Chapter 198 Chaos

In this world, there will always be a day when you look at yourself in the mirror and suddenly realize that you are very strange to the person in the mirror.

Now Da Ming looks at his own reflection on the lake, and feels a sense of strangeness that makes him at a loss.

Four years later, he still hasn't adapted to his human form.

"Da Ming, I caught a Luoxue pig today, and Xiao Wu is grilling the meat, let's eat together!" Er Ming shouted carelessly in a broken voice.

Daming regained his senses.

At this moment, he suddenly envied Er Ming's heartlessness.

Human beings have a good saying, stupid people have stupid blessings.

There are silly apes too.

"Da Ming, hurry up! I'm going to eat meat first!" Er Ming yelled a few words and ran away.

Daming smiled.

"Actually... it's a good ending, right?" Daming murmured, "The so-called love, how can it compare to our family relationship. I would rather have one more person between us than one less brother."

That's what he said, but Daming finally sighed.

I really like it, how could I give up so easily?Unless, like it enough.

Daming seemed to be watching a blue boa constrictor with a bull's head looking down at him, looking at him with indifferent and distant eyes.

"Self-deception is pointless!"

Daming raised his foot, but couldn't let it go.

He was full of confusion and pain.

"It's more meaningful than ruining everything now!"

Daming put his right foot down with difficulty, raised his left leg but couldn't get it down.

"You choose to destroy yourself?"

Daming looked dull.

"I'm just perfecting. Perfecting them and perfecting myself."

Daming's left foot landed, and he was face to face with the Azure Bull Python in front of him.

"They won't thank you, Er Ming won't be as reasonable as you!"

Daming raised his fist and smashed the body of the Azure Bull Python.

"I just want to have a clear conscience!"

The Azure Bull Python dissipated, but before it disappeared completely, it still said stubbornly: "You will regret it!"

"I've already regretted it." Daming lowered his head, "but I won't look back."

Long Aotian in the middle of the lake of life turned his head to look at the Illusory Butterfly King in front of him, and there was a recognizable smile on the dragon's face.

He is obviously a dragon, but no matter what race he is, no one will deny his strength and beauty.

True beauty transcends races.

"Good job, go find Di Tian."

The Butterfly King spread his wings and bowed his head to Long Aotian.

It has not yet learned to speak human language, so it can only express its gratitude to Long Aotian Bian in the language of Huandie.

As the former master of Douluo, the Dragon Clan can understand the language of any soul beast, so Long Aotian tapped the exquisite dragon head to the King of Magic Butterfly.

The Phantom Butterfly King flapped his wings and left the Lake of Life.

From then on, its clan will be protected by Long Aotian and Ditian.

"I can't find Qiankun Ask Love Valley, I can build one myself~"

Looking at Daming's back, Long Aotian's smile deepened.

Dai Mubai who was eating barbecue with Zhu Zhuqing suddenly frowned.

"This skewer is a bit salty," Dai Mubai said casually, he ate the remaining meat on the bamboo stick, and then said to Zhu Zhuqing, "I'll go find Long Aotian, I'll be right back."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly.

Xiao Wu made a grimace at Dai Mubai, then handed Zhu Zhuqing a bunch of Luoxue pork, and said, "How could Miss Xiao Wu's roasted meat be salty? He must want to run away again!"

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head helplessly.

Dai Mubai paused, turned around, and said helplessly: "Don't hurt me! Otherwise, when I see Tang San, I won't let you go."

"Bah! Scumbag! You can't harm Miss Xiao Wu!" Xiao Wu said proudly with her hands on her hips.

Dai Mubai didn't bother to talk to her.

An old witch who has lived for 10 years, her heart is not as stable as that of a ten-year-old girl.

This is the real age to live on the dog.

Erha: ""

Why do you suddenly have the feeling of lying on the gun?

Erha rubbed his nose and muttered: "Human beings are nothing, they scold our dog clan for everything. What kind of wolf-hearted, human-like dogs, fox friends and dog friends... and dogs are good friends of human beings? There are a lot of scolding people. Is it for a friend? So say it, what humans say is fart! You can’t believe a word!”

Dai Mubai: "..."

Mu Bai patted Erha on the shoulder: "It's good that you know, what are you complaining about? If you want to complain, remember to scold harder next time."

"Let me tell you, you guys are firing map guns!" Dai Mubai said helplessly, "Besides, there must be a reason for all proverbs and idioms. Dogs are not innocent, right?"

Ha ha ha ha.

Mu Bai hehe.

Dai Mubai is not happy now: "Forget about Erha, what are you trying to do?"

Mu Bai glanced at him: "I am willing."

Dai Mubai wanted to hit him.

But forget it, who told him to be great?
Dai Mubai soon came to the lake of life, he stepped on the water and stopped in front of Long Aotian.

Long Aotian gathered a Water Throne for him and asked him to sit down.

Dai Mubai nodded, and sat down unceremoniously.

"You know very well that the two races can't really coexist peacefully." Long Aotian shrunk in size, and also sat cross-legged on the Water Throne, looking straight into Dai Mubai's eyes.

Dai Mubai was silent.

Soul beasts and humans really cannot live in peace.

Human beings want the soul rings and bones of soul beasts and even the fur, flesh and bones on their bodies.

The soul beast wants to devour human beings alive and eat them into their stomachs.

Racial hatred comes from interests.

No one can refuse benefits.

"You changed too fast," Dai Mubai cut off contact with Erha, Huang Xin and Lu Mingfei, he looked at Long Aotian, he asked, "Have you been influenced by the Silver Dragon King?"

Long Aotian shook his head: "I'm not as stupid as it is. I only want what we should have."

"This is too general." Dai Mubai said, "Under the condition of not harming the interests of mankind, the ocean can be conquered by you."

Long Aotian was slightly angry: "You are an empty-handed white wolf!"

The ocean is vast, and its resources are extremely rich, but its dangers far exceed that of land.

What's more, the sea is the territory of the Sea God, and there are also peerless beasts like the Deep Sea Demon Whale King who are close to the gods!

"What Tang San can defeat, absolutely cannot stop you." Dai Mubai said indifferently.

Long Aotian sneered: "Not enough!"

"What do you want?" Dai Mubai asked patiently.

Long Aotian's eyes were cold: "I want the seat of Seagod to be broken! There is no Seagod on Douluo Continent!"

Dai Mubai's eyes were sharp: "This is impossible!"

"That means we can't agree?" Long Aotian raised his body, looking down at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai looked at Long Aotian coldly: "You know this is impossible, I can accept that you have autonomy, but I will never allow you to completely escape control!"

"Your ambition is great." Long Aotian said, "It's even more ambitious than mine."

"This is the Douluo Continent. If you can't kill the current Seagod before Tang San becomes the Seagod and smash his throne, then you won't have any chance of destroying the Seagod." Dai Mubai looked cold, "I believe You don't do stupid things."

"Indeed." Long Aotian's attitude softened slightly, "I know very well that cooperation will benefit both. But you and I both know that long-term cooperation will lead to division."

Dai Mubai was silent.

Long Aotian continued: "The Sun Moon Continent may merge with the Douluo Continent in 6000 years. At that time, foreign enemies will attack. It is not impossible for the two races to join hands to resist the foreign enemies. However, no one can guarantee that the two races can 6000 years of peace. You know that well. 6000 years is too long for a human being."

"Didn't your Dai Dynasty change several times in the last 1 years?"

Dai Mubai couldn't refute, but he found another way: "Although this is the case, we are also very clear that if we don't establish cooperation at this time, you will suffer even more in the future. Never underestimate the wisdom of human beings. Even if you can catch up now Don't be too complacent!"

"Humans are a very magical race." Long Aotian said calmly, "Weak enough to have no lower limit, but also so strong that there is no upper limit. I can be sure that as long as you don't wipe out the human race, you will eventually come back and take back your own everything, and everything."

"I don't want to be an enemy of humans."

Dai Mubai was puzzled, but after watching Long Aotian for a while, he quickly understood.

"Ask for prices all over the sky, and pay back the money on the ground." Dai Mubai shook his head: "You have a good plan."

Long Aotian was helpless: "Who told me that I am just a young dragon? My growth period is too long, but I urgently need strength. Within 2 years, I must go to the God Realm!"

"You don't trust me too much." Dai Mubai showed a look of disappointment, "I thought you should understand me after being with me for so long."

"People's minds change." Long Aotian was helpless, "If you can't believe a non-binding oath, how can I trust you?"

Dai Mubai was silent.

"You should know that I can't give you an exact guarantee, you can only trust me." Dai Mubai said.

Long Aotian shook his head: "Until you solve the divine punishment of the soul beast clan, I will never be able to truly trust you."

He said: "I am very grateful to you, and I have no ability to hurt you under the double protection of the holy beast white tiger and flat peach tree, but I have the right to refuse you."

Long Aotian finally kept silent.

Dai Mubai subconsciously knocked on the armrest of the chair: "We don't trust each other, because none of us can guarantee the future."

Dai Mubai got up, he said to Long Aotian: "I will solve the divine punishment, but at the same time, I will set new constraints on the soul beasts."

Long Aotian did not object.

"You have always been very smart, and you have never been confused in major matters." Long Aotian said.

"That's right," Dai Mubai smiled, "I don't think you will be stupid."


Long Aotian sighed, and finally with a flick of his tail, the two water thrones shattered and turned into lake water and fell into the lake.Long Aotian also dived into the lake again.

"We'd better not be stupid."

Dai Mubai left the Lake of Life.

Long Aotian watched him leave.

"It's a pity that people who are not of my race will have different hearts." Long Aotian has nothing to do about this, "As long as the two races cannot be as close as one family, they will have to part ways in the end, or even turn against each other."

"Nowadays, humans and spirit beasts are already bloody enemies."

"We're all short of time."

Long Aotian also buried his head in the lake.

Mu Bai scratched his chin, for Dai Mubai's sake, he didn't run up to scratch Long Aotian's paw.

If Dai Mubai hadn't been there, Long Aotian might have died in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, how could he still have his current prestige?What's more, he got the silver dragon king's skeleton with all his hard work and almost desperately, not to mention giving it to Long Aotian, they also gave a lot of flat peaches as a gift.

In this way, Long Aotian actually took the soul beast family as the first?
"Heartless white-eyed wolf!" Mu Bai scolded angrily.

Dai Mubai sighed: "Okay, that's all he can do."

Mu Bai narrowed his eyes: "You still speak for him?"

"As long as he doesn't betray me, then he's still one of our own!" Dai Mubai said firmly.

Mu Bai was a little relieved and a little helpless: "You have matured."

Dai Mubai's face darkened, he said in displeasure: "Why do you say sarcastic words? Just now you were able to come out and suppress my situation, why did you give up doing it?"

Mu Bai gave a "tsk" and said: "You said, he is one of his own. Although I am stronger than before, it is not enough to deter Long Aotian."

"Now it is the master of the soul beast, and it is assisted by the luck of the Star Dou Great Forest... Don't look at the theory of luck as illusory, but it is real."

"Just wait for him to become stronger. It's a pity that the growth cycle of the Dragon Clan is too long."

Dai Mubai shook his head, no longer thinking about this question.

Because, he has already returned to the "barbecue stand".

"Add more peppers," Dai Mubai said to Xiao Wu, "Also, Er Ming ate too much, let him go and beat another pig back."

Er Ming licked the grease from his palms like a child, glared at Dai Mubai, and ran to hunt despondently under Xiao Wu's gaze.

Daming sat on the side, eating the meat skewers slowly, and looked at Erming with a smile.

Dai Mubai took a bunch of meat skewers, and sat beside Zhu Zhuqing, he asked: "Tomorrow, let's go to the Fairy Forest, I want to see the powerful Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear."

Zhu Zhuqing showed a look of disapproval: "Even Da Ming and Er Ming dare not face the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear alone, it's too dangerous."

Dai Mubai smiled: "So what about the danger? We are always in danger."

Zhu Zhuqing thought for a while, knowing that he and Long Aotian had a deep friendship, and nodded in agreement: "Now the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear is also under Long Aotian's control, as long as they don't let them get angry and lose their minds, they are easy to get along with."

"Speaking of which, haven't you found the Dark Devilgod Tiger yet?" Dai Mubai asked.

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head: "I don't know."

She hadn't thought about it before, how could she be in the mood to think about it?

Besides, she didn't know about it.

Erha directly brought Dai Mubai's message to Long Aotian.

Daming said: "Senior Ditian once mentioned that he seemed to have found traces of the Dark Devilgod Tiger near the Frozen Forest, but it disappeared very quickly."

Dai Mubai nodded: "The Dark Devilgod Tiger is very fast, even if it can resist the combination of you and Er Ming, it is still powerless in front of Di Tian. It is very smart and knows how to run."

Speaking of this, Daming was also very helpless.

The Dark Devilgod Tiger can rapidly increase its strength by devouring the soul power of other soul beasts or human soul masters.Therefore, no matter what environment this kind of spirit beast appears in, it will immediately cause other spirit beasts to attack it.However, it is said that it has residual divine power, and its strength is too strong.

The Dark Devilgod Tiger is only 6 years old now, but Da Ming and Er Ming can't kill it together!

What's more, this kind of soul beast has the same cunning as humans, especially it can escape!

(End of this chapter)

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