Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 149 Talking Hearts

Chapter 149 Talking Hearts
Dai Xinghe didn't know that his current thinking was very dangerous.

Because he swelled.

Just beating Wuhundian once, he swelled up, thinking that he could ignore Wuhundian.

As for the Heaven Dou Empire, in his opinion, without the Spirit Hall, it could be destroyed by flipping a finger.

It's dangerous, very dangerous.

The Star Luo Empire is already one of the two major empires on the Douluo Continent, and it is already strong enough.It can even be passed down tens of thousands of years later.

But to unify the mainland, a war must be waged.

There is no great cause, no need to experience gunpowder.

And the Star Luo Empire doesn't have the strength to crush everything right now.

"Now, has the time come?" Dai Xinghe asked eagerly.

He looked impatient.

However, Dai Mubai remained calm: "No, at least before we truly and fully grasp the power of the Spirit Hall, the Spirit Hall still believes in soul masters. Perhaps, even after we have truly replaced the status and power of the Spirit Hall, it will still take a few days." Over the past ten or hundreds of years, the influence of the Wuhun Temple on the soul masters has been washed away."

Dai Mubai said: "Ordinary people are very forgetful. Once the Spirit Hall disappears, it only takes them more than ten years to completely forget the existence of the Spirit Hall. But soul masters are not like this. Father, you know, the Emperor of the Clear Sky It has been more than ten years, but it is still the first in the mainland.”

"It will take decades?" Dai Xinghe frowned, he calmed down a little, "I know."

He knew that the current Star Luo Empire had only carried out less than one-tenth of its reforms, not to mention unifying the mainland, even the integration of the empire hadn't been completed yet.

But the heavy damage to Wuhundian gave him too strong an illusion.

Wuhundian is too powerful, that's why he will show inflated feelings for any achievements in the struggle with Wuhundian.

Also, he's been tense for too long.

The victory at Pope Hill undoubtedly gave him a shot in the arm.

"Father, you don't have to be so urgent."

Dai Mubai stood opposite to Dai Xinghe. He was still as written in the original book, his height was over two meters. In the year after he turned 16, he bid farewell to his psychologically most suitable height of 1.8 meters.

He is already a little bit taller than his father.

"You are only 46 years old, and you will break through to Title Douluo in two years, and you will have at least 300 years of lifespan." Dai Mubai looked at Dai Xinghe's still young and handsome face, and said, "You have always been the emperor of the Star Luo Empire , until the mainland is unified."

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Dai Xinghe regained his composure, he and Dai Mubai looked at each other, his tone was somewhat complicated, "You will be the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, you should know how great an achievement it is to unify the continent."

Dai Mubai shook his head slowly: "No, dominating the mainland is not the end. An empire without enemies will only go towards self-destruction."

Dai Mubai turned around to distance himself from Dai Xinghe, he knelt down on one knee, looking up at Dai Xinghe.

"1 years ago, the ancestors did not continue to fight with the army, but chose to share the continent with the Heaven Dou Empire. I think you know the reason."

Dai Xinghe and Dai Mubai are father and son, as well as monarchs and ministers, in their eyes, they are still friends who can confide in each other.

Dai Xinghe is not afraid that Dai Mubai covets the throne, and Dai Mubai is not afraid that Dai Xinghe will suspect him.

From a very young age, Dai Mubai was not big or small in front of Dai Xinghe, and Dai Xinghe had always pampered Dai Mubai.

"Mubai, I am always rejoicing that you are my son." Dai Xinghe looked down at his son who declared his loyalty with actions, "You are smart, have vision, talent, and luck. I am willing to believe your seemingly joking suggestion , and to implement them, I am also willing to accept your advice and remain sober."

"I am willing to treat you as a friend with equal status."

But Dai Xinghe didn't help Dai Mubai up, he looked down at him.

"Occasionally, I even treat you as another me."

This father and son are too similar, both in appearance and ambition.

"But I have to admit that you are far better than me."

From the day Dai Mubai woke up, Dai Xinghe knew that his son would definitely surpass him.Maybe even surpass the ancestors.

"I will not kill an outstanding child because of my love for power and position. I will eventually grow old and die. But the Star Luo Empire will continue to be passed on to the next ten thousand years, and the next ten thousand years... I hope that Xing Luo can Inherited forever."

"The Star Luo Empire needs a good enough heir. And it has always been like this."

Dai Mubai kept looking up at Dai Xinghe, just like when he was a child when he was talking nonsense about wanting Dai Xinghe to realize his socialist dream and he was talking nonsense about his own ideas.

Naively and simply believing that his father is omnipotent.

Dai Xinghe has always done that. Even though everything has just started to go on the right track, under his governance, the Star Luo Empire has become stronger and better.

"Occasionally, I would think, if you are not so good, wouldn't it be great if you were as talented as Lance?"

Dai Xinghe now has nineteen children, eight sons and eleven daughters.

But only Dai Mubai is Dai Mubai.

Because Dai Mubai is the child born to the woman he loves the most, because Dai Mubai is the child who looks the most like him.

Dai, Mu, Bai.

These are the most beautiful love words he can give Bai Jintong.

But if Dai Mubai didn't have such a powerful talent now, but still became Davis's competitor, he would just let him develop.

Because I am used to it.

He also came here in the same way back then, and he even killed his compatriot (referring to the same mother) brother with his own hands.

Therefore, he will not favor Dai Mubai just because he is the child of his most beloved woman.

In the Xingluo royal family, mediocre talent is the best thing.

If Dai Mubai inherited Bai Jintong's martial spirit, if his innate spirit power was not high, he could pamper Dai Mubai wantonly.

Because he is destined to have nothing to do with the throne.

Why did Xue Qinghe kill almost all the princes of the Tiandou Empire, but dotes on Princess Xueke so much?
It's not because she has no inheritance rights!
"Go do whatever you want." Dai Xinghe bent down and patted Dai Mubai's shoulder, but still didn't help him up.

"I obey the order." Dai Mubai lowered his eyes.

Dai Xinghe turned and left.

Dai Mubai knelt on one knee in the empty hall.

He needs to think about it.

What should he do in the next five years.

The pace of the empire will be controlled by many advisers, military generals and Dai Xinghe.

Now he just needs to be himself.

Moreover, he had to think carefully about how to arrange his companions.

Tang San definitely wants to practice with Tang Hao, then enter the Slaughter City, and then go to Tiandou City Yuexuan to learn noble etiquette.

Xiao Wuhui returns to the Star Forest and follows Long Aotian and Ditian.

If this is the case, she will be chased to death by the Wuhun Temple, it can only be said to be a plot killing.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun will accept the arrangement of Star Martial Academy, he will not ask about the specific situation.

Ning Rongrong should return to the Heaven Dou Empire with Ning Fengzhi, after all, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has not broken with the Heaven Dou Empire yet.

Finally, it was Zhu Zhuqing.

How should he arrange Zhu Zhuqing?
The point is, how to tell Zhu Zhuqing that he has cheated?

(PS: This man, it’s easy to be lazy, but hard to recover from diligence.)
(End of this chapter)

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