Chapter 154

"Private...Private Mu Bai!" Carlos' adjutant called Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he was calling himself.

"Here!" Dai Mubai immediately turned around and stood at attention to salute.

The adjutant felt a little awkward, he handed a certificate to Dai Mubai, and said: "This is your soldier certificate, remember not to lose it."


"If you have any difficulties, you can go to your superior." The adjutant left after speaking.

Dai Mubai glanced at the soldier's ID card with his current profile photo printed on it, and sighed: "There are talents everywhere in Douluo! This must be made by a literary soul master."

There are many non-combat soul masters on Douluo Continent, but they are not soul masters who assist soul masters either.This kind of people usually only have less than tenth level spirit power, not even a spirit ring, but their abilities are all kinds of strange.

For example, Dai Mubai asked for a porcelain vase from Davis when he was a child, it was the proud work of the porcelain master Fang Yuan.Fangyuan's martial soul is mud, and his soul power level is only eighth until his death, but the porcelain he made is a masterpiece handed down that everyone in the Douluo Continent sought after.

True beauty has no limits, even if in the eyes of most soul masters, the most beautiful item in the world is a weapon, it does not prevent Master Fangyuan's porcelain works from being loved by them.

Some people's martial soul is a paintbrush, and some people's martial soul is even writing.

There are many literal soul masters in the Star Luo Empire with only a few levels of soul power.

They are professional civilians.

In the Star Martial Academy, there is a researcher whose Wuhun is the champion pen. His level is not high, only the king of souls, but his soul skills are very powerful, such as his third soul skill: Miaobi Blossoms.In short, it is the ability to write essays automatically, a magical skill that a scumbag can only dream of!
It is said that the soul king's research notes have been written with soul skills, and his thesis production rate is among the top ten in the All-Star Martial Academy.

The Wuhun of the researcher with the highest paper production rate is an encyclopedia, and all the research to him will be automatically recorded on the Wuhun and completed to a certain extent.

It is said that his father gave him a dozen beauties and asked him to pass on the martial spirit.

Anyway, he is only in his 40s, and he can have dozens of children, and there will always be one who can perfectly inherit his martial spirit.

It would be even better if there are blue out of blue and better than blue.

Those in charge of making soldier certificates are all soul masters with writing, ink and paper martial souls, so each soldier certificate has a soul power imprint on it, which is basically impossible to forge.

"Don't look at the fact that there are many soul masters on the mainland, there are hundreds of millions, but in fact, more so-called soul masters are just soul warriors without soul rings for the rest of their lives." Dai Xinghe said to Dai Mubai, "Ten years ago, our Star Luo Empire had a total of nine legions with 5000 million troops and 200 million soul masters, including 180 million soul masters below the thirtieth level and 120 million soul masters below the tenth level. Now the Star Luo Empire has fifteen This legion has more than [-] million soldiers and tens of millions of soul masters, but the low-level soul masters account for a larger proportion, and [-]% of them are soul masters below the thirtieth level."

When Dai Xinghe mentioned more than [-] million soldiers, he not only refers to the soldiers in the military system, but also the prosecutors in the police system.

The current Star Luo Empire is to some extent close to the China in Dai Mubai's memory, but Dai Mubai understands that the Star Luo Empire will always be the Star Luo Empire.

Equality for all has never been possible.

But Dai Mubai will work hard for this.

Even if only in name.

Dai Mubai walked into the tent, tidied up his bed briefly, and then began to practice.

His current soul power level is 54, which is the result after most of the soul power from cultivation is provided to Mu Bai.

Almost all 10-year-old soul rings and soul bones, coupled with the constant recovery of the flat peach tree, made his cultivation speed never slow down due to the increase in the level of soul power.

He may already be the Soul Emperor next year.

Records are things that are meant to be broken.

I hope Mu Bai wakes up sooner, so that his cultivation speed will be faster.

Erha was lying under the flat peach tree bored, and it asked: "How many times has your soul power gone back and forth?"

Dai Mubai was speechless.

In the past, he could still tell himself that the purpose of regressing the soul power was to compress the soul power and make the quality of the soul power higher, so that it would be easier to absorb high-quality soul rings in the future.But ever since Mu Bai played hydrogen bombs in the Star Dou Forest, he knew the truth.

The truth is, Mu Bai has been lying to him all along!
What compresses the soul power to improve the quality!
All those soul powers were pocketed by Mu Bai!

Not only that, Mu Bai will draw his soul power if there is an accident!Endless pumping!
It made him, like the protagonists of those Douluo colleagues, always suppressed in his soul power level!
He really didn't want to suppress the level!
Dai Mubai who knew the truth almost burst into tears.

"It's really an extremely advanced self-deception!" Erha smacked his lips.

Dai Mubai closed his ears and devoted himself to cultivation.You can't continue chatting with Erha, because he must be at a disadvantage.

It probably knew the relationship between Dai Mubai and Mu Bai.

Isn't it just one body with multiple souls?In short, it's fine points!

"In the past, Laozi had a brother who belonged to the Three-Headed Wolf Clan of Gale Wind. You can tell by the name. They are all schizophrenic, especially the brother Laozi, who quarreled with him every day! The operation can be done." Erha said with some emotion, "There are other multi-headed races, such as ghost cars, Yamata no Orochi, etc., all of which are rich in mentally ill patients. You, just sprinkle water."

"Have you heard of the ten-headed blazing sun snake?" Dai Mubai asked suddenly.

The ten-headed fierce sun snake was mentioned in an article he once planned to search for some information and was hooked up to read by a certain degree. In the end, Ma Hongjun became a seven-headed fire phoenix because of its inner alchemy breakthrough.

Erha didn't mention the multi-headed race, he didn't even think of this baby who can evolve a top-level martial soul like Fire Phoenix.Because he has read so many books related to martial spirits and soul beasts, but he has never seen any introduction about the ten-headed blazing sun snake.

"I've never heard of it." Erha frowned and thought about it, before finally shaking his head.

Lu Mingfei also said, "I haven't heard of it either."

Erha said: "The space in Douluo Continent is as fragile as paper skin. Anyone can travel back and forth. Is it strange that there are other traversers besides you, Tang San and me? That sword Aren't Your Majesty and the sky giant eagle also time travelers?"

Dai Mubai was suddenly speechless.

emmmmm, he couldn't help being curious just now, and listened to what Erha had said.

"However, this small place in Douluo Continent... is really favored by the gods!" Erha sighed, "I'm a little puzzled, you didn't even hide the fact that you are a time traveler, why did you hide things from me? Know?"

Dai Mubai showed an embarrassed yet polite smile.

Can he say that in his perception, Douluo Dalu is a world derived from novels?
Obviously not!

"Hey, let's talk about the next topic."

(PS: There are bikes tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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