Chapter 201 Back

Zhu Zhuqing looked at those books absently.

Her mind is blank now.

Not even the woman left the bedroom through her body.

She stood there for a long time, but when she noticed the woman came back from outside the bedroom, she felt that she had only spent a few seconds.

She turned her head mechanically and saw the woman put the metal block she suddenly remembered called "mobile phone" into the pocket of her pajamas.

She followed the woman like a wandering spirit.

they are eating.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't feel hungry.

She suddenly remembered the first sentence she saw before, and she remembered the words "Qian Renxue".

"Is she Xue'er?" Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head.

I don't want to dismantle Zhu Zhuqing, I like Qian Renxue...

She suddenly realized that if things were really what she thought, then...she was redundant.

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly ran back to the bedroom, she reached out and touched those books.

"Dai Mubai!"

Zhu Zhuqing jumped off the bed violently, she rushed towards Dai Mubai, hugging him tightly.

Dai Mubai instinctively hugged Zhu Zhuqing back, and asked softly: "What's wrong? Could it be that you have experienced something bad?"

He knew that Zhu Zhuqing had entered an illusion.

Also, most illusions are kind of like that.

He won't say anything himself, eight out of ten illusions are weird.

Tang San also entered the illusion many times when he was in the Slaughter Capital, and of course he also experienced things that nearly broke his mind.

So, if Zhu Zhuqing goes through some fucking things, don't worry, don't panic, just be normal.

Because there will be more fucking things in the future!
"Things in the illusion are not real." Dai Mubai said, "Things you hope may happen, and things you fear may happen. There are also some weird things, such as you may lose all your memories, and then become A man, living as a man."

Speaking of this, Dai Mubai almost burst into tears.

He really went through too many transgender events.

I don't know what is going on with this "thousands of mortals refine one's true heart", he is always struggling between sex and sex after his body becomes a woman.

Zhu Zhuqing slowed down for a while and calmed down.She let go of Dai Mubai, forced to ask calmly: "Is it possible for real things to happen in the illusion?"

Dai Mubai thought for a while, and said: "Since it's an illusion, how could real things happen? Maybe what happened has something to do with reality, but it's actually just that we were affected when we entered the illusion, which led to the illusion. derived from our fantasies."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, her face softened a lot, and she asked again: "Have you ever experienced changing scenes in an illusion?"

"So you encountered an infinite illusion?" Dai Mubai was a little surprised, he could somewhat understand why Zhu Zhuqing had such a big reaction.

"The infinite illusion is the most terrifying kind of illusion, because it will constantly change identities, so it is very dangerous." Dai Mubai said, "I have experienced many illusions, some of them died in the illusion and went directly to the next illusion , and some are from the next illusion after completing the task. Which one did you experience?"

Zhu Zhuqing blinked: "The first type."

Dai Mubai touched Zhu Zhuqing's face distressedly.

There is great horror between life and death, and experiencing death is the most exercise of willpower.

However, no one likes to experience death.

"Is everything that happened in the illusion really fake?" Zhu Zhuqing asked again.

Dai Mubai frowned: "Not necessarily? I guess, the illusion may show us a new world. Maybe that world is real, but those things are not certain."

Dai Mubai gave an example and said: "I used to live in a world without spirits and spirit beasts. The individual strength of the people there is very weak, and the strongest will not be stronger than a spirit warrior without a spirit ring. But , They have powerful technology, the most powerful weapon is estimated to be unable to resist even Titled Douluo."

"That kind of world..." Zhu Zhuqing blinked, she felt that the world Dai Mubai was talking about was the strange world she had experienced in the illusion.

Dai Mubai also said: "There are other worlds that don't have martial spirits or soul power, but have battle qi, magic, magic power, and spiritual energy... the strong ones in them often break mountains and crack earth, pick stars and moons, and compete with titles." Luo is even stronger."

"Creating mountains and cracking earth? Reaching the stars and taking the moon?" Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Is there such a powerful person?"

"Maybe." Dai Mubai was noncommittal about this, "There may be anything in the illusion, and you may experience such a world in the future. It's just that such a world is far more cruel than the world of soul masters."

The world of cultivation is often measured in hundreds of millions of miles, and an empire has hundreds of billions to trillions of people. Speaking of other things, after Xiao Yan became Emperor Dou, he would probably be burnt up if he came here.

Hey, the fighting power of Douluo Dalu in the early stage is too weak.

Miracle is miraculous, but he doesn't even have the strength of a broken star, so he deserves to be called Gao Wu?

"The later Douluo Continent is qualified to be slapped a second time by a Da Luo Jinxian." Mu Bai said suddenly.

Dai Mubai's eyes flashed: "Did you remember something again?"

"It's been said that my soul is broken, I lost a lot of knowledge, and basically I can't get those things back." Mu Bai said, "Now, no matter how much I recover, I can only recall the old imprints. The rules of every soul, or common sense. For example, in another 10 years, if you don't reach the Daluo Jinxian, I still look down on you."

Dai Mubai didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

It is best not to make comparisons between different power systems.

Douluo Dalu is weak now, but its future achievements are unlimited!
When Dai Mubai traveled through time, he hadn't finished writing the whole series with three spoonfuls of sugar added. What if there is a qualitative change and leap in the power system in the future?
At that time, maybe there will be god kings and creation gods everywhere, just like Hong Huang's situation of "a golden fairy is not as good as a dog, and Daluo walks everywhere"?
"You have a point." Mu Bai scratched his chin, "But Daluo Jinxian has a private world, and individual strong ones can form a vast universe."

"The entire Douluo universe is not as big as other people's private worlds, why not play ball?" Mu Bai curled his lips, "In this world, there is no strongest, only stronger."

Dai Mubai was silent.

Although he felt that Mu Bai was bragging, he agreed with Mu Bai's last sentence.

Mu Bai stopped talking, after Dai Mubai comforted Zhu Zhuqing, he gave her a few fantasy peaches to support her to experience different lives.

"If you feel unwell after waking up, just tell me, and I'll take you to relax." Dai Mubai didn't mind spending some more time for Zhu Zhuqing, "One year from now will be the five-year agreement we made at the beginning. You If you get bored staying in the Star Dou Great Forest, I will take you to see the new Shrek Academy in advance."

 I have played many small games to test whether it is scum, well, the results are very uniform.There is no worst, only worse.Playful like me.

(End of this chapter)

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