Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 163 The Prince's Secret Talk

Chapter 163 The Prince's Secret Talk
The king of the Alpha Kingdom himself wrote a letter requesting to seize the title and expel the country. This is a very sensible approach.It's much smarter than begging for mercy in a hurry when the time comes when the soldiers will press down on the border.

It seemed that Dai Mubai's uncle Hongkang also understood that once Zhu Zhuqing went to the front line, there would be no chance of returning.

Under such circumstances, with the sense of crisis that the Kingdom of Bella was collapsing day by day, Zhu Hongkang would beg for mercy even if he was reluctant to part with the throne.

Anyway, the Alpha Kingdom and the Star Luo Empire are in-laws for generations, so what if they surrender without a fight?In the end, it's not a sentence who knows current affairs is a hero!

What can Dai Mubai think about this?
The Alpha Kingdom is so sensible, it just so happens that the Star Luo Empire needs a "model", so naturally they readily accepted it.

"My minister thinks, it's better to wait for the commander of the army to return to court before announcing this matter." Dai Mubai bowed politely and said.

Dai Xinghe glanced at Dai Mubai, nodded and said: "I understand, you can go."


Dai Mubai left silently.

After he walked out of the hall, he looked back.

He and his father finally had a rift.

The emperor and the prince are almost class enemies.

Before Dai Xinghe pampered him and pampered him again, it could only be used to remember him in the future.

That night, Xue Qinghe was dressed neatly and sat in the living room drinking tea leisurely.

"When will you get rid of your elusive problem?"

Xue Qinghe looked up, Dai Mubai was already sitting on the other side of the square table.

"Stealing jade and stealing incense, isn't it a beautiful thing?" Dai Mubai asked back.

The corners of Xue Qinghe's mouth twitched: "It's rare that you still have such a good mood? Are you afraid that I am Xue Qinghe?"

Dai Mubai added sugar and milk to the teapot, stirred it evenly with a silver spoon, poured himself a cup, took two sips, and then blinked at Xue Qinghe: "Whether you are or not, I can tell at a glance."

Xue Qinghe scrutinized Dai Mubai's double purple pupils carefully, unexpectedly saw himself as a daughter in his eyes, couldn't help but sigh.

"Your eyes..."

Before that, he also carefully looked into Dai Mubai's eyes, but he didn't realize that the reflection of himself in Dai Mubai's eyes was a woman's attire... Maybe, she was a daughter at that time?

"Why don't you change back to your real body?" Dai Mubai saw that Xue Qinghe's teacup had bottomed out, and filled him with milk tea, saying, "The most basic thing between people is sincerity."

Xue Qinghe rolled his eyes and said: "The fate of your little fiancée is uncertain, but you still have the time to tease me?"

Dai Mubai's expression froze slightly: "She will be fine. But..."

Dai Mubai looked at Xue Qinghe's chest a few times, and said with a smile: "She is not young."

"You are really shameless!" Xue Qinghe said angrily.

Dai Mubai retorted: "Better than you hypocrite."

Xue Qinghe snorted coldly, took a sip of the sweet and greasy milk tea, and frowned: "Why do you like this kind of thing?"

"Life is too bitter, you have to find some sweetness yourself."

Dai Mubai didn't think this milk tea was sweet, on the contrary, he thought it was almost tasteless.

At least put some pudding, pearls and the like.

Xue Qinghe seemed to feel something, holding the teacup with a deep expression on his face.

"Why do you come to Star Luo Empire when you have time?" Dai Mubai asked wearily, propping his head.

In the past two days in the confinement palace, he took a detailed look at the current situation of the various countries in the empire, and he has not yet fully figured out the clues, and he is quite dizzy.

"It's been more than half a year, and your problem hasn't healed yet?" Xue Qinghe frowned.

Dai Mubai was stunned.

He looked at Xue Qinghe with a strange expression.

When did Xue Qinghe care about him so much?The last time he took the risk to meet him, he almost cut off his descendants, Dai Mubai still has lingering fears in his heart.

But considering it was a near miss, Dai Mubai somewhat understood Xue Qinghe's psychology.

This is a bit of a Stockholm Syndrome trend...

Seeing Dai Mubai like this, Xue Qinghe's face was covered with frost.

Sure enough, he shouldn't care about this bastard!

"Xue'er, in private, why don't you put on a manly face?" Dai Mubai teased, "Xue Qinghe's appearance is not bad, but it's not as pleasing as your real appearance."

The corner of Xue Qinghe's mouth twitched, and he said with a half-smile: "You are so beautiful!"

Dai Mubai didn't force it, and chatted a few more words before asking: "Come back to business, you came to the Star Luo Empire, didn't you think about the Star Martial Academy?"

"Otherwise?" Xue Qinghe asked back, "Your Star Luo Empire has acted quickly. If you eat meat, it won't make your allies unable to drink soup, right?"

"That's what you said..." Dai Mubai narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile, "Sooner or later, the Heaven Dou Empire will be a dish, don't you and I know it well?"

"What's more, after the battle of the Spirit Hall, the Heaven Dou Empire is so busy with matters such as the awakening of the children's spirits, the hunting forest, etc., still have time and energy to get involved in the affairs of the Star Martial Academy?" Dai Mubai added.

"Do you care if I have the time and energy?" Xue Qinghe said displeased, "The Star Luo Empire is well prepared, if I hadn't been involved in the Soul Master Competition, the Heaven Dou Empire would have become the Star Luo Empire by now A dish between Wuhundian!"

Dai Mubai shook his head: "That's not the case, the Star Luo Empire has only started to clean up the domestic forces now, and within three to five years, it will not take care of the Heaven Dou Empire."

"You also casually told me this kind of secret?" Xue Qinghe looked at Dai Mubai suspiciously.

"It's not really a secret," Dai Mubai said with a smile, "If you really believe everything, I'll probably laugh out loud."

"You're already laughing out loud." Xue Qinghe said unhappily.

"I came this time to propose to your family." Xue Qinghe said.

Dai Mubai froze, slowly sat up straight, and asked seriously: "Why didn't there be any rumors before?"

Xue Qinghe leaned lazily on the chair, and said nonchalantly: "I have also reached the age of starting a family. Instead of marrying a domestic noble girl, it is better to marry the Star Luo Empire."

"What's more, the conspiracy of Wuhundian is now well known among the high-level officials of the two countries. If we don't find a strong alliance at this time, will we still want to catch him without a fight?"

Dai Mubai knocked on the table, and asked: "Has Xue Ye ever doubted your real identity?"

"Of course he suspected it, but at this moment, I realized that the benevolence at the beginning really helped me a lot." Xue Qinghe said with emotion, "Xue Ye has been spying on me for three full months, if he hadn't been eager to find an ally , I am still under strict surveillance in the imperial city."

"I think you are also being watched now." Dai Mubai looked around, there were at least two or three soul saints staring at Xue Qinghe.

Tiandou is really weak, in a majestic empire, the person sent to monitor the prince is actually only the soul saint!

Qian Renxue has two Title Douluo bodyguards!These soul saints are not enough to be slapped in the face!

"You can hide the title Douluo, how many soul saints are you afraid of?" Xue Qinghe said nonchalantly, "Why do the monitors need such a high cultivation level? I really think the Title Douluo is a Chinese cabbage!"

 Tomb-sweeping Day today, the whole country mourns the martyrs and deceased people of all ethnic groups who died in the fight against the new crown epidemic.

  I hope everyone cherishes the present and lives hard.

  May everyone be protected by angels.

(End of this chapter)

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