Chapter 221
To Dai Mubai, if not for becoming a god, his personal strength is not particularly important.

As the crown prince of the empire, if he was required to go to the battlefield to charge and fight to the death, it would prove that it was a critical moment when the Star Luo Empire was about to fall.What he needs is someone to charge forward for him, to fight to the death—in every sense of the word.

"Eastern Palace team..." Dai Mubai looked at the group of talented youths in Star Martial Academy, his eyes narrowed, showing a very interested look.

In fact, Dai Mubai is not a polished commander.

In addition to the prince's exclusive secret guards, knights, and think tanks, plus the officials of the East Palace, his subordinates can be called direct descendants. Calculated according to Xingluo's ninth-rank official rank, there are more than 30 sixth-rank officials. above officials.

You must know that the lord of a large city like Suotuo City is only a fourth-rank official in Xingluo's system.

Dai Mubai's East Palace team is not the strongest in Xingluo's history, but it can still be ranked in the top five.If Dai Mubai chooses to usurp the throne at this time, his probability of success will reach 80.00%, and his subordinates have the ability to maintain the normal operation of the empire after the change of imperial power.As for the first four more powerful East Palace teams, two successfully usurped the throne, and one emptied the emperor, and the last unlucky one fell to pieces under the interference of the Wuhun Palace.

Dai Mubai doesn't mind being a prince for 40 years.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to him whether he is the emperor or not.It is easier not to be the emperor.

Why would he go to such trouble when he could leave all the work to his father?
But Dai Mubai's current team structure also has flaws, he doesn't have his own high-end soul master team.

Without the escort of ten or eight Titled Douluo, he always felt insecure.

Although with his current strength, even if he meets a Titled Douluo, he will definitely be able to escape if he can't beat him.Well, the premise is that you don't encounter bugs like Heikong Douluo.

"Oscar, if you meet Kroger, how much chance will you have to escape?" Dai Mubai turned his head to look at Oscar beside him with a dignified expression.

At this time, in the Martial Arts Arena, Kroger was competing with a boy from the Star Martial Academy of the control system.

That boy is also the only soul emperor in the Star Martial Academy team, his cultivation level is second only to Kroger's.

Oscar pondered for a while, and said cautiously: "The success rate is less than [-]%."

Due to Dai Mubai's interference, all the students of the Star Martial Academy will learn the self-created soul skill "Soul Power Transforming into Wings".Of course, just like some little wizards really can't control the flying broom, there are also little soul masters who can't control the soul power to transform into wings.

Of course, Kroger, who is one of the twelfth of the high school geniuses, is not included in this list.Kroger's flying soul skill is very proficient.

Kroger has the flying spirit ability, which means that Oscar's mushroom sausage is of little use.

"If it's a sunny day, I'm [-]% sure to fight back," Oscar said while rubbing his chin, "But Kroger is really strong, and I'm not sure what his fourth and fifth soul skills are, I have a hunch , Those are two very peculiar soul abilities."

In the arena, the competition between Kroger and the boy named Fu Xia has come to an end.

"Actually, this Fu Xia is the most talented among these children, right?"

Although Fu Xia's defeat is certain, Dai Mubai still pays more attention to him.

There is no other reason, but because Fu Xia is the youngest among the 12 people except Ye Changsheng.He is only five months older than Ye Changsheng, but his soul power level is thirteen levels higher than Ye Changsheng's.Although there are reasons for the slow cultivation speed of auxiliary soul masters, even if Ye Changsheng is given another [-] months, it is impossible for Ye Changsheng to break through the thirteenth level of soul power without an adventure.

"That's right, Fu Xia is indeed the most talented student since the establishment of the Star Martial Academy. He is not only born full of soul power, but also..." Oscar suddenly fell silent.

"Or twin spirits?" Dai Mubai continued casually.

But Oscar shook his head: "Fu Xia is not twin spirits, he only has one spirit...but the strange thing is...he may also be called four spirits."

Dai Mubai's eyes suddenly widened.

Subconsciously, he wanted to yell "impossible", but after all years of education and cultivation were there, he restrained his urge.

If Fu Xia is a four-born martial spirit... that would be too weird... The only person who can be so weird... is a transmigrator with a cheat!
No way... Although he and Tang San already have two approvals in Douluo Continent, it is also possible for a third approval to appear.

It doesn't make sense that Tang San can cross, he can cross, others can't, right?

However, if Fu Xia is really a time traveler, then... Dai Mubai's obvious changes to the plot will definitely be exposed in front of his eyes.

But when he was in front of Dai Mubai just now, there was no difference.

Could it be that Fu Xia is an old silver coin, hidden very deeply?
"Fu Xia's martial spirit is called Four Seasons Roulette, and it has four forms: spring, summer, autumn and winter. This is why I said he can be called the four-born martial spirit." Oscar said, "However, it is a pity that his Martial spirit is very rigid and can only change with the seasons. And he can only have nine soul rings, not 36 soul rings like the real four-born martial soul. Maybe after he is titled Douluo, he will Something has changed, but that's just speculation."

Dai Mubai heaved a sigh of relief, but he wasn't completely relieved yet.

"It can only change with the seasons, so it's easy to be targeted?" Dai Mubai asked calmly.

Oscar nodded: "But his combination of soul skills is very perfect. It is said that it is a combination of soul skills formulated jointly by the master and other senior researchers of the Star Martial Academy."

Dai Mubai responded.

He has to investigate Fu Xia, otherwise he really can't let go.

The speculation that Fu Xia might be a time traveler really shocked him.

The pure traveler Dai Mubai is not timid at all, he is afraid of encountering a big batch with a system.

Today's Dai Mubai, although he dares to say that he is invincible under the title Douluo, he may not be able to do systematic suspension.Especially when the level of this pending approval is about the same as his.

Who knows what the system will give the traversers?What if it's Big Ivan?What if it was a forbidden scroll?What if a Monkey King is summoned?
The system is really hard to guard against!
"So why don't I have a system?" Dai Mubai suddenly complained.

Mu Bai changed his position and continued to sleep: "I'm so sorry that I'm not a system!"

Dai Mubai ignored Mu Bai, he looked into the martial arts arena.

Fu Xia's Martial Soul is a colorful roulette divided into four equal parts, and now only the red fan that represents summer emits light.

Control system... Dai Mubai pinched his chin and nodded with his index finger.


 Starting today, I will try my best to update every day!come on!
(End of this chapter)

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