Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 194 I heard that the scenery in the forest is just right

Chapter 194 I heard that the scenery in the forest is just right
The two left Hell Road together, and also obtained the Killing God Domain, Tang San was somewhat puzzled why Dai Mubai asked him how he felt.

But he thought about it for a while, and said frankly: "The moment I jumped into the white light curtain, I suddenly felt that my body seemed to have entered a special world. There was nothingness around me, and the blue silver grass released by myself was swept away A special power limit, all returned to the body under oppression.

In that white world, I can't use any strength in my body.The only feeling is coldness.It seemed that countless ices were condensing towards him, and countless ices were releasing the chill from his body.

I thought that the whole hell road was full of heat, and I should be dizzy at the end.But unexpectedly, the cold that should not have appeared appeared.I can feel that it is not a real temperature change, but the chill brought by the murderous intent.That is the purest killing air, they have been gathering in my body, and every time they gather, they will bring an unspeakable pain. "

Tang San spoke very carefully, as he spoke, his body was still trembling unconsciously.

Obviously, the pain of being killed by the extreme cold made him linger.

Dai Mubai stroked his chin, lost in thought.

Murderous aura is clearly an invisible temperament, but it will appear in the capital of killing, thus forming the domain of killing gods.Does this mean that the essence of murderous aura is a special kind of energy?

"Don't talk about science in the fantasy world." Mu Bai interrupted Dai Mubai's thinking, he said, "You have to think about the novels you have read about Asura, killing gods, and demon kings. As for the nature of energy You should leave this kind of scientific research to the professionals.”

Dai Mubai frowned: "I don't understand, how can I learn and use it?"

Mu Bai was stunned.

"You are different from a few years ago." Mu Bai said, "You didn't care about this kind of problem before, you would put aside the troublesome things, and only do what you want to do, which is easier."

Dai Mubai was also stunned.

He finally understood that he was improving again.

"Brother, where's your Killing God Domain?" Seeing that Dai Mubai's expression was wrong, Tang San's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that Dai Mubai didn't obtain the Killing God Domain?
Sure enough, Dai Mubai shook his head: "I don't have the killing god domain."

Tang San opened his mouth, not knowing how to persuade Dai Mubai.

Obviously walking the road to hell together, both he and Hu Liena got the Killing God Domain, Dai Mubai didn't!
"Okay, it's not a big problem. The Killing God Domain is just icing on the cake for me, it doesn't matter if it's there or not." Dai Mubai smiled freely, "I probably know the reason, I'm afraid it's because I broke the rules. After all , I didn’t really get a hundred victories in the Hell Killing Fields.”

"It's also possible..." Tang San touched his nose, "Then, big brother, what are you going to do now?"

Dai Mubai looked at the direction, confirmed that this place is not far from the Star Dou Great Forest, and said: "I'm going to the Star Dou Great Forest."

Some people must be seen.

When Dai Mubai said this, Tang San was also a little moved.

"I also want to see Xiao Wu." Tang San's eyes showed tenderness.

Dai Mubai glanced at him, looked at the small road ahead and said: "Your father is here, you should go with your father first."

Sure enough, a slightly decadent figure appeared on the path.

After not seeing each other for a few years, Tang Hao became that slovenly slob again.

Tang Hao wasn't in the mood to greet Dai Mubai, and Dai Mubai didn't want to go over and disturb his father-son reunion.

The two nodded to each other, then parted ways.

Tang San waved to Dai Mubai: "Brother, if you stay in the Star Dou Forest for a few more days, we will meet soon."

Dai Mubai also waved to Tang San.

Erha and Mu Bai hit it off right away, and the conversation was so intense right now that they didn't even bother to talk to Dai Mubai.It happened that Dai Mubai was rarely quiet.

(long lost color)

Star Dou Great Forest, the core area.

Lake of new life.

More than four years ago, the Lake of Life was bombed by Mu Bai and the Silver Dragon King. At this time, the Lake of Life has been rebuilt, the area is larger than before, and there are more treasures hidden in the lake than before.

Not to mention anything else, a dragon heart grass transplanted by Long Aotian from under the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi is a priceless treasure.

At this time, Long Aotian was more than ten feet long, and his nine-colored dragon scales shone brightly in the sun. Every movement of him was exquisite.

As graceful as a frightened bird, as graceful as a dragon swimming.

Among them, the beauty can only be felt, not expressed in words.

He floated on the clear and transparent green water, his glazed eyes stared at the beautiful girl in the center of a beautifully patterned magic circle.

That beautiful woman is beautiful if she is beautiful, but she is cold all over her body, making it difficult to get close to.

However, her hot figure will make people flock to her and salivate.

This beautiful girl is naturally Zhu Zhuqing.

People in Douluo Continent are precocious, and today's Zhu Zhuqing is a mature girl no matter in terms of appearance or figure.

Now she was sitting cross-legged in the magic circle shining with black light, her face was distorted from time to time, and the black light was also quietly eroding her body and mind.

But she still gritted her teeth and never passed out.

Outside the magic circle, the beautiful girl with scorpion braids looked anxiously at Zhu Zhuqing, and from time to time looked at Long Aotian who was watching coldly.

Tianqing Bull Python Daming turned into a human form, comforted Xiao Wu in a low voice: "Don't worry Xiao Wu, the Lord and Senior Ditian will not make mistakes, and Zhu Zhuqing will be fine."

Er Ming, the titan giant ape, nodded again and again: "That's right! It will definitely be fine!"

"Keep your voice down!" Xiao Wu jumped up and hit Erming, and reprimanded in a low voice, "Don't disturb Zhuqing."

Er Ming was aggrieved and silent.

Di Tian, ​​who also took human form, held a notebook and kept recording something.

He also paid attention to Zhu Zhuqing's situation, but he was more concerned about the changes in the magic circle.

"Although many people have been arrested for experiments, there is still a lot of room for improvement in this external soul ring..."

Seeing that the pain on Zhu Zhuqing's face was getting stronger and stronger, Di Tian said to a huge emerald-like three-meter-high swan beside him: "Bi Ji, once Zhu Zhuqing has a problem, you go and treat her."

Emerald Swan Brigitte nodded, her voice was clear and sweet, and there was an indescribable tenderness: "I understand."

"This Nether Civet Clan is a little weak," Di Tian kept writing and drawing in his notebook, and he said to a feminine man next to him holding a petal fan, "Your demon-eyed Civet Clan's experiments were quite successful, I Remember that you have a buff effect, add it to her."

The feminine man's voice was soft, and he covered the lower half of his face with a fan of petals, looked at Zhu Zhuqing with bewitching eyes, and asked, "She is absorbing the external soul ring at this moment, won't there be conflicts if adding buffs to her?"

"We'll add it later." Ditian said indifferently, "Anyway, she won't die. Since you agree to be a volunteer, you must be prepared to fail!"

 The next dozen or so chapters will probably be in the Star Dou Forest.Afterwards, um, it's Xiao Wu's problem. I haven't decided whether to let her die yet.

(End of this chapter)

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