Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 155 Unexpected surprise

Chapter 155 Unexpected surprise
Dai Mubai seemed to have returned to five years ago, training, practicing, eating, and sleeping every day.There is nothing else to do.

Soldier Mu Bai has undergone three months of training and is ready to perform missions.

As the only healer in the team of five, Dai Mubai is protected by layers of protection every time he goes on a mission, even though he said he has the ability to protect himself.

But the protection and healing department seems to be the nature of all soul masters.

"The eighth legion's allies have arrived today, right?" Dai Mubai's captain, a level [-] assault system ghost and vine soul master Qing Yao said while washing his face.

Yu Yan, a level [-] agility attack soul master, said: "It should be correct. A new big tent was installed next to the main tent in the center of the camp yesterday."

"A general will come, right?" Liang Ke, a level [-] assault system soul master, touched Dai Mubai's shoulder, and said happily, "Xiaobai, I heard that there are so many beauties in the Eighth Legion?"

The corner of Dai Mubai's mouth twitched: "Isn't there going to be a female general?"

"The general of the Eighth Legion must be a female general, right?" Yu Yan asked curiously, "I heard that female soul masters become more beautiful as they practice. A general-level soul master must at least be a soul emperor. How beautiful is that?"

When Yu Yan graduated from the Intermediate Soul Master Academy at the age of 15, his soul power was level [-]. He also knew that he would never be able to break through to the Great Soul Master in his life, so he came to join the army not long after leaving the academy.

For a low-level soul master like him who was born as a commoner, no one wanted to join the soul hunting group, and even if he joined, it would be nothing but cannon fodder.It's better to join the army. Although it is also used as cannon fodder, at least the empire is more secure than the soul hunting group.Moreover, there are ordinary people in the army, he is also a soul master, at least he can get along better than ordinary people.

The world of soul masters is much crueler than that of ordinary people.

Yu Yan is 20 years old this year, and his soul power level is fifteen. He knows that he will be like this in his life.

It's a pity that I don't have a girlfriend yet.

"The female soul emperor, she should be very beautiful?" Dai Mubai was noncommittal, "But she is not very beautiful, you can see our general, he is a soul saint, but I didn't see how handsome he is! "

"Xiaobai, you are so courageous, even the general dares to arrange it." Liang Ke laughed.

Dai Mubai shrugged: "Just telling the truth."

"By the way, Xiaobai, you were already at level nineteen when you came, right?" Captain Qing Miu asked, "I heard from the company commander that we will go to war with the Kingdom of Bella in a month or two. Can you break through in these two months?"

"Yes." Dai Mubai replied confidently.

On the battlefield, a healing type soul master is far more useful than an assault type soul master, this is why Dai Mubai chose to be a healing type instead of an assault type.

As for how to explain his martial spirit to Carlos, it is very simple, just push it to the spirit bone.

Anyway, it's no secret that he has soul bones, although he has a little more soul bones.

It doesn't matter even if Carlos covets the soul bone, the current him, let alone one Carlos, can beat a dozen Carlos!
"If you can break through, there will be an opportunity to collectively hunt for a soul ring at the end of next month. You should hurry up and hunt for a soul ring." Qing Yao said.

Dai Mubai nodded: "Understood, I will do it as soon as possible."

"After Xiaobai breaks through the Great Soul Master, let's accumulate military merits for him, so he can be promoted and become a platoon leader, right?" Liang Ke said enviously, "Xiaobai, don't forget your brothers! "

"No." Dai Mubai stroked the back of his head honestly.

"Why are you still in the tent?" Jia Shan, the seventeenth-level defensive soul master in the team, opened the curtain and poked his head in, "Hurry up! The beauties of the Eighth Legion are here!"

After finishing speaking, Jia Shan ran away, as if as long as he ran fast, no one could compete with him for the best observation spot.

"Here?" Yu Yan jumped up, stretched out his hand and pulled Dai Mubai up, "Let's go, Xiaobai, go see the beauties! Every day I stay in this barracks, I feel that if I don't look at the beauties again, I won't even look at the beauties." The sows will feel that their features are beautiful!"

Dai Mubai: "..."

Resigned to being dragged away.

"Wait for me!" Liang Ke chased after him, "Let's go together! What if some blind girl takes a fancy to me!"

Qing Yao shook his head, as the only family member in the team, he has more knowledge than Yu Yan and others.

"I don't know if my daughter-in-law is here?" Qing Yao walked out of the tent in confusion.

I heard that this time the Eighth Army sent three of the five brigades of the Second Division. His wife is a soldier of the Sixth Regiment of the First Brigade of the Second Division of the Eighth Army.

On the one hand, he hopes to meet his wife, but on the other hand, the war is about to start, and he doesn't want his wife to come to such a dangerous place.

Dai Mubai was dragged by Yu Yan to the gate of the barracks, where he saw groups of female soul masters riding unicorn horses.

Three brigades are 500 people.

Fortunately, the Sixth Army's camp had a large area. Otherwise, so many people would come, and there wouldn't even be a place to live.

"Wow, isn't that female general too good-looking? Isn't that figure too domineering?" Yu Yan looked at the leading female general, tears welled up in his eyes, feeling that this life was worthwhile.

Dai Mubai's complexion became more and more ugly.

Because the female general sent by the Eighth Army is his fiancée—Zhu Zhuqing!

Zhu Zhuqing is not yet 15 years old, even though he has broken through to be the Soul Emperor, he is not qualified for the rank of Major General, right?

But that face, that figure, is clearly Zhu Zhuqing!

And the rice ear star on her uniform clearly proves that she is a major general of the army!
This is so...unreasonable!
"It's not an exaggeration to say that such a beautiful woman is a goddess!" Liang Ke sighed, "I don't know what kind of man she will find in the future."

Jia Shan stared straight at the beauties in the Eighth Army, and said with a chuckle, "Anyway, it has nothing to do with us."

"The camp of the Eighth Army is next to us. Let's go see it after they have rested." Yu Yan winked and said, "There is a stream over there..."

Dai Mubai was speechless.

Why is there always a wretched idiot by his side!
Speaking of this, I don't know if Oscar has gone out to practice.

"Let's go back." Yu Yan dragged away Jia Shan who wished his eyes were glued to some plump female soldiers.

Dai Mubai glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, followed Yu Yan, Liang Ke and others back to his tent.

"Little Bai, why are you unhappy?" Liang Ke asked with his arms around Dai Mubai's neck.

Dai Mubai shook his head: "Whoever sees the beautiful girl but cannot get it will be disappointed."

"Tsk tsk," Liang Ke clicked his tongue, "You're not so young! I think that General Zhu is younger than me, so he must be a member of a big family. Ordinary people like us, don't even think about it!"

"But Xiaobai should still think about it for a while, right?" Yu Yan said, "Healing soul masters with less than two rings can be considered geniuses!"

"What kind of genius am I!" Dai Mubai smiled wryly, "Those auxiliary system soul masters in the champion team of today's soul master competition are the real geniuses."

"Not to mention the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the young master of Grand Duke Hiltu's family, I can't compare to Oscar who is also from a commoner background!"

"Don't underestimate yourself!" Yu Yan said, "Although Oscar is a commoner, he is the teammate of His Highness the Crown Prince. Can we compare?"

"Speaking of His Royal Highness..." Qing Mi walked back with a strange expression, "That General Zhu is His Royal Highness's fiancée, the future His Royal Highness Princess!"

"What?" Several people were shocked.

"Captain, how do you know?" Several people came to Qing Yao's side, their faces full of curiosity.

Even Dai Mubai wondered why Qingyao, a small team leader, could know about such an important event.

Qing Yao said: "My daughter-in-law, your sister-in-law is a soldier of the Eighth Army, she also followed this time. I just went to find her and heard from her."

Dai Mubai felt a little puzzled: "Captain, how did your wife know?"

"Everyone in the Eighth Army knows about it," Qing Mi said, "Her Royal Highness didn't hide it when she joined the army half a month ago. The entire Eighth Army saw it on the day she was awarded the honor."

"I just said why there is such a young major general!" Jia Shan suddenly realized.

"Hey, the Crown Princess has joined the army, do you think His Highness the Crown Prince has also joined the army?" Yu Yan boldly guessed.

Qing Yao shook his head: "I don't know, my wife has also guessed so, but it's a matter of high-level people, how can we low-level people's soldiers know whether His Highness the Crown Prince has joined the army?"

"That's true." Liang Ke walked to her bed and sat down, dragged out a box from under the bed, and said, "These have nothing to do with us. It's hard to take a day off. Do you want to go to Yunbei City for a stroll?" .”

"You guys go, I have to hurry up and break through." Dai Mubai rejected Liang Ke's proposal, and returned to his bed to continue cultivating.

Liang Ke wanted to persuade Dai Mubai, but was stopped by Qing Mi: "Xiaobai's breakthrough is the most important thing now."


In the end, Liang Ke, Yu Yan and Jia Shan went to Yunbei City, and Qing Mi went to find his own wife.

After everyone left, Dai Mubai sensed Zhu Zhuqing's position with the fifth soul ability Chongming Tong, saw that there was no one else in her tent at this time, sighed and looked for it.

Zhu Zhuqing's coming here really gave Dai Mubai a pleasant surprise.

It's just that the battle is about to start, Dai Mubai, like Qing Yao, doesn't want his wife to come to such a dangerous place.

When Dai Mubai arrived, he saw Zhu Zhuqing sitting upright waiting for him.

Zhu Zhuqing had seen his disguised appearance before, so Zhu Zhuqing was not surprised.

"It came very quickly!" Zhu Zhuqing smiled, but no matter how you looked at it, there was anger in his eyes.

Seeing her like this, Dai Mubai suddenly felt a headache.

He ran here two days after confessing to Zhu Zhuqing, and left without saying goodbye two days after the days of deep affection, no wonder Zhu Zhuqing was angry.

Especially, when he also fed Zhu Zhuqing a peach from the first soul skill of the flat peach tree.

At that time Zhu Zhuqing had just woken up from a dream, originally full of shyness and sweetness, but he searched the Chongguang Palace but couldn't find Dai Mubai, when he asked someone, Dai Mubai disappeared!
He actually gave his fiancée a peach that would have that kind of dream and then ran away!
(PS: I really want to drive, but unfortunately I don’t have a driver’s license, so I can only ride a bicycle.)
(End of this chapter)

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