Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 177 The King of Slaughter

Chapter 177 The King of Slaughter

Dai Mubai's Slaughter Capital Mansion is under intensive construction, because he wants to protect Tang San who is in an illusion, so he didn't go out all day and night.

Even so, no one dared to come within ten meters of the cabin.

One Shura King is enough to kill half of the Slaughter City, not to mention his elder brother Laughing King is also here?
Laughing King is the nickname Dai Mubai got here.

On the contrary, someone called him a smiling tiger, but after being reminded, he quickly changed his words with a chill down his back.

King Shura is the younger brother of the Laughing King, and he has an honorary title, how could the Laughing King as an elder brother not have one?

Originally, the Laughing King was moody and would kill without batting an eyelid, so there was no need to make him angry for such a trivial matter.

It's just a title.

However, as the saying goes, there are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

The laughing king's high profile, where the mastiffs vanished in ashes while talking and laughing, is really not something ordinary people can compare to.

Neither can ordinary people.

"Since the Slaughter City was built thousands of years ago, this is the first time that the entire dungeon has been silenced by a newcomer."

In the dark room, on a huge drum-shaped chair inlaid with blue and purple crystals, the tall and thin man spoke inexplicably.

His face was hidden in the darkness, no one could see his expression.

A cold female voice sounded: "He broke the rules of the Slaughter City."

"There are no rules in the capital of killing," the man said.

The female voice froze for a moment, and then she asked: "Great King, are we going to contact them?"

The man asked back: "Do you think they will accept my solicitation?"

The female voice froze again, this time, she did not speak for a long time.

"There is no kinship, no friendship, no love in the capital of killing... This is the cage of everything, the tomb of everything." The man put his hands on the armrest of the chair, crossed his hands and propped his chin, as if smiling "However, for some people, the Slaughter City is just an alternative training ground. As long as they want, they can turn the Slaughter City into what they want."

"For example, that arrogant and domineering Laughing King."

"Wang, you think too highly of them." The female voice said.

The man sighs.

"You underestimated them too much."

"A descendant of a god of murder, an heir of an empire... who do you think we can offend?" The man got up, and he left the crystal chair, and walked to a huge pool of blood in two steps.

The viscous blood in the blood pool surged like magma, as if some peerless beast was hidden in it.

"The God of Death can return to the Capital of Slaughter at any time, and anyone in his domain of the God of Death can use soul skills. And the Star Luo Empire... is under the iron hoof, so what if we have a Titled Douluo?"

"The Laughing King and King Shura are brothers, that is to say, the Killing God will join hands with the Star Luo Empire... If they attack the Killing Capital, who can resist it?"

There was silence in the room.

After all, the Slaughter City is only a medium-sized city, and under the iron heel of the empire, it can't last for a few days.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the imperial army besieges the Slaughter City and does not allow any resources to enter... the Slaughter City can only wait for death.

Slaughter City can turn to Spirit Hall for help, but Spirit Hall suffered a big fall in front of the two empires three years ago, and is currently recharging its energy, so it may not be willing to fight the Star Luo Empire for the sake of Slaughter City .

Although... Wuhundian and Xingluo Empire are not dead.

"The disciples of the Pope of Wuhundian, the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, and the direct descendants of the Haotianzong... Interesting." The Slaughter King took a glass of Bloody Mary from a corner of the room, poured the Bloody Mary into the pool of blood, She said with a smile, "To contact the Hell Envoy, Xiaojun Wang and his brothers can get out of the hell road smoothly, but she can't do it alone. But what if she knows that the two people she wants to cooperate with are enemies?"

"What will she do? How curious!"

The Slaughter King laughed loudly, the blood surged more violently, and a dark red scale flashed across the surface of the pool.

The female voice said: "Since the Hell Envoy also came to the City of Slaughter to practice, the entire City of Slaughter, the only ones who can be regarded by her are the Brother Laughing King. The Laughing King just arrived today, but King Shura is already there He stayed in the Killing City for a year, and with King Shura's appearance, strength, and is easy to win the heart of any woman. Maybe that hell messenger has already fallen in love with King Shura at this time."

"Wuhundian and Haotianzong are naturally opposed, what will the messenger of hell do?"

The female voice gradually disappeared.

"Clear Sky School..." The Slaughter King looked at the surging pool of blood, his eyes were in a daze for a moment.

"What about the number one sect in the world?" The King of Slaughter regained his composure in an instant, and he said proudly, "Even if it is the first sect in the world, it can't compare to the capital of slaughter!"

After sleeping for a day and a night, Tang San slowly opened his eyes.

He was lying on the bed, staring straight at the roof.

I don't know if he hasn't fully woken up yet, or if he is thinking about something.

After a full half an hour, Tang San turned his head to look at Dai Mubai who was cultivating cross-legged on the ground.

He suddenly had a sore nose and blurred vision.

"Big brother..." Tang San's voice was hoarse.

Dai Mubai opened his eyes, seeing Tang San's pitiful appearance, he was startled.

"what is wrong?"

He doesn't know what kind of stories will appear in the world of mortal illusions. Even he himself has struggled countless times with women, and he has even been to horror and supernatural worlds, to wild and primitive worlds... In short, there is no distinction between men and women in the illusion. , regardless of humans and beasts...whatever you encounter is what you are.

Dai Mubai suddenly panicked, could it be that Tang San encountered the transgender world the first time he entered the illusion?
Otherwise, with Tang San's tough heart, it would be impossible to show such a weak, pitiful and helpless expression!

"San'er, what happened to you in the illusion?" Dai Mubai hurried to Tang San's side, and asked with concern.

Tang San shook his head.

"I'm fine, brother, thank you."

Tang San got up from the bed, solemnly bowed to Dai Mubai.

"Just now, I was just a little reluctant, a little regretful, a little..." Tang San gritted his teeth and didn't continue.

Dai Mubai was a little confused.

Tang San didn't look like he was stimulated!

Reluctant, sorry?
I wonder what happened to him!

Tang San asked: "Brother, is this your soul skill?"

Dai Mubai nodded: "That's right, my second spirit can be used in two ways, it can be used as a food-type spirit, or as an ordinary plant-type spirit. Although Soul Skills are forbidden in Slaughter City, my The peaches were prepared before they came in and don't appear to be prohibited."

Erha suddenly interrupted and said, "Your martial spirit is of such a high level, even if it is promoted to God Realm in Douluo Dalu, there is no place to restrain it!"

(PS: There were a total of 38 recommendation tickets yesterday. I seldom read the work daily recently, because there are only fifty or sixty recommendation tickets every day. It looks annoying. But if you look at it occasionally, it will be even more annoying. Otherwise, who would be addicted to it? What about small games? There are more than 2000 collections, and the recommendation tickets are not even enough to collect a fraction. What the hell... writing and reading books are actually mutual support. I try not to oversee and unfinished. Still on.)
(End of this chapter)

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