Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 125 The most handsome emperor with facial paralysis

Chapter 125 The most handsome emperor with facial paralysis
The Heaven Dou Empire has four kingdoms and one principality in total, when Dai Mubai learned this when he was a child, he couldn't believe it at all.

Isn't it because the Star Luo Empire is infinitely stronger than the Heaven Dou Empire?
Why does the Star Luo Empire have five kingdoms and twelve duchies?One more kingdom is easy to understand. Why are there so many principalities?

By the's strange that the Heaven Dou Empire has more kingdoms than the Principality...

Cough, in short, the Star Luo Empire's competition is more intense than the Heaven Dou Empire's.

Because each empire has only fifteen qualifying teams, compared to the current 27 participating teams of the Heaven Dou Empire, the competition pressure of the 45 participating teams of the Star Luo Empire is very high.

When the soul master entered the arena, Ma Hongjun looked at the densely packed participating teams, and suddenly said to Dai Mubai: "Brother, I should have known that we would go to the Heaven Dou Empire to compete, there are 27 out of [-] selected, it is impossible for us to be like this! A lot of pressure."

Dai Mubai was speechless.

"Master, don't all the soul masters in the whole continent add up to more than one hundred thousand?" Xiao Wu looked at the crowded Xingluo Soul Arena and asked with some doubts.

Yu Xiaogang said embarrassingly: "How is it possible? Even if there is not one soul master in ten thousand, the mainland's population of more than 200 billion can still produce 200 million soul masters. In fact, what I mean is that the number of senior soul masters above level [-] No more than one hundred thousand."

Dai Mubai tilted his head.

"Isn't that right? There are hundreds of thousands of resident soul masters in Xingluo City. The continent is so big, so it's impossible to have more than 200 million soul masters?"

Yu Xiaogang recently obtained the Star Luo Empire's latest census manual for the number of soul masters at the Star Martial Academy. Looking at the tens of millions of soul masters on it, he was stunned.

Why does the Star Luo Empire have more soul masters than the Heaven Dou Empire and Spirit Hall combined?Although most of them are low-level soul masters, how did the Star Luo Empire train them?
In fact, the low-level soul masters of the Star Luo Empire are all children younger than Dai Mubai, and the oldest is no more than 15 years old.

Moreover, it is said that none of these children are registered in the Wuhun Palace, and they are not receiving subsidies from the Wuhun Palace.

Yu Xiaogang was silent about this for a long time.

Today's Wuhundian is indeed acting more domineering, but after Yu Xiaogang learned of what happened to Bibi Dong, he couldn't blame her for her actions.

For the soul masters over 15 years old in the Star Luo Empire, except for the data of some imperial noble soul masters, other data are normal.

The so-called "normal" is indeed that there are only 50 to [-] high-level soul masters, and only [-] million intermediate-level soul masters.Compared to the Heaven Dou Empire, it still surpassed by a large margin.

"The first one to enter is the Shrek Academy. It is said that this is a mysterious academy from the Kuntian Mountains. The enrollment rate is appallingly low. Every academy is a genius among geniuses, so this school is also called the Monster Academy. The host on the stage had a sweet smile on his face, and his tone became more and more enthusiastic, "The college that can be favored by His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince should be extraordinary, right? Wow, all the members are wearing masks. It is indeed a mysterious monster." Academy! But even if His Highness the Fifth Prince is wearing a mask, everyone knows him? Could you ask His Highness the Fifth Prince to wave to the audience?"

Dai Mubai black line.

Who arranged this master of ceremonies?As for such a public flattery?
Dai Mubai glanced at the master of ceremonies indifferently, raised his hand and waved to the audience.

"Five princes!"

"Your Highness Fifth!"

The audience was so enthusiastic that the cheers nearly burst through the roof.

Ma Hongjun murmured dissatisfiedly: "The limelight has been taken away by the eldest brother, but it's a pity that my extremely handsome face can't be shown."

Xiao Wu rolled her eyes: "You can put it down, eldest brother is a prince, isn't it normal to be loved by the people?"

"It seems that the Xingluo royal family is really what the people want, even if the eldest brother doesn't often appear in Xingluo City, he is still so popular." Tang San said, he didn't just watch the excitement, but kept looking at the Xingluo Great Spirit Arena.

This big spirit arena is undoubtedly the largest one he has ever seen.Stands big enough to hold [-] spectators.All are decorated with a golden background. Although it is morning, there are special magic device lighting hanging around, giving people not only luxury, but also a sense of grandeur.

"The slogan of Shrek Academy is—the champion without opponent! It seems that His Royal Highness the Fifth Prince is very confident, so let us wait and see!"

Dai Mubai looked towards the VIP table, sitting in the first row were the emperor's father, his eldest brother Davis, and the platinum bishop Andre of the Spirit Hall.In fact, it is a row, and the seats of Davis and Andre are also a head lower than that of Dai Xinghe.

The dignity of the emperor is unparalleled.

The second row also sat acquaintances, first of all his future father-in-law Zhu Hongkang, the seven education committee members of the Star Luo Royal Academy, and the kings of other major kingdoms.

Dai Mubai's eyes moved slightly, what does it mean that the father asked the elder brother to sit beside him?
"Brother, your elder brother seems to be the soul emperor?" Oscar looked worriedly at Davis who was somewhat similar to Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai doesn't have a fifth spirit ring yet, compared to Davis, he is only two spirit rings behind!
"I gave the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum to elder brother." Dai Mubai said indifferently.

The corner of Tang San's mouth twitched.

Dai Mubai was already far behind Davis, and he was still an enemy!
"You think I will lose?" Dai Mubai asked with a smile.

Oscar and Tang San both shook their heads.

Even if the first prince Davis's team is full of soul emperors, they will not be cowardly.

If it was really a comparison of soul skills, which one of them didn't have one or two self-created soul skills?

Not to mention anything else, the flying soul ability must be counted as one, right?

"Let's talk after the preliminaries first." Dai Mubai didn't mind Tang San's worries.

After the participating teams entered the arena one by one, the master of ceremonies on the side of the VIP platform said loudly: "Next, I respectfully invite His Majesty the Emperor to announce the opening of this competition!"

As the master of ceremonies finished speaking, there were deafening applause and cheers from the auditorium.

Wearing a golden imperial robe, the still handsome Emperor Daddy stood up with a smile and waved to the audience.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed on the huge soul fighting arena, and it became completely silent in an instant.

Dai Xinghe's majestic and magnetic voice spread throughout the entire Great Soul Arena through the amplified soul guide: "25 years have passed, and this year, it is the critical moment to choose the successor of the Star Luo Empire. 25 years ago, I was in this Great Dou An indomitable battle has begun in the soul field. This year, my descendants will also inherit the tradition of their ancestors and fight for their own destiny!"

When the old man said this, Dai Mubai frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple.

He took off his mask, revealing a face that was [-]% similar to Davis.

If they didn't see Dai Xinghe, others might think that Dai Mubai and Davis are brothers with the same father and mother.But after seeing Dai Xinghe's [-]% identical face to Dai Mubai's, everyone will understand that Dai Mubai and Davis just perfectly inherited Dai Xinghe's bloodline.

The three father and son seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

Looking at the faces of the father and son, Ma Hongjun wanted to vomit, but he didn't dare to vomit.

Oscar also wanted to know if the ancestors of the Xingluo royal family had such a face.

This inheritance effect is too good, right?

Dai Mubai took off his mask, Davis stood up from his seat.

Dai Xinghe looked at Davis and Dai Mubai, and said with a smile: "My princes are even better than me back then. If it was 25 years ago, each of them would have defeated me. Unfortunately, I am the old man." !"

Dai Xinghe's sudden joke made the audience applaud "piapia" as if they were resurrected, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

Due to the policies that have benefited the people over the years, Dai Xinghe has a very good reputation among the people.Such an emperor who is willing to have fun with the people is undoubtedly more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"As we all know, my fifth prince has not been in the imperial city since he was a child. Many people thought that I was partial to the eldest prince and sent him out. It is said that there are still many fans of Tianyi Pavilion who are quite dissatisfied with me?" Dai Xinghe looked around After a week in the auditorium, he said with a serious face, "I'm here today, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell me in person."

The auditorium was silent.

Don't dare to say, dare not say!
"Anyway, I won't listen to what you say."

There was good-natured laughter from the auditorium.

Dai Xinghe also laughed: "Yesterday, the fifth prince deliberately ran into the palace and said to me: Father, it's fine if you put on a sullen face when you go to court. There will be so many people tomorrow, so be close to the people, or else others will I thought our royal family were all facial paralyzed! I think what he said is very reasonable, but to be reasonable, even if it is facial paralyzed, I am also the most handsome facial paralyzed!"

Dai Mubai smiled bitterly.

Hey, Dad, that's not what I said yesterday!
The auditorium laughed again, and many courageous people even shouted loudly:

"Your Majesty is the most handsome!"

"Your Majesty is the most handsome emperor with facial paralysis!"

Oscar quietly licked Dai Mubai's waist, he asked with a strange expression: "Is His Majesty the Emperor so close to the people?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Dai Mubai asked back, "How cold do you think my father is?"

"Uh..." Oscar didn't know what to say, "I thought emperors should be very majestic and domineering."

"Isn't my father majestic or domineering?" Dai Mubai glanced at him.

Oscar didn't dare to say anything.

Dai Xinghe is very majestic, very domineering, noble and inviolable no matter his appearance or manner, but his words are too close to the people.

There is no sense of superiority at all.

But even so, no one dared to go beyond.

Only then did Tang San understand that the arrogance of nobility was hidden in his bones.

His Majesty the Emperor is just standing there, but it seems to be standing at the core of the world. Everyone's eyes will automatically ignore everything and only see him.

Dai Mubai said softly: "The glory of the royal family flows in the blood and grows in the hearts of all people."

It is not because of the blood of the royal family that it is glorious, but because of the glory, it is worthy of the royal family.

(PS: I subscribed to 0 yesterday... Forget it, the following is a battle plot that doesn't fight much. I don't know how to write battles, and I don't like a battle with four or five chapters, so the next progress will be more quick.)
(End of this chapter)

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