Chapter 128
In fact, if possible, Dai Mubai would never want to tell Zhu Zhuqing that he is a scumbag.

However, he still had to take care of Qian Renxue's emotions.

It's hard.

He has a good impression of Zhu Zhuqing, a feeling of love, and an inexplicable sense of responsibility... Anyway, how should I say it?
That's the kind of feeling that Zhu Zhu wiped him out, and he would kill whoever he fell in love with.



Probably this is love.

Dai scumbag thought so.

"A palace dinner?" Ning Rongrong tilted his head, "I've never been there before?"

"Isn't it?" Oscar was a little surprised, "Rongrong, aren't you the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect? Besides, I don't think you are very familiar with Tiandou Prince Xue Qinghe?"

"But does it conflict with me that I have never been to the Heaven Dou Palace?" Ning Rongrong folded her arms around her chest and said, "There is nothing interesting in the palace, Princess Xue Ke of Heaven Dou is one year younger than me, like She's like an ass, who wants to talk to her!"

Ning Rongrong once followed Ning Fengzhi to the Heaven Dou Palace, and also spent half a day with Xue Ke, but the two girls who were equally arrogant and willful did not fight well.

It should be said that Xue Ke's personality is a little more gentle, but limited.And Ning Rongrong, that was the master who had never been wronged before coming to Shrek Academy.Xue Ke wanted to play with her, but she was still unwilling to talk to Xue Ke.

Dai Mubai grinned: "My nineteenth sister was born less than two months ago."

"Uh." Ning Rongrong didn't know what to say.

Compared to Xue Ye, Dai Xinghe really worked too hard!
"What are we going to do?" Ma Hongjun asked curiously, "Is there a lot of delicacies to eat?"

"You know how to eat!" Xiao Wu yelled at Ma Hongjun, "But for a banquet, it seems that everyone eats together, right?"

Dai Mubai nodded: "That's right, everyone eats together, chats, then dances and makes friends."

"Why do I feel... making friends is the key point?" Oscar said while rubbing his chin.

"That's true, but for the time being, I don't recommend that you contact those people." Dai Mubai straightened his expression, and said, "Because all the banquet guests tonight are hereditary nobles and all kinds of new nobles above viscount."

"Of course, if you meet someone you can talk to, I don't object to you being friends." Dai Mubai added.

Zhu Zhuqing said in a rare way: "I have the same opinion with Mubai, and some of you may hinder Mubai's face from making friends with you. But except for Rong Rong, none of you have noble status, so they probably have one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes. .And most nobles may only maintain superficial harmony."

"Will people look down on you?" Oscar asked curiously.

"They dare!" Dai Mubai said domineeringly, "Do you think I'm a trash like Xue Beng who can be ridiculed in person? No matter what they think in their hearts, who dare not give me face in public and don't need me to take action, my father The Emperor will not keep them."

Anyone who can't understand the meaning of Dai Xinghe calling Dai Mubai to the VIP table just now is an idiot, this kind of nobleman can be cleaned up.

"However, it is not ruled out that idiots really appear. Anyway, you just don't take it to heart when the time comes." Dai Mubai said nonchalantly, "Thousands of people have thousands of faces, there are so many people in the world, it's nothing to be looked down upon by a few idiots The big deal is that they will automatically come to curry favor with you when they become stronger in the future."

Tang San nodded: "I remember you told a story about a strong woman before, big brother, I can enjoy as much glory as I can bear as much slander."

The corner of Dai Mubai's mouth twitched.

In fact, he used the stories from his previous life to fool Tang San and the others.

"Okay, go back to practice, and then everyone pack up and prepare for the dinner party." Dai Mubai led everyone away from the Great Spirit Arena.

On the VIP platform, Andre watched Dai Mubai and others leave, and suddenly said to Davis: "The relationship between the First Prince and the Fifth Prince is really good!"

Davis replied with a smile: "Growing up together, isn't it normal to have a good relationship?"

"Isn't the Fifth Prince often absent from Xingluo City?" Andre asked pretending to be puzzled, "You two don't spend much time together, do you?"

"It is precisely because we don't have much time together, so we should cherish the few time we have." Davis turned his head and said, "It has been almost 20 years since Bishop Andre came to Star Luo City?"

Andre and Davis looked at each other with sincere eyes. He sighed: "Yes, it has been 18 years. When the fifth prince was born, I just became a platinum bishop. In the blink of an eye, after so many years, the fifth prince has grown up." .”

"I heard that Bishop Andre stayed in Wuhun City before returning to the Star Luo Empire?" Davis showed an appropriately curious look.

In Davis' heart, no matter how detached Wuhundian is, it is still a minister!

But the information he got from Dai Xinghe was that this minister already has the heart of disobedience!

Wolf's ambition can be said to be obvious!

"Yes, I have lived in Wuhun City for a long time. Is His Royal Highness curious about Wuhun City?" Andre said with a smile.

Davis nodded: "I'm really curious. I heard that there are all soul masters in Wuhun City. I don't know what it looks like."

Fourteen years ago, Bibi Dong was crowned Pope hastily, when he was only eight years old, Dai Xinghe did not personally attend the Pope's coronation ceremony, so it was impossible for him to go.

After that, he didn't have much chance to go to Wuhun City.

After all, his identity is sensitive, and he is not suitable for running around.As for Dai Mubai, he is used to it, it is impossible not to let him run around.

However, 14 years ago, Tiandou seemed to have sent the prince to watch the ceremony.

This is also a manifestation of the weakness of the Heaven Dou Empire.

"There are indeed soul masters in Wuhun City, but there are not many people in Wuhun City, only tens of thousands." Andre said, "Ten years have passed, and I don't know what Wuhun City is like now. , after all, this seat has not gone back to see it for more than ten years."

Davis frowned suspiciously: "Don't you need to go back to Wuhun City to report on your work? Imperial officials have to report to the Imperial City every three years."

Andre shook his head: "Wuhundian has a lot of affairs, not to mention that Wuhundian is not an empire, and I am not an official of the empire, so I don't need to go back and report on my duties."

"I see." Davis smiled.

A platinum bishop actually called himself "this seat" in front of him?
Sure enough, Wuhundian is no longer willing to be just a place of faith?

No wonder father is so dissatisfied with Wuhundian.You don't know if you don't touch it, but once you touch it, you will be as angry as you want!

"It's almost time, and it's time for me to leave." Andre said, standing up.

Davis gave him enough face, and also got up: "Tonight's palace dinner, welcome you."

"This seat will definitely go to join us."

Andre gave Davis a meaningful look, and left with a red robe.

"Wuhundian." Davis sighed inwardly.

As a person who stayed in Xingluo City, he saw Dai Xinghe's various actions more clearly than Dai Mubai. Because of this, he understood even more how deeply the powerful image of the Spirit Hall was ingrained in the hearts of the people.

Obviously, the subsidies that the soul masters received were all from the two great empires, but the object of their gratitude is the Spirit Hall.

Thinking in another way, if he was a member of Wuhundian, he would not be content with the current situation.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing dressed in splendid attire came to the banquet hall hand in hand.

There was a special band playing in the hall. At this time, the guests in gorgeous dresses were holding goblets and gathered in twos and threes to chat and laugh.

The arrival of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing made the chatter and laughter in the banquet hall stagnant for a moment.

Tang San and the others followed behind Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and they also walked into the banquet hall.

Many people looked at them in amazement, and whispered to each other: "I heard that the fifth prince's team is full of teenagers. I thought the fifth prince should be the youngest member. Unexpectedly, the fifth prince is the youngest member." The oldest one."

"They are too young, at least five years younger than most of the contestants?"

"Such a young soul sect?"

"That blue-haired boy is the Shrek genius who decided the outcome with one move today?"

"I heard that there is a member of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School among them, I don't know which one it is..."

The waiters silently came to Dai Mubai and the others with trays containing red wine, Dai Mubai picked up a glass of wine first, and raised it to signal to the nobles.

The nobles returned their gifts one after another.

Oscar's palms were sweating nervously, he quietly asked Ning Rongrong: "Rongrong, what should we do?"

"Why are you nervous?" Ning Rongrong said habitually, "Don't do anything, just follow Big Brother."

"You're right." Oscar wiped the sweat from his palms, trying hard to control his eyes that wanted to glance around.

Isn't this banquet hall too luxurious?

The exquisite chandelier, the reflective tiles, the array of delicacies on the long table, the full-bodied band...

Forgive Oscar, he has never seen the world, and he doesn't know how to correctly describe the gorgeous scene in front of him.

Fortunately, he ate the Nine Petal Immortal Orchid, which was supported by the noble temperament of the Immortal Grade, otherwise, he would probably feel here and there like a country bumpkin now.

Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu, who had also never seen the world, didn't think so much, they looked around curiously, and when they encountered something they didn't understand, they asked Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong, without any embarrassment.

They are really big-hearted!
Oscar and Tang San looked at each other, confirming this.

"You should eat and drink. You don't have to be restrained. If you are really not used to it, you can go to the second floor. There is a separate box upstairs. If you want anything, just ask the waiter to send it to the box for you."

At nine o'clock in the evening, Dai Xinghe and Andre appeared and delivered speeches.

Only then did Dai Xinghe officially introduce Dai Mubai to the nobles of the empire.

Andre didn't want to make any big news at this time. After saying a few words, he sat quietly on the side.

Dai Xinghe announced the official start of the banquet, and Dai Mubai invited Zhu Zhuqing to dance the opening dance.

After seeing Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, Oscar complained: "It's fine that big brother and his big brother look alike, why is Zhuqing and her sister so similar."

(PS: I’m useless and I don’t know how to write about the luxurious life of the court... Yuzu. In addition, I don’t know how to write about battles, so… This is just a useless daily complaint about the same people I wrote. Read the book Everyone, thank you very much for your understanding. (ω))

(End of this chapter)

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