Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 127 1 Wave Flow

Chapter 127
"You are really confident, then I will wait and see." Davis did not argue, "What bet?"

"Just bet, whoever loses will treat the other party to a meal for a month." Dai Mubai thought for a long time but didn't think of what he lacked, and finally he could only say so casually.

"You still use me to treat you to dinner?" Davis gave Dai Mubai a sideways look.

Others don't know, how can he not know that Linxian Tower is Dai Mubai's property?
"Of course it's not an ordinary invitation to dinner, but the loser will invite our food-type Contra to cook for us." Dai Mubai raised his chin, looking provocative.

Davis shook his head: "You are really brave. Ask Contra to cook for a month. I think you are dreaming."

"Don't you dare?" Dai Mubai looked at Davis, as proud as a cat owner.

"It's not that you don't dare, it's just that it's too disrespectful to seniors." Davis touched Dai Mubai's hair, and said smoothly, "One day, or if you lose, what should you do?"

"Don't touch my head!" Dai Mubai patted Davis' hand away piaically, "Can you touch a man's head casually?"

"Oh." Davis looked indifferent.

"One day at a time, anyway... emmmm, I won."

Turn the screen back to Soul Fighting Platform.

After the contestants exchanged their names, the moment the referee announced the start of the contest, Tang San's spider web bound the opponent tightly, and then the corrosion and parasitism cruelly made the opponent bloom one after another with blood.

In less than 30 seconds, all the participating players of Yade College lay down.

Each of them looks extremely miserable.

"Announce the result." Tang San said noblely and coldly to the bewildered referee.

The referee blinked.

What a magical operation this is!
Although the contestants of Yade Academy are not strong, they are at least all Soul Sect members. There is no reason to lie down so fast!
They are possessed by martial souls!

Why did the blue silver grass break through the defense and parasitize successfully!
"In the first match, Shrek Academy vs. Yade Academy, Shrek Academy won!"

After the referee announced, Tang San asked Leonard to heal the opponent.

This coquettish operation made a group of people dumbfounded again.

Is your healing department prepared for your opponent?
"Can Blue Silver Grass be this strong?" Davis looked at Tang San curiously, and asked Dai Mubai, "Although I know you spent a lot of money on those little friends, it's too amazing, right? ?”

"What I want is this wave effect! If there is no such effect, wouldn't my gold soul coins be wasted?" Dai Mubai said proudly, "You don't even know, in order to make San'er's blue The silver grass has achieved the current effect, and I have smashed three or four of the immortals on him."

"Hey, don't say that the fairy product is like Chinese cabbage!" Davis said dissatisfiedly, "Your brother has only taken one fairy product so far!"

Dai Mubai leaned on his chin and looked at him: "And then? Brother, are you crying poor with me?"

Davis black line: "No, I'm just wondering, where did you get so many fairy goods?"

"Brother, haven't you heard a saying? How daring a person is, how productive a land is." Dai Mubai blinked, "If you wave a lot of golden tickets like me and hire someone to help you find it, You can find a lot of treasures. After all, the mainland is so big, it is not particularly difficult to find treasures."

Davis was speechless: "..."

"So, how much did you spend?"

"Not much," Dai Mubai thought for a while, "It's only a few hundred million gold soul coins."


Davis gasped, then choked.

People say no?
A few hundred million gold soul coins is not too much?

Andre's hands in his sleeves were shaking.

Four celestial plants, several hundred million gold soul coins, used to spend on a waste Wuhun blue silver grass?

If this fund is given to Wuhundian, dozens of high-level soul masters will be trained!

"Even if it is a fairy product, you can't eat so much?" Davis shook his head, "Don't you think about future development?"

Dai Mubai curled his lips: "The future will be discussed in the future, what if I get lucky in the future and find a solution?"

"You are really..." Davis didn't know what to say to him, "You can take it easy, it is said that you were poisoned after taking too many drugs?"

"That's a mistake!" Dai Mubai snorted, "I'm lucky and fateful, isn't it still fine now?"

Davis rolled his eyes at him: "So why were you at level 48 three months ago and were ready to hunt for spirit rings, but now you are only level [-]?"

"Uh..." Dai Mubai got stuck, "That's not important!"

"Aren't you afraid of losing?" Davis was speechless, "I'm fifteen levels above you now!"

"What's the rush?" Dai Mubai was dissatisfied, "The preliminaries will take more than a month, and one month's rest before the promotion, plus one month for the promotion, plus rushing and so on, it will take more than three months, right? ? At that time, I will definitely be the soul king."

"Even if you are the soul king, I'm still ten levels higher than you!"

Davis didn't even know where Dai Mubai's self-confidence came from, even if he was a mutated spirit, he couldn't be so crazy, right?It is said that Dai Mubai has never performed the martial soul fusion skill with Zhu Zhuqing, and it is suspected that the mutated martial soul cannot be used, so... Even if Dai Mubai's mutated martial soul is very strong, under his and Zhu Zhuyun's martial soul fusion skills, It's also a bit weaker, right?
"Is there a rule in the competition that you can't use soul tools?" Dai Mubai asked suddenly.

Davis froze for a moment: "It seems not."

"Oh." Dai Mubai rolled his eyes, seeing Davis's head hurt.

He has four eyeballs, and when they turn, they are quite...unspeakable.

"Although there is no rule against the use of soul tools, it says that weapons other than Wuhun cannot be used, so you should still not be able to use soul tools." Davis said, rubbing his temples.

Talking to this younger brother who is not very serious most of the time is too tiring.

He was obviously very serious when he was a child.

How come the older you get, the more childish you become?
Actually the answer is very simple, Dai Mubai is inflated!

Before obtaining the first soul ring, Dai Mubai was worried all day long, he was afraid that he might not be able to achieve the achievements in the original book, so all he could think about was how to become stronger.

Later... twin martial souls, four 10-year-old soul rings, and four soul bones added to the body, who would not float?

Do you think everyone is Shen Yong?

It's fine to hang on for a while, but can I hang on for a lifetime?
What's the point of living then?
"It's fine if you don't need it," Dai Mubai sat up straight under Davis' reminder, and said indifferently, "Anyway, the effect of the current soul tool is not very good."

"Mubai, when did you become so arrogant?" Dai Xinghe frowned, looking at Dai Mubai displeased.

Dai Mubai looked up at his father, opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

It's not that he has become arrogant, but that he really didn't take this soul master competition seriously.

In addition to his confidence in his own strength, he is also very confident in his partners.

But why was he so confident? With such a circle of people around him, he couldn't tell Dai Xinghe directly.


Dai Mubai suddenly remembered, he told Dai Xinghe about the situation of Shrek Academy, and also introduced his teammates in detail.Therefore, Dai Xinghe should know where his self-confidence comes from.Then, why did Dai Xinghe say that?

"Father, if I have to put my heart into this qualifier, then I don't need to participate in this competition." Dai Mubai still had a face full of indifference, "I don't deny that this competition is full of heroes, But who is not the pride of heaven?"

Seeing that Dai Mubai finally came back to his senses, Dai Xinghe smiled, but said in his mouth: "It's good for you to have confidence, but remember to guard against arrogance and impetuosity. There are so many talents in the world, arrogance will blind your eyes .”

Dai Mubai restrained a little, showing a cute expression: "I understand."

"Well, you guys continue to watch the game, I'm going back to the palace first."

Dai Xinghe got up, and the others also got up, saluted and sent him back to the palace.

Watching Dai Xinghe leave, Dai Mubai said to Davis: "Brother, then I will go too."

Davis was helpless: "Remember to go back to the palace to attend the dinner tonight."

"What's there to participate in..." Seeing Davis glaring over, Dai Mubai pouted, "Okay, I'll go."

"Take your friends with you," Davis added.

Dai Mubai frowned, then relaxed: "I see."

Dai Mubai walked off the VIP platform, and came to the waiting room of the participating academies.

"Wow, big brother, you were too skinny on stage just now, weren't you?" Ning Rongrong moved closer to Dai Mubai, and asked curiously, "Do you usually get along with His Majesty the Emperor?"

Dai Mubai smiled: "You guess?"

Ning Rongrong: (_)
Too much!

"Let's go, go back and talk." Tang San smiled, "The opponent was too weak just now, I didn't expect it."

Ma Hongjun was full of contempt: "I suspect that you are pretending, and you have evidence."

"Don't people be frivolous and waste youth!" Dai Mubai put his arms around Zhu Zhuqing's small waist, with a flamboyant smile on his face.

Zhu Zhuqing twisted Dai Mubai, blushing and helplessly said: "You let go."

"I don't want to let go." Dai Mubai looked down at her.


Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head.

I don't want to talk to him anymore.

"Tonight's palace report dinner, I have already prepared evening dresses for everyone, you remember to change on time, the carriage will pick you up at seven o'clock in the evening." Dai Mubai said, "Now let's go back and continue to practice coordination. "

As a person who often skips classes, Dai Mubai is now the last person in Shrek Academy with the lowest level of tacit understanding except for the three transfer students.

"So can you just stay in the academy and exercise?"

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhuqing was very angry. I heard that Dai Mubai's eldest brother and her eldest sister have a very high level of tacit understanding, and the practice of martial soul fusion skills can be said to be proficient, but she has never practiced with Dai Mubai, or even never. That feeling of Wuhun complementing each other!
Dai Mubai couldn't refute: "Okay."

As a false wife and slave, Dai Mubai is willing to accommodate Zhu Zhuqing in various trivial matters.

I hope she can calm down a bit when she knows the truth...

It's really hard to be a scumbag!

(End of this chapter)

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