Chapter 113 Orphans
The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit led Long Aotian, left Dai Mubai, and arrived at the Lake of Life in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.


A cow moo sounded, and a huge bull's head drilled out of the lake of life.

The bull's head is at least four meters in diameter, and its two big eyes are shining like lanterns. The huge bull's horns are thicker than its body. They hover soaring into the sky, so sharp that they seem to pierce the sky.Under the huge bull's head is a black and blue snake body that is hundreds of meters long and five or six meters thick.

The remnant spirit of the holy beast Baihu looked at the sky blue bull python with doubts on his face.

How did a boa constrictor evolve into a bull's head?

"Unfamiliar soul beast, get out of here." Daming said quite forcefully.

However, the remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger just blinked.

"I'm not here to look for you," the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit pointed to the Lake of Life, "I just want to go to Kangkang."

Daming's emerald green head approached oppressively the remnant spirit of the white tiger, the horns of which were about to hit the remnant spirit of the white tiger, and it repeated: "Get out of here!"

The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant has gloomy eyes.

It is a divine beast, although it has not yet recovered one-tenth of its strength, and it is not something that mere dragon descendants can offend!

It can talk flirtatiously to Dai Mubai, but its arrogance has never diminished!

"Get out of the way!"

The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger was furious.

MMP, is it true that the tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by dogs?
Even the Azure Dragon Clan, one of the Four Elephants, would not despise the White Tiger Clan so much!
As soon as the god-level breath came out, Daming suddenly wanted to kneel.

This is the oppressiveness that it did not feel in Ditian.


Daming didn't kneel down.

It will not kneel!

It is the emperor in the Star Dou Great Forest!
The sacred beast white tiger remnant spirit became more and more powerful, Long Aotian got out from the long hair on the neck of the holy beast white tiger remnant spirit, and looked at Daming with its exquisite and gorgeous little dragon head.

Daming wanted to kneel even more.

A soul beast with a pure Dragon God aura...why stay with this strange soul beast?
But Daming still resisted the coercion from the advanced beings.

Even a tiger clan soul beast with a god-level aura and a dragon-shaped soul beast with a dragon god aura cannot make it kneel!
The proud Daming held on!

It maintained its dignity in front of the two divine beasts!
However, the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit Tiger showed a "sincere" smile on his face.

"I don't want to do it, you forced me!"

The holy beast white tiger remnant waved its wings and raised its noble paws.

"Holy Tiger Broken Empty Claw!"

The white tiger claws attacked Daming with an unparalleled sense of tearing, and the dark space cracks on the route it passed flickered on and off, carrying countless small space blades, and landed on Daming's neck.

As if the sound of gold and iron colliding suddenly and hurriedly sounded, Da Ming watched helplessly as the huge tiger claw lingered in the azure dull field for only an instant, then broke through his strong defense and scratched its neck.


Blood spurts.

Since becoming a 10-year soul beast, Daming, who had not been injured for thousands of years, was torn off by this claw and torn his skin and muscles.

The bright red blood flowed like no money.

Da Ming has no doubts, if it doesn't open the Azure Slow Domain in time... its neck will be severed by this claw!

This is a magical skill that ignores defense!


Da Ming roared angrily, and the entire Star Dou Forest fell into a moment of silence.

Er Ming, who was hunting, paused, quickly threw down a dying Ten Thousand Years Dire Tiger, and ran towards the Lake of Life.

Dai Mubai didn't know that the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger actually made such a big commotion, he was watching Oscar and Ma Hongjun absorb the spirit ring in Bone Douluo's space right now.

On the contrary, Flender defeated the Storm Falcon more smoothly because of the cow's moo.

"Azure Bull Python?" Flender and the others looked in the direction of the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest in shock.

"This roar is only once, it shouldn't be a big deal?" Zhao Wuji frowned, "Is the Sky Blue Bull Python too active recently?"

"Forget it, I'll quickly absorb the spirit ring, and then join Xiaogang and the others." Flender didn't think much about it.

After all, last time the Titan Giant Ape was in front of him, now it's just the Azure Bull Python roaring, it's not a big deal.

Flender and the others didn't mention it to Yu Xiaogang and the others in time, so Dai Mubai didn't know until the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger returned. It turned out that the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger was so reckless that even the Azure Bull Python dared to scratch it. The key is that it still won. !

Emmm, in fact, it was just the remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger bragging.

It only has the power of one blow, and after scratching it, its size of hundreds of meters shrank sharply, becoming only the size of a fist.Long Aotian's group is bigger than it.

Long Aotian opened the illusion of the world of mortals, and brought the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger into the rippling lake of life.

Er Ming, who hurried back, looked at the seriously injured and still bleeding Azure Bull Python, feeling furious.

It roared.

Almost made Flender lose his temper, and failed to absorb the spirit ring.

"Okay, Er Ming, I'm fine." Daming soaked in the Lake of Life, turning the green lake water red.

Er Ming asked angrily: "Who is it? The Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear or the Dark Devilgod Tiger?"

"Neither of them." The lake water containing a strong breath of life quickly healed Da Ming's injury, but the small space blade attached to the wound was still tearing the wound. Da Ming approached the center of the lake and said to Er Ming, " I don't know their races, but one of them is a white tiger with huge wings, and the other is a dragon with the aura of a dragon god, exuding nine-colored light. Now, they should have entered the secret realm at the bottom of the lake."

"They went in?" Er Ming was taken aback, "That's..."

"That's right, their goal is that secret realm." Daming gradually dived into the bottom of the lake, "I'm going to start recovering from my injuries, and the next step is for Senior Ditian."

Er Ming watched Da Ming disappear on the lake, thinking of the terrifying Black Dragon King, his huge body trembled.

That is an ancient beast with a cultivation base of more than 60 years!

More than 1 years ago, Daming, who had not yet become a 10-year-old soul beast, strayed into this place by mistake, was discovered by that senior to have a trace of dragon blood, and was taught for a period of time.After that, the senior asked Daming to help him guard the Lake of Life after becoming a 10-year soul beast.

Without Ditian's teaching, relying on Da Ming's negligibly thin dragon blood, it would not be able to break through the 10-year shackles smoothly.

Da Ming knows how to repay his kindness, so he has guarded here for thousands of years.

Otherwise, even if they become 10-year soul beasts and become the emperor of the Star Dou Great Forest, they still want to be with Mother Seven and Xiao Wu more.

Many times Daming would think, if it was always by Mama Qi's side, would Mama Qi not die?But it also knew that without accepting Ditian's teachings, it would not be able to break through the 10-year shackles, nor could it break through the bloodline shackles.Then it would not have the strength to protect Mother Seven.In the end, at most, she would die with Mother Seven.

It is also a soul beast, and some soul beasts stand at the top of the soul beast world when they are born.

For example, the Dark Devilgod Tiger has only been cultivated for more than 5 years, so it needs to cooperate with Er Ming to expel it.

This world has never been fair.

The bottom of the lake of life.

The holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit and Long Aotian followed the special space fluctuations to find the gate of the secret realm.

"There is an enchantment." The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant was a little helpless.

There should only be Di Tian and Silver Dragon King in the secret realm right now.

After the Star Luo Empire's investigation, there is indeed a group of emerald swans in the Star Dou Great Forest at this time, and they live in the mixed area close to the Xiltu County of the Star Luo Empire.Among them is a relatively powerful ten thousand year emerald swan, followed by a group of spirit beasts.

According to the communication with the emerald swan when the remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger came, the female emerald swan named herself Bi Ji.

How fat is the Tianmeng Iceworm!Forcibly turning an emerald swan with only 8 years of cultivation into a beast of more than 50 years!

Oh, yes, there is also the luck bonus of the three-eyed golden lion.

At this time, Da Ming and Er Ming were still ruling the Star Dou Great Forest, Tianmeng Bingcan hadn't arrived in the Star Dou Great Forest, and hadn't lived the miserable life of being captive and absorbing soul power.The three-eyed golden lion has not yet been born.

But Di Tian was still in a deep sleep.

"Why can't I get in?" The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger was very melancholy.

I found the door, but couldn't get in.

Long Aotian stretched his body, and the radiant and exquisite dragon horn hit the gate of the secret realm.

The door opened.

Remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger: "???"

Does Long Aotian still have this function?

Regardless of the surprise, the holy beast White Tiger remnant spirit hurriedly entered the secret realm together with Long Aotian.

It was dark in the secret realm.

There is neither sky nor earth here.

A ferocious huge black dragon sleeps here.

Its tail extended into the darkness, outside of the darkness, no one knew what was there.

The holy beast White Tiger Remnant looked at Di Tian with a reminiscing expression.

Dragons have all kinds of strange shapes.

In western legends, five-color dragons and metal dragons are real dragons.

In oriental legends, Long Aotian is the real dragon with stag horns, lin head, snake body, fish scales, eagle claws and tiger palms.

Di Tian undoubtedly belonged to the five-color dragon clan.

When it was young, it was still in the period when spirit beasts ruled the mainland, and it had witnessed the most prosperous and powerful scene of spirit beasts.

It's a pity that after the battle of the Dragon God, a large number of gods in the God Realm died, and the rest were all gods who were so exhausted that they all wanted to find a coolie and go wandering.

Among those gods, they are either real bosses or rookies.

There are also quite a few new gods, but at most there are dozens of them.

Today's God Realm is far less powerful than before the Dragon God War.

In fact, the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit didn't know what those gods were busy with.

I haven't seen them, like the gods in Eastern mythology, not only the sun and the moon, the four seasons, the wind and the rain, but also the eating, drinking, and childbirth of mortals!

Not to mention that they sent down divine oracles like the gods in Western mythology, thus establishing sects, absorbing believers, and responding to the prayers of believers!

What are they talking about?

It would be understandable if everyone was in charge of agriculture like Demeter, the goddess of harvest, and had a little work to do.

But... the God of Destruction is not the God of Death, and the God of Life is not Guanyin, who is not responsible for birth, old age, sickness and death.Poseidon, the god of the sea, only protects one island of the sea god, and in the vast sea, he only takes care of one acre of land, and he only takes care of it for a while when he is in a good mood.

In short, the gods on the Douluo Continent are useless, but the other worlds under the jurisdiction of the Douluo God Realm... seem to be sects with believers in gods.

The world governed by the harvest goddess Demeter is not the Douluo Dalu, she just came to the Douluo Dalu with Hephaestus to find something.

He is a responsible god in the world under his jurisdiction, but Douluo Dalu is not under her control.

Douluo Dalu is very special because of the dragon god, and there is no god in charge of it at all.And the other gods, because they are afraid of the power of the soul beast, except for imposing a curse on the soul beast that they cannot become gods, they don't pay much attention to Douluo Dalu at all.

Tsk, so, Douluo Dalu is an orphan whose father doesn't love his mother?

(End of this chapter)

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