Chapter 176
Dai Mubai slaughtered more than half of the workers, and immediately there was a shortage of manpower.

But fortunately, the person who knew architecture before had no impulsiveness, he was still alive, so Dai Mubai could still order people to work calmly.

Dai Mubai called that person in front of him, gave him a soul guide pistol, and said: "Go and find someone to work for me, within three days I will live in a new house!"

The man who doesn't even deserve to have a name said respectfully, holding a soul guide pistol, "Yes, I will do my best to build the house for you."

Dai Mubai nodded, he didn't bother to care about such petty things anymore, he went directly into the cabin and closed the door.

The dragon set held a soul guide pistol, and his expression was a little complicated.

"Ants still steal their lives!" He knew that Dai Mubai would definitely set off a bloodbath in the killing capital.

Dai Mubai's calmness that could take thousands of lives without changing his face, he once had the same feeling from a general of the Star Luo Empire.

Although these people in the Slaughter City are all heinous, in the eyes of the army generals who are fighting everywhere, they are nothing but clowns!
He knew that if it wasn't for the special environment of the Slaughter City, people like Dai Mubai would never set foot there.

He will feel inferior coming here!
"Who hasn't said anything? It's just a different choice."

After being sad, he held a soul guide pistol as if holding a golden medal and held his head high in front of the condemned prisoners and said: "My lord has already entrusted me with the construction of the mansion. If you have any brains, you should know how to do it." Work hard! If the Lord is happy, maybe he will let us go! The King of Slaughter doesn’t care about the affairs of the Lord. Besides, the City of Slaughter has no rules and advocates killing. The King of Slaughter has no reason to care about the Lord. Such a trivial matter. It can be said that as long as you can't get out of the killing capital, you may be killed by adults at any time!"

The rest of the people felt a little uncomfortable hearing the flattering words of the dragon, but they also knew that the dragon was right, so they all listened quietly.

"My lord said earlier that he can lead people away from the killing capital. We don't care whether we believe it or not. Since he dares to say it, then we dare to believe it!" said the dragon.

"Although the Slaughter City is a paradise of evil, everyone knows that this is not a normal place! No one wants to be overwhelmed by murderous intent and become a complete lunatic!"

"Based on our strength, it is basically impossible to become champions and get out of hell. Now we have such an opportunity! I don't want to miss it!"

"I used to have no choice, now I want to be a good person!"

"No matter how much you have to pay after getting out! I was born as a human being, and I will die as a human being!"

"How do you choose?"

The actor glanced at the crowd, and all the hundreds of people present struggled.

In fact, the crimes committed by some people outside are not that big, but after entering the capital of killing, they are thoroughly heinous sinners.

No matter what difficulties they had in the past, it is not an exaggeration for them to be hacked into pieces now.

"I also want to die like a human being..." A woman with heavy make-up squatted on the ground and cried, covering her face, "I am still a human being, not a beast!"

In normal times, this woman would have been killed by a sneak attack, and her body would have been used to vent her desires, but now everyone is just looking at her.

No one dared to do it, and no one wanted to do it.

"We work for him, will he let us go?" Someone sneered, "There is no kindness in the killing capital!"

"But if we don't do things for him, we will die now!"

"Thousands of people have lost their bones!"

There was a bald man who couldn't bear this deadly atmosphere, he shouted: "Early death is death, late death is death, one more day is one day!"

"Labor and management work! Labor and management have not lived enough!"

"If it weren't for not living enough, who would come to such a ghostly place to work hard?" The woman who was crying before stood up, the makeup on her face was messed up, but there was a little bit of cleanliness in her eyes, "I Work too, I don't want to die!"

"I don't want to die either!"

"I don't want to die either!"

Soon, everyone chose to stay and work.

Dai Mubai in the cabin raised his eyebrows.

Although there are some scum in the killing capital, it would not be a pity to die a hundred times, but now, the hundreds of people outside still have a little bit of humanity.

"Ants are still alive," Erha said with great emotion, "When you killed someone, your state of mind didn't fluctuate at all... I thought you used the skull soul skill!"

Before Dai Mubai devoured thousands of people in one breath, Erha felt his scalp go numb.

Even if those people died without guilt, Dai Mubai killed so many at once, without any emotional fluctuations at all!
Dai Mubai is not a bloodthirsty person, nor is he a cold-blooded and ruthless person, but when he kills, he has never been merciful!
This person is like a born executioner!

Dai Mubai explained: "All the heinous and unforgivable people are not human beings in my eyes, worse than ants, I won't have any psychological burden to kill them."

"Could it be that people will have any psychological burden because they trampled to death a nest of ants?" Dai Mubai asked back.

Erha shook his head.

"You really don't treat people like people!"

"A person who is not worthy of being a human being, I will naturally not treat him as a human being."

Dai Mubai's words were so confusing, Erha sighed with emotion: "There are so many scum in every race."

"Since you don't generate murderous aura when you kill people, how do you get the domain of the god of death?" Erha was a little bald, "Murderous aura is very important for the domain of the god of death. If you don't have it, you may not be able to get it."

Dai Mubai shook his head: "It's not that I don't have murderous intent, it's just that I don't want to use it."

As long as you kill someone, you will definitely have a murderous intent.

Although no one can see the murderous aura on Dai Mubai's body, it's really not that he doesn't have it.

"It's your martial soul again?" Erha asked curiously, "I've been following you for more than three years, why hasn't your martial soul awakened yet?"

Dai Mubai didn't answer.

He himself doesn't know what's going on with Mu Bai.

Occasionally he is lucky enough to enter the depths of his soul and see Mu Bai and the flat peach tree in the depths of his soul.

There was a milky white fruit on the flat peach tree, Dai Mubai didn't know what it was, but he could feel a very kind aura.

He occasionally thinks wildly, he has already split a white tiger Mu Bai, maybe he will split another flat peach Mu Bai.

No one can say for sure how many personalities he split during the journey.

Maybe that fruit is not his split personality, but his soul.

Well, although Douluo Dalu is not a world of immortals, what if?
For more than three years, Dai Mubai hadn't heard Mu Bai's jokes for a long time.

He was sleeping all the time, Dai Mubai didn't know when he would wake up.

Dai Mubai hoped that he could bring a surprise when he woke up.

For example, the recovery of the holy beast White Tiger or something.

People, I still have to think about it a little bit, what if it happens?
 The third watch is over.Sure enough, this person's potential is unlimited.

(End of this chapter)

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