Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 205 Responsibility

Chapter 205 Responsibility

With two super martial spirits, Dai Mubai doesn't have to worry about anyone taking his place.

In the entire Douluo Continent, if there is no other super martial soul from another world...he is the person with the strongest martial soul!
So he didn't worry about losing his status after his parents opened the trumpet.

"I just can't accept that I've been away from home for more than half a year. My mother told me that I had an extra brother or sister." Dai Mubai supported his forehead, "I'm already old enough to have a child! The first time I saw Chen Guang call Nineteenth Brother uncle, I wanted to laugh."

Speaking of Dai Mubai's nephew Zhuang Chenguang, Zhu Zhuqing smiled softly: "Chenguang has also reached the age to awaken his martial spirit?"

Zhuang Chenguang's father, Zhuang Shuangyu, the third prince of the Balak Kingdom, was beaten several times by Dai Mubai and his brothers because the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire was pregnant out of wedlock.

"Six years have passed..." Zhu Zhuqing was filled with emotion.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the scene outside the window, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Dai Mubai looked at her, and said: "The truth is often hard to accept."

"I heard people say that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain." Zhu Zhuqing responded.

Dai Mubai pinched the bridge of his nose, he really didn't want to be entangled in this kind of thing anymore.

But go to love it or not!
"Why didn't I think about provoking one after another?" Dai Mubai regretted endlessly, "I should have told my father that I don't need a fiancée after my martial spirit is awakened! I should have abandoned Qian Renxue all the time! Labor management Once the soul skill is activated, she won't recognize me at all! Why should I ask for trouble?!"

Mu Bai smiled slightly: "That's not what you thought when you were greedy for someone's body."

Dai Mubai: "... Can people not be dismantled?"

"A scumbag like you deserves to be a human being?" Mu Bai snorted, "You can pull it down! Can you be a little bit responsible!"

"What else can you do when you have retreated and retreated?"

Dai Mubai was speechless.

He can find many reasons for himself, but the reasons can persuade others, but not himself.

"Whatever you want, I will admit it." Dai Mubai said to Zhu Zhuqing, "I can let you step on the bottom line, even if you occasionally cross the line, it doesn't matter. I know you are a smart girl."

"I think I should ask Emperor Father how he managed to keep the harem peaceful." Dai Mubai smiled wryly.

Zhu Zhuqing turned his head and looked at him faintly: "Father did not do anything to offend the mother before the marriage."

"He..." Just as Dai Mubai said a word, he remained silent.

As a child, no matter the parents are right or wrong.

"I hope you can accept her." Dai Mubai said, "People often struggle between the person they love and the person who loves them, but I want both."

Dai Mubai frowned and thought for a while, he said to Zhu Zhuqing: "Actually, to me, whether it's you or Xue'er, there is not much difference in my eyes."

"You should know that I have experienced many illusions, and I have seen more women than people in the entire Douluo Continent. My view of emotions is constantly changing as I experience the illusions." Dai Mubaiqiao With Erlang legs and his right hand resting on his head, he said with a smile, "Most of the time, feelings are superfluous to me. In order to complete different experiences, I often deliberately avoid relationship problems. This does not mean that I cannot solve them well. problem, but I don't think it's necessary."

"If you insist on thinking that I betrayed your relationship, then I have betrayed you countless times in the illusion."

"In many illusions, I will experience a complete life. I am born, grow up, get married, have children, grow old, and die."

"When I wake up from the illusion more and more times, I even get confused."

"Am I still Dai Mubai?"

Zhu Zhuqing remained silent.

She has experienced illusions and knows that she will not realize her true identity in the illusion.

Just like the short, seemingly meaningless life she once lived through.

She is Zhu Zhuqing, but she is not Zhu Zhuqing either.When she was in the illusion, she didn't realize that she used to be the princess of the Alpha Kingdom. She only felt that she had no soul power and was just an ordinary person in a small village.

The life in the illusion is a complete life.

If she hadn't died in a natural disaster, she might marry and have children and live a mediocre life.

Zhu Zhuqing smiled.

"However, illusions are illusions, and reality is reality."

Dai Mubai nodded in agreement.

"However, fantasy affects reality."

Many details in the illusion will be forgotten. After all, the human brain is only so big, and there is not such a big space to hold so many things.If you really force things into your brain, your brain will probably explode.

But the general content will not be forgotten in a short time, and the impression will be so deep that it seems that those things really happened on the main body.

It is not impossible to change your personality because of a dream.

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't refute Dai Mubai's words, but she also couldn't accept it.

She knew something was wrong, but she couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.

"If illusions can affect reality, then what can be affected should be spiritual power?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

Because after she experienced the illusion, her mental strength became stronger.

"I will also know some things, but I haven't experienced much, and it hasn't affected my personality." Zhu Zhuqing pursed her lips, "I'm not sure whether illusions will really affect my personality, even if they do, as long as I'm firm enough , won’t be affected too much, right?”

Dai Mubai didn't speak, he looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a smile.

What Zhu Zhuqing said made sense.

Because she really didn't experience too many illusions, she couldn't understand how tired Dai Mubai would be after encountering so many things.

"I..." Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai looked at each other, she suddenly had nothing to say.

Dai Mubai reached out and touched her head.

"I did make a mistake," Dai Mubai said frankly, "I also have some regrets, but I will not deny my mistake. I can understand your feelings, whether you blame me or hate me..."

"It doesn't matter if it's for revenge."

"It's not a big problem even if they seem to be in harmony, as long as they don't leave."

Zhu Zhuqing's face was dull.

"Okay, let's go to the next place."

The ferris wheel stopped, and Dai Mubai led Zhu Zhuqing down.

He smiled and said, "Going to do the carousel next? I want to experience the roller coaster more, but you are not suitable for such exciting activities now."

"How do you know?" Zhu Zhuqing asked subconsciously.

Dai Mubai curled his lips: "What haven't I experienced?"

"The illusion has shown me countless possibilities. Those things that I feared or expected in reality have all happened in the illusion." Dai Mubai said, "Even if I turned against you as I once said It’s not like this situation hasn’t happened before.”

"Zhuqing, the future has infinite possibilities, which is why I am still looking forward to reality."

Zhu Zhuqing smiled bitterly: "Am I stupid in your eyes?"

Dai Mubai shook his head: "You are very cute, much more interesting than the illusions I have experienced."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Dai Mubai resentfully: "Damn it's funny! Are you watching my joke?"

"No, if I wanted to see your jokes, I wouldn't tell you so much, so thoroughly." Dai Mubai rubbed her hair, "I, sometimes I'm quite silly."

Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly.

She didn't see where Dai Mubai was stupid.

"I should have a better solution, but I'm always confused and useless." Dai Mubai sighed, "My mind is not clear, this seems to be the sequelae of too many illusions."

Zhu Zhuqing stared suspiciously at Dai Mubai's face.

Why did she feel that Dai Mubai was talking nonsense with his eyes open?
"Let's go, I came to the amusement park today to relax. Next, don't think about anything, just have a good day!"

"We'll talk about it later!"

Zhu Zhuqing did not object.

She didn't want to press too many things in her heart, it would be too tiring.

Mu Bai looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a pitiful expression.

The little girl was muddled in by Dai Mubai.

What Dai Mubai said is all nonsense, it sounds very reasonable, but in fact, it is useless.

That is to say, Zhu Zhuqing had too little knowledge, and Tang San, who had a little more knowledge, couldn't be fooled so easily.

"Dai Mubai, you are really nothing!"

Dai Mubai smiled without saying a word.

Mu Bai really went too far, scolding himself more and more smoothly.

Dai Mubai took Zhu Zhuqing to play wildly in the amusement park for a day, and finally watched a movie in the soul theater in the city.

In the blink of an eye, it was late at night, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were walking side by side on the street, like countless lovers, Dai Mubai put his arms around Zhu Zhuqing's waist, with a smile like a winner in life on his face.

Anyway, it's a fool.

Even if Zhu Zhuqing still thinks the way before, it doesn't matter, it's just that they don't seem to be in harmony just by looking at each other.

That was too embarrassing, Dai Mubai couldn't bear it long ago.

It's still better now.

The two are in a sweet relationship, let's talk about other things.

"It's too late, let's rest in the city for the night first, there are still many attractions that we haven't played today, continue tomorrow?" Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing came to a very serious hotel, and they opened two rooms.

Dai Mubai has no plans to overthrow Zhu Zhuqing recently.

At least their relationship should be relaxed to a certain extent.

Dai Mubai felt that they might be able to do husband and wife tasks after they got married.

Now, he belongs to the stage of renewing his favorability.

"It's quite interesting."

Dai Mubai, who has never been in a serious relationship, said so.

Zhu Zhuqing watched Dai Mubai walk towards the next room, then walked into the room himself, and fell down on the big soft bed.

She made many excuses for Dai Mubai, but there was never a single reason that made her not mind his actions at all.

Even now, though persuaded, she could not fully forgive.

"It's too difficult... People's hearts are really..."

Zhu Zhuqing felt an indescribable grievance.

Obviously it was Dai Mubai who made a mistake, so how can he still be confident!

On the other side, Dai Mubai was also lying on the bed exhausted physically and mentally.

"You just use some fallacies to deceive the little girl." Mu Bai looked disgusted.

Dai Mubai was also very helpless.

"I need a book of love saints." Dai Mu's hair was as big as a bucket.

"Why didn't I get the script of the male lead in the harem? What the hell, I'm an old man, it's really wrong to get me the script of the beauties in the harem?"

Dai Mubai wanted to cry.

He has experienced many palace fights, but he has never played a male character!
Dai Mubai didn't know, because the person who wrote the script didn't know how to portray Gong Dou's male characters better.

The will of the world made him struggle in the pile of fat and powder.

"I'm a pure man, I don't want to lose face!" Dai Mubai groaned, "Who isn't a baby? Why isn't anyone coaxing me and pampering me?"

Mu Bai looked up to the sky and rolled his eyes.

Erha lowered his head and scratched his claws.

Lu Mingfei didn't hear anything outside the window.

Huang Xin has never had a say.

"Play with Zhu Zhuqing for another day tomorrow, we have to go back to the Star Dou Great Forest to see if Tang San is here, if he hasn't come, Zhu Zhuqing and I have to set off for the Kuntian Mountain Range." Dai Mubai rubbed his face , get serious.

"There may not be Aphrodite's inheritance in the Kuntian Mountains." Mu Bai said, "The known inheritance of gods in the Douluo Continent should only be Shura God, Sea God, Cook God, and Nine-Colored Goddess obtained by the original Shrek Seven Monsters." , the god of war, the god of speed, the god of phoenix, and the god of fire that Ma Hongjun failed to inherit, the god of angels of Qian Renxue, and the god of Rakshasa of Bibidong. The rest of the gods may have a little shadow on Douluo Dalu , but should belong to other continents."

Dai Mubai rubbed his chin: "There seems to be a saying that besides Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun, the gods of the Shrek Seven Monsters were all found by Tang San with help."

The so-called other people refer to Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

Of course Dai Mubai doesn't need Tang San's support now, but he is still not sure what kind of god Zhu Zhuqing can get.

"Zhu Zhuqing's talent has been greatly improved. Perhaps in the sea god assessment, some gods also took the initiative to find her." Erha yawned and said, "Instead of worrying about Zhu Zhuqing, you should worry about yourself. Lu Mingfei and I Follow you, don't you want to be resurrected, and ask for a decent priesthood?"

Dai Mubai nodded.

"You only think about this when you're free," Dai Mubai said, "You think I've worried about my god status? Whether it's the holy beast white tiger or the flat peach tree, these two spirits, if I cultivate one with my heart, I will eventually How about becoming a god naturally? These two spirits don't even look up to the god-level seraphs, so they don't even have the qualifications to become gods?"

Erha and Lu Mingfei were silent.

Mu Bai and Pantaoshu's grades were too high, they never doubted Dai Mubai's future.


"It's extremely difficult to create your own god position." Erha said, "I know you have a big goal, but you might as well put it down first, find a suitable god position to inherit, and make a breakthrough after the wings are full."

Dai Mubai sighed: "The god positions on Douluo Continent are too restricted, I can't put chains on myself in advance."

"It's a tough road, but it's my responsibility."

"Poseidon can create his own god, am I worse than him?"

"Speaking of pretending, in this life, I, Dai Mubai, have never been weaker than others?!"

(End of this chapter)

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