Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 164 As long as the villain looks good

Chapter 164 As long as the villain looks good

"Title Douluo, now it seems that there are no fewer than Chinese cabbage." Dai Mubai turned his eyes, lowered his eyes and chuckled, "How many Title Douluo are there on the Douluo Continent, who can say for sure?"

"Speaking of which, you really don't care about your little fiancee?" Xue Qinghe asked curiously.

He took a few sips of the milk tea, and the more he drank it, the better it tasted.

It is also strange!

Is it true that life is too bitter and you need to find some sweetness by yourself?
"I sent her to a very safe place." Dai Mubai stood up, took out a large multicolored flat peach from the storage bracelet, handed it to Xue Qinghe, and said with a smile, "Although I still don't like your male attire , but since the eldest wife has peaches to eat, you can't treat the younger wife badly."

Xue Qinghe has long been used to the teasing in Dai Mubai's words, he took the flat peach from Dai Mubai's hand, and said: "Since you don't want to say it, I don't bother to ask any more. It's best that your little fiancée doesn't come back, maybe , as soon as I am happy, I will come out with you."

Dai Mubai's face stiffened.

Coming out was a taboo for him.

However, who told him to just tease such a woman disguised as a man?

"Heh," Dai Mubai shook his head and laughed, "It doesn't matter if I come out, anyway, I still have my elder brother and third brother, and my younger brothers are even more numerous. If you come out, don't you want to give the throne to that idiot Xue Beng for nothing? ?”

"Don't look down on Xue Beng." Xue Qinghe washed the flat peach with his soul power, and he gnawed it down without hesitation, causing the peach juice to splatter, "It's thanks to this dude that he can hang on for so long. "

Xue Qinghe wiped the peach juice on his lips with his thumb, he stuck out his tongue to lick it, and winked at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai took a deep breath.

"If you dare to use women's clothing to do this, I will respect you as a man!" Dai Mubai said provocatively.

Xue Qinghe tilted his head, rolled his eyes slyly, and unexpectedly he really let go of his disguise.

Qian Renxue sucked the peach juice, hooked her index finger to Dai Mubai.


Dai Mubai closed his eyes, put the back of his hand on his forehead, struggling a bit.

Usually Dai Mubai would always tease Qian Renxue, but now being teased back, it was quite difficult for him to adapt.

"Have a heart but not a guts." Qian Renxue sneered.

Dai Mubai didn't argue with her.

As a result, Qian Renxue continued, "You can't do it, can you?"

Dai Mubai's face froze, he raised his hand and brushed the broken hair on his forehead, showing a dignified smile, and walked slowly in front of Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue is about 1.8 meters tall, but he is two meters away. As soon as Qian Renxue reached his chin, he bent down, lowered his head and lifted Qian Renxue's chin, and put his other arm around Qian Renxue's small waist , with a charming tone: "Try it and you will know."

Qian Renxue was a little dumbfounded.

It's not that she hasn't had intimate contact with Dai Mubai before, but it's the first time she's seen Dai Mubai flirting in such a posture.

But she is not Zhu Zhuqing's kind of little girl who has never seen the world, and she gets over it after a moment of distraction.

She slapped Dai Mubai's paw picking her chin away with a slap, she didn't mind Dai Mubai hugging her like this, but just gnawed a mouthful of flat peach viciously, the sweet peach juice splashed Dai Mubai's face.

Dai Mubai didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You really are getting wilder."

He took advantage of the opportunity to hug Qian Renxue by the waist, walked two steps and sat on the chair, pressed Qian Renxue on his lap, and said with a smile, "Who are you so naive from?"

"Who could it be?" Qian Renxue snorted coldly, "Isn't it some shameless person?"

"Well, shameless..."

Dai Mubai gnawed a mouthful of peach in Qian Renxue's hand, also splashing peach juice all over Qian Renxue's face.He swallowed the peach meat two or three times, held Qian Renxue's face and licked off the peach juice on her face.

"Hey..." Qian Renxue put the flat peach on the table, reached out and pushed Dai Mubai's shoulder, "Don't go too far!"

"Is there?" Dai Mubai didn't know whether he licked Qian Renxue's face clean or dirty, he didn't think too much, so he kissed her down, sucking Qian Renxue's white and tender neck, a little rational Chaos, "I've talked too much, but I want to be practical."

"Heh, man!" Qian Renxue kicked over, Dai Mubai gasped, the veins on his forehead bulged, "What if the kick ruins your future happiness?"

Qian Renxue snorted coldly, Shi Shiran got up, walked around the table and sat on the other side, and said with disgust: "Your little fiancée is still fighting to death at the front line, but you are going to cheat?"

Dai Mubai laughed: "It's as if you knew I was a scumbag for the first time."

Qian Renxue felt irritated for no reason, she pursed her lips and frowned.

For a scumbag like Dai Mubai, she should have killed him long ago, but she pampered him again and again!

Shameless, dead scumbag, what's so good about it?
Qian Renxue sullenly sulked.

Dai Mubai stuffed the flat peach to her again: "Eat it quickly, I still expect you to become a twelve-winged archangel."

Qian Renxue didn't answer, and asked defensively and doubtfully: "My martial spirit is a seraph, this is a god-given martial spirit, is your peach still useful?"

"Should there be?" Dai Mubai was also not sure.

The effect of Pantao is getting stronger and stronger, but it is still not as pure as the divine power on Douluo Dalu.

Mu Bai fell asleep, and Dai Mubai didn't know how much the flat peach tree had recovered.

"Just eat it, can I still harm you?"

"Then maybe, I'm from the Spirit Hall." Qian Renxue grabbed the flat peach and continued to chew on it.

"What you said is also reasonable," Dai Mubai smiled, "However, before I get you, I will definitely not do anything to you."

"After all, I'm greedy for your body!"

Qian Renxue suddenly became angry: "Is this my only advantage?"

Dai Mubai pretended to be puzzled: "Otherwise?"

Qian Renxue was so angry that she threw the tea cup at Dai Mubai.

If she hadn't considered that there was too much noise, she would have used her martial spirit to fight Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai stretched out his hand to catch the teacup, using his soul power delicately, even the spilled milk tea was put into the cup.

He nonchalantly drank the sweet and greasy milk tea, and asked, "Is your martial soul really a gift from a god? It is said that the innate soul power has twenty ranks?"

"Where did you hear that?" Qian Renxue looked at Dai Mubai warily.

Dai Mubai smiled: "Guess, after all, in the entire Douluo Continent, only your grandfather is a level 99 Limit Douluo."

"Limit Douluo? Is that what you call a level 99 Title Douluo?" Qian Renxue asked while gnawing on a peach, tilting her head.

She is quite childlike at this time.

"Level 99 is the limit of a soul master, and if you go up, you will become a god at level [-]. You have a long history in your family, so you don't know about this?" Dai Mubai said.

"Becoming a god at the hundredth level, I know that..." Qian Renxue paused, "Actually, the innate soul power of the seraphim is only tenth level. Grandpa said that I was favored by the god of angels, so I only have twenty. super innate soul power."

 These chapters are all about romance...after all, spring is here.I don't care about coding, I just want to fall in love... The peach blossoms only bloom in the north, and I can only stay at home pitifully because of allergies to pollen.

(End of this chapter)

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