Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 193 Awakening

Chapter 193 Awakening
Dai Mubai's whole body is not well.

Why did he pass Hell Road, but didn't get the Killing God Realm?
He purposely took the time to come to the Killing City just to kill the God Realm, but he spent half a year and got nothing?
"What the hell..." Dai Mubai looked at the two spirits, wanting to swear.

It took half a year for nothing!

"Do you think I have a liking for that Deathgod Domain?" A long-lost voice sounded in Dai Mubai's mind.

For a moment, Dai Mubai even forgot about his anger.

"Mu Bai! Are you finally awake?"

It's been almost five years, and Mu Bai, who had been called the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit in Dai Mubai's heart, finally woke up!

"Ah, I'm awake." Mu Bai stretched his muscles and then lazily lay down under the flat peach tree.

"How is your recovery?" Dai Mubai asked eagerly.

Mu Baiai said indifferently: "It's not bad, it's finally recovered by [-]%."

Dai Mubai was taken aback.

Five years ago, when Mu Bai hadn't tried to kill himself, he said that he had recovered [-]%, but five years later, he had recovered to [-]%?

"Are you trying to hide my soul power again?" Dai Mubai scolded angrily, "Ever since I got such a martial soul like you, I haven't gotten through it! You are the cause of all troubles! What's worse, you You still have to find trouble for me!"

Mu Bai raised his eyes and glanced at Dai Mubai, said disdainfully: "You are not going well? Come on, tell me, is there anything you wanted to do but failed?"

Dai Mubai was dumbfounded.

It seems that there is really nothing he wanted to do but failed to do.


"I don't have the Killing God Domain!" Dai Mubai snorted angrily.

Mu Bai said helplessly: "Everyone on the Douluo Continent can have the ability to form a domain after becoming a titled Douluo. The so-called killing god domain is strong if it is strong, but it must be restrained by the God of Shura. What's more, the contemporary God of Shura The inheritance was tampered with by God Rakshasa. Today's Killing God domain, if God Shura doesn't personally eliminate the troubles, it will be a ticking time bomb!

There was no problem with Bibi Dong's Death God Domain, but how many times did she use it?What's more, she is the successor of God Rakshasa, and the backhands hidden by God Rakshasa naturally have no effect on her.Let's talk about Tang Hao, Tang Hao has no chance to be a god, and the Rakshasa God will not pay attention to him at all.If Tang San hadn't brought him into the God Realm, would he have achieved such a great achievement later?As for Tang San, God Shura used Xiao Wu's body to forcibly hold a shared god position.Although he seemed to dislike the throne of God Shura, when he encountered a big trouble, he didn't rely on the throne of God Shura to solve the problem?It is impossible for him to refuse the Asura god seat, because once he refuses, Xiao Wu will have no god seat. "

Mu Bai continued: "So, there will be no problems with the killing god domain of these three people."

"You didn't get the Killing God Domain, first, because, after you became a Title Douluo, the Holy Beast White Tiger Martial Soul will form your talent domain, so I don't see the Killing God Domain at all. Second, it's also because, The murderous aura in the Killing God Realm is too evil, it does not match our temperament. Thirdly, and most importantly, the flat peach tree is pure and true, and cannot tolerate those ghosts and monsters!"

Dai Mubai was dumbfounded.

"In short, even if we both dislike it, it's useless for you to want it." Mu Bai finally concluded.

Dai Mubai's throat choked, and he asked, "Then why didn't you object to my coming to the Killing City?"

Mu Bai sighed: "I thought there would be a residual divine power of the Asura God in the City of Slaughter, but I didn't expect it, I was thinking too much."

Dai Mubai was completely speechless.

"Are you in vain?" Dai Mubai wanted to cry but had no tears.

Mu Bai scratched his chin, and smiled maliciously: "It's not in vain, don't you have a deeper relationship with Tang San!"

Dai Mubai: "..."

This is the disadvantage of having a martial soul that can share memories.

"Your action is so fast, you even took Qian Renxue down." Mu Bai praised, "Well done!"

Dai Mubai was terrified: "You won't even let go of my boudoir, will you?"

Mu Bai's head was full of black lines: "I'm not interested in that nonsense."

Dai Mubai said desperately: "Are you mentally castrated?"

Mu Bai: "Hey~"

The long-lost roar of the tiger once again confused Dai Mubai's face.

While Dai Mubai was chatting with Mu Bai, Hu Liena and Tang San woke up one after another.

Hu Liena stayed away from Dai Mubai for the first time.

Now that their soul skills have all returned to normal, and Hu Liena has obtained the Death God Domain, it is unlikely that she will have no resistance in front of the two, but the situation in the Slaughter City is not much different.

Because, Dai Mubai and Tang San will definitely also obtain the Killing God Domain.

Tang San stood beside Dai Mubai, looking at Hu Liena vigilantly, he and Hu Liena didn't count as living and dying together, walked the road to hell once, and they didn't have a deep friendship with Hu Liena.

Dai Mubai glanced casually at Hu Liena, and said: "Let her go, she is Bibi Dong's disciple after all. We must always give Grandmaster a face."

Hu Liena's face was livid, she had also heard about the past between Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang, but she didn't think that Yu Xiaogang could match Bibi Dong at all!

Tang San looked at Hu Liena with displeasure, and said: "If you don't want to leave, it's fine to stay. Even if it's to save face for the teacher, I can't let go of my big grudge!"

The revenge of killing the mother is inexorable!

Even if Bibi Dong killed Qian Xunji and avenged him, it still couldn't change the situation that their family was at odds with Wuhundian!
"Don't forget our reward." Dai Mubai looked indifferent.

Hu Liena took a deep look at the two of them.

"Can't forget."

After finishing speaking, Hu Liena immediately possessed her spirit and left quickly.

Dai Mubai turned his head and smiled at Tang San: "Try your Death God Domain?"

Tang San nodded.

When he woke up, he was holding the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.At this time he looked down, there was a circle of white lines on the head of the Clear Sky Hammer.When he tried to feel the white lines, a surge of white light was released from the Clear Sky Hammer.Soon, the white light gradually became transparent.

Tang San's perception of the surrounding world also immediately became different.

In this cold, heartless world full of killing intent, Tang San's face was pale, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

Tang San said to Dai Mubai: "Brother, in the Killing God Domain, the murderous aura will form a powerful momentum and pressure, complete the suppression of the opponent, and at the same time improve one's own strength!"

Dai Mubai nodded: "It sounds like the effect is good, how strong is the effect?"

Tang San said: "Decrease the opponent's strength by [-]%, and increase your own strength by [-]%. I have a feeling that with the strengthening of the martial spirit, this ratio will increase."

"Not bad." Dai Mubai smiled.

However, he was disappointed by the effect.

This so-called killing god domain is not as strong as his fourth soul ability.

You know, his fourth soul skill, Divine Light Blessing, is a 10-year soul skill, with an initial gain of [-]%!It can also increase and improve the effect with the strength!

"Let's just say that the Killing God Domain is useless to you," Mu Bai said.


"San'er, did you have any special feelings before you got the Killing God Domain?"

 Mu Bai is finally back, gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate
(End of this chapter)

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