Chapter 199 Dream

It stands to reason that now Dai Mubai's spirit rings are almost 10 years old, the mere Dark Devilgod Tiger is not worth his shot at all.

What's more, if Dai Mubai remembered correctly, the Dark Devilgod Tiger not only became Tang San's spirit ring, but also became another god of the Douluo god system.

But so what?

Dai Mubai is not their parents, so he has to protect them everywhere.

Dai Mubai doesn't know another Douluo god, so whether he can achieve anything has anything to do with Dai Mubai?
As far as Tang San was concerned, Dai Mubai had really done his best to him.

It's just a soul ring...

In Dai Mubai's impression, that spirit ring seemed of little use to Tang San.

Anyway, regardless of whether it was useful to Tang San or not, Dai Mubai definitely wanted the Dark Devilgod Tiger's spirit ring!

His external spirit bone is counting on the Dark Devilgod Tiger!
He can't give up!

For the sake of a 10-year-old Frost Crystal Tiger soul ring, he would not hesitate to do the thing of exterminating the Frost Crystal Tiger clan, and naturally he would also do something horrific to the Dark Devilgod Tiger for the sake of an external soul bone of time and space attributes.

He was never a good man.

Dai Mubai narrowed his eyes, slowly chewing the piece of meat in his mouth.

"What are you thinking?" Zhu Zhuqing's senses were extremely keen, a layer of dense pimples suddenly appeared on her arms, although she calmed down quickly, she knew that Dai Mubai must be thinking about something not very good.

Dai Mubai opened his eyes, said with a smile: "Anyway, the Dark Devilgod Tiger is also shouted for beating and killing by everyone, so I can't do anything to him too much."

Dai Mubai stuck the bamboo stick on the ground, he took another skewer of barbecue naturally, and ate it calmly under Xiao Wu's eyes.

"I heard that the Dark Devilgod Tiger likes to devour soul beasts and soul masters the most. If you say it this way, it's indeed for everyone to kill." Zhu Zhuqing nodded, but didn't fully agree with Dai Mubai's words, "But you With your current strength, you shouldn't let the Dark Devilgod Tiger, which is less than 7 years old, become your seventh soul ring, right? Even I have chosen the 7-year soul ring age, so you should...need a 10-year soul ring, right? ?”

Da Ming stood up suddenly, he stood beside Xiao Wu, staring at Dai Mubai vigilantly.

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment.

Zhu Zhuqing's analysis was in place, he really didn't need a soul ring less than 7 years old.

In fact, not to mention the Peach Tree Martial Soul, his Holy Winged White Tiger Martial Soul, now has six soul rings, except for the first three, the last three soul rings are all 10 years old!

But now he is not the Dai Mubai who needs to forcibly train his body in order to increase the lifespan of spirit rings he can absorb in order to lay a solid foundation.

Right now, he just needs a seventh spirit ring.As for the age of that spirit ring... To be honest, that's not important.

The important thing is that he needs the external spirit bone that the seventh spirit ring might bring him.

"Now I don't need the age limit of the soul ring anymore. For me, the right soul skill is the best." Dai Mubai said, "There are only a few 10-year soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest. I It is impossible to attack them, so if I need a 10-year spirit ring, I only have two places to go. One is the extreme north, and the other is the ocean."

"I've already been to the extreme north, so I probably won't go there again. So," Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing, and asked, "Are you interested in accompanying me to enjoy the ocean scenery?"

Zhu Zhuqing frowned instinctively.

She doesn't like water very much.

All cats do not like water very much.

But... I gave up my life to accompany the gentleman.


Zhu Zhuqing was not entirely for the sake of accompanying Dai Mubai.She also suddenly discovered that there are indeed very few 10-year-old soul beasts on the Douluo Continent.

As the largest gathering place of spirit beasts on the Douluo Continent, the Star Dou Forest only has five 10-year-old spirit beasts.Xiao Wu has to be added.

Not to mention Long Aotian and Ditian, no one can beat them at all.Da Ming and Er Ming are considered to be Xiao Wu's older brothers, they are often together, waiting for the idler to join hands with their brothers, basically they can only run away.And Xiao Wu... chose to take human form, she is already a Soul Sage, but because she has become a Soul Sage, she is no different from a human being.Although weak, it is under the protection of other bosses.

There are more than a dozen soul beasts of more than 9 years old in the Star Dou Great Forest.

However, no human being can wait thousands of years for them to achieve 10 years.

"I heard that the ocean is much wider than the land, and the sea spirit beasts are dozens of times larger than the land. If you go to the ocean to search for spirit beasts, it is indeed more effective than looking for them on land." Xiao Wu said.

Dai Mubai corrected Xiao Wu's mistake: "There are at least a hundred times as many soul beasts in the ocean as there are on land!"

Douluo Continent is also divided into seventy-thirds of the land area of ​​the ocean.

Originally, the area of ​​the ocean is more than twice the size of the land, and the ocean has depths, and there are soul beasts in the seas of various depths.Unlike on land, it is generally counted as a layer of underground insects, a layer of land spirit beasts on the ground, and a layer of flying spirit beasts in trees.

The ocean has always been the richest treasure, but unfortunately, very few people can get the treasure from the sea.

After all, the various 10-year-old soul beasts in the sea are not vegetarians.

Almost all 10-year-old soul beasts have a common characteristic, that is, they will not leave their own territory too far unless necessary.

Their sense of territory is terrible!
But this is an advantage, as long as one has enough strength, it is very easy to obtain a 10 year spirit ring.

Xiao Wu listened to Dai Mubai's explanation to Haiyang, her eyes became brighter and brighter: "My soul power has no fixed attributes, and now I can no longer generate soul rings by myself, so I also need to go to the ocean to try my luck gone."

Daming disagreed and said: "The ocean is very dangerous, a hundred times more dangerous than the land! And your knowledge of the ocean is limited, I don't recommend you go to the ocean to practice."

"If you don't take risks in the ocean, then tell me, how do we make progress?" Xiao Wu pouted and said displeasedly, "My seventh spirit ring is nearly 8 years old, and the eighth spirit ring needs at least 9 years. Years. Now the Lord and Senior Ditian have not researched an external soul ring that is more than 7 years old..."

Daming said: "It took less than five years for the master and senior to research a 7-year-old soul ring, and it won't be long before they can definitely research a 10-year-old soul ring!"

"You and I both know that a 9000-year soul beast is different from a 10-year soul beast!" Xiao Wu retorted, "10 years is a hurdle, and 10 years is a level of life for a soul beast. evolution! Its research difficulty must be hundreds of times higher than before!"

Daming was speechless.

As a 10-year soul beast, he knows the difference between a 10-year soul beast and other soul beasts.

Xiao Wu evolved from an ordinary soft bone rabbit to a jade rabbit, and he evolved from a green snake to an azure bull python.

10 years... This is the strongest power among most soul beasts today.

"Then I'll go with you too." Daming had no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

"Let's listen to Senior Ditian's arrangement." Xiao Wu didn't agree directly.

She also knows the danger of the ocean, and doesn't want Da Ming to accompany her on the adventure.

Daming's eyes darkened, and he nodded silently.

Er Ming came back with two Snowfall pigs, clamoring for a big meal.

The atmosphere of silence eased, but not as relaxed as before.

Although Er Ming was careless, he was not stupid, and he could feel the strangeness of the atmosphere because he had restrained himself a lot.But even so, he still made everyone dumbfounded.

I've heard of Xiong Han, but I haven't heard of Ape, a soul beast that has always been called the wisest among soul beasts, and it's also foolish!

The dark gold direclaw bears are not stupid, but they are reckless.

If Dai Mubai hadn't quickly taken out the fairy nectar from the storage bracelet to express kindness to it, he would probably have been scratched by a paw the very first moment he met the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

The 10-year-old Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear's strength can be compared with ordinary 7000-year-old soul beasts. The [-]-year-old Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear in Fairy Jungle Forest is as powerful as the Dark Demon Tiger, and can rival Da Ming Erming's. team up.

So, Da Ming Er Ming, the so-called king of the Star Dou Great Forest, is also true.

For a period of time after eating the nectar, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw was in a good mood and was able to communicate temporarily.

After a brief friendly exchange of ideas, Dai Mubai withdrew and left.

Thirty feet tall, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear was lying on the ground, a little suspicious of Xiong Sheng.

Why does a mere soul emperor have so many 10-year soul rings on his body?

Could it be that the old bear can no longer distinguish colors?

The Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear got up somewhat aggrieved, it sat under a moonlight tree, suspecting that Dai Mubai was a Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear stronger than him!
In its cognition, there is only another Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear in this world who is stronger than the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear!

Dai Mubai brushed off his clothes and returned to the Lake of Life, causing Da Ming and Er Ming to restrain their aura.

The Dark Devilgod Tiger was chased away by Da Ming Erming together, if their aura disappeared from the Star Dou Great Forest, maybe the Dark Devilgod Tiger would come back to have a look.

It is better to sit on the sidelines and wait for a rabbit than to find a needle in a haystack.

After waiting for a few days, the Dark Devilgod Tiger didn't wait, but Tang San did.

Xiao Wu was overjoyed.

Not to mention how the couple told each other about love.

At this time Zhu Zhuqing fell into an illusion under the protection of Dai Mubai.

Although the content of the illusion is uncontrollable, the powerful refining effect of the illusion is real.

Zhu Zhuqing has been in a trance for the past few years, and his state of mind has not been harvested, so the previous absorption of the soul ring failed.

Dai Mubai's arrival this time will naturally make up for her shortcomings.

In the illusion.

Zhu Zhuqing turned into an ordinary little girl.

Born in an ordinary peasant family.

Wuhun was just an ordinary black cat when he was awakened at the age of six, without soul power.

She can only be an ordinary person.

Even because the family is poor, they are not eligible to go to school.

Parents don't particularly care about her eldest daughter, they only care about the youngest son who can become a soul master.

Her younger brother's martial soul is also a cat, although it is an ordinary orange cat, it has third-level soul power.

This kind of soul power is already very high for ordinary people.

At least to be able to be the soul sect, this is simply a joy from heaven for ordinary farmers.

The best things in the house are always her brother's, and she can only wear his brother's old clothes.

However, she never complained.

I work hard every day to do housework, help with farming, and even do some handyman to subsidize the family.

Her sensibility and well-behaved were praised by all the villagers.

However, her parents and younger brother were not included.

Although she always hears complaints from her parents and is always rejected by her younger brother, she thinks they still love her.

Because she can eat and clothe herself warmly, she is not even beaten and scolded like other patriarchal families.

She is already very satisfied.


Natural disasters come.

It was a beautiful meteor fire shower.

Countless meteorites with brilliant tail flames overwhelmingly hit the earth.

Gunpowder smoke billowed everywhere, and the originally quiet village was filled with screams and cries.

The houses were easily smashed through like paper skins, and those who did not have time to escape from the houses died silently due to the impact and high temperature.

Many people have no bones left.

The younger brother happened to be at home during the holidays. He was already a great soul master, and he could get ten gold soul coins every month.

This is a huge sum of money.

The parents worked so hard to plant the land for a year, but they could only save two or three gold soul coins.

Because the younger brother became a soul master, the family is already the richest family in the village, living in the best two-story house in the village.

However, when the meteorite fell, this small two-story building that cost dozens of gold soul coins was no different from all other wooden houses.

It's all instant destruction.

Zhu Zhuqing stood in the open space a few hundred meters away from home with disheveled hair, staring blankly at his younger brother using his martial spirit to take his parents away.

The meteorite that was about to fall on top of her head would not emit light, but the flame layer produced by the friction between the meteorite and the atmosphere clearly illuminated her silent expression.

She wasn't resentful or shocked, she just accepted the arrival of the meteorite calmly.

Before the meteorite fell, she had already dissipated like wind and sand.

It's a pity that she was dissipating from head to toe, so she didn't see it.

Her family did not escape the aftermath of the meteorite landing.

On this day, the entire village was razed, leaving only deep pits one after another.

Later, after a long, long time, it became a strange valley.

The soul beasts in the valley are all cat soul beasts.

The leader of the cat soul beast is a black cat with blue-green eyes.

The black cat has a younger brother, a very fat orange cat.

After Zhu Zhu woke up, she was a little dazed.

She didn't know the meaning of this illusion.

Is it to tell her that even relatives cannot be trusted?

She knew this truth when she was six years old.

Or, the illusion is just for her to experience a miserable life?

Zhu Zhuqing was dumbfounded.

She raised her head and looked at the scene in front of her in shock.

She is in a hall.

There was no one in the hall.

She knew the words on the screen of the soul guide, but she didn't quite understand the meaning.

What does subway station mean?
Where is Century Building?
Shouldn't she wake up?

Is the illusion not over yet?
Zhu Zhuqing suddenly saw his own appearance on the glass.

That's not her!

It was a very ordinary girl, not tall, with an average figure and an ordinary appearance.

She was wearing a black tracksuit and a high ponytail.

There was no one else in the subway station.

Zhu Zhuqing was at a loss.

"Dai Mubai! Where are you?" Zhu Zhuqing started to run, she ran towards the wall that she could see.

However, she kept running, but never got near the wall.

This distance seems to be only tens of meters, but it seems that it will never finish.

Zhu Zhuqing stopped suddenly, she turned her head abruptly, but found nothing in disappointment.

At that moment just now, she thought that Dai Mubai had come by her side.


There was a screeching sound in the subway station, and two bright lights behind her illuminated the dark world outside the glass.

 Good night, still sleepy.

(End of this chapter)

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