Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 106 It Really Was Exposed

Chapter 106 It Really Was Exposed

It's over!The persona collapsed!Ning Fengzhi discovered his funny nature!

Dai Mubai turned his head stiffly.


Why is Xueqinghe here!
Long live!
There are so many people here, he should not be found...

Then he saw Xue Qinghe squint his eyes, turned to Ning Fengzhi and said, "Teacher, I didn't expect your house to be so lively."

"Brother Qinghe!" Ning Rongrong straightened her skirt and walked to Xue Qinghe's side with a cute face.

Xue Qinghe has been studying with Ning Fengzhi for six or seven years, of course she knows Xue Qinghe.

It's not that I like Xue Qinghe or something, but I do have a good impression.

After all, in terms of temperament, Xue Qinghe is similar to her father, so it is inevitable to have a good impression of Xue Qinghe.

"These children are all Rongrong's classmates," Ning Fengzhi said with a smile, "Let me introduce you."

"Mubai, all of you come here." Ning Fengzhi smiled, and when they all walked over restrainedly, he introduced, "This is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe."

Tang San and others who didn't know Xue Qinghe were all taken aback.

After all, the gap between Xue Qinghe and the avalanches they had seen was too great.

One looked suave and personable.And the other one is a stern and soft-hearted dude.

"Teacher, you don't need to introduce it in such detail?" Xue Qinghe smiled wryly.

Ning Fengzhi laughed, and said to him: "You are low-key! Look at that kid Dai Mubai, he has never hidden his identity, he wants to show off to the whole world that he is a prince."

Dai Mubai was helpless: "Uncle Ning, it's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"The fifth prince's publicity, I have seen it three years ago." Xue Qinghe smiled at Dai Mubai.

Smile meaningfully.

Dai Mubai looked calm on the surface, but panicked in his heart.

"She definitely discovered it!" Dai Mubai felt cold sweat dripping down his back.

Dai Mubai coughed, and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness is as gentle as three years ago. Then let me introduce you."

Dai Mubai introduced everyone in turn.

Xue Qinghe looked at Oscar: "Is this a member of the Fenrir family?"

Oscar was a little confused: "It's not."

"That's right, the Fenrir family are all ghost and leopard spirits." Xue Qinghe smiled apologetically, "Sorry, I made a mistake."

"Oh, Huangdou's ghost leopard soul master Oslo's family, right?" Oscar suddenly said, "It doesn't matter, our names are indeed very similar. We mentioned this issue when we were chatting together before."

Not to mention, Oscar's serious appearance really exudes an unspeakable nobleness.

The premise is that he doesn't make a fool of himself.

"Teacher, are these talented boys and girls classmates of Rongrong?" Xue Qinghe asked curiously.

Yu Xiaogang and Flender left before Xue Qinghe came, so there are only the Shrek Seven Monsters here.

At this time, everyone came to the living room, and the guests and hosts were seated separately. Xue Qinghe had a modest attitude and showed great kindness.

"You also know that Rong Rong has been spoiled by me since she was a child. She has been studying in Shrek Academy for the past two years, and she has restrained herself a lot." Xue Qinghe also has a certain understanding of Ning Rongrong, which is why Ning Fengzhi is like this. Said.

Ning Rongrong immediately became unhappy: "Father! How can I be spoiled!"

Ning Fengzhi shook his head and laughed: "Yes, Rongrong is the most well-behaved and sensible. Alright, you and your friends go play."

Ning Rongrong pouted, seeing Xue Qinghe was present, so she didn't act too coquettishly and playfully.

"Xiao Wu, Zhuqing, let's go."

Dai Mubai was also ready to follow, but before he got up from the chair, Xue Qinghe stopped him: "Fifth Prince might as well wait, I still have some things I want to ask."

"It's out of the question to ask for advice, His Royal Highness might as well speak up if you have something to say." Dai Mubai showed a social smirk.

"Teacher, can you give us some time?" Xue Qinghe asked Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly, got up and left: "You two talk."

As soon as Ning Fengzhi left, the door closed.

"Your Highness, what is this for?" Dai Mubai looked puzzledly at Xue Qinghe who was slowly walking in front of him with a sword, no, Qian Renxue!

"Keep pretending!" Qian Renxue's face was icy, "I found you. Zheng, Ren, Jun, Zi!"

"What are you talking about? What do you want me to pretend to be with the sword?" Dai Mubai frowned, "This hall is indeed an upright gentleman, and has never used his status as a prince to do anything wrong!"

"Heh," Qian Renxue sneered, "You're really pretending, but I can smell the smell on your body even if I turn it into ashes!"

Dai Mubai pretended to be really confused.

"No, what the hell am I doing?"

Qian Renxue frowned slightly.

Dai Mubai's appearance made her doubtful.

Isn't it Dai Mubai?
Dai Mubai went to look for her more than ten times!Even though she was pulled into the illusion every time, she still remembered Dai Mubai's smell before she fell into a coma.And the impression deepens every time!
"Oh, you are calm!" Qian Renxue stabbed Dai Mubai with a sword, "Whether you are or not, you are going to die! It really is you—"

Dai Mubai was helpless.

He caught Qian Renxue who had fallen into an illusion.

"Long Aotian, well done!"

It's overshadowed Qian Renxue more than a dozen times, and now Long Aotian is already familiar with the modus operandi of how to suddenly pull someone into the illusion when he's not paying attention, and he's at his fingertips.

Dai Mubai hugged Qian Renxue and left the castle of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

He also owns real estate in Heaven Dou City.

"The latest product of Star Martial Academy's soul-locking bracelet, I don't know how effective it will be." Dai Mubai gently put on the soul-locking bracelet that confines soul power on Qian Renxue who has removed the disguise, and then asked Long Aotian to release the illusion.

The first time Qian Renxue woke up from the soft big bed, she wanted to possess the spirit and prepare to kill, but she found that the spirit power in her body had disappeared.

No, it should be said that there is a little more, but it is only about five or six levels.It's not enough to support Wuhun possession.

Qian Renxue was shocked and angry: "Dai Mubai! How dare you abolish my soul power!"

"Don't make trouble!" Dai Mubai took Qian Renxue's little hand that hit his handsome face, "How could I be willing to abolish your soul power?"

"Then what about my soul power!" Qian Renxue shook off his hand and asked through gritted teeth.

Dai Mubai explained patiently: "It's only temporarily sealed, be good, and I'll untie it for you."

"You're dreaming!" Qian Renxue still didn't give up, knowing that she couldn't do anything to Dai Mubai for the time being, she could only sit cross-legged stubbornly, planning to forcibly break through the seal.

She has grown so big, since awakening!Never before has the level of soul power been so low!

"Don't you want to know how I made you fall into the illusion?" Dai Mubai asked with his head supported.

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth, and ignored Dai Mubai.

"Want to try again?" Dai Mubai asked with a smile.

Qian Renxue turned her head violently, her hands grabbed Dai Mubai's neck.

"Hey." Dai Mubai sighed, turned over and pressed her on the bed, "It's very painful to be a gentleman, dear Xue'er."

Qian Renxue's pupils dilated: "How do you know?"

"The daughter of the former Pope of the Spirit Hall disappeared in the Hall of Spirits at the age of nine, and at the same time, there are two other priests in the Hall of Spirits who have disappeared without a trace." Dai Mubai smiled, "Isn't this worthy of suspicion?"

Qian Renxue frowned: "This alone is not enough for you to discover my true identity?"

"That's true," Dai Mubai lifted Qian Renxue's chin, with a frivolous tone, "Your disguise is flawless, but who told Prince Tiandou to die so that only you and a trash are left?"

"There are only two forces in this world that can make Prince Tiandou die one after another, one is the Star Luo Empire, and the other is the Wuhun Palace." Dai Mubai smiled gently at Qian Renxue, "Since it is not the Star Luo Empire, then only It could be Wuhundian. Then, combined with the disappearance of you and the two Wuhundian enshrined, the result is obvious."

"Why can't it be the Tiandou prince fighting among himself?" Qian Renxue was startled by Dai Mubai's speculation but still stubbornly asked.

Dai Mubai smiled, he touched Qian Renxue's pretty face, and said: "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but when it comes to intelligence, the second prince of Tiandou who was poisoned to death by you will not be abandoned. Do you believe that a single soldier can kill you without poison?"

"Such a smart Second Prince Tiandou was poisoned to death, and you, the legitimate eldest son, are still alive and well?" Dai Mubai twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain, "Infighting? You are not qualified yet."

Although Bibi Dong didn't like Qian Renxue, she was only cold and violent.Before Qian Xunji died, Qian Renxue was also a jewel in the palm of her hand.If it wasn't for getting Bibi Dong's approval, she wouldn't have sneaked into the Heaven Dou imperial family since she was a child and replaced Xue Qinghe for more than ten years.

In fact, she has never suffered much, so even if she was brought up as a prince, she doesn't have a deep understanding of conspiracy and tricks.

What the prince needs to learn is not just intrigue.Especially after studying with Ning Fengzhi, apart from being a good disguise, she will not have any tricks.

Ning Fengzhi is quite a decent person.

"Xue Qinghe is actually very good to you, right?" Dai Mubai asked suddenly without waiting for Qian Renxue to react.

Qian Renxue opened her mouth.

Nothing to say.

"Did you feel guilty when you killed him?" Dai Mubai asked.

"Shut up!" Qian Renxue turned her head in embarrassment.

"He was only ten years old when he died, and he still regarded you as a friend." Dai Mubai continued, "But you killed him just to get an illusory approval. Oh yes, the second prince discovered the clue It’s time to kill the second prince. Once you start killing people, you can’t stop, right? If Xue Xing is not vigilant enough, you also think that you should leave an avalanche to confuse the public. Maybe you will kill Xue Beng too. ?”

"I heard that you love Xue Ke very much?" Dai Mubai forcibly turned Qian Renxue's face, making her look directly at him, "Is it because Xue Ke has no inheritance rights?"

"Shut up!" Qian Renxue's expression collapsed.

If she hadn't been firmly suppressed by Dai Mubai, she might have jumped over and pinched Dai Mubai's neck again.

"Isn't what I said the truth?" Dai Mubai laughed like a demon in hell, "The truth is always hard to hear. Would you like to hear something even more unacceptable?"

 What is my rudder, and what is my second rudder. . .Forget it, I don't deserve it.

(End of this chapter)

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