Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 114 Fudge, You Continue to Fudge

Chapter 114 Fudge, You Continue to Fudge
What is the specific situation in the God Realm, the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger does not know.

After all, it hasn't been there either.


"Long Aotian, find a way to devour the Silver Dragon King later."

The holy beast, the remnant spirit of the white tiger, has no intention of becoming a silver dragon king.

Forget about self-attack and self-acceptance and then give birth to the main body. In order to save Tang San's future son, the Silver Dragon King, let Long Aotian solve it.

Because the Silver Dragon King fell in love with Tang Wulin, he was reluctant to devour Tang Wulin, but the holy beast Baihu Remnant Spirit and Long Aotian didn't have such troubles.

"Di Tian! Still haven't woken up!"

The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger roared angrily.

Ditian didn't hear clearly, but he woke up.

The golden-eyed Black Dragon King, who had fallen into a deep sleep for thousands of years, opened his golden eyes that were bigger than a water tank.

"Dragon God's breath..."

In the empty secret realm, Ditian's voice rumbled like a bell.

Di Tian twisted his neck, looking around with his big golden eyes.

"My lord is still healing at this time, why do I feel the breath of the Dragon God?" Ditian murmured, but where is its size? For the current fist-sized holy beast Baihu Remnant Spirit and Long Aotian, this The sound is still great.

The holy beast white tiger remnant sighed.

Di Tian has such big eyes, but he can't see it and Long Aotian!

So dick!
"Long Aotian, grow bigger!"

It is said that the dragon god has a colorful dragon body and a nine-colored human form.


With a long roar, Long Aotian turned into a thousand-foot real body, and the nine-colored light illuminated the whole world.

Ditian is very big, at least four to five hundred meters high, but in front of Long Aotian, he still looks like a child standing in front of a giant.

"Dragon God?" Di Tian was stunned.

Before the dragon god became a god, Di Tian was not born yet.But in the era when spirit beasts ruled the continent, the Dragon God occasionally came to the Douluo Continent, so it was lucky enough to see the real body of the Dragon God.

In his memory, the dragon god is also so powerful and magnificent, and the colorful dragon scales are the most beautiful dragon scales in the world.

However, the dragon god is not in the form of this wingless long snake.

"I am not a dragon god." Long Aotian spoke for the first time, "I was born from the corpses of the two holy dragons, ice and fire, and condensed the origin and soul essence of the two dragon kings."

When Tang San treated Dugu Bo's poison, Dai Mubai simply took a bath and raised flowers.But this does not mean that the holy beast Baihu Remnant Spirit and Long Aotian are as idle as him.

They devoured two keel bones.

Moreover, Long Aotian has just finished refining.

"Why did you find this place?" Ditian looked at Long Aotian, "If I'm not mistaken, you are only in the state of a soul right now."

"So I need a body..."

Before Long Aotian finished speaking, Ditian interrupted angrily: "So you want to devour me?"

"Oh," Long Aotian sneered, "You are not worthy."

Di Tian's breath froze.

It knows the purpose of Long Aotian's visit.

Long Aotian was born from the corpses of the two holy dragon kings, ice and fire. Although his appearance is strange, he can still be regarded as a real dragon.

And since it is only a soul body, it needs to devour more dragons to give birth to a body.

The fastest way, of course, is to devour the Silver Dragon King.

"The Silver Dragon King is not the Dragon God, it is not the real master of soul and beast." Long Aotian's big colorful eyes glowed brightly, "Only after swallowing the Golden Dragon King, it is the real Dragon God."

Long Aotian grinned: "Since it wants to devour the Golden Dragon King, why not let me devour it!"

"It's better, wait for it to recover from the indefinite cultivation!"

Ditian's expression was tangled, and there was a look of struggle in his eyes.

After a long time, Di Tian said, "The Silver Dragon King is different from the Nine Great Dragon Kings, it is the incarnation of the Dragon God."

"So what?" Long Aotian didn't take it seriously, "Since it is the incarnation of the Dragon God, why is it still lingering here in the past 10 years? You know, the Dragon God became a god after a few 10 years!"

Di Tian was suddenly speechless.

Yes, in the legend of the Dragon Clan, what kind of genius is the Dragon God?

In just a few 10 years, he became a god and created the entire dragon race.

And the Silver Dragon King...

"Dragon God was severely injured by the gods, and it is not a one-time achievement to recover from the wounds of God War." Di Tian reluctantly explained for the Silver Dragon King, "Besides, the environment on Douluo Continent is not the same as it was hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the gods have treated my soul again. The Beast Clan has cast a curse."

"This is why it didn't recover from its injuries, and you are so weak?" Long Aotian's eyes showed deep sorrow, "When will our Dragon Clan face such a helpless situation and make excuses for ourselves?"

"Ditian! You forgot the glory of the Dragon Clan in the past!"

"I didn't!" Di Tian roared angrily!

Because there is no such thing, it has been cultivating here.

Because there is none, it has been guarding the Silver Dragon King here.

Just because it didn't, it didn't act immediately when it knew Long Aotian's intention.

What it guards is not the Silver Dragon King.

It is the hope for the rise of soul beasts.

It is the hope of the revival of the Dragon Race.

"The Silver Dragon King said that when it wakes up, the dominance of human beings will end." Di Tian looked up at Long Aotian, his eyes seemed to be burning with unyielding flames.

But Long Aotian closed his eyes tiredly: "You let me down so much."

"Why do you put all your hopes on a dragon who doesn't know when it will recover?"

"Why didn't you inherit the glory and confidence of your ancestors?"

"Why haven't you thought about using your own power to restore the glory of the Dragon Clan?"

"The Golden-eyed Black Dragon King is the dragon god and the guardian, assisting the dragon god to manage the order of the dragon clan. They are the dragon clan closest to the dragon god, and they are the absolute confidants of the dragon god." Long Aotian raised his head, his tone full of Feeling sad, "I can understand your feeling that the Silver Dragon King is the master. As one of the incarnations of the Dragon God, it is indeed the object of your allegiance. But what have you done?"

Long Aotian roared: "You only believed the wild words it said!"

Di Tian lowered his head deeply.

"When I was born, my soul traveled through time and space and saw the future tens of thousands of years later. Guess what I saw?"

Long Aotian had a sneer on his face, he opened his eyes and stared at Ditian.

Ditian raised his head in shock, and asked eagerly, "What did you see?"

"What did you see?"

Long Aotian's body reveals a real sadness.

"I see that the place where soul beasts live is getting smaller and smaller, and finally lost the chance to survive in Douluo Dalu."

"I saw that the Silver Dragon King turned into a human, but fell in love with a human, and died with him in the end."

"I saw that the strongest human being in the end was a person with 70.00% of the five-soul beast blood, and he finally combined with a pure-blooded soul beast... I don't know if this counts as a victory for the soul beast?"

The more Ditian listened, the more painful he became, he couldn't control his sadness.

"How could this be?"

Long Aotian sneered: "Why is it impossible?"

"The Golden Dragon King fought back in the God Realm, but was sealed in his child by the new Shura God. The Silver Dragon King fell in love with that child, and finally gave birth to the so-called [Little Dragon God]. This is also the resurrection of the Dragon God, right? "

Di Tian's face was full of disbelief.

How can this be regarded as the resurrection of the Dragon God?
Such a proud existence of the Dragon God!
He died at the hands of God Shura, how could he become the grandson of the new God Shura!

It's a shame!

"You don't have to believe it, but it is indeed what I have seen, what the Silver Dragon King you hoped for will do."


At this moment, Di Tian had doubts about his Longsheng.

Why does it guard the Silver Dragon King so much?
Why did the soul beast family fall into such a situation?

"The Silver Dragon King you hoped for is nothing more than an arrogant, conceited, and short-sighted love brain." Long Aotian seemed a little impatient, "For the sake of you being one of the few real dragons today, I I hope you can follow me, that's why I wasted my time explaining to you. It's best if you let go, if not, it's the same to deal with the Silver Dragon King after defeating you."

"Let's do it, maybe I can take a look at you."

Long Aotian restrained his body shape, becoming almost the same as Di Tian's body shape.

Ditian was still a little dizzy after being hit by so many bombs.

But he heard the last words Long Aotian said.

"If you win, I can't control the rest of the matter." Di Tian calmed down and raised his head again, "I can't tell the truth from your words, but I know that you are indeed a real dragon."

"Perhaps you are right. I really shouldn't pin my hopes on others."

Di Tian spread his wings and flew up.

"Please advise."

Long Aotian's face was calm, but his heart panicked.

"Brother, this rhythm is wrong!"

It has indeed devoured the Ice and Fire Double Dragon King, but it doesn't even have an entity now, where can it beat Di Tian!
"Don't be shy!" The holy beast white tiger remnant spirit hid behind its dragon horns, as non-existent as a sesame seed stuck behind its ear, it said, "Didn't I tell you that it expands with heat and shrinks with cold? If you use ice and fire breath together, it will become storm breath, and you can use a little more power of origin to amplify the strength of the illusion, not to mention Di Tian, ​​who is only 50 million years old now, you can knock down a demigod!"

"Really reliable?" Long Aotian was a little vain.

The sacred beast, the white tiger, was helpless: "What are you afraid of? You have been coiling on the flat peach tree for so long, and you have secretly gnawed more than two flat peaches. In terms of personality, you are even stronger than the current god-level Silver Dragon King." Not bad, you can still love Di Tian!"

"But..." Long Aotian had never fought before, and it was the first time he confronted someone head-on, so he was really not sure.

What I discussed with the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit before was that by fooling Di Tian to make way, after finding the Silver Dragon King, the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit will use its big moves to determine the outcome with one move, and it only needs to devour the Silver Dragon King !

"Stop talking nonsense! You are the incarnation of two dragon kings! Don't be cowardly! Go up and do it!"

Long Aotian: "..."

It should know, like its big brother Dai Mubai, it doesn't have mouth escape skills.

On the other side, in order to show respect for Long Aotian, Di Tian came up with a big move of the Dragon God Claw.

Long Aotian pretended to be calm and spat out a mouthful of dragon breath.

"Brother, can my ice fire storm breath and super illusion work well?"

After Long Aotian vomited, he dodged Ditian's claws with ease.

"Is it okay to let you know if Di Tian is lying down or not?"

(PS: Today is also the day I want to be He Erduo. Forget it, I don’t know how to write battle plots, pretend I didn’t say it.)
(End of this chapter)

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