Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 105 Ready to Face Renxue

Chapter 105 Ready to Face Qian Renxue

"Don't you think it's the right time to reveal your identity?" the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit said suddenly.

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment.

Just in time?What are you kidding?
"It will be the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Contest soon," the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Ling explained, "You will definitely have a fight with the Wuhun Hall on the spot, so by revealing your identity at this time, isn't it leaving a way out?"

Dai Mubai thought about it, the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit said something reasonable.

In two or three months, the competition will start, plus one or two months for the competition, there will be at most half a year left.

If he follows Yu Xiaogang's line, even if his prodigal son turns around for a while, it won't be of much use.After all, when he reaches the sky, he will be close to the soul king's cultivation level.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow the route of Qian Renxue.

"Speaking of which, how many flat peaches do I have now?" Dai Mubai released the flat peach tree martial spirit and counted them.

"Two three-color flat peaches, seven four-color flat peaches." Dai Mubai was a little dazed.

Why are there so many?

Oh yes, he just had his 16th birthday.

Four more flat peaches grew out.

"Zhuqing won't give it anymore, she already ate two." Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, "Give those two three-color flat peaches to Davis and Zhu Zhuyun first. They will grow out later and be distributed to my brothers Sister, for the current four-color flat peaches, each of these people from the academy will give one to each of them after they graduate."

"The last one, give it to Qian Renxue." Dai Mubai suddenly hooked the corner of his mouth.

"There is no gift for the 16-year-old coming-of-age ceremony in this temple."

Remnant Spirit of the Holy Beast White Tiger: "..."

"Be careful with 404 Shenguang."

"Tsk, it's hard to describe how to have a martial soul with a shared heart."

"So you are really thinking about something that should be harmonized, you bastard!"

"You... broke the law!"

Dai Mubai rolled his eyes.

"Why am I doing something that is not human?"

"In this world, only rapists and human traffickers are undeserving of forgiveness! They should die! They should not die! If they want to have a next life, they are only worthy of reincarnated as animals after going through eighteen levels of hell! Animals are not worthy of them!"

The remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger quickly patted him down: "Calm down, calm down. It's not worth being angry about that kind of scum."

Dai Mubai pursed his lips, and said innocently: "Although my behavior is a little wretched...but at's just...that kind of harassment...."

"You're a scumbag too!" The holy beast Baihu Lingling didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Dai Mubai couldn't refute.

"Early death and late death are death, it is better to die quickly."

Dai Mubai gave up struggling.

The day after everyone absorbed the medicinal herbs, a group of people expressed the need to hunt for spirit rings.

Since the soul rings that everyone needed were all in Wannian, Ning Fengzhi directly sent Bone Douluo to escort them.

According to Article [-] of "Ten Core Competitiveness of the Martial Soul World": Even if a soul master does not obtain a soul ring after reaching the bottleneck, his own soul power will continue to accumulate, and it will be revealed when he obtains a soul ring.

Yu Xiaogang guessed: "After Xiaosan and the others get the spirit ring this time, their spirit power level may directly reach level 45 or above!"

The original celestial ranks could give them at least five levels of soul power, so after Dai Mubai's enhanced celestial ranks, doubling the spirit power level is too much?
He throws up five or six 10-year soul skills per immortal product a day, which lasts for half a year!
Tang San ate the two poisonous weeds of Binghuo, took Wangchuan Qiushui dew, and was stuffed with a flat peach in advance by Dai Mubai, so...he may reach level 45 or above as soon as he breaks through.

After seeing the enhanced version of the data of each academy, Dai Mubai became a little more generous.

I don't know if it's the butterfly effect or I went directly to the parallel world.

Those people are too strong for no reason!
Those people in Wuhundian won't all become Soul Emperors, right?

Remnant Spirit of the Holy Beast White Tiger: "...Suddenly, it feels so possible..."

"After two days of recuperation, go to Star Dou Great Forest." Flender said, "I also broke through."

Flender was at level 78 when Tang San and others entered the school, and he has risen by another level in the past half a year. It is normal to break through after eating the fairy ganoderma.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Flender in surprise.

It's not because he broke through to Contra, but because he really went to what Dai Mubai said, regained his youth!

Yu Xiaogang became 20 years younger after eating the flat peaches, and Flender is almost 20 years younger now.

Dai Mubai handed Flender a Jade Snow Ginseng: "Although that Auntie Liu Erlong is still as beautiful as a flower, but you two elders have regained their youth. As juniors, we must honor her with something."

"Mubai..." Flender was a little dazed.

Tang San came over, and also said: "We are not qualified to comment on the matters of your older generation, but since the teacher has made a choice, you have to think about it for yourself."

Yu Xiaogang patted Flender on the shoulder: "You have to fight for happiness by yourself."

"You really..." Flender suddenly worried about gain and loss.

Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong originally loved each other sincerely. As the eldest brother, what else could he do besides bless them?
But Yu Xiaogang...

"Sorry." Yu Xiaogang looked sad, "Now I only have Dong'er in my heart."

He loved Liu Erlong, but after knowing what Bibi Dong had suffered because of him, those fond memories of being with Bibi Dong and overwhelming guilt and self-blame completely overwhelmed him.

He can't be with any woman anymore.

He just wants to make amends.

"I don't know if it's because of the cosmetic effect of the fairy product, or because the dean was really suave when he was young. Now I suddenly see the dean so handsome, and I'm still not used to it." Oscar rubbed his chin and muttered in a low voice.

Ning Rongrong nodded beside him: "I really can't adapt, a wretched old man suddenly turned into a mature and handsome uncle. Who can adapt to this?"

"You don't get used to it?" Ma Hongjun's voice came from behind them, "Aren't you even more unable to get used to the young master's handsome appearance?"

Dai Mubai looked back.

Finish the ball!

Originally, he was ranked fifth in the college's student beauty rankings, but now he can only be ranked sixth!

That little fat man Ma Hongjun is so handsome now!He even squeezed out Oscar and successfully occupied the top spot in the list of boys' looks!

After Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit is awakened for the second time...

"Fuck, then I'm at the bottom?"

Dai Mubai looked at Ma Hongjun with an unfriendly expression: "It's fine for a few girls to compete with each other after taking the fairy product, but why did you suddenly change so much?"

"Hahaha," Ma Hongjun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Brother, are you jealous? Are you jealous of my incomparable beauty!"


Ma Hongjun was wounded and lay dead.

Xiao Wu clapped her hands.

"Miss Wu is so jealous!"

Originally there was a little fat guy like Ma Hongjun at the bottom, although Tang San looked a little ordinary, at least he could still watch.

Now Tang San alone looks ordinary!
How can Miss Wu bear it?

"My brother is the most handsome! Who has any doubts?" Xiao Wu pinched her fingers "crackling" and glanced dangerously at everyone.

Tang San covered his face: "Xiao Wu, your appearance is given by your parents, don't worry too much..."

"No!" Xiao Wu looked at Tang San with some resentment, "You have eaten so many immortal products, why hasn't there been any change?"

Tang San looked at the big rabbit, speechless.

Isn't his change in appearance?
Obtaining a strong body that is invulnerable to water, fire, and poison, Ziji Demon Eyes broke through to the third level: meson.Has he changed more than anyone else?
He knew that Xiao Wu was a 10-year soul beast, but seeing it with his own eyes, Tang San didn't know what to say.

What a big white rabbit?

"Shut up, rabbit!" Dai Mubai looked gloomy, "I haven't said anything yet."

What should I eat to keep my status in the beauty list?

Lu Mingfei raised his hoof and replied: "It is said that there is a treasured place in Cangqiong Peak called [Heaven Realm], and there is a gemstone flower called [Aphrodite Heart] in it, and it will become beautiful after eating it. Angel."

Dai Mubai was shocked.

"I'm definitely coming from a parallel world!" Dai Mubai smiled, MMP in his heart.

There was nothing on the Kuntian Mountains, so it can be explained that the old Tang family's tetralogy didn't set foot there.


God of beauty!Venus!Alias ​​Aphrodite!He has appeared!
What should I do if there are more and more hidden copies?
Remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger: "Go whoring divine power!"

"Big brother! Third brother!" Ma Hongjun walked between Dai Mubai and Tang San, and saluted them respectively, "Thank you for your kindness! I, Ma Hongjun, would like to call you the most handsome!"

Dai Mubai and Tang San rolled their eyes together.

You want to call it a fart!
"By the way, Oscar, if you're not acting weird now, people would believe that you are a nobleman." Ning Rongrong rubbed his shoulder at Oscar, "Do you want to consider getting married? Look at your flowery and jade-like face. For the sake of face, I can let you be my little lover!"

Oscar: ()
"Rongrong, you have changed, you are no longer that innocent, kind, cute, beautiful, gentle, considerate, understanding, and reasonable little angel!" Oscar said sadly.

Ning Rongrong grinned.

Dai Mubai: "Oscar, you were farting rainbows just now, right?"

"Rainbow fart?" Oscar blinked in confusion.

"It's so ugly to flatter." Dai Mubai looked disgusted, "Praise the little fairy can only kiss rainbow farts."

Ning Rongrong's smile gradually got out of control.

"Oh ho ho ho, as expected, Miss Ben is the most beautiful and charming woman in the world!"

Ning Fengzhi who had just arrived and listened to the conversation with both ears.

Cover your face.

Suddenly I feel so ashamed!

"Little girl is also the most charming woman!" Ma Hongjun pouted, "I don't even look at your ordinary figure."

Ning Fengzhi: "..."

Which coquette is this who dares to say that about his precious daughter?

"Fatty, die to me!" Ning Rongrong pressed Oscar's shoulder, and kicked Ma Hongjun in the air.

"Xiao Mian, you can still kick me... Damn it! Big brother, third brother, what are you doing holding me down?"

Zhu Zhuqing: "...If you don't die, you won't die."

Then she saw Xue Qinghe who was following Ning Fengzhi.

The two looked at each other, each frowning inwardly.

"Uncle Ning?" Zhu Zhuqing hurriedly reminded the noisy crowd.

The happy atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

It's over, wasn't it all seen just now?
(End of this chapter)

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