Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 126 5 Princes

Chapter 126 The Fifth Prince

Dai Xinghe patted Davis on the shoulder and said, "My eldest son, Davis, is 23 years old this year, and he is at his best age. Just two months ago, he became the youngest boy in history. Soul Emperor!"

With a modest smile on his face, Davis waved to the audience.

There was more enthusiastic applause in the auditorium, and countless people cheered.

Wearing a red robe and a five-pointed golden crown, the platinum bishop Andre looked at the very similar father and son with a joyful smile on his face, but no one knew what he was thinking.

"Weiss will directly participate in the finals on behalf of the Star Luo Royal Academy. The elders should know that this is also a tradition. After all, the main event is always the last to appear." Dai Xinghe waved to Dai Mubai, signaling him to go on stage, "Next, I will formally introduce my fifth prince to the world."

Dai Mubai's face remained unchanged, but he was extremely surprised in his heart.

This is not the same as what was said!

Didn't you say you should keep a low profile at this stage?

But Dai Xinghe said it in full view, Dai Mubai could only obediently walk up to the VIP table.

When passing by the second row, Dai Mubai nodded to the guests in the second row, and the guests also nodded to him kindly.

"I see my father." Dai Mubai walked to Davis, saluted Dai Xinghe and then nodded to Davis.

Davis nodded at him, too.

"It seems that the relationship between Mubai and Weiss is not bad." Dai Xinghe showed a gratified smile, and he asked Dai Mubai, "Mubai, many people think that I prefer Weiss, what do you think?"

Dai Mubai rolled his eyes violently in his heart.

What does he think?
He's not Li Yuanfang, does it matter how you look at it?

"My son thinks that the father is indeed a bit biased." Dai Mubai said seriously, "You shouldn't have given birth to your elder brother so early, but luckily I'm not the eleventh younger brother, otherwise my son would just run away from home and never come back. .”

Dai Mubai's eleventh brother, David An, is only three years old this year.

After all, Dai Xinghe is only 46 years old this year. If he works harder, he will have ten or eight more children.

Dai Xinghe's soul power level is now 85, and when he breaks through the Title Douluo and his lifespan reaches [-] years, it will not be a problem to regenerate [-].

"On a serious occasion, can you be more serious?" Dai Xinghe scolded with an unhappy face.

Dai Mubai's face was full of innocence: "My son is very serious! Didn't you ask my son to say it?"

Dai Xinghe glared at him.

Dai Mubai immediately said from the heart: "Father is right! Father is the most fair! Father cannot be partial!"

Dai Xinghe didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You are the only one who is so bold!"

Dai Mubai looked at the sky: "I don't have any, the sky is so big, it can't cover it."

"You back down." Dai Xinghe waved to Dai Mubai tiredly.

Dai Mubai stared: "Father, didn't you say that you want to formally introduce your son?"

"I don't want to introduce again." Dai Xinghe said with peace of mind.

"There are so many people!" Dai Mubai pointed to the Great Spirit Arena, and said, "More than a hundred thousand subjects are watching, isn't it good for you to be so contradictory, Father?"

Davis coughed, and said with a smile: "I think it's very good, anyway, the emperor just said that your name is Dai Mubai, that's enough."

"Brother, it's wrong for you to do this!" Dai Mubai protested with a gloomy face, "I suspect you are targeting me."

Davis smiled even more: "Be confident and remove your doubts."

"Hey, why are there so many people? I don't want to lose face?" Dai Mubai was dissatisfied, "Today is the first day of my official debut, what will the subjects think of me like this?"

Davis was still smiling: "Who told you to do it first?"

"Am I that leather?" Dai Mubai looked towards the auditorium and asked, "I'm called frank, right?"

The audience laughed again and said loudly: "Yes!"

"Okay." Dai Xinghe stretched out his hand to suppress the laughter, and said helplessly, "My fifth prince, Dai Mubai, is 16 years old this year, stays away from home all year round, and has a bad temper. Basically, this son can be said to be useless. I will occasionally Thinking, raising such a son is better than raising a dog."

"Three-headed Cerberus?" Dai Mubai cut in, "Give me a three-headed Cerberus, I would rather not have a son."

Dai Xinghe slapped Dai Mubai across the face: "Don't interrupt children when adults talk!"

Dai Mubai covered his head, muttering: "I'm already an adult."

Dai Xinghe glanced over: "Any comments?"

"No!" Dai Mubai was quite obedient.

"Although I occasionally feel that this son is useless, his talent is not bad. This year, he is at level 48, which is a little bit better than what I was back then." Dai Xinghe smiled, "Everyone knows the traditions of the Star Luo Empire. I won't introduce them in detail. The result depends on their performance."

Dai Mubai quietly tugged on Davis's sleeve, and said: "For the sake of our similar looks, be gentle in the finals."

Dai Mubai didn't say who should strike lightly, but everyone on the VIP platform thought that Dai Mubai was begging Davis to strike lightly.

However, only Davis and Dai Xinghe knew that what Dai Mubai meant was that he would strike lightly.

After all... Although Dai Mubai only has the strength of the fourth ring, he still has two spirit bones! (Dai Xinghe knew that Dai Mubai had twin spirits, but Davis didn't know, he only knew that Dai Mubai's spirit was the Holy Winged White Tiger, with a golden lion king left leg bone and a golden moon tree torso spirit bone. )
Coupled with Dai Mubai's four ten thousand year spirit rings, Davis didn't think Dai Mubai would lose.

"That depends on your partner's performance." Davis raised his eyebrows.

Dai Mubai also raised his eyebrows, with the same posture: "I won't let you down."

While the two brothers were whispering, Dai Xinghe had already officially announced the start of the contest.

Many viewers didn't understand Dai Xinghe's purpose for calling Dai Mubai on stage, but there were many smart people who understood the meaning.

In public, the Fifth Prince dared to "skin" in front of His Majesty the Emperor. What does this mean?
It shows that the fifth prince is favored enough!
Force is not the only criterion for choosing a prince.

The eldest prince seems to have a good relationship with the fifth prince, what does this mean?If the two princes are not acting, it means that the competition for the throne this time may not be so cruel.

Brothers and sisters of the royal family... the water is deep.

Platinum Bishop Andre first expressed his expectation for the competition between the two princes, then he encouraged the contestants, then began to draw lots, and finally announced that all contestants who can reach the finals can join the Wuhun Temple.

Some soul masters became agitated, but most soul masters watched coldly.

As for the participating players, none of the twenty academies in Star Luo City responded, but the academies from other counties and counties were a little ready to move.

The Wuhun Temple is the highest place in the Wuhun Temple, second only to the Pope's Hall and the Douluo Hall. There are only two capitals of the two empires in the whole continent.In the Wuhun Hall, the Pope's Hall is the exclusive place for the Pope, and the Douluo Hall is a symbolic existence.Therefore, the status of the Wuhun Temple is actually the highest institution in the Wuhun Temple.Being able to directly enter the Spirit Temple is a shortcut for a soul master to improve his strength.Not only has the best treatment, but also the honor brought by various cultivation measures and the name of Wuhun Temple.All these benefits are extremely attractive to ordinary soul masters.

Dai Xinghe looked at Andre and said with a smile: "The soul masters of the Star Luo Empire don't have to worry about the Spirit Hall."

But Dai Mubai said to Dai Xinghe: "Father, the Spirit Temple is also under the empire's jurisdiction, and it was built by the empire. Since Bishop Andre intends to let the Spirit Hall train soul masters for the empire, why should you refuse? Are imperial soul masters who joined the Spirit Hall no longer members of the empire?"

"Mubai is right, but I think too much. Although Bishop Andre is the Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Temple, he was originally a member of our Star Luo Empire. He must have seen the abundance of talents in the empire now, and he has a heart of love for talents. Let's go." Dai Xinghe and Dai Mubai sang together, and immediately set the tone, "Since this is the case, the resources allocated by the empire to the Spirit Temple will be increased by [-]% this year."

Andre lowered his eyes, bowed and smiled, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

There was a cold light in his lowered eyes.

More than 100 years ago, Andre was indeed a member of the Star Luo Empire.

But since he joined the Wuhun Palace and followed Pope Bibi Dong, he was only a member of the Wuhun Palace.

He has seen Dai Xinghe's various actions over the years, but he didn't take them seriously.

It's just the ambition of an emperor in his prime.

He watches a lot.

More than 60 years ago, Dai Xinghe's father was also so ambitious.

But now, Wuhundian is still aloof and respected in the mainland.

"Match [-]: Shrek Academy vs. Yade Academy."

Yade Academy, the full name of Yade Advanced Soul Master Academy, is the strongest academy in Yad County.

The participating teams have two strong attacks, two defenses, one sensitive attack, one control and one support.

A very regular team battle configuration.

Davis looked at Dai Mubai who was sitting beside him, and asked: "Mubai, won't you play in the first match?"

"I won't end in the qualifiers, unless there is a soul emperor among the opponents." Dai Mubai sat on the chair and said boredly, "Don't underestimate my teammates, they are all geniuses! Among them, they are full of souls There are only three strengths, and there are direct descendants of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the owner of the top-level Fire Phoenix martial soul, in terms of talent, I dare say they are the highest in the audience."

"But they are about the same age as you, and they are all Soul Sect." Davis frowned, "Talent is meaningless until it is transformed into strength."

"Oh," Dai Mubai responded casually, "They are on stage."

"Why don't we make a bet?" Dai Mubai looked at Davis, "Are you interested, big brother?"

"Tell me." Davis raised an eyebrow.

"I bet they can solve the game within one minute." Dai Mubai said confidently.

Davis looked at Tang San, Ma Hongjun and others on the soul fighting stage, and said with a smile: "The two people I lent you have all played? If that's the case, then I bet they can win within 3 minutes."

"Although the two people you borrowed are soul kings, they are just playing to make up for this match." Dai Mubai smiled, "Shrek Academy doesn't need foreign aid."

(End of this chapter)

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