Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 115 Silver Dragon King

Chapter 115 Silver Dragon King

Did Di Tian lie down?
Long Aotian looked at Ditian nervously, it only had such a blow, if it couldn't, it would be over.

"Okay, let's go." The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit led the shrunken Long Aotian into the depths of darkness.

Personality suppression or something, it's so cool!
"Brother, the Silver Dragon King controls the nine elements, we can't beat it, right?"

Although Ditian was made to lie down, Long Aotian was still a little worried.

After all, the Silver Dragon King has inherited the Dragon God's elemental control power and the Dragon God's creation power!
Such a terrifying guy with thick blue and blood bars, can they win?

"It doesn't have personality to suppress you, so what are you afraid of?" The holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit didn't take it seriously, "Although it's a bit hasty not to devour other dragon kings, but don't you have the bonus of the flat peach tree? The flat peach tree Seriously speaking, his personality is higher than mine, far surpassing the existence of a god king!"

Well, unique existences, of course they are all powerful bosses.

If it wasn't the original source of the flat peach tree that followed Dai Mubai, the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger wouldn't dare to bring Long Aotian here directly to Gangyin Dragon King.

"Why don't we wait for the elder brother to be stronger?" Long Aotian was puzzled.

The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger did not speak.

Of course it hoped to come back after Dai Mubai became a god, so it would be 100% sure.

But no.

time does not wait.

"I always thought that Dai Mubai and I would be invincible when we came to the Douluo Continent, but I was wrong." The holy beast Baihu Remnant looked sad, "This world is inexplicably suppressed too much."

Long Aotian didn't say a word.

After it devoured the two dragon kings, it really felt the suppression of the plane.

That was the rule written by the gods on Douluo Continent.

Under the God King, no one can rewrite the rules.

"The God Realm's bastards, just because the Dragon God is too powerful, so they have to cooperate to suppress it?" The holy beast Baihu Remnant said angrily, "It's only natural for the strong to rule the weak! The weak want to control the strong. Not afraid of backlash? God Realm deserves to be smashed!"

"I'm weak and I'm right. What the hell is that?" The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant showed disdain on his face, "If it weren't for the lack of proper education mechanism for the soul beasts, the Douluo Continent would be ruled by humans in turn?"

"Forget it, arrogance is the first of the seven original sins, but all beings that are born strong have this problem."

Why aren't the white tiger clan of holy beasts arrogant?
Although human beings are short-lived, their creativity is unparalleled.

As for soul beasts, it took thousands of years to give birth to some wisdom.


Can't compare.

There are gains and losses.

"We can't follow Dai Mubai all the time," said the holy beast Baihu Remnant Spirit, "he needs to go his own way."

Long Aotian didn't know why.

"Hey, I'll go! Why is this broken road so long?" The holy beast Baihu Remnant Spirit was a little puzzled.

Long Aotian: "..."

"I just wanted to say that we were discovered."

The Holy Beast White Tiger was stunned.

"The Silver Dragon King is awake?"

Long Aotian coiled around the neck of the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit as a scarf.

"We woke it up before we fought Ditian."

The remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger is a little bit better.

"It heard all the words you pretended to say just now?"

Long Aotian nodded.

Remnant Spirit of the Holy Beast White Tiger: ()
The problem is a little bigger.

"It doesn't have the power to control time, does it?" asked the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit.

"No." Long Aotian can be sure of this.

Although the Silver Dragon King has mastered the power of space, the power of time cannot be controlled by it that has not yet recovered.

Time is king and space is respected.

The Holy Tiger Broken Empty Claw of the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit has the attribute of space.

However, it does not delve deeply into the time attribute.

Among the four elephants, the Qinglong and Suzaku have relatively studied the time attribute.The Baihu and Xuanwu tribes have a comparative study of space.

"Speaking of which, we really should find the Dark Devilgod Tiger. I'm very fond of its time reversal skill... No, it shouldn't be a real rejuvenation, but a regular competition. Otherwise, the Dark Devilgod Even if the tiger has swallowed other spirit beasts to achieve 6 years of cultivation, the real age must be tens of thousands of years old, right? Going back to the same time, Tang San is not even a fertilized egg."

"Brother," Long Aotian suddenly said, "I just remembered one thing, the Silver Dragon King can turn back his own time."

"So? It can bring your body back to its peak state?"

"Uh, no."

"Okay, you hide it. Brother is about to open up!"


Long Aotian shrunk his body and got into the ear of the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit.

Remnant Spirit of the Holy Beast White Tiger: "..."

If I tell you to hide it, you can hide it in my ears!

It's safe enough!

The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant took a deep breath.

After finally saving one percent of the origin, this wave will use up all of it.

I can't bear to have a child without a wolf!
"Silver Dragon King, I know you won't sit still, but it doesn't matter. The rule of this world is to respect the strong!"

The Silver Dragon King didn't answer.

The amethyst-like eyes stared at the remnant spirit of the little holy beast, the white tiger, without any emotion in it.

It heard everything Long Aotian said to Ditian.

If that's really the dire future it brings, then change it!
Mere human beings!Has it ever been in your eyes?
As for the son of the new God Shura who has the power of the Golden Dragon King sealed in his body, it will devour him!
The hell gave birth to the "Little Dragon God"!
The anger in the Silver Dragon King's heart was enough to ignite it.

And this flame is enough to destroy the entire Douluo Continent!
God of the unknown, even if I am seriously injured, not everyone can bully me!
The Silver Dragon King didn't know what the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit had communicated with Long Aotian in spirit, otherwise, it wouldn't be as confident as it is now, and it would be more cautious.

The remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger stretched its wings, and it raised its two front paws, and a milky white light ball continued to expand between its paws.

At this time, Dai Mubai who was hiding in the Bone Douluo space suddenly fell on Zhu Zhuqing's lap.

"Mubai?" Zhu Zhuqing panicked again.

Why did Dai Mubai faint again suddenly?
"Brother!" The rest of the people hurried over and looked at him worriedly.

Ning Rongrong subconsciously looked at Bone Douluo: "Grandpa, what's wrong with Big Brother?"

Bone Douluo frowned, with doubts in his eyes: "His soul power was suddenly overdrawn, but he obviously didn't do anything..."

Tang San felt that this scene was a little familiar: "Could it be that there is something wrong with my brother's spirit again?"

When Tang San said this, Zhu Zhuqing and the others also remembered.

On the first day of school, Dai Mubai suddenly fainted like this.

But last time there were some signs, why is there no movement this time?

"Hasn't Mubai's martial soul evolved successfully?" Zhu Zhuqing frowned, "Did he give us all the flat peaches but didn't eat them himself?"

As far as Zhu Zhuqing knew, Dai Mubai gave her two, two from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, two from the master, so that's six.

How could there be so many treasures like flat peaches?

Tang San was silent.

Dai Mubai also gave him a flat peach.

There should be at most nine of these treasures.

Nine is the extreme number.

According to Dai Mubai's personality, he should give Zhu Zhuqing one, so in Tang San's eyes, Dai Mubai also gave away six flat peaches.As for the remaining three, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu should also have a share.

But he himself did not.

Dai Mubai didn't know that he was such a selfless person in Tang San's heart.

Although he did not eat a single flat peach, but he has a tree!

What else do you eat flat peaches?
"Rong Rong, Oscar, Shao Xin, replenish his soul power." Bone Douluo made a decisive decision, because in his perception, Dai Mubai's already overdrawn body was still drawing soul power!
The soul power is basically stored in the dantian, but there is also some soul power stored in the meridians and flesh.

The so-called overdraft means that even the soul power in the flesh and blood of the meridians is drawn out for use.

If there is too much overdraft, the meridians will degenerate and the flesh will shrink.

This is no small matter.

The soul ability to restore soul power was still too slow to take effect, Tang San quickly took out all the herbs in the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag and stuffed them into Dai Mubai's mouth.

Three auxiliary system soul masters added soul power, plus Tang San kept stuffing herbs, Dai Mubai finally maintained the balance of soul power.

On the other hand, the sense of crisis brought to the Silver Dragon King by the ball of light between the remnant claws of the holy beast White Tiger has already forced him to cheer up and defend.

The Silver Dragon King had the feeling that this secret realm would be shattered if the ball of light hit it.

So it had to spare part of its energy to strengthen the secret realm.

Before it recovers, it doesn't dare to take the lead on the Douluo Continent.

The God of Goodness and the God of Evil today are exactly the two who beat it back then.

Once it shows up, God's punishment and punishment will definitely be thrown on it for free.

Of course it wasn't afraid in its heyday, but now, it's courting death.

As the ball of light got bigger and bigger, the Silver Dragon King finally couldn't sit still.

Since the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit is metallic, it counterattacks with fire attributes.

Anyway, its nine attributes are omnipotent!
The fire of origin suddenly ignited in the dark space, and the remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger just drained all of Dai Mubai's soul power, gaining enough energy to release the ultimate move.

"Can't sit still?" The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit grinned. "Do you think that attribute compatibility is absolute?"

"Holy Tiger Profound Truth - Absolutely Explosive!"

Following the instructions given by Long Aotian, the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger threw a white ball of light.

Hand rubbing hydrogen bomb with tracking and locking function!
Just ask if you are afraid?
The light sphere condensed in the hands of the sacred beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit not only gathers metal and light attributes, but also space blades and causal weapons.

"Fighting should be done scientifically!" The holy beast Baihu Remnant looked at the blooming blood rose, and the smile on his face gradually widened.

"Even if you take this trick hard, do you want to protect the secret realm from being destroyed?" The holy beast White Tiger Remnant smiled very brightly, "Then, let's have another one!"

The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger has "stealed" a lot of soul power from Dai Mubai over the years, the total amount is more than three times Dai Mubai's current total soul power.

That is to say, the big move of "absolute explosion" can be released three times.

"Oh, your elemental attack has no effect on me at all... Do you want to try a spiritual attack?"

(End of this chapter)

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