Chapter 189

After entering the Slaughter City, only he and Tang Hao knew about Tang San's talent domain, but after meeting Dai Mubai, he told Dai Mubai about it.

Because Dai Mubai didn't hide it from him, even truthfully told the top secret that he already had a full set of six spirit bones.

Dai Mubai is so frank, Tang San naturally wants to reciprocate, and tell Dai Mubai about his own talent domain.

Hu Liena and Tang San were in Tang San's blue and silver domain, and the light blue mask full of life breath protected them, but thousands of blood bats beat their wings together and brought a gust of bloody wind, which immediately blew Tang San and Hu Liena The body shook.

The flying blood bats seemed to have wisdom, they were not in a hurry to attack the two of them, but circled quickly in mid-air, surrounding the two of them.

Dai Mubai wasn't in Tang San's Blue Silver Domain, although he didn't have a domain, but Erha, Lu Mingfei and Huang Xin had body guards, these low blood slaves couldn't do anything against him, they didn't even seem to see him like.

Tang San tentatively shot a flying needle, accurately killing a blood bat.

This provocative behavior angered the blood bats, they let out a "squeak, squeak" sound, and swooped down on Tang San and the two at top speed.

Tang San's expression froze, dozens of cold lights shot out from his hands, at the same time, dozens of blood bats stagnated, stumbling into the blood pool.

With the light blue mask, as long as the blood bat breaks into the field, it will lose the ability to use ultrasonic waves, and become difficult to control even flying, thus being easily killed by Tang San.

After about 10 minutes, there were four or five hundred of the thousands of blood bats left.

These blood bats obviously possessed a certain amount of wisdom, they knew that once they broke into the range of the blue mask they would be killed, so after a few impacts, they only circled around Tang San and the two of them, not continuing to attack.

Dai Mubai flew in the outer circle of the blood bats, and said to Tang San: "Since they are no longer a threat, let's go on."

Saying that, hundreds of golden leaves appeared beside Dai Mubai, they roared and attacked the blood bat group, killing all the remaining blood bats in less than a minute.

"There will definitely be more powerful ones in the future, Hu Liena, at least you have to show a little value of yourself." Dai Mubai said to Hu Liena in a flat tone.

Hu Liena's face turned red immediately, and her fists were clenched tightly.

If Dai Mubai sneered at her, she could still retort a few words, but Dai Mubai's neither salty nor light tone made people most angry.

He just couldn't vent his anger.

The situation is better than people.

At the same time, Hu Liena's heart trembled.

Just now Dai Mubai used his signature skill, almost showing his identity.

When this crisis first appeared, he revealed his identity, obviously to frighten Hu Liena.

He was warning Hu Liena: It's okay to leave Hell Road, don't hold back, don't play tricks!
Tang San secretly sighed.

He discovered Dai Mubai's character traits.

Dai Mubai usually looks a little funny, a little naive, he will joke with their friends and teachers, and even play tricks on them.But most of the time, he is indifferent and lazy, even if he is his own person, he will not be willing to talk to him.It seems that no one can be taken into consideration by him, and no one is worthy of his second glance.It can be said to be cold-hearted, cold-blooded and ruthless, or it can be said to be arrogant and arrogant.

But for strangers and enemies, there are only eight words.

Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish!

In his heart, he represents justice, and disobedience to him is violating justice and evil!

The villain deserves to die.

Tang San had never seen the prince in his previous life, but had seen two on Douluo Dalu.

One is Dai Mubai, and the other is Xue Qinghe.

Dai Mubai will not talk about it, he is aggressive and domineering!

Tang San's evaluation of Xue Qinghe is: Gentle and elegant, as if he is holding a pearl of wisdom.It looks like a Mingjun.

In the illusion, Tang San also met many monarchs and princes, they were either wise or stupid, overbearing or easy-going... But Tang San was most impressed by the little emperor he had assisted in the illusion.

He sits in the world but is a loner, he is supreme but cautious; he bleeds and drifts in a fit of anger, and forgives the world with a single thought of benevolence; he was majestic and domineering, but he also used conspiracy; It must be investigated; he was humble and polite, and he was also headstrong...

He is like a contradiction.

But Tang San couldn't deny that he was a good emperor.

Tang San saw those qualities in Dai Mubai.

He did not deny that Dai Mubai would be a good emperor.

Not only because Tang San instinctively got close to Dai Mubai, but also because he had a hunch that Dai Mubai would lead Douluo Continent to another glory.

Maybe Dai Mubai has some minor flaws, but the flaws are not concealed.

Today's Dai Mubai is a person who bravely advances on the majestic road.

No one knows what the future will look like, but everyone expects the future to be better.

The Hell Road had no end in sight, and the blood pool was emitting blood-red mist, and the visibility at this time was less than [-] meters.

Moreover, even if the three of them were flying in midair, they could still feel the rising temperature.

"Trouble is coming." Said Dai Mubai who was in the lead.

Just below their narrow road, a huge guy hangs upside down.

The guy's body was about four meters away, and his two huge claws were buckled on the narrow road.Under the cover of the surrounding light red light, it emits a dark golden light all over.

This is a huge three-headed bat. According to the ranks on the Douluo Continent, it has a cultivation base of about 3 to [-] years.

The three bats spread their wings and opened their blood-red eyes.

It looked at Dai Mubai and the other three strangely, as if wondering why they could also fly.

At this moment, countless blood bats around the three bats woke up, they circled around the three bats, carefully watching Dai Mubai and the others.

Erha lay on Dai Mubai's shoulder nonchalantly: "A high-level blood slave is no better than a low-level blood slave."

"Kill them." Dai Mubai made room for Tang San and Hu Liena.

A mere 3 to [-]-year-old soul beast is not qualified for him to make a move at all.

Nowadays, there is no race of soul beasts under 5 years old that he can't beat in a single move.If it doesn't exist, even a young dragon can be swallowed with this sky-defying soul bone soul skill of swallowing darkness.

When Erha sent Zhu Zhuqing to Xingdou Great Forest, he asked Erha to tell him to ask Long Aotian and other beasts to help him find the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

Although the Dark Devilgod Tiger is only a 6-year-old soul beast, its speciality is worth Dai Mubai vacating a soul ring for it!

Tang San and Hu Liena nodded, Tang San took out the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, and Hu Liena used her external spirit bone - Foxtail!
Erha's eyes lit up: "Beast girl! This is a very popular type of woman! It's a pity that I don't have fox ears..."

 I checked, and the sound of bats is as squeaky as mice.In addition, Hu Liena really has a spirit bone attached to the fox tail.As for the bat blood slave, I made it up.

(End of this chapter)

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