Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 112 Who Is the Son of Luck?

Chapter 112 Who Is the Son of Luck?
Xingli continued to "talk" to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong translated it to everyone: "Now there are three hateful dark gold direclaw bears in the Fairy Forest, and one of them is a powerful 5-year-old dark gold direclaw bear. You can't do anything about it, so we need our help. .After success, will you give us a satisfactory gift?"

"Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear?" Yu Xiaogang showed surprise, "It turned out to be such a powerful beast?"

Bone Douluo felt a little pain in his head: "Three Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bears, and one more than 5 years old?"

Xingli nodded her little head.

The 10-year-old Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear can fight to the death with ordinary 5-year-old soul beasts, but here is one that is over [-] years old!There are two other people who don't know what their cultivation is!
Bone Douluo found that he might not be able to do it...

"It is said that this soul beast has both offense and defense, is extremely powerful, and has a violent personality. It is a solitary soul beast. How can there be so many of them in the Fairy Forest?" Yu Xiaogang wondered.

After listening to Xing Li's words, Ning Rongrong explained: "They are two adult soul beasts, one male and one female, with a newborn cub. I hope you don't hurt them, just drive them away."

Bone Douluo scratched his thinning hair: "It's even more difficult to deal with the cubs."

"Did they come to the Fairy Forest to give birth?" Dai Mubai asked, "I heard that bears like honey very much, is it the nectar you brewed that attracted them?"

Ning Rongrong translated: "Yes, starlight nectar is very beneficial to the mother bear after giving birth, and the newborn cubs, so they come here."

"Then we drove them away once, will they come back next time?" Tang San frowned and said, "Do we have to drive them away?"

Xingli nodded, and Ning Rongrong continued to translate: "It's just that they don't stay in the Fairy Forest recently, and you don't have to worry about the future."

"Hmm..." Bone Douluo wondered if he could use the space soul ability to send the three dark gold Dreadclaw bears away?

After thinking and thinking, he asked, "That female bear has a cultivation base of more than ten thousand years, right?"

Xingli nodded, he squeezed his little hand in some embarrassment, and said something to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong was also in a dilemma.

"Don't hurt them, drive them away, and ask them not to come to Fairy Forest again within ten days... Isn't this too difficult?"

Bone Douluo frowned.

If he really wants to fight, he is worth it.Regardless of whether he can beat him or not, he can run anyway... Well, it seems that the claws of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear can tear apart the space.

mmp, personal insurance is gone.

"Why don't you give us some nectar, let's try to negotiate?" Dai Mubai suggested, "My teacher's spirit can exist independently, it looks similar to a spirit beast in appearance, and then you send another one Fairy leads the way, let's see if we can resolve it peacefully, how about it?"

Xingli thought for a while, and flew back to the Starlight Tree.

"It should go to someone to discuss it, right?" Ning Rongrong guessed.

Dai Mubai quietly asked Xiao Wu: "Can you beat the 5-year-old Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear?"

Xiao Wu shook her head.

Not to mention her, both Da Ming and Er Ming have to work together to beat them.

If it weren't for the couple of Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bears who are not together usually, it is not certain whether Da Ming and Er Ming can beat that couple teaming up!

Not long after, Xingli came back.

Ning Rongrong translated: "Yes, they can offer nectar to the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bears, but they must leave the Fairy Forest."

Yu Xiaogang and Bone Douluo looked at each other, Yu Xiaogang said: "We can try it, but we can't guarantee the result."

Ning Rongrong suddenly sighed: "Just do your best."

Dai Mubai looked at Xingli's and Bai Mianqiang's face, feeling that he couldn't explain it.

This is the real Faceless Man.

"I'll take other people to hide in the space crack, and if the situation is not right, I will take that or something..."

Yu Xiaogang reminded: "Luo Sanpao."

"Yes, Luo Sanpao is leaving!" Bone Douluo was a little bald, "If old man Jian is here, maybe we can beat the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear together, but I really can't handle that pair alone Husband and wife's giant claw."

The Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear and his wife, which are equivalent to two 10-year-old soul beasts, even if they have a cub holding them back, Bone Douluo can't stand it alone.

Yu Xiaogang glanced at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai is metal, the dark gold Dreadclaw bear's spirit ring should be very suitable for him, but unfortunately, it really can't beat it.

Dai Mubai also felt it was a pity, but what can he do if he can't beat him?

The Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bears are already reckless, have you seen Lord Xiong even dare to scratch Di Tian?
The two encountered here are not yet able to deal with them.After all, except for one titled Douluo boss, the others are all novices in the [-]s and [-]s.

If Flender and others were present, they might still have a try.

Dai Mubai gave Xingli a jar to prepare the nectar.

Since Fairy Starlight is too small, this preparation will take a whole day.

Night falls.

After Flender absorbed the spirit ring, he was brought over by Bone Douluo.

Seeing that the Starlight Fairies had no plans to finish their work, everyone discussed it and camped under the Moonlight Tree to rest.

In a single tent.

Dai Mubai touched his chin.

The soul ring of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear... very tricky... how to fix it?

Just when Dai Mubai was tangled, the ethereal Moonlight Fairy like a white shadow passed through the tent, landed on Dai Mubai's head, and pressed against his forehead.

The corner of Dai Mubai's mouth twitched.

As expected of the ghostly Moonlight Fairy, she could actually sense his malice towards the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

The Moonlight Fairy named Yuexiao said to Dai Mubai: "We can give you a ten thousand year spirit ring, and even a spirit bone, but don't think about the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear. But it is the guardian of the Fairy Forest."

"With your strength, it's the same without the guardian of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear?" Dai Mubai asked without answering.

Yue Xiao held her face in her hands, complaining like crying: "The Fairy Forest needs them."

Dai Mubai was speechless.

Isn't that the same as saying nothing?

"Then why do you still want to drive them away?" Dai Mubai questioned.

Yue Xiao didn't speak.

Dai Mubai suddenly had a bold guess.

"You guys, are you going to give birth to a sunshine tree?"

A surprised expression appeared on Yue Xiao's imaginary face.

"how do you know?"

Dai Mubai curled his lips: "I guess, the reason why you don't hesitate to seek help from humans to drive away the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, is there anything else besides the birth of the Sunshine Tree?"

Yue Xiao threw herself on Dai Mubai's face.

It wasn't trying to kill Dai Mubai, but asking for help.

"The Sunshine Fairy is our leader, and it will make the Fairy Forest more prosperous and powerful, but the newly born Sunshine Tree has a fatal attraction to the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, and it will completely make the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear lose its mind. In that state The Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear will directly destroy the Sunshine Tree and eat all the Sunshine Fairy Fruits."

To some extent, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bears are the guardians of the Fairy Forest, but when they face the new Sunshine Tree, they are the sworn enemies of the Fairy Forest!
In this world, everything has a good side and a bad side.

"How do you give us the spirit ring after you succeed in preparing?" Dai Mubai began to talk about the conditions.

Yue Xiao cautiously flew down from Dai Mubai's face: "You agree?"

"Otherwise?" Dai Mubai was helpless, "My companions really need your soul skills, the best soul skill of Sanguang Shenshui."

Yue Xiao said: "Yes, after the Sunshine Fairy is born in ten days, we can collectively sacrifice soul power and form a growth soul ring that is most suitable for you."

"Wait a minute!" Dai Mubai was a little confused, "Isn't that kind of spirit ring only available with the same spirit?"

Yue Xiao shook her head, her illusory white hair was shaking like water.

"We are different," Yue Xiao said with pride, "Not just that girl, you and the other boy who doesn't have a soul ring can get our soul ring."

"Because the light shines on everything."

Dai Mubai smacked his lips.

What about the sudden nagging?

"Okay, if you can really do what you say, then we will come back in ten days. Otherwise... You also know that our group is not weak."

"Fairies never lie."

Dai Mubai was skeptical, but chose to believe it for a while.


There is a problem.

"Why does Tang San have it too?" Dai Mubai asked, "He also has Fairy Moonlight to negotiate with?"

Yue Xiao shook her head.

Dai Mubai frowned.

Yue Xiao said: "He is our kind."

Dai Mubai understood now.

Tang San has half of the spirit beast blood, so he belongs to... half-orc?

Or, is he half-grass?

emmmmm, the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline can't be offended.

"Okay, then I'll discuss it with my companions." Dai Mubai got up, watched the ghostly Moonlight Fairy disappear into the tent, walked out of the tent, and called everyone out.

Dai Mubai explained, then Oscar and Ma Hongjun said with mournful faces: "It feels like we've lost a lot!"

"Zhuqing and Xiaowu don't have one either." Ning Rongrong blinked and asked, "I match the attributes of Fairy Xingguang, the third brother is a plant spirit, so we both have spirit rings, why do you also have the elder brother?" ?”

"Personal charm." Dai Mubai smiled slightly, very charming.

"Ha ha."

Everyone believed his nonsense.

Tang San finally understood why Dugu Bo would call Dai Mubai a little liar, there were too many secrets hidden in him.

Tang San himself had many secrets, he didn't tell them, and others didn't ask.But when asked about him, he could only lie.

He will not tell anyone the secret of rebirth.

After formulating a plan for tomorrow's lure as the main focus and violence as the second, everyone went back to rest.

But Tang San and Dai Mubai stayed tacitly.

Seeing Tang San's serious expression, Dai Mubai opened the illusion, and said: "If you have anything to say, no one can hear our conversation."

Tang San looked directly at Dai Mubai's double pupils.

He suddenly smiled: "Brother, you also have twin martial souls, right?"

Dai Mubai: ""

(PS: Sure enough, a mature author doesn't know how to read book reviews, there are always some things that want to piss me off.)
(End of this chapter)

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