Chapter 192 Failure
Regarding Tang San's merits and demerits, Dai Mubai just sighed, not commenting.

No one can do everything, no one can do everything.

No one is perfect.

"The third level of Hell Road, I don't know what it will be." Tang San didn't worry at all at this moment.

This road to hell is too easy.

"If we didn't have the flying soul guide, we would have to pay at least ten times the price to go through this hell road." Hu Liena sighed.

She now knows what it means to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

But, this big tree belongs to the enemy's family!

Just now Dai Mubai said that Tang Chen, the King of Slaughter, was the great-grandfather of King Shura, so Hu Liena knew Tang San's true identity.

The former Haotian Douluo had only one son, who passed away more than ten years ago, and his only son had only two sons and one daughter, of which only the second son, Tang Hao, had a son, who was Tang San!

However, if the branch of Tang Chen's generation is also counted, even if King Shura is not the current direct line of the Haotian School, he can still be regarded as Tang Chen's great-great-grandson.

But... who would consider a grandnephew who was three generations away as a grandson?

After a while, Tang San suddenly stopped.He suddenly remembered the record about the ten headed blazing sun snake in an ancient book he had read.

Prehistoric strange beasts, ten-headed blazing sun snakes.It is extremely poisonous, adults can be more than ten meters long, possesses the strongest fire poison of snakes, and it can be cultivated for ten thousand years to become an inner alchemy.Hidden among the nine heads behind.The inner alchemy comes out, and the world loses its color.If you get the inner elixir, the snakes will change.It is the supreme among snakes.

"Fifth brother, you said, the cultivation of those ten blazing sun snakes is less than a hundred years old?" Tang San asked.

Dai Mubai was a little puzzled, he didn't know why Tang San suddenly thought of asking this again, but he still replied: "That's right, the ten-headed blazing sun snake, the body length increases by one meter in ten years, but from a hundred years to ten thousand years, The length is about ten meters. Only after ten thousand years, its body length will increase by one meter every year. Moreover, when the ten-headed blazing sun snake has passed ten thousand years, it will be considered an official adult. The nine sarcomas will officially grow into snake heads."

"Each Ten-Headed Lieyang Snake will be born with a snake clan inner alchemy. This inner alchemy will be hidden in its nine heads before its nine heads are fully grown. When it is fully grown, the inner alchemy will be integrated into its heart. Among them, and a fake pill will be formed in each snake head."

"The ten-headed blazing sun snake we encountered was just ten meters long, but it was one meter long when it was born, and it has only been cultivated for 90 years."

Tang San frowned slightly.

The explanation Dai Mubai gave was far from what he knew.

"Suddenly I also remembered some legends about the ten-headed blazing sun snake. Is it the snake language supreme with the strongest fire poison among the snake clan?" Tang San asked again.

Dai Mubai frowned, probably knew what legend Tang San was talking about.

Tang San had heard the legend of the ten headed blazing sun snake in his previous life, but the Douluo Continent was not the continent he lived in before.There is definitely a difference between the two.

It was the eyes of ice and fire that made Tang San blindly trust the classics of his previous life.

Too much trust in previously acquired knowledge.

Dai Mubai also made this kind of mistake.

He patiently explained: "Not all the information is true. If this ten-headed blazing sun snake becomes an adult, it will not be able to reshape its body through the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product. Also, the ten-headed blazing sun snake, it is the most What is strong is not poison."

Dai Mubai said: "The ten-headed blazing sun snake is comparable to the fire phoenix. Its power lies in its bright flames like the scorching sun. Of course, its fire poison is indeed the strongest among the snake clan, and it is indeed considered the supreme of the snake clan."

Tang San nodded, and began to meditate.

"If these ten blazing sun snakes become adults, their strength will not be inferior to that of a god."

Dai Mubai released shocking news.

"Shoulder to God?!" Hu Liena exclaimed.

After Dai Mubai glanced over, Hu Liena quickly covered her mouth.

Tang San also looked at Dai Mubai in shock: "How is this possible?"

"Otherwise, what do you think is—a child of the same god?"

Tang San and the two were speechless.

"It's a pity that it can reach adulthood when the year is up. To make offerings to it, treasures of the same level as the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade are indispensable, and some of the treasures necessary for it to advance are even more rare than the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade."

Dai Mubai sighed helplessly, he said: "At least, there is one material that can never be obtained now."

Tang San silently digested the big secret that Dai Mubai said, heard this, subconsciously asked: "What material?"

"Snake God Essence and Blood."

Tang San looked calm.

I was numb because I was so surprised.

Now that there are no gods in the Douluo Continent, where can I get the blood of the snake god?
The three stopped talking, and all moved forward in silence.

As he moved forward, the environment became hotter and hotter, the air was distorted by the high temperature, and his sight began to be obstructed.

At the same time, as the temperature continued to rise, the murderous aura in Tang San and Hu Liena's hearts was gradually aroused.

Hu Liena almost couldn't control her murderous aura, and her consciousness was a little fuzzy.

Tortured by murderous intent and high temperature at the same time, Hu Liena has not completely lost her mind, which is already considered a firm mind.

Tang San was constantly eroded by murderous aura, but he was always able to stay awake.

Dai Mubai didn't say anything, he wasn't affected in any way at all.

When there were still a thousand meters away from the exit, Hell Road was completely submerged in the pool of blood.

But what does it matter?
Anyway, they can fly!

Dai Mubai glanced at Hu Liena who couldn't control the release of the fox tail, and frowned slightly.

Tang San looked at Dai Mubai, and he also looked at Hu Liena.

Hu Liena was always in his blue and silver domain, otherwise, with the high temperature of hundreds of degrees here, Hu Liena would have been roasted dozens of times.

"I'm about to lose my mind completely... You guys can... knock me out! As long as you can take me out!" Hu Liena said through gritted teeth.

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows, and said to Tang San: "Then do it, Thirteen."

Tang San hesitated for a moment, but still knocked out Hu Liena.

He hung the stunned Hu Liena with the blue silver grass, raising the flying height by two meters.

"The third hurdle, I'm afraid it's to control the murderous aura, and... pass through the pool of blood."

Feeling the murderous world mixed with Rakshasa breath, Dai Mubai shook his head.

"This road to hell is really too simple for us." Dai Mubai didn't care about this place, he flew towards the exit first, "Let's go."

The exit was an oval white light curtain, before the light curtain, Dai Mubai and Tang San suddenly discovered that the murderous aura around their bodies seemed to be drawn by a special force.

Dai Mubai knew that this was the formation of the Killing God Domain.

After leaving through the white light curtain, Dai Mubai looked at the two unconscious people beside him, frowning tightly.

He released the white tiger martial soul, and also released the flat peach tree martial soul.

There is no difference between the two spirits and before entering the Slaughter City, not even a little bit!

He tried to release the killing god domain.

But, failed!
(End of this chapter)

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