Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 165 3 Views Follow 5 Officials

Chapter 165 The Three Views Follow the Five Senses

Dai Mubai showed a strange look on his face: "You told me all these secrets?"

"Otherwise?" Qian Renxue said nonchalantly, "There are only two outcomes between me and you, either I follow you, or I kill you. Does it make any difference?"

"That's right." Dai Mubai didn't care that Qian Renxue always talked about killing him.

Qian Renxue really wanted to kill him, she had done it long ago, even if she did now, she had nothing to do with Dai Mubai.

The current Dai Mubai dare to say that he is not afraid of anyone except Title Douluo!
"Does your family have a way to become a god?" Dai Mubai asked.

He knew that Qian Renxue would become a god in the end, but he didn't know how Qian Renxue became a god.

For thousands of years, Qian Renxue was the first person to become a god.

The second is her mother.

The third one is Tang San.

Hearing Dai Mubai's question, Qian Renxue thought for a while: "I don't know, my grandpa should know... why are you asking this?"

"Curious," Dai Mubai said casually, "You are the first innate twenty-level soul master in history, what if you become a god?"

"If I can become a god, I will destroy the Star Luo Empire immediately and take you back as a male favourite!"

"Then I'm honored."

Qian Renxue snorted coldly, ate the flat peaches in a few mouthfuls, planned to wipe the peach juice on her fingers with a handkerchief, turned her head to look at Dai Mubai, raised her brows, and stuck out her tongue to lick it angrily.

Dai Mubai had a headache.

On the one hand, he didn't want to miss this capital H scene, on the other hand, if he continued watching like this, he would blow himself up!

"Have you ever heard a saying?" After taking two sips of milk tea, feeling his mouth was getting dry, he took out two white jade ginseng from the storage bracelet and gnawed on it, "Sex starts from the heart, and evil grows from the gallbladder!"

Before taking two bites, Dai Mubai's nosebleed came down.

His blood was already welling up, but he still gnawed on the white jade ginseng that nourishes his blood, causing his nose to bleed for a while.

It was rare for Qian Renxue to see Dai Mubai so embarrassed, she froze for a moment, then patted the table and laughed wildly.

"Young man, very angry"

Dai Mubai hurriedly took water from the storage bracelet and wiped his nosebleed with a handkerchief, but ended up taking the wine by mistake.

After a few sips, the nosebleed stopped, and the evil thoughts in my heart also came out.

The so-called wine is strong and cowardly, that's it.

"You asked for it!" Dai Mubai growled lowly, the black light under his feet flickered, flickered to Qian Renxue's side, stretched out his long arms to pull Qian Renxue into his arms, and flickered away again.

When Dai Mubai and Qian Renxue reappeared, they were already in the hot spring in Chongguang Palace.

Qian Renxue and Dai Mubai fell into the hot spring, the soul clothes on the two of them were impenetrable by water and fire, so they didn't have to worry about getting wet and seductive, but clothes are such a thing, don't you put them on just to take them off?

"Are you serious?" Qian Renxue tried to calm down, but at this moment her heart was already panicking.

There is a cold water pool next to the hot spring, Dai Mubai is not considered irrational yet, he held Qian Renxue and flickered again, startling the water splash of the cold water pool Lao Gao.

Dai Mubai showed his head out of the water, he wiped his face, and said: "I'm a scumbag, not a scumbag."

If Qian Renxue was unwilling, how could he really strengthen her?So what's the difference between him and Chihiro Ji?
Both prostitution and rape are crimes, but isn't it obvious which crime is more serious?
Well, if you are in love with each other and you don’t give money, it’s not considered prostitution.

That's called prostitution.

Qian Renxue soaked in cold water, looked at the abnormal flush on Dai Mubai's face, wanted to say that she was leaving, but was a little curious about that kind of thing.

When she was pretending to be Xue Qinghe, she also went to the Fengyue place. At that time, she avoided it directly and let Zhen Xueqinghe go by herself, so...she really didn't know what it was.

"You really want to do it?" Qian Renxue blinked, her beautiful face was dripping with water, showing a bit of innocence.

"This is called physiological impulse..." Dai Mubai tugged at his collar, and said irritably, "Isn't it normal for a man and a woman to do it for the sake of reproduction? Reproduction is an innate instinct of life, otherwise why do people want to Men and women are divided into male and female, and beasts are divided into male and female?"

"Will have a baby?" Qian Renxue exclaimed, her silly look was quite cute.

Dai Mubai simply took off his shirt, his heart was hot, especially when there was a peerless beauty in front of him.

But he is worthy of being a wolf who has been trained by the devil since he was a child, and he can still hold back at this time, and he can even answer Qian Renxue: "Of course, otherwise, where did you come from?"

Qian Renxue subconsciously stepped back.

"It's not certain that it will happen..." Dai Mubai soaked for a while, and finally found something that could refresh his mind from the storage bracelet.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Qian Renxue a serious physical hygiene class.

"Hey, Dai Mubai!" After class, Dai Mubai leaned a little tiredly against the edge of the pool, Qian Renxue was floating in the pool, separated by three or four meters from Dai Mubai, she asked with a blushing face, "Do you like me more, or your little maiden more?"

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows.

He instinctively said, "You."

Whoever he likes the most, it's Qian Renxue now!

Qian Renxue smiled, she clenched her fist against her lips, and moved a little closer to Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai felt absurd in his heart.

Didn't Qian Renxue figure it out?
There are still five or six hours before dawn, and they still have time to do something, but... Qian Renxue is not so good at strategy, is she?
"Tell me, what should a normal relationship look like?" Qian Renxue sighed.

She is also a girl, and she also fantasized about meeting her Prince Charming in the future, and then living happily together.

Dai Mubai has never been in love.

Two women who have a similar relationship with him, one has been his fiancée since childhood, and the other... It's hard to describe.

It's not a normal relationship anyway.

"Normal love?" Dai Mubai thought for a while, "Probably means acquaintance, acquaintance, and love."

"What about it?"

Qian Renxue paddled and leaned against the wall on the other side.

"Specifically..." Dai Mubai knocked on his forehead, and said, "It should be that the two people have gradually determined that each other is the one who will spend the rest of their lives together during their long-term relationship."

"People change their minds, how do you know that you will always want to be with each other?" Qian Renxue asked.

Dai Mubai opened his arms, leaned against the edge of the pool, he said with a smile: "1 years is too long, seize the day and night. Time is a slow poison, no matter what will slowly deteriorate in the passage of time."

"Why isn't it that the longer they are together, the more inseparable they become?" Qian Renxue was puzzled.

"The youth never fades away, the original intention does not change, and the sincerity does not change. These are the three most difficult things in the world."

Dai Mubai turned over, pillowed on his arm, he looked at Qian Renxue without the slightest expression on his face: "People can change."

"Because Bibi Dong is good-looking, I can promise Yu Xiaogang that if Spirit Hall really loses, I will keep her alive."

Bibi Dong is the biggest villain in Douluo Yi, and has a deep blood feud with Tang San Xiaowu. As one of the Shrek Seven Monsters, Dai Mubai should share the same hatred.

But in fact, Dai Mubai didn't have much strong hatred for Bibi Dong.

As long as the villain looks good, the three views follow the five senses!
(PS: Read the author's words)
 Regarding the titled Douluo's lifespan, I would like to mention it again. In Chapter 556 of the original book, Tang Xiao said that there are more than 99 years at level 200. In Chapter 618 of the original book, Bo Saixi said that the title Douluo has 300 years, and it exceeds 99 years at level 1000. years, but everyone is more familiar with the 300-year lifespan of the titled Douluo after Douluo II.There are many ways to say it, and I can only choose one, so here I am using Bo Saixi's way of saying it.

  In other words, Dai Mubai didn't do anything about it, I feel like it's annoying.This chapter has been changed for a long time, but I am still scared.

(End of this chapter)

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