Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 195 Externally Created Soul Ring

Chapter 195 Externally Created Soul Ring

It has been four years since Long Aotian took over the Star Dou Great Forest. Under his leadership, the soul beast clan has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The most important point is that the soul beast clan is gradually transforming into a "monster clan".

At the very beginning, Long Aotian only wanted to make the soul beast clan a little more organized and disciplined, but he soon discovered that it was too difficult for the soul beast clan to develop their wisdom.

Although there is no shortage of smart beasts in the soul beast clan, if one word is used to describe them, it is "wild and untamable".

Moreover, there are too many types of soul beasts, some races with more than [-]-year-old soul beasts are okay. After all, the IQ of soul beasts over [-] years is already similar to that of human teenagers who are twelve or thirteen years old. They can understand Long Aotian's orders , and faithfully follow what Long Aotian said.As for those races with insufficient IQ, Long Aotian said that they will do it, but they can only understand simple orders, and as long as they are deterred by Longwei, they will revert to their old ways and become beasts with chaotic thinking.

For low-level soul beasts, loyalty does not exist.

Because they don't understand.

But Long Aotian and Ditian need them to understand.

So, here comes the question, how can I improve the IQ of low-level soul beasts?

Long Aotian once learned from Dai Mubai that Dai Mubai had experienced fairyland fantasy, in which there is a kind of magical plant that can make wild beasts activate their spiritual intelligence and become spiritual beasts or monsters - Kaizhicao.

Long Aotian spent three months pinning his hope on the "Knowledge Grass", but he failed to find "Knowledge Grass" in the Star Dou Forest.Di Tian traveled around the Douluo Continent, but he couldn't find anything that could replace the "Kaizhi Grass" anywhere on the Douluo Continent.

Later, Long Aotian and Ditian discovered that the dragon clan has the ability to transform into a human form, and this ability can be extended to the entire soul beast clan after improvement.

Di Tian knew astronomy from the sky, and geography from the bottom, and his learning ability was stronger than that of the gods.

If it weren't for the pride of the Dragon Clan that made him unwilling to accept human knowledge, he would be wiser than any human at this time.

It has nothing to do with IQ, just because he has lived long enough and experienced too much.

But Long Aotian spoke, he had to take the initiative to learn human knowledge.

The current Ditian is a scientific research dragon.

His achievements in soul guides are beyond the reach of Ai Yun, the chief researcher of Star Martial Academy.

Otherwise, even with the help of fairies and dense forests, it is impossible for Ditian to research the outer-made soul ring faster than Xingwu Academy.

The external spirit ring was born out of the sacrificial spirit ring, but it is different from the sacrificial spirit ring.

External spirit rings have a very special ability, which is to choose the type of spirit ring.

The spirit rings sacrificed by Fairy Dense Forest to Dai Mubai and others were not chosen by Dai Mubai and others on their own, all the spirit rings and soul skills are generated by the characteristics of the fairies themselves.

Tang San's soul ability is corrosion, which is the characteristic of Fairy Moonlight.Ning Rongrong's soul ability is to enhance defense, which is the fusion characteristic of all fairies.As for Dai Mubai, his soul skills were also brought by all the fairies, but under Fairy Sanguang's eccentricity, his soul ring is a 10 year soul ring!Moreover, his soul ability is similar in effect to the legendary "Sanguang Shenshui", and it is many times stronger than Ning Rongrong's soul ability.

At present, the external spirit ring and the sacrificial spirit ring have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Externally crafting a soul ring can "customize" the soul skills one wants, and sacrificing the soul ring can make the soul ring gain growth.

The soul ring Zhu Zhuqing chooses now is the 7-year-old Nether Civet Soul Ring, and her seventh soul ability can only be the Nether Avatar.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's current martial soul has been mutated into the Nether Jade Shadow Cat, she has studied with Long Aotian and other spirit beasts for several years, and finally chose the Nether Civet Soul Ring.

It's not that they can't choose a more powerful spirit ring, but that the ghost civet spirit is the most suitable.

Other spirit rings such as Ghost Leopard, Ghost Tiger, Ghost Leopard, etc. have no higher martial soul avatar gain than the weak-looking Nether Civet Soul Ring.

When all the black mist in the black magic circle formed a black phantom of a ghostly civet above Zhu Zhuqing's head, Zhu Zhuqing finally couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as snow.

The Demon Eyed Demon Tree, which is not yet called the Wan Yao King, quickly threw out a purple-black eyeball and suspended it above Zhu Zhuqing's head.

The purple-black eyeballs have no eyelids, and there are dark purple "vessels" behind them. Those "vessels" dance like tentacles, dripping the purple liquid from their ends onto Zhu Zhuqing's body.

Buffed by these purple liquids, Zhu Zhuqing's complexion returned to a little bit rosy.

But she didn't open her eyes, and the phantom of the ghostly civet floating above her head like the purple-black eyeballs didn't disappear either.

Ten minutes later, Zhu Zhuqing vomited blood again.But her expression became more and more determined.

An hour later, the phantom of the ghost civet flickered and dissipated, and Zhu Zhuqing vomited blood for the ninth time.

She was almost able to absorb the soul ring and break through the soul sage!

Di Tian closed the notebook, saluted Long Aotian and left.

"The first test of creating a soul ring failed." Di Tian took out another notebook and kept writing and drawing on it.

He said to the demon-eyed demon tree beside him, who called himself Yaoyan "the future may be the king of ten thousand demons", "Your help just now is very useful."

Di Tian looked back at Zhu Zhuqing who was receiving Bi Ji's treatment, and shook his head.

"Her foundation isn't good enough, but it's pretty good that she won't suffer any damage after failing to absorb the spirit ring."

Ditian didn't care much about Zhu Zhuqing just because Long Aotian looked at Zhu Zhuqing differently. In the eyes of scientific research, except for Long Aotian, anyone or beast could become a test subject.Well, the premise is that Long Aotian does not object.

Bi Ji's healing ability is very strong, and it didn't take long for Zhu Zhuqing to wake up.

After she woke up, she didn't have any expression on her face, she just sat blankly by the lake of life.

Xiao Wu hurried over, put her arms around her shoulders and comforted her: "As long as the foundation is not damaged, and the soul ring can be absorbed later, then it doesn't matter how many times you fail."

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head slightly.

"I have known for a long time that this experiment is likely to fail." Zhu Zhuqing lowered his eyes, as if all the energy of the whole person had been lost.

Xiao Wu didn't know how to persuade Zhu Zhuqing.

Since coming to Star Dou Great Forest, she has rarely smiled, and her eyes are always full of melancholy and sadness.

She is very smart, so, she has long guessed that she came to the Star Dou Great Forest, not so much to escape the Xingluo Emperor Dai Xinghe's pursuit, it is better to say that Dai Mubai did it deliberately.

Occasionally, she would leave the Star Dou Forest with Xiao Wu to go to towns to buy some daily necessities, clothes and food.

She knew that Dai Mubai had never deprived her of the status of the quasi-princess, nor had he changed his fiancée, nor had there been any romantic news about him.

It seems that Dai Mubai is still the perfect husband who is single-minded.

But she knew that she would give way to that "Xue'er" after all.

Dai Mubai didn't want her to be his first wife, and he didn't want the empress to still be from the Zhu family, and he didn't want her and his children to inherit the throne.

She seemed to be able to hear Dai Mubai saying: "The only constant blood of the Xingluo royal family is the Dai family."

She never complained about Dai Mubai before, even if she knew that Dai Mubai had other women, she never thought about leaving Dai Mubai.

But in the past few years, she has become more and more cold-hearted.

She is a little tired.

She didn't know if what she insisted on was right.

She didn't know if she should still love Mubai.

She didn't know what she should do when facing Dai Mubai in the future.

Hate, resent, or give up completely?

In her heart, she was never willing to give up.

He is the person she has worked hard for more than ten years as her goal!

"Zhuqing, don't be discouraged. Isn't it just a failure? We can try countless times! We might succeed next time!" Xiao Wu said excitedly, "Failure is the mother of success! Didn’t he fail many times when managing the Star Dou Forest? But now he is a great leader in every way!”

If you rank the people or beasts that Xiao Wu respects the most in this world, Di Tian and Long Ao Tian are the first ones right now!
It was Ditian and Long Aotian who jointly researched the transformation method that ordinary soul beasts can also use.

It is a simple recipe for soul beast cultivation that Ditian and Long Aotian researched together.

It is the soul beast opening wisdom magic circle researched by Ditian and Long Aotian together.


The most important thing is that today's Star Dou Great Forest is orderly and orderly.

Long Aotian has absolute authority, therefore, things that he does not allow can't happen in the Star Dou Forest.

Of course, even Long Aotian couldn't stop the soul beasts from preying on each other.

Soul beasts are not gods, they will starve to death if they don't eat.

What's more, there is no need for Long Aotian to change the food chain.

For the time being, he only needs order in the chaos of the soul beast clan.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

She can also be regarded as the person who watched the changes in the Star Dou Great Forest, and she also respected Di Tian very much.

"Let's go to a nearby town. Last time in Sauron Town, I heard that Emperor Xingluo intends to become a concubine...Then whoever chooses the new crown princess, we have to inquire carefully this time. If anyone is really If you dare to bully you, Miss Xiao Wu will definitely bring Da Ming and Er Ming to seek justice for you and beat him hard!"

Zhu Zhuqing's face froze, then she shook her head: "No need!"

"Zhu Zhuqing, when did you become so weak!" Xiao Wu stood up angrily, and she looked down at Zhu Zhuqing with an angry face, "Although you were reticent, we all know that you are cold-hearted. It’s hot, you can’t tolerate sand in your eyes! But what about you now? You not only tolerate him cheating! You also tolerate him abandoning you!”

"Enough!" Zhu Zhuqing hugged his knees and said in a low voice, "I should have known it a long time ago. He won't belong to me alone."

"I just, have been expecting extravagantly."

Zhu Zhuqing's voice was very soft, like a thread that might break at any moment.

Just like her spirit, it seems that she will collapse at any time.

"Zhuqing, don't be like this..." Xiaowu Rabbit's eyes were red, and the big eyes were full of mist.

She looked even sadder than Zhu Zhuqing.

She didn't know how to persuade Zhu Zhuqing.

The matter between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai is too complicated, Xiao Wu still can't figure out why Dai Mubai would have the heart to send Zhu Zhuqing to the Star Dou Forest alone.

Star Dou Great Forest is her home, not Zhu Zhuqing's.

Floating on the water, Long Aotian suddenly said: "Dai Mubai never gave up on Zhu Zhuqing, just like him, he never loved Zhu Zhuqing enough."

"It's not that I don't love it, but it's not enough." After Long Aotian finished speaking, he sank to the bottom of the lake.

Xiao Wu was stunned.

How can there be such a thing as "not enough love"?

Now that you fall in love with someone and decide to spend the rest of your life with him, then you should be devoted to this love forever!
"I know." Zhu Zhuqing's voice became softer.

She knew very well that for her, Dai Mubai still feels guilty more.She is only his responsibility.

"I'm obviously only three years younger than him... Don't most men prefer women who are younger than themselves?" Zhu Zhuqing didn't understand, "Why?"

She was sure she had done nothing wrong.

If there is, it is because Dai Mubai has spoiled him.

She didn't think Dai Mubai would harm her.

She suddenly wanted to know, who is that woman Dai Mubai likes?How is it?Why did Dai Mubai like her more?

But sadly, she still doesn't know who that woman is!

"Xiao Wu, let me stay by myself for a while, I'll be fine." Zhu Zhuqing raised her head, with a calm face, she said, "I need to think it through myself."

Xiao Wu opened her mouth to speak, but in the end she just sighed and left the Lake of Life after saying "You don't want to get into a dead end".

Daming touched his horns subconsciously. He really wanted to know why people would call a person who is stuck in a deadlock and unable to get out of his mind a dead end?

There is no way to drill the horns!
It will die!

emmmmm, he doesn't seem to be a cow.

But with a bull's head, Daming felt that he was half a bull.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't think for a long time, Long Aotian suddenly surfaced again, he even flew away from the lake of life.

"Dai Mubai! You are finally here!" Long Aotian shouted excitedly.

Zhu Zhuqing's body froze.

Did Dai Mubai come to Star Dou Great Forest?

What kind of response should she use?
Resentment, ignorance, or business as usual?

Zhu Zhuqing's heart was in a mess.

Dai Mubai looked at the Xingdou Great Forest which was quite different from four years ago, and looked at Long Aotian who jumped to his side like lightning with a look of surprise.

"Your effect is too strong, isn't it?" Looking at the various camps under the towering trees, Dai Mubai couldn't help but marvel, "The tribal system has been formed so quickly, your next step is to establish a mixed tribe, right? "

Long Aotian grinned, his white teeth shining brightly in the dim Star Dou Forest.

"We have experience, of course the speed will be very fast." Long Aotian smiled, "And, let me tell you some good news, the external spirit ring is almost successful!"

Dai Mubai was even more surprised: "So fast? Star Martial Academy is only at the theoretical stage, have you experimented?"

Long Aotian nodded: "Of course, it happened just when you didn't come."

Dai Mubai nodded, and followed Long Aotian to the Lake of Life.

Dai Mubai saw Zhu Zhuqing sitting by the lake with his knees hugged like a rock at first sight.

There was a trace of pity in his eyes, he nodded to Long Aotian, and rushed to Zhu Zhuqing's side.

"I am coming."

 Four thousand words, I'm so sleepy...

(End of this chapter)

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