Chapter 150

Dai Mubai knelt in the Hall of Stars all night.

In fact, no one made him kneel.

No one would make him kneel.

However, the Star Luo Empire teamed up with the Heaven Dou Empire to besiege the Wuhun Hall, and someone had to take the blame.

Dai Mubai is the one who takes the blame.

Because he concealed Xiao Wu's identity.

Because he cooperated with the Heaven Dou Empire.

But everyone knew that the night he knelt in the Hall of Stars was just to show that the Star Luo Empire had no intention of completely tearing their skins apart with the Hall of Spirits.It's just for the sake of showing Wuhundian and Tiandou Empire.

Otherwise he received no punishment.

"Your Highness, you can go back."

Dai Mubai stood up, frowned slightly, and then walked out of the Hall of Stars.

"Dai Mubai, aren't your legs numb?" Erha asked gloatingly.

Soul masters are also human beings, and if they kneel for a long time, the blood will not circulate, and their legs will still be numb.

But who is Dai Mubai?He is a man with two 10-year-level healing soul skills!
The moment he frowned, he gave himself a sip of milk.

"Mubai!" Zhu Zhuqing waited at the gate of Star Hall when Dai Mubai was summoned by Dai Xinghe, although Dai Mubai told her to go back to rest, but she obviously didn't obey.

When Dai Mubai came out, she immediately threw herself into Dai Mubai's arms.

"Mubai," Bai Jintong also walked to Dai Mubai's side, she looked at Dai Mubai carefully, seeing that he was in good spirits and not physically injured, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Your father didn't punish you, did he? "

The incident of Dai Mubai being "punished to kneel" had already spread throughout the entire Xingluo Palace after one night.Bai Jintong came here precisely because of the news, what she asked now was whether Dai Mubai had received other punishments.

Dai Mubai smiled at Bai Jintong: "Mother and concubine don't worry, the son has not been punished."

"That's good." Bai Jintong nodded, glanced at Zhu Zhuqing who had left Dai Mubai's embrace in a panic, and said with a smile, "The concubine mother has gone back, you can go see concubine mother when you have time."

"Okay." Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing watched Bai Jintong go back.

Zhu Zhuqing asked with a blushing face, "Is His Majesty punishing you for what happened yesterday?"

Dai Mubai pinched her little face, said: "You just take it for granted. Alright, this matter is over, let's go and see San'er and the others."

"En." Zhu Zhuqing followed Dai Mubai obediently, she said, "An hour ago, Xiaohong came to tell me that Clear Sky Douluo had arrived at the palace."

"Clear Sky Douluo is quite fast." Dai Mubai narrowed his eyes, "He wants to take Tang San and Xiao Wu away?"

"Well," Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai nodded, "Xiao Hong said that he will take Third Brother to special training, and Xiao Wu will return to Star Dou Great Forest."

"The Star Dou Great Forest hasn't recovered yet, right?" Dai Mubai said, his expression downcast, "Such a big thing happened in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest. When I went to the Fairy Forest, I found that the core area was almost completely razed. It's flat."

"Isn't Xiao Wu's home..." Zhu Zhuqing was a little surprised, "When we went to the Fairy Forest, we didn't dare to go to the core area, because Bone Douluo said there was a particularly dangerous existence there."

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhuqing looked at Dai Mubai with some fear: "It's great that you went to the core area and didn't encounter that dangerous existence!"

Once Dai Mubai thought about it, he knew that the dangerous existence Zhu Zhuqing mentioned was Ditian.

So he let out a sigh of relief as if belatedly aware, and said: "I'm lucky! Bone Douluo said it was dangerous, so it must be a powerful existence that I can't resist at all."

"Will Xiao Wu be in danger if she goes back now?" Zhu Zhuqing was a little worried, "Although she is also a 10-year-old soul beast, she has transformed now and her strength is only at the level of a soul king. place to live?"

Dai Mubai couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhu Zhuqing was actually worried that Xiao Wu would not have a place to live after returning to the Star Dou Great Forest?

Xiao Wu is just a rabbit, can she just dig a nest and get by, okay?
"Let's listen to Xiao Wu's own opinion." Dai Mubai said.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak any more.

Because Dai Mubai disliked him for being too sloppy, and Tang Hao also thought that he should clean up before going to see Xiao Wu, so Tang Hao found a hotel to take a serious shower before entering the Star Luo Palace, and then bought a suit. decent clothes.

After all, when meeting his daughter-in-law for the first time, Tang Hao still had to take care of his image.

It's okay for him to be ashamed, anyway, he's been here for so many years.But Tang San has grown up, and he is ashamed in front of his daughter-in-law... Tang Hao still wants to show his face.

Cough, even though Dai Mubai reminded him of this incident, otherwise, he would still go his own way, as sloppy as he could be.

And, there is another reason.

Not to mention the orphans of Oscar and Ma Hongjun, Tang San's other teammates, Ning Rongrong's father is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Master, Zhu Zhuqing's father is the King, and Dai Mubai's father is the Emperor.Their fathers were stronger than the other, Tang Hao didn't want to lose face in front of his son's teammates a second time.

The first time they met, he was mercilessly disgusted by Dai Mubai.This kind of thing must not happen a second time!

When Dai Mubai saw the tidy Tang Hao, he almost didn't recognize him.

Tang Hao looks resolute, purely a tough guy face, but not handsome enough.This can be seen from the fact that Tang San's appearance is at the bottom among all the students of Shrek Academy.

"I've seen His Majesty Haotian." Dai Mubai saluted Tang Hao thoughtfully, without seeming enthusiastic at all.

In fact, Dai Mubai really wanted to ask, why did he leave Tang San and disappeared for eight years?

He said he wanted revenge but he didn't act!

Probably he just found a place to plant Ah Yin.

The men of the Tang family are completely devoid of reason when it comes to their wives.

Just like Dai Mubai didn't like Yu Xiaogang, Dai Mubai didn't like Tang Hao either.

He doesn't like anyone who is irresponsible.

"Brother, are you alright?" Tang San and the others also heard about Dai Mubai being punished to kneel, so they all moved over worriedly.

Dai Mubai smiled: "It's okay, my royal father loves me so much, how could he punish me cruelly?"

"Then..." Ning Rongrong pouted, "My father loves me very much, but he never softened when he punished me."

Dai Mubai was speechless.

Ning Fengzhi wanted to punish Ning Rongrong cruelly!But when was she not protected like an eyeball by Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo?When did Ning Fengzhi really punish her?

"I knelt in the Hall of Stars all night, just to put on a show." Dai Mubai explained, "The Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire joined hands to besiege the Spirit Hall, and we have to find someone to take the blame for this matter. I He Xueqinghe is to blame."

"Brother Xue is going to be punished too?" Ning Rongrong frowned worriedly, "Obviously the Spirit Hall wanted to catch Xiao Wu, we were just forced to fight back, why are you still being punished? It's not fair either!"

"This world is so unfair," Dai Mubai smiled, "Anyway, it's just a show, no real harm to me or Xue Qinghe."

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San: "San'er, do you want to go with your father?"

(PS: Ask for votes. I will pay back the one I owe if the number of recommended votes exceeds 1 tomorrow. Humble, the increase in my recommended votes is not as much as when I collected more than [-].)
(End of this chapter)

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