Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 160 Rebuke and Escape

Chapter 160 Rebuke and Escape
It is too far away for Dai Mubai to be happy with kindness and enmity, to be happy and angry.

Sometimes Dai Mubai would suspect that what he traveled through was not the fantasy novel world of Douluo Continent, but a historical novel world dressed in fantasy.But if it is a historical novel, this position is really not enough.

Dai Mubai let out a mouthful of turbid air, and walked towards the next wounded barracks.

It is useless to think too much.

There are three main cities in the Kingdom of Bella, and the closest to Yunzhong County is Raja City. At this time, the combined forces of the Sixth Army and the Eighth Army are under the city of Raja.

The strongest person in Raja City is just a level 74 soul saint, much worse than the already level 79 Carlos.

In the entire Bella Kingdom, there are only two Contras.

Naturally, the Kingdom of Bella couldn't resist the imperial army, but even if it knew it would be defeated, how could it be captured without a fight?

There are no strategists in Douluo Continent.

On the third day of the war, the city of Raja was broken, leaving a group of military officials to appease the civilians and deal with the affairs of the city.

The legion took a break and continued northward the next day.

On the seventh day, the army marched to Barbara City, the second main city of the Kingdom of Bella.

On the same day, Dai Mubai was carried back to Xingluo Palace by Heikong Douluo.

Dai Mubai tidied up a bit, and he became a handsome and handsome prince again.

"I will see my father." The first thing Dai Mubai did when he returned to the palace was naturally to go to the Star Palace to meet the emperor's father.

Dai Xinghe looked Dai Mubai up and down a few times, and said with a smile: "If you go to the battlefield, you won't get any murderous intent, but your compassion will increase."

Dai Mubai grinned and said: "After all, my son is going to be a medical soldier."

Dai Xinghe frowned slightly, looked at his son who was still a little confused, and said: "You are not as stable as you were when you were young."

Dai Mubai was dumbfounded.

He knows how hard he worked as a kid.

It can be said that in his two previous lives, the hardest effort was before he was 12 years old in this life.

"Since Star Martial Academy got on the right track and you got the cultivation method, you have become more and more slack." Dai Xinghe's expression became more and more dissatisfied, he even looked at Dai Mubai with some disappointment, and said, "Since you were young, I will give you what you want. Even if I know that many of your requests are unreasonable, I will agree to them, but what have you done now?"

"My son knows his mistake." Dai Mubai also knew that he had been too indulgent in recent years, so he knelt in front of his old father to admit his mistake with shame on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" Dai Xinghe looked at the top of his son's head, in this bright palace of stars, he felt gloomy in his heart.

"My son is lazy in cultivation, lazy in learning, indulging in pleasure, indulging son..."

Dai Mubai bowed his head and kowtowed, he also felt incredible.

What has he been doing all these years?
"You still know!"

Dai Xinghe was so angry that he threw the memorial at Dai Mubai's head.

Dai Mubai knelt on the ground without saying a word.

"Since you were born, I have asked for something, but I will not allow it?"

Dai Xinghe has been extremely disappointed with Dai Mubai's performance these past few years.

He even let Davis sit next to him at the opening of the soul master contest!
He gave Davis such honor and favor, thinking that Dai Mubai would be vigilant, but what did Dai Mubai do?
He didn't even take it to heart!
"Have you been away for too long, and you have forgotten your identity?" Behind Dai Xinghe, the white tiger was looming, and he said angrily, "Tell me, who are you?"

Dai Mubai raised his head, it was the first time he saw his father so angry.

"I am the fifth prince of the Star Luo Empire, the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai."

"So you still remember who you are." Dai Xinghe sneered, the anger on his face faded, and he was full of disappointment and helplessness, "I have indulged you too much."

"Tell me, what is the temperament that a prince needs most?"

Dai Mubai opened his mouth.

He finally knew why Dai Xinghe was angry.

Dai Mubai's voice was difficult: "Solemn."

The prince represents the face of the country, he can be dull, he can be weak, but he has to be dignified.

Dai Xinghe closed his eyes, endured it, and couldn't bear it anymore, he picked up the teacup on the table and threw it in front of Dai Mubai.

"Since you know it all, why don't you do it?"

Dai Mubai remained silent.

He floated away.I can't find north anymore.

"After receiving the Heaven Dou Mission, you don't need to go to the Sixth Army anymore."

Dai Xinghe was furious, and scolded: "Go back to me, think about what you should do!"

Dai Mubai was in a complicated mood, and wanted to ask about Zhu Zhuqing's affairs, but when the words came to his lips, he could only say: "I obey the order."

Dai Mubai was grounded again.

Originally, Bai Jintong didn't know that his son was leaving the palace, and thought that Dai Mubai was really practicing in seclusion.

Knowing that Dai Mubai was reprimanded by the emperor as soon as he appeared, he hurriedly begged to see the emperor.

It's a pity that Dai Xinghe was still furious at this time, even his beloved concubine avoided seeing him.

Bai Jintong had no choice but to go to Chongguang Hall, wanting to ask Dai Mubai what he did, how he angered the emperor just by leaving the gate.

Unexpectedly, she was shut down again, and the emperor did not allow anyone to visit the prince.

Bai Jintong was so anxious that he was in chaos for a while.

Fortunately Dai Mubai ordered Oude to pass the news to her, otherwise she might not be so restless at this time.

Dai Mubai was banned from the Chongguang Palace, and the medical soldier Mu Bai mysteriously disappeared, which caused some disturbances in the wounded barracks, but in the current battle, few people would care about the life and death of a low-level medical soldier.

Knowing that Dai Mubai was missing, Zhu Zhuqing must have returned to the palace, but she only found out that Dai Mubai was actually grounded after defeating the Bella Kingdom.

She knew that Black Sky Douluo was close to Dai Mubai, so it was not surprising to bring him back to the palace, but she was puzzled, for no reason, why did Dai Mubai offend His Majesty the Emperor as soon as he returned to the palace?

However, staying on the way back from the army, she suffered the greatest crisis in her life.

On the 11th day of defeating the Kingdom of Bella, Zhu Zhuqing followed Carlos to comfort the wounded. That night, she had just parted from Carlos and was tens of meters away from her tent when her heart skipped a beat and she stopped.

In the next moment, everyone and everything in the tent appeared in her eyes.

Four or five vicious people were hidden in her supposedly empty tent!
She subconsciously took a step back.

Erha had to appear in her mind, explaining: "Laozi is with Dai Mubai, you should have seen Laozi in the soul master competition, right?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly.

"Dai Mubai begged labor and management to protect you. Before he left, he told labor and management that once you encounter this situation, you should leave the barracks immediately." Erha continued, "If you are not stupid, you should be able to guess that someone wants to your life."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't hesitate, she immediately possessed her spirit, cast the third spirit skill Nether Shadow, and escaped from the barracks by night.

Carlos silently watched Zhu Zhuqing leave in the big tent, and then began to deal with military affairs.

At this time, the camp of the Sixth Legion was still in the former Beira Kingdom, not far from Beira City. Zhu Zhuqing followed Erha's suggestion and fled in the direction of the Star Dou Forest.

He didn't dare to stop eating and drinking, so he could only take out dry food from the storage soul guide to satisfy his hunger and thirst.

After running away day and night for three or four days, it was not until they entered the Star Dou Forest that Zhu Zhuqing calmed down and asked Erha: "Is it the rebellion of the Bella Kingdom who wants to kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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