Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 190 Call Xu Xian!

Chapter 190 Call Xu Xian!

The three bats did not pose any threat to Tang San and Hu Liena. When the hairs on Hu Liena's five-meter-long big fox tail stood up, making the whole fox tail pierce the wings of the three bats like a mace, Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes combined with the Godly Zhuge Crossbow instantly exploded the three heads of the three bats.

In less than 3 minutes, the three bats were declared dead and fell into the pool of blood.

From then on, the height of the mountain wall above Hell Road was limited.

Dai Mubai and the others could only fly to a height of about one meter above the ground, and continued to move forward.

The air became hotter and hotter, and even Hu Liena could vaguely see the dark red flowing under the abyss on both sides.The air was getting hotter and hotter, and every breath seemed to be burned by a flame.

Tang San said: "This road to hell seems to spiral upwards, it shouldn't be a straight line, otherwise, we should have already left the range of the Slaughter City. It's just that its arc is not big, so it's not easy to feel it."

The area of ​​the Slaughter City is not particularly large, and it is only a few tens of miles away, which is only equivalent to a large town.But Dai Mubai and the others had already walked about a hundred miles away.

Dai Mubai raised his head and looked at the top of his head, he stroked his chin and said: "If you say that, we have been rising, then, this blood pool, doesn't it envelop the entire Slaughter City?"

Tang San was stunned, he hadn't thought of this before, now that he thought about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

"The Slaughter Capital must be built within the belly of a certain mountain, otherwise, the two empires and the Spirit Hall would not allow his existence." Dai Mubai said.

Tang San and Hu Liena nodded, they both knew this very well.

Not to mention the Wuhun Palace, even if every inch of land is contested between the two great empires, how can they deliberately allocate a piece of land for the capital of killing?
"This place is still somewhat useful, there will be a second and a third level later, be careful, don't let this place collapse." Dai Mubai said casually.

The tone is flat, it seems that there is no problem if this place is not kept.At worst, he will build another killing capital.

"It's impossible to stop the killing, let alone disappear." Dai Mubai said to Tang San.

He didn't care about Hu Liena's thoughts at all, but Tang San's distaste for the Slaughter City forced him to care.

Anyway, he is also his own person, and if he can be persuaded, he must be persuaded.

"Isn't it because of love?" Erha grinned.

Dai Mubai's face darkened, and he continued to fly forward.

Tang San was helpless.

He understood what Dai Mubai meant, Dai Mubai had told him about the role of the Slaughter City before, so he had long ago decided to let it go.

What's more, the elders of the Tang family are the kings of killing. It's fine if they didn't know it before, but now that they know it, before the elders of the Tang family pass away, he won't really bring down the capital of killing.

But Dai Mubai repeatedly reminded him, how much he didn't trust him!
Does he seem so irrational?
Just when Tang San was in grief and anger, a dark red giant snake came from the front of Hell Road with a rustling sound.

There were nine protrusions on the snake's head and back, and each protrusion was like a bright red mushroom, as if blood was flowing inside, making a gurgling liquid flow sound.

Waiting for it to approach, Tang San and Hu Liena saw that this snake's abdomen was particularly huge, protruding on the narrow road, and its body length was at least ten meters.

Dai Mubai had a little impression of this snake, because this snake made Ma Hongjun's ten fire phoenix spirits.

"Snake, it seems we need a Xu Xian..." Dai Mubai teased.

"Heaven and earth are alien species, the son of the snake god Segavede!" Erha exclaimed.

Dai Mubai was surprised by Erha's surprise.This time, Erha was even more surprised when he saw the blood of Shura.Could it be that these ten blazing sun snakes are related to some secret that he doesn't know?

"No, didn't you say that you don't know the ten-headed blazing sun snake?" Dai Mubai still remembered that he asked Erha this question back then.

"I really don't know the ten-headed blazing sun snake, but the one in front of me is obviously the son of the snake god Segavede. This is a son of the snake god who is only 80 years old!" Erha's face was full of anger. Isn't the king too ignorant? He raised this kind of treasure with human blood? Isn't this a waste of things?"

Dai Mubai was very calm, he just asked: "Can you subdue it?"

Erha pondered for a while, then shook his head.

"The matter about the son of the snake god is a top secret in the snake god clan. My three-eyed dog king Chen clan has always been at odds with the snake god clan, and we know very little about this secret." Erha looked at him and walked out of Dai Mubai Body, Lu Mingfei who was standing on Dai Mubai's right shoulder, said, "You Mingfeilu clan are regarded as wise men among the gods and beasts, you should know something about Segavede, right?"

Lu Mingfei nodded, it appeared because of Segaved.Otherwise, it should kneel under the flat peach tree at this time, borrowing the power of the flat peach tree to strengthen its soul and body.

"In the age of the gods and beasts, some races were listed as honored guests by the snake gods because they donated Segaved snake eggs to the snake gods. Their ethnic groups can always exchange for fragrant grass at a very small price for thousands of years. There are also races that kill Segaved De was exterminated by the Snake God Clan, and has since disappeared from Douluo Continent." Lu Mingfei said with emotion, "When the Snake God Clan was still strong, every Segaved was the son of the same god, and they were truly high-ranking and powerful. Exist. Now..."

Lu Mingfei remained silent, Erha also fell into memories.

Today's Douluo Dalu is the Douluo Dalu of the human race.

The glorious era of soul beasts is over.

"Feed the fragrant grass to Segavid." Lu Mingfei said, "The fragrant grass is born in the land of dragon veins, and it can improve the physique of other races and prevent all kinds of poisons, but it is not good for Segavid who has gone astray. Speaking of it, it also has the effect of washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow, and reshaping the mind!"

"Fragrant Luocao still has this effect?" Erha asked in surprise, "This is the first time I've heard of such a thing."

Lu Mingfei said: "I didn't know it at first, but when I saw Segavede, I received the inheritance about it in the depths of my soul."

Erha smiled at Lu Mingfei: "You are so lucky!"

Almost all the knowledge of the beast race will be passed on through the bloodline soul. As long as the descendants grow to a certain level, they can obtain all kinds of knowledge hidden by their ancestors from the depths of their souls.

Dai Mubai turned his head and glanced at Tang San and Hu Liena who were facing enemies, he smiled calmly: "You don't have to be nervous, this is just a little snake with a lifespan of less than a hundred years, I can easily deal with it!"

Dai Mubai's tone contained extremely strong self-confidence, people couldn't help but take the initiative to trust him.

"Thirteen, give me the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product." Dai Mubai said, Tang San took out the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product that he put away when he met the bat swarm without hesitation.

At this time, Segavede, whom Tang San called the Ten Headed Fierce Sun Snake, had already come in front of the three of them, and the three of them could even smell the smell of the snake.

Without saying a word, Dai Mubai directly threw the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Piece to Segavid.

Tang San was shocked: "Fifth Brother, Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade is not highly poisonous, the poison will not kill this strange snake, besides, this snake doesn't look strong, Hu Liena and I can easily deal with it."

Dai Mubai: "..."

Tang San is not satisfied with killing bats, so he has to compete with Segavede?Is it interesting to bully mentally handicapped children?
 Sleepy, sleepy, good night, I wish you all good dreams until dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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