Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 188 The Road to Hell

Chapter 188 The Road to Hell
When Dai Mubai doesn't want Erha to be seen, it is the soul body that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

At this time Erha's phantom body that cannot be seen by others is lying on the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, it said to Dai Mubai, "In the past, all the great beast races would go to the Snake God Race to exchange fragrant Luo grass for the younger generation to eat. Luo Cao is more effective than this."

Tang San has purple magic pupils, he can even see Xiao Wu's real body, but he can't see Erha.

Because Erha is neither alive nor dead right now, and has a peculiar contractual relationship with Dai Mubai, as long as Dai Mubai is not willing, no one will be able to see it.

On this point, Dai Mubai's soul seems to have a different effect from the souls that appear in later generations.

Erha continued: "At the beginning, there were only 10 fragrant Luo grass plants each year, but there were more than [-] sacred beast cubs that needed fragrant Luo grass! Therefore, although most sacred beasts don't like the snake gods, but for the sake of fragrance Luo Cao also has to make friends with the Snake God Clan. Don't look at the current Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade which only has the function of defending against toxins. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Fragrant Luocao could not only make the gods and beasts form an invulnerable body from a young age. body, it can also enhance the physique of the cubs of the beasts, and even Emperor Xiang Luo has the powerful ability to reshape the foundation of the cubs of the beasts with poor talent!"

"Unfortunately, tens of thousands of years, the sea has changed." Erha rarely showed a look of loss, "The current Douluo Dalu has fallen."

Dai Mubai said to Erha from the bottom of his heart: "Douluo Dalu will rise again."

Holding the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, Tang San suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said: "Since there is only one way out here, then, we can try to see if we can fly there. Anyway, we all have flying soul guides."

Hu Liena: "..."

She didn't.

Failed to buy from Star Martial Academy.

Since the Xingluo Empire's quarrel with the Wuhundian, all the soul tools produced by the Xingwuyuan have added the Wuhun binding function.

All those who buy soul tools must bind their souls on the spot.

After the martial soul is bound, it cannot be undone except for the senior researcher of the Star Martial Academy personally.

Once a brute force attempt is made, the soul guide will explode.

At the same time, when the owner of the soul guide dies unexpectedly, the soul guide will also explode itself.

If a soul master wants to hand over the soul tool to his relatives for inheritance, he needs to go to the Star Martial Academy to apply. After the application is approved, he can hand over the soul tool in front of the person in charge of the Star Martial Academy.

In terms of preventing outflows and counterfeiting, the Star Martial Academy has made more efforts than researching new-style soul guides.

In troubled times, common communication and promotion of development do not exist.

Dai Mubai didn't want to be an enemy at all.

If he can use the soul tool to lead the Spirit Hall, why does Dai Mubai want the soldiers and soul masters of the Star Luo Empire to only have their own martial soul and soul skills to be tough?
As for the technologies that were given to the Heaven Dou Empire... Can the thing of giving something to one's own wife be called an enemy?
Cough, having said that, Hu Liena is indeed a pit.

If Hu Liena hadn't agreed to exchange a special medicinal bath recipe from the Spirit Hall plus a secret from the Spirit Hall in exchange, it would be impossible for Dai Mubai to agree to bring such a useless "oil bottle" like her.

"Hey, forget it." Dai Mubai threw a flying soul tool to Hu Liena, and said, "I'll lend you this for now, you just have to follow up later."

Hu Liena's face was blushing, and she was dying of grief and indignation.

Being ashamed in front of Dai Mubai every day, her mind is already extremely firm before she collapses.

"Fly along the path, I'm in front, Hu Liena is in the middle, Thirteen is behind." Dai Mubai ordered directly.

Tang San and Hu Liena all nodded solemnly.

"I always feel that this road to hell is not difficult..." Tang San muttered.

Hu Liena rolled her eyes, she looked charming, but Dai Mubai and Tang San didn't take it seriously.

What peerless beauty haven't they seen in the illusion?Hu Liena didn't have the qualifications to sway their hearts.

Hu Liena quickly adapted to her flying ability, and the three set off immediately.

The three of them lined up and walked straight along the path.

Flying about 500 meters, Dai Mubai and Tang San stopped.

"Get ready, something is coming." Dai Mubai said.

Through Erha, Dai Mubai passed the buzzing sound he heard to Tang San and Hu Liena through soul sharing.

Tang San is fine, he has already noticed something.As for Hu Liena, because she had too few cards in her hole, she was in a daze at this moment.

Soon, the buzzing sound became louder, Dai Mubai and Tang San could already see some blood-red shadows gradually approaching.Dai Mubai could see more clearly than Tang San, he could clearly see the appearance of those blood-red shadows.

Those were blood-red bats, just like the shrunken version of the blood-colored bat left on the ground of the killing field in hell.Each blood bat is about one foot long, but its huge wings spread out over one meter.

"This is the blood of Asura?" Dai Mubai looked strange, he said to Erha, "Don't tell me, the so-called blood of Asura is a vampire bat."

Erha was stunned.

It scratched its head.

"Vampire bats are different from the blood-suckers of Shura. These vampire bats are just low-level blood slaves under the command of the blood-suckers of Shura." Erha carefully observed the thousands of vampire bats that came, and sighed, "The blood-suckers of Shura back then were but Each of the vassal priests of the Shura God is comparable to a third-level god, and the best ones are even comparable to some second-level gods!"

"Now, God Shura is gone." Erha Gou showed regret on his face, "God Shura may have been seriously injured since the battle of Dragon God, and he may not even have the ability to cultivate blood of Shura at this time. If not, Rakshasa would not have destroyed his successor so easily."

At this time there was already a slight scorching sensation in the sky above Hell Road, Tang San frowned and said: "The bottom may not be the blood pool, but the magma pool. But we don't care about the bottom for the time being, dealing with the incoming vampire bats is the immediate priority. "

Dai Mubai nodded, and said: "Everyone, be careful, the vampire bats are only the first wave, they shouldn't pose too much threat, but they are a lot of trouble, too."

Tang San and Hu Liena took out their weapons, ready to fight.

Soon, a blood-red thick cloud flew over, and many vampire bats uttered sharp chirping sounds after seeing the three of them.

If Tang San and Hu Liena didn't feel the headache and trance for a moment, they didn't even know that the vampire bats had launched a wave of attacks.

"They are very fast, just to exercise your reaction ability." Dai Mubai said to Tang San, "Thirteen Release Domain, the ultrasonic waves of vampire bats can affect the mind, and this is an extremely powerful perception ability. However, this ability cannot be used in the field."

Tang San hastily released the Blue Silver Domain, forming a light blue mask domain with a diameter of 50 meters.

Hu Liena looked at Tang San in surprise.

Only Titled Douluo can have domain-like soul abilities, but Tang San is not a Titled Douluo, so he can't use them here and now.

So... There is only one possibility for Tang San's field.

Talent field!

(End of this chapter)

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