Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 153 A Good Man Wants to Be a Soldier

Chapter 153 A Good Man Wants to Be a Soldier
Five years ago, when he graduated from Ruosangu, Dai Mubai made an agreement with his coach Carlos that after five years, he would go to the military camp to report to Carlos.

Today, Dai Mubai is standing in the barracks of the Sixth Legion of the Star Luo Empire.

This is the border between Yunzhong County and Bella Kingdom.

After a long absence, Dai Mubai and Carlos met again.

As a chief soldier.

"Are you going to be my bodyguard, or a warrior who charges into battle?" Carlos handed over the choice to Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "I came here, of course I want to start from the grass roots."

"Your appearance is too recognizable." Carlos said.

As soon as the nine-colored light turned, Dai Mubai's appearance underwent a huge change.

He changed from a handsome boy with blond hair and purple pupils to an ordinary young man with black hair and black pupils.

The double pupil also disappeared.

"Soul bone effect?" Carlos's stiff face did not fluctuate, but there was curiosity in his eyes.

Dai Mubai was noncommittal.

"Since you choose to be an ordinary soldier, then remember this." Carlos didn't talk nonsense with Dai Mubai, "There will be veterans to guide you in what to do. Go."

"Follow orders! Commander!" Dai Mubai walked out of the camp with his head up and chest out after performing the military salute.

Carlos frowned slightly, he raised his hand, and said to the guards beside him, "Go and process His Royal Highness's military enlistment certificate."

"As ordered!"

Dai Mubai is no longer the trained prince who can whip a whip if he wants, he has already defeated the First Prince Davis and became the orthodox heir of the Star Luo Empire.

Although Dai Mubai disguised his appearance very well, other than that, he still has many things to do.

For example, to get military uniforms, daily necessities, and to meet comrades in arms.

"Dai Mubai, is your father going to start a war?"

Erha floated beside Dai Mubai in a supine position, its two front paws were resting on the back of its head, and its two hind paws were slightly paddling the air like water.

"The Star Luo Empire does not need so many kingdoms and principalities, so this is inevitable." Dai Mubai did not deny it.

Now that it is known that those kingdoms and principalities will turn against the Spirit Hall, then, regardless of whether they will really turn against the water in the future, the Star Luo Empire will not let them continue to enjoy themselves.

Don't take advantage of Wuhundian's vitality and prestige to fall to the bottom in the past few years to unify the whole country, are you still waiting for Wuhundian to catch up and instigate rebellion against your own forces?
In the past few years, Dai Mubai has also overturned some wrong impressions of the original work in the past.

That is, the Star Luo Empire was not destroyed by the Hall of Spirits, but it has been in a stalemate with the Hall of Spirits, and the battle situation has always been in a stalemate.

Why is this happening?

The Star Luo Empire has a vast territory and has tens of millions of soldiers. Although there are not many in the kingdoms and principalities of the counties and counties, if they really want to fight with the Wuhun Palace, the Star Luo Empire is martial. In addition to the official soldiers, there are hundreds of millions of militiamen Available, it shouldn't be inseparable from people like Wuhundian.

The reason for this lies in the kingdoms and principalities within the empire.

Because they took refuge in the Hall of Spirits, the Star Luo Empire was always at a stalemate in the war with the Hall of Spirits!

I really don't know how Wuhundian brainwashed so many kings and grand dukes!
"You really want to start as a soldier?" Erha was a little puzzled, "Not counting your status, but with your current strength, it's no problem to be a general!"

The Star Luo Empire's military system is divided into two parts, the first part is the legion directly under the empire, and the second part is the guard legion of the subordinate country.

The military ranks of the regiments directly under it are divided into seventeen levels: marshal, general, general, lieutenant general, major general; colonel, colonel, lieutenant colonel, major;

Respectively correspond to: Supreme Marshal, Army Commander, Deputy Army Commander, Division Commander, Deputy Division Commander, Brigadier, Deputy Brigadier Commander, Regiment Commander, Deputy Regiment Commander, Battalion Commander, Deputy Battalion Commander, Company Commander, Deputy Company Commander, Platoon Commander, Deputy platoon leader, squad leader, soldier.

Military rank reform and military system reorganization are gradually changed within ten years, yes, the changes were carried out under Dai Mubai's suggestion.

What were the deputy generals, generals, generals, commanders, guards, superintendents, supervisors, and battalions before?The division was detailed, but Dai Mubai was dizzy all over, completely without any desire to understand.

As for the Guardian Legion... it's still that messy classification.

When the military system and military ranks of the Star Luo Empire are unified, this country will be truly unified.

"Being a small soldier is the most beneficial to me." Dai Mubai said, "The flames of war are about to start, and I have to go up step by step to gain the love of all soldiers. Airborne is not suitable for the current Prince Xingluo."

Erha turned his body sideways, it looked at Dai Mubai: "You came here because you are going to attack the Kingdom of Bella?"

"The Kingdom of Bella is the closest kingdom to the Spirit Hall among the Star Luo Five Kingdoms, it must be used!" Dai Mubai replied, "It must be an example for the other twenty-five boys!"

Erha winked: "Many people will die."

Dai Mubai was silent.

"Is war the only eternal topic?" Erha looked a little emotional, "When the dragon god was still on the mainland, he led the dragon clan to fight with other beasts. When he unified the mainland, he brought the beasts with him. To fight the gods of the human race. After the rise of human beings on the mainland, they not only fought against the spirit beasts, but also fought against other human beings. Human beings established two empires and the Wuhun Temple, and maintained the superficial peace for tens of thousands of years, and set off a war again... there no real peace?"

"If there are people, there will be desires. If there are desires, there will be contentions. If there are contentions, there will be wars." Dai Mubai's voice was low, "The world always goes round and round like this."

"Then what about you?" Erha looked at Dai Mubai seriously and seriously, and asked, "I know you want to unify the mainland, what will happen after you succeed?"

Dai Mubai shook his head.

"That's a long time to come."

He carried the washbasin in military uniform and came to an ordinary tent.

"This is where I lived in the barracks."

Dai Mubai had military training in high school in his previous life, but he had never been to a real military camp.

The solemn and solemn scenes he saw along the way made him very curious, and he also had great expectations for his future comrades-in-arms.

Although, his comrades-in-arms are only ten-level soul masters.

"A good man should be a soldier!" Dai Mubai foolishly made a muscle-bright posture.

Then he confidently opened the curtain of the tent.

Don't ask him why he doesn't knock, because there is no door!Whose cowhide tent has a door!

"Hello everyone?
"Human?" Dai Mubai looked at the empty tent with a dazed expression on his face.

Erha covered his face: "It's broad daylight, no more training? No more missions?"

Dai Mubai: "..."


(PS: I’m just lazy. I just want to update. No one can beat me! It’s less than 200 votes in two days! I’m so...let’s work harder tomorrow. Counseling. (﹏))

(End of this chapter)

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