Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 159 The Real Reason for Zhu Zhuqing's Arrival

Chapter 159 The Real Reason for Zhu Zhuqing's Arrival
Dai Mubai had just come down from the battlefield when he received his father's order.The blood stains all over his body fit his identity as a low-level support system soul master.

No matter how powerful the Star Luo Empire was, it was impossible for the Kingdom of Bella to be terrified and bow down just after sending troops.

Zhu Zhuqing was always by Carlos' side, looking at the bloody battlefield, with a pale face and no words.

However, she claims that she is not a flower in a greenhouse, and she has killed people and seen blood.But on this bloody battlefield, he was still frightened and his hands and feet were cold.

The soul master contest is too childish.

Zhu Zhuqing looked sideways, Carlos was expressionless, and even had a little excitement in his eyes, which made him feel that the soul master contest was too child's play.

Zhu Zhuqing sighed in his heart, from the perspective of a soldier, today's high-level soul masters are outside the military and government, more like outlaw lunatics.

Possesses great power and noble status, but is rebellious and unwilling to be lonely. Looking closely, what good is a soul master in the country?

Today, the world of soul masters is separated from that of ordinary people.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't know what Dai Xinghe and Dai Mubai's plans were, but she could roughly guess, as the emperor and heir of the empire, what kind of views they had towards soul masters.

nothing more than——

Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish!

Before that, the Star Luo Empire needed a truly unified country.

How to adjust the positioning of the soul master, this matter can only be pressed at the bottom of the box now.

Dai Mubai, who was known as a clean freak, couldn't help running to take a shower as soon as he got off the battlefield.

If it wasn't for the in-depth experience, would he suffer this crime?
"This is only the first day, and there will be more to suffer in the future!" Erha gloated.

Dai Mubai washed up, ate two mouthfuls of food, and rushed to No. [-] Wounded Barracks to continue working.

He was still assisting the company this morning, and had been in the wounded barracks since noon.

The battle between soul masters was fast-paced, and wounded soldiers were sent to them at every moment, and dozens of healing-type soul masters in the wounded soldier battalion were so busy that they kept their feet on the ground.

If it wasn't for Dai Mubai's young age and low level of spirit power, he didn't have a chance to rest before.

Even so, he has been busy for nine hours.

Even when his soul power was exhausted, he had to help transport the wounded.

rest?They all have to take turns.

"Xiaobai, why are you back?" Lu Sen, the battalion commander of No. [-] Wounded Battalion, asked while using soul skills to heal the wounded.

Dai Mubai replied: "Fortunately broke through the first level again, naturally I have to come back and continue to perform my duties."

"On the battlefield, it's easiest to break through. Your kid broke through on the first day, and you are really lucky." After stopping the wound of the wounded, Lu Sen tied a bandage on him and waved someone to take the wounded away. "Next!"

Dai Mubai said: "Let me come, you all rest for a while."

A blue light flashed under his feet, a yellow soul ring rose, and warm white light enveloped the wounded barracks.

Suddenly, the battalion of wounded soldiers who were crying everywhere fell silent.

Dai Mubai has two healing soul abilities, one is the healing soul ability of the Brilliant Heart Tree's soul bone, and the other is the fairy fusion soul ring soul ability.

The healing of the soul bone technique has the dual effects of physical healing and psychological healing, so Dai Mubai used the soul bone technique this time: Healing of the Heart.

After releasing the soul ability, Dai Mubai sat down on the ground.

Obviously overdrawn.

"You!" Lu Sen frowned, pointing at Dai Mubai who didn't know what to say.

"Xiaobai helped a lot, it's too late now, you can go back and rest." Another healing soul master in his 40s flexed his muscles and smiled at Dai Mubai.

Lu Sen nodded: "Go, have a good night's rest, tomorrow will only be busier."

Dai Mubai nodded, obediently complied.

Walk out of No. [-] and No. [-] wounded barracks and enter other wounded barracks.

With his current soul power, there is no way to heal all the wounded soldiers, but he thinks he can save half of them.

The rest can be handed over to other healing system soul masters.

If they can't even cure the remaining half, then what's the use of the empire raising them?

"Don't you think it's meaningless to do this?" Erha said, "You saved them, but they will still go to the battlefield, maybe they won't even have the chance to be carried into the wounded barracks next time."

"I know." Dai Mubai was silent.

But that's all he can do.

"Erha, go and protect Zhuqing." Dai Mubai released Erha, "I always feel that bad things will happen."

"Your daughter-in-law, you have to protect yourself!" Erha ruthlessly refused, "It's not labor's daughter-in-law."

Dai Mubai was helpless: "I don't have time right now, and it's not suitable for me to show up."

Dai Mubai picked a five-color flat peach from the flat peach tree and threw it to Erha, he said very seriously: "Protect her well."

Erha subconsciously grabbed Pantao, rolled his eyes at Dai Mubai.

For Pan Tao's sake, I forgive him.

Erha left, Dai Mubai sighed melancholy.

Zhu Zhuqing was able to come to the front line, it was definitely not that simple.

First of all, even if she is Dai Mubai's fiancée, Ou De, as Dai Mubai's personal attendant, has followed Dai Mubai since childhood, without Dai Mubai's permission, he couldn't easily reveal Dai Mubai's whereabouts to Zhu Zhuqing.

Secondly, Dai Xinghe was actually not a very talkative person, it was impossible for Zhu Zhuqing to beg him, so he arranged for Zhu Zhuqing to come to the front with a logical identity.

There must be rational reasons behind unreasonable events.

Thinking of Dai Xinghe once suggested to Dai Mubai to change his fiancée, Dai Mubai couldn't help feeling extremely worried.

Dai Xinghe sent Zhu Zhuqing to the front line as a target!

The Kingdom of Bella is about to be destroyed, and it is inevitable that they will drag a few members of the Xingluo Royal Family to be buried with them.

Right now there happened to be a royal daughter-in-law-to-be swaggering around, could they stare at Zhu Zhuqing?What's more, Zhu Zhuqing is still the one to do it?
For Dai Xinghe's thinking, Dai Mubai also has some understanding.

There are many reasons, but the most important are nothing more than two points.

First, Dai Xinghe doesn't want Dai Mubai to care too much about Zhu Zhuqing.Young couples, growing up together, always have too much entanglement.This is not conducive to the expansion of the royal family.

Don't look at Dai Xinghe now has dozens of concubines in the harem, and nearly twenty children.But a few years before he married Empress Zhu, he didn't accept a single concubine.Didn't he take Empress Zhu's feelings into consideration?
Until Dai Mubai was born, Dai Xinghe only had three concubines in his harem.

Dai Xinghe knew very well that his son had always doted on Zhu Zhuqing, and with Zhu Zhuqing's character, Dai Xinghe couldn't help but wonder if there weren't even three in Dai Mubai's harem?
After experimenting, Dai Xinghe couldn't give birth to a child whose martial soul mutated in a good direction, so he had to consider the issue of Dai Mubai's offspring.

Zhu Zhuqing might be an obstacle?Then get rid of it.

Since she likes to cling to Dai Mubai, she sent her to see Dai Mubai.

With so many dangers on the battlefield, it's no surprise that something happens, isn't it?
The second reason is that Dai Xinghe doesn't want the queen of the Star Luo Empire to still be the princess of the Alpha Kingdom.

Empress Zhu of the Star Luo Empire should be the last in his generation.

(End of this chapter)

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