Chapter 200 Empty

Zhu Zhuqing turned her head abruptly, and for a moment, the strong light forced her to squint her eyes.

There was an absurd weirdness in her.

She thought the level of light couldn't hurt her, but her body reacted on its own.

With the rumbling sound, a huge monster slowly stopped.

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't see its whole picture clearly at a glance.

A kind of enlightenment suddenly rose in her heart.

"This is the subway."

However, she still doesn't quite understand, what is a subway?
The sound of "didi" sounded, Zhu Zhuqing was in a daze for a moment, and many people suddenly appeared in the subway station.

The originally peaceful world suddenly became noisy.

Everyone is in a hurry.

Some people get off the subway, and some people get on the subway.

Zhu Zhuqing stood alone in the aisle.

No one can see her.

She doesn't know anyone either.

Everyone here wears a mask, and she can't see anyone's face, only pairs of indifferent eyes.

When the subway closes the door and starts again.

A woman beside Zhu Zhuqing suddenly turned her head and looked at her blankly.

Zhu Zhuqing was taken aback, thinking that someone had finally discovered her, but just as she was about to speak, she saw the woman look back and frowned.She turned her head and looked around, as if she hadn't found anything, she continued to walk forward in silence.

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned.

No one found her at all.

But she subconsciously followed the woman.

Why do you feel familiar with her?Zhu Zhuqing stared at the woman's back, full of doubts and unable to explain.

Zhu Zhuqing followed the woman to leave the subway station, and she looked at the woman carefully.

Although she couldn't see her face clearly, judging from her eyebrows, she should be a pretty good-looking woman.

It's just that she wears glasses, she seems to be deeply nearsighted, and her eyes are not agile.

Outside the subway station is a more noisy world.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the strange world, and the bewilderment in his heart was magnified again.

The woman took out a black metal block, clicked on it a few times, walked to a car with only two wheels, and seemed to have done something.She then rode away.

"Bike sharing..."

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly knew the name of that car.

What is that metal block?
Before Zhu Zhuqing could figure it out, when he saw the woman going away, he hurriedly ran to keep up.

"Her speed is too slow..." Zhu Zhuqing thought to himself, but gasped slightly.

She felt a little tired from running.

"With my strength, I only ran these few steps, shouldn't I be tired?"

Zhu Zhuqing felt more and more unable to adapt.

What's wrong?

After Zhu Zhuqing regained consciousness, the woman had already stopped the shared bicycle, and she walked into a building.

Zhu Zhuqing stood next to the woman, she could see the woman's mouth move, but she didn't hear the sound.

The door opened and the woman walked in.

The person who opened the door was a girl who looked fifteen or sixteen years old and was wearing pink pajamas.

"Sister, you express it and I'll finish it for you." Zhu Zhuqing guessed what the girl meant from the shape of her mouth.

But what is express delivery?
The woman changed her shoes and went into the bedroom to change her clothes.She took the metal block out of her pocket and placed it on the table by the bed.

Zhu Zhuqing wanted to touch that piece of metal, but she gave up this idea.

It was already embarrassing for her to show up uninvited, and it would be even more embarrassing for her to touch other people's things.

Feeling that the woman finished changing her clothes, Zhu Zhuqing looked at the woman.

It was a very handsome face, and the facial features could be regarded as delicate, but unfortunately the combination was not amazing, but it was still attractive.Her eyes are large, but the glasses are too thick, and looking through the lenses, you can see that the surroundings of her eyes have been distorted by the lenses.

Dark circles are too heavy.

It must be staying up all night, right?

Zhu Zhuqing saw her get into bed after changing her pajamas, she seemed to feel very cold.

She picked up the metal block on the table and turned on the screen.

Zhu Zhuqing was slightly taken aback.

"Screen? Is this the same as the screen for recording soul guides? Could it be that this thing is recording soul guides?"

Zhu Zhuqing thought for a while, and suddenly found a big problem.

It seemed that there was a force that made her deliberately forget about the martial soul and soul power!

Now she suddenly found out!
She has no soul power!

Wuhun also disappeared!

Zhu Zhuqing finally knew where the strange feeling haunting her heart came from!

The martial soul and soul power that was born with him and relied on for his survival disappeared, and Zhu Zhuqing suddenly fell into panic.

This kind of panic can't even be described, and nothing can compare to it!
It's like denying yourself!Deny the world!Deny everything!
Zhu Zhuqing's mind was in chaos, and he lost the ability to think.

In a daze, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to see a sentence.

"Because of the difficulty of choosing, I don't want to dismantle Zhu Zhuqing, and then I like Qian Renxue. It hurts to choose either one, so I can only have a harem."

Zhu Zhuqing blinked lightly.

She stared blankly at the line of writing.

She knew every word, but every word felt strange.

Zhu Zhuqing watched seven words appear on the screen of the soul guide in the woman's hand.

Douluo's supreme white tiger

That line above is the cover of a book.

|The Supreme White Tiger of Douluo|
|Why Don't Hesit ◎Work|
| Genesis Chinese Network |
There are three small characters below that line: serializing

The following is: Editing chapters for more content
Zhu Zhuqing saw that the woman clicked on the blue box with the edit chapter inside.

She watched as the woman clicked on a plus sign, and a new interface appeared.

"Chapter 40 Gang Beating Zao Wou-Ki"

Zhu Zhuqing subconsciously covered his chest.

If she just felt that her mind was in chaos before, now, there seems to be a roar in her mind.

It sounded like something was collapsing.

Zhu Zhuqing moved closer to the screen.

Obviously a lot of words have been written on the screen, but now she can only see a few words.

Dai Mubai.

Zhu Zhuqing.

Ning Rongrong.

Tang San.

Xiao Wu.


Zhao Wuji.

She could only see these familiar names and nothing else.

But, she knew what it would be.

That was their first day at Shrek Academy. On that day, apart from Ma Hongjun, six of the Shrek Seven Monsters faced the entrance test by Teacher Zao Wou-ki together.

That day, teacher Zhao Wuji was beaten badly by Dai Mubai and Tang San.

That was also the first time that Zhu Zhuqing saw Dai Mubai angry and showing his great strength.

That day was the second day after they reunited after three years.

However, she also remembers clearly.

On the second day after that day, Dai Mubai suddenly fell into a coma.

Although that time Dai Mubai only woke up from a coma for half a day, but that was always the shadow in Zhu Zhuqing's heart.

She didn't feel that Dai Mubai was weak, because Dai Mubai proved to her that even if an unexpected situation caused the realm of spirit power to regress.

He is still invincible in the same realm!
His powerful image in her heart has never been weakened by accident.

Zhu Zhuqing stood beside the woman blankly, almost suffocated by the fear in her heart.

She suddenly had an extremely terrifying conjecture.

She turned her head and saw a few books with very familiar names on the bookshelf opposite the bed.


(End of this chapter)

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