, "Okay, so you two boys still have backhands." Although he still didn't understand what Tang San wanted them to do, but from Tang San's expression he also knew It can be seen that Tang San must have a lot of confidence in what he wants to do.

Tang Tian said lightly: "Actually, there is a better way, but it will hurt Tianhe. If Xiaosan's Flying God Claw doesn't work, then use my method."

(End of this chapter)

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