Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 206 Atypical Protagonist

Chapter 206 Atypical Protagonist

Mu Bai finally couldn't bear it anymore, he rushed out, slapped Dai Mubai's face with a slap.

"You can pull it down! You have nothing but luck!"

Dai Mubai was not ashamed but proud.

"With luck, I can have everything."

Mu Bai opened his mouth, speechless.

"It stands to reason, so the traverser will become the protagonist in the different world... I can't describe your style."

Dai Mubai flicked the broken hair on his forehead, and said smugly: "Good-looking skins are all the same, and interesting souls are one in a million! I am the one in a million."

Mu Bai: "...In terms of shamelessness, you are indeed one in a million."

"Shut up!" Dai Mubai snorted angrily.

What's wrong with the silly batch?
I live happily!
But go fuck yourself and work hard!

"What's wrong with my Buddhism? What's wrong with my salted fish? What's wrong with me? Have you eaten your rice? Drinked your water? Is it in your way?"

Dai Mubai lay on the bed, muttering: "Isn't it good that I didn't delay the business? Do I look like a perfectionist?"

Mu Bai fell silent.

He looked at Dai Mubai faintly, until seeing Dai Mubai was so uncomfortable that he was about to tremble.

"Become a god as soon as possible, you still have three years at most."

Dai Mubai was stunned.

It seems that something major has happened?
"You make it clear!" Dai Mubai sat up.

Mu Bai shook his head: "If I know, I will tell you directly. The key is that I don't know what will happen, I just know that if you can't do it, you will definitely regret it!"

Dai Mubai had some hesitation on his face, he said: "But I feel everything... You said I would regret it, how much regret would it be?"

Mu Bai tilted his head, thought about it seriously, and then said to Dai Mubai: "I will regret it as if I lost me."

Without hesitation, Dai Mubai kicked it with a jio.

"In terms of narcissism, I have convinced you!"

Although Dai Mubai was playing around with Mu Bai, he knew that he couldn't accept the fact of losing Mu Bai.

If that's the case... He probably would be in pain, right?
"Although you really love me, I have to say, you should love your two girls! Labor and capital are not needed!"

Mu Bai rolled his eyes and went back to the flat peach tree.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly.

"I just love myself."

Dai Mubai scratched his hair irritably: "How on earth did Tang San and Xiao Wu have such a deep relationship? Asking what love is in the world, and teaching life and death to each other? Why can't I feel it?"

Erha whispered: "Because you are too selfish."

Dai Mubai did not refute.

He has a great advantage, that is, he will not deny his shortcomings in most cases.

He's really selfish emotionally.

There's no way, I've played too much Gongdou Zhaidou.

"Emotions are all cultivated, you can't compare your heart with your heart, how can you make others feel at ease?" Mu Bai couldn't help but said.

Dai Mubai blinked: "I didn't expect you to be single... Hu, you have a lot of theoretical knowledge."

"Douluo Dalu is not a complicated world." Mu Bai said helplessly, "You made it too complicated."

Dai Mubai was helpless: "There has never been a simple world, only a world that behaves complicatedly. If I am not the prince of a country, or if I give up the throne, then I really don't need to make so many preparations, can I give up?"

"Okay, you rest. Take Zhu Zhuqing to have fun tomorrow, and pay attention when you go to Kuntian Mountain Range." Mu Bai closed his eyes.

Dai Mubai pouted.

Lu Mingfei reminded: "[The Realm of Heaven] is very dangerous. The more beautiful it is, the more dangerous it is."

Dai Mubai nodded to express his understanding.


"I have a question, where is [The Realm of Heaven]?"

Lu Mingfei scratched his hooves and said, "I only know it's somewhere in Cangqiong Peak."

Dai Mubai frowned in dissatisfaction: "Cang Qiong Peak is the place where Sword God You became a god, so there shouldn't be any other divine power left?"

Lu Mingfei shook his head: "I don't know, in the era of the Dragon Clan, Cang Qiong Peak existed, and [The Realm of Heaven] existed."

"Sounds very powerful..." Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, "Then, I really need to go."

Dai Mubai already believed that the world he was in was the parallel world of "Douluo Dalu", so no matter what he encountered in this world, he had a certain ability to accept it.

Of course, the Cthulhu system he didn't want to encounter... already had an unclear relationship with the evil soul master.Although, this gram always feels too weak.

"Let's talk about tomorrow's matter tomorrow!" He fell asleep.

Going shopping with a woman is exhausting, and so is playing with a woman.

The next day, Dai Mubai woke up early, and bought Zhu Zhuqing's special breakfast in Aranser City.

Regardless of whether Zhu Zhuqing was moved or not, anyway, he moved himself.

Zhu Zhuqing: "...Thank you."

The details reflect people's hearts, Dai Mubai is considerate, it is really hard to hate.

There are many entertainment items in the Amusement Park of Aranser City, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing played them all after three days, and they finally returned to Star Dou Forest on the fourth day.

In the past few days, the relationship between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai has eased a lot.Zhu Zhuqing's character, which had already changed a lot, seemed to be more approachable.

In the hut near the Lake of Life, Xiao Wu embraced Tang San, she told Tang San the experiences of the past few years, of course, she focused on complaining about Dai Mubai's scumbag behavior.

Tang San was silent the whole time, quietly listening to Xiao Wu's chatter.

He didn't agree with Dai Mubai's actions, but he couldn't accuse Dai Mubai of anything.

Douluo Continent was originally a world where polygamy was allowed, and Dai Mubai, as the future emperor, having three wives and four concubines was not unacceptable.

Although, from the point of view of Zhu Zhuqing's siblings, Dai Mubai really did something wrong.

But he was also Dai Mubai's brother, caught in the middle, Tang San could only keep silent.

What's more, Dai Mubai told him about this in advance and described it in more detail than Xiao Wu.

After listening to Xiao Wu's explanation, Tang San smiled at her and said: "In their relationship issues, we will always be outsiders. The relationship is complicated, and no one can be sure of the outcome. Since Zhuqing has made a choice, we can only be silent. Be her backing. No matter what they will end up with, we only need to ensure that Zhuqing will be fine in the end."

Xiao Wu frowned and thought for a while, finally agreeing with Tang San's opinion.

Tang San sighed in his heart, big brother, I can only help you to this point, whether you can win Zhuqing is up to you.I can only let Xiao Wu not hold you back.

"Xiao Wu, I will stay in the Star Dou Great Forest for two or three days, and then I will follow my father to practice." Tang San hugged Xiao Wu and said very reluctantly.

Now that Xiao Wu is about to obtain the seventh spirit ring, she will become indistinguishable from a human being. At this time, he hopes to be by Xiao Wu's side and see that she has no hidden dangers.

However, he couldn't disobey his father.

Tang San in his previous life had never experienced family affection, and Tang San in this life didn't want to lose it.

Although, his dad didn't seem to treat him that well either.

better than nothing.

Something is better than nothing.

People are always obsessed with things they don't have.

"Can I go with you?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang San, her big eyes also full of reluctance.

Except for the half year in the Eye of Binghuo, Tang San and Xiao Wu have never been separated for more than seven days.

But, after visiting Dai Mubai's canonization ceremony, they haven't seen each other for more than four years!
"This..." Tang San hesitated, "I don't know where Dad will take me, and your current situation is still too dangerous."

Tang San was helpless: "Father probably won't agree, and I... Although I don't want to be separated from you, I don't want you to be in danger either. Before you become a Titled Douluo, only the Star Dou Forest is the safest. "

Xiao Wu knew this truth, but she didn't want to care about it so much.

"I can protect myself, brother, and you will protect me too, won't you?" Xiao Wu couldn't control her self-willedness, and the eldest sister's temper was even more helpless.

But she has grown a lot in recent years, knowing that she can't cause trouble for Tang San, so she had to settle for the next best thing, and said: "I know you are in a difficult situation, so I will follow you secretly, so that no one will find out."

Tang San was helpless, he asked: "Your sixth spirit ability, Blast Kill Eight-Dan Throwing is really powerful, but it's not enough. Our enemy is Spirit Hall, and there are more than one Titled Douluo in Spirit Hall! I can't Let you take risks."

Xiao Wu pouted, her face full of displeasure.

She looked at Tang San resentfully, her big eyes were foggy, as if she would cry at any moment.

Tang San's heart ached immediately, but he would not let go of this issue concerning Xiao Wu's life.

"Da Ming, why are you squatting here?" Dai Mubai's surprised voice sounded.

Then, Daming's panicked voice sounded: "I just found a random place to sit down and rest..."

"Where's Xiao Wu?" Dai Mubai didn't hesitate, he asked directly, "Zhuqing and I came back to rest for a day, and we're going to play in the Kuntian Mountains tomorrow... By the way, Tang San hasn't come yet?"

Tang San and Xiao Wu hurriedly stood up from their chairs, they straightened their clothes (although they didn't do anything, but they felt inexplicably guilty), and then walked out of the hut.

Dai Mubai took Zhu Zhuqing by the hand, and said to Daming with a mocking face: "Your rabbit is snatched away by a wild boy who doesn't know where, don't you feel bad?"

Daming's black face was flushed with embarrassment: "Don't talk nonsense, Xiao Wu is my sister, I have to care if she is cheated, right? That kid is so good-looking, he must not be a serious person!"

Tang San:"……"

In fact, he looked very ordinary.

But Xiao Wu was not satisfied with his ordinary appearance.

Finally, the bloodline awakened and looked better, and the brother-in-law was dissatisfied again.

"Third brother looks good like this!" Xiao Wu couldn't help defending Tang San, "Everyone in our Shrek Academy is handsome and beautiful, and third brother managed to catch up with the average level!"

Tang San:"???"

Xiao Wu, are you speaking for me?In fact, they are here to blackmail me!
Dai Mubai couldn't help laughing.

"Love to the depths is naturally dark! Xiao Wu, you are telling the truth! Although..." Dai Mubai glanced at Tang San, and said with a smile, "Although it may make us San'er a little embarrassed."

Tang San covered his face: "Brother, take care of yourself!"

Dai Mubai pursed his lips, he squeezed Zhu Zhuqing's soft little hand, and asked: "We're going to play in the Kuntian Mountains tomorrow, do you want to go together?"

Speaking of this, Tang San asked curiously: "The Star Luo Empire allocated the entire Kuntian Mountain Range to the academy, how is the academy building now?"

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, Tang San and Xiao Wu sat on the big tree root chair outside Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai put animal skins on Zhu Zhuqing, and then said: "The academy has already completed the teaching buildings and school buildings, and there are still many places to go. It is being expanded. It is said that the several peaks next to Cangqiong Peak, the main peak of the Kuntian Mountain Range, will not only be used to build a mimetic practice illusion, but also a Colosseum will be built to train the students' actual combat ability."

Xiao Wu frowned: "Aren't there only snow ghosts on the Kuntian Mountain Range?"

Dai Mubai explained: "The most spirit beasts in the Kuntian Mountain Range are snow ghosts, but not only snow ghosts. The strongest snow ghosts will not exceed a thousand years. Although there are many of them, they have low strength and low IQ. What a threat."

"Except for the snow ghost, the strongest soul beast in the Kuntian Mountain Range is only a 7-year-old soul beast, which cannot have any influence on the academy." Dai Mubai said, "As the number of students in the academy increases, the living space of soul beasts will become more and more Small. If the academy doesn't stop it, the snow ghosts may even be wiped out, and they may need to be raised in the end to prevent them from becoming extinct."

Xiao Wu exclaimed: "So scary?"

Dai Mubai said: "Humans are competing with spirit beasts for the living place, this is the fundamental contradiction between the two races, unless there is a new world and one of them backs down, otherwise, the two races will never have real peace. This has nothing to do with good Evil is right and wrong, it's only about survival."

Xiao Wu opened her mouth to speak, but found that she didn't know what to say.

"Can't they coexist peacefully?" Tang San asked solemnly, "Even though the two races were against each other before, they still coexisted in the mainland smoothly. In the future, there shouldn't be too many conflicts, right?"

Dai Mubai glanced at Tang San in surprise, seemed to think his idea was very stupid.

"Humanity is entering a period of rapid development. Even if the Star Luo Empire may go to war with the Wuhun Palace in the future, as long as a great unification is formed, the population will inevitably usher in a huge explosion... At that time, do you think the existing territories of human beings will be enough? ?”

Tang San was silent.

When human land is not enough to support more people, they can only choose to expand.

It is not incomprehensible for human beings to seize the territory of spirit beasts in order to survive better.

Furthermore, as the number of human beings increases, the number of soul masters will inevitably increase, and the demand for soul rings will also increase...

For greater strength, human beings will naturally not let the soul beast go.

"Suddenly I feel...we are robbers." Tang San smiled wryly, "I shouldn't have this kind of thought, but obviously the spirit beast has done nothing wrong, yet it is being squeezed by us and deprived of its life..."

"The reproduction and strength of one race is bound to be accompanied by the sacrifice of another race." Dai Mubai said indifferently, "You are a human being first, you must first consider the interests of human beings, and secondly, you are qualified to serve the soul The beast sighs."

Xiao Wu felt uncomfortable: "But I am a soul beast."

Dai Mubai raised his eyes and glanced at her, and said to her: "Have you forgotten what I said to you? Ever since you chose to become a human and recultivated, you have been a betrayer of a soul beast. Now, you are not a soul beast , and not humans. But you have to choose a side between the two."

(End of this chapter)

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