Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 151 The Final Parting

Chapter 151 The Final Parting (continued)
Tang San looked at Tang Hao.

He has not seen his father for eight years.

I have never seen my father so neat.

"Brother, thank you." Tang San didn't say it clearly, but his attitude was already very clear.

He will indeed leave with Tang Hao.

"Where's Xiao Wu?" Dai Mubai didn't bother Tang San's choice, because it was expected, "The Star Dou Forest is very dangerous now, and if you don't have protection there, you might still be poisoned by the Spirit Hall .”

Xiao Wu bit her lip, her eyes were full of worry: "I want to go back."

When the accident happened in the Star Dou Great Forest, she wanted to go back to see Da Ming and Er Ming, but the Soul Master Competition was just around the corner, so she had no chance to go back.

Now that her identity was exposed, she happened to go back and have a look.

As for the danger... I have experienced the danger of facing the Wuhun Temple directly, what else is there to be afraid of?

"Okay, I respect your decision." Dai Mubai sighed.

He knew that the current Star Dou Forest was safer than ever before, but he couldn't tell everyone.

Not every soul master hopes that the soul beasts can unite like him.

"Since you all choose to leave, I can't force you to stay." Dai Mubai said with a sad tone, but said with a smile, "I'm often not in the academy, and I spend less time with you. But you guys have deep feelings, Brother will give you time to hug your head and cry later."

"Brother, don't say that!" Xiao Wu said with tears in his eyes, "Although you do always pour poisonous chicken soup on us, poison your mouth, love to spoil the atmosphere, piss people off, always run around, always go out Unexpected situation, but you are a good big brother!"

Dai Mubai's black line: "But all the previous words are meaningless, so can you just stop saying those words that smear me?"

Xiao Wu chuckled: "I can't!"

"So big brother really likes to spoil the atmosphere!" Tang San said with a smile, "No matter what kind of atmosphere, he can become indecent."

Dai Mubai smiled without saying a word.

"Brother can be unruly, probably only these few years?" Oscar could see it clearly, "By the way, brother, when will you hold the canonization ceremony?"

"Canonize the crown prince?" Dai Mubai thought for a while, "Why, do you want to visit?"

Ma Hongjun nodded fiercely: "Yes, yes, we have never seen such a grand ceremony before!"

"Okay," Dai Mubai laughed, "Then San'er and Xiao Wu should wait for two days before leaving, Your Majesty Haotian, why don't you take a visit as well?"

Tang Hao agreed without hesitation.

He is not in a hurry for these two days.

Dai Mubai chatted with Tang San and others for a while, then was called away by Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang's expression was tangled.

He really wanted to ask about Bibi Dong's situation, but he didn't know what tone and attitude to use.

Dai Mubai never promised him that he would not hurt Bibi Dong.

"Bibi Dong is still the Pope of the Spirit Hall," Dai Mubai said proactively, "For your sake, I won't kill her. But I hope that when the decisive battle starts, you will be able and qualified to let me let her go." pass her."

"I will stay in the Star Martial Academy. As long as the resources are sufficient, I will definitely break through to Title Douluo within ten years." Yu Xiaogang is very confident about this.

Now he is the same as Dai Mubai, his martial soul Luo Sanpao has also started to cultivate, so now his cultivation time is twice as long as ordinary people!
In fact, this is not enough for him to utter such bold words, but after his martial soul evolution, it seems that there is no bottleneck anymore.He has a feeling that as long as he keeps practicing, he will be able to break through continuously.

Dai Mubai looked at Yu Xiaogang with complicated eyes.

If there is no Tang San, Yu Xiaogang is a proper protagonist character design!

It is also the protagonist of the useless counterattack.

"As long as you have enough value." Dai Mubai said, "Whatever resources you want, the Star Luo Empire can provide you with any resources."

Yu Xiaogang was silent.

He doesn't like Dai Mubai's current character, it is too utilitarian and has no warmth at all.

But he was right.

Compassion does not control soldiers, righteousness does not control wealth.

And an heir to an empire can only be half of the Wei Guangzheng.

"I suggest you have a good talk with Tang San and Xiao Wu," Dai Mubai said, "It's them who have enmity with Bibi Dong, not me."

Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment.

He already knew that Bibi Dong had nothing to do with Tang San's mother's death, Bibi Dong even took revenge for Tang San, but... Xiao Wu's mother became Bibi Dong's spirit ring and spirit bone.

The revenge of killing the mother is inexorable!

Yu Xiaogang doesn't know how to ask Xiaowu to forgive Bibidong.

Xiao Wu is kind by nature, but she cannot forgive this kind of hatred.

Rabbits are not Madonnas.

"I really should have a good talk with them." Yu Xiaogang looked melancholy.

In fact, he didn't know how to face Tang San and Xiao Wu at all.

Dai Mubai did not tell Yu Xiaogang that after becoming a god, let alone a rabbit with a spirit bone, even a rabbit with no bones left but a spirit ring, can be resurrected.

Ten years is neither long nor short.

Dai Mubai still believed that Tang San could become a god in ten years.

Because, Dai Mubai is not Tang San's enemy.Not only would he not hinder Tang San, but he would also help him.

As long as Tang San has the heart, anyone can be resurrected with him who has the dual god positions.

The God of Life will give him face.

But it's useless to say this now.

Becoming a god is too illusory for the current Douluo people.

Tang Chen, Qian Daoliu, and Bo Saixi have struggled for more than 100 years, but they can only pin their hopes on their descendants.

"I suspect Tang Chen is having an affair with Bo Saixi." Erha said very seriously.

Dai Mubai: "..."

He said goodbye to Yu Xiaogang and was going to have breakfast.

The finals of the Soul Master Competition that started yesterday morning, he has been kneeling in the Hall of Stars since he came back, and he hasn't eaten until now.

"Hey, have you figured out how to confess to Zhu Zhuqing?"

"Let's talk about it after the canonization ceremony."

So, after the canonization ceremony.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing sent Tang San's family away, and Ning Rongrong returned to the Heaven Dou Empire with her father.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun stayed in Star Martial Academy, but they won't stay in Star Martial Academy for long.

Dai Mubai finally had to face a fatal problem.

"Zhuqing, I have something to tell you." Dai Mubai said boldly, pretending to be relaxed.

Zhu Zhuqing silently sat on the chair, watching him quietly.

What Dai Mubai wanted to tell her, started from the final of the soul master contest, and has been delayed until now.

It wasn't until all the classmates left that he finally made up his mind to tell her.

She intuitively felt that it was not a good thing.

Dai Mubai's face was full of confusion, he really didn't want to say it!
He can at least keep it from Zhu Zhuqing for another five years!

Xue Qinghe's identity will be revealed at least five years later, and Qian Renxue will truly appear in front of the world.

He wants to live another five years!
"You, do you want to concubine?"

After the suffocating silence, Zhu Zhuqing took the initiative to speak.

Dai Mubai was startled: "Why do you think so?"

(End of this chapter)

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