Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 222 Compromise

Chapter 222 Compromise
Rather than saying that Fu Xia's Wuhun is a four-season roulette, it is better to say it is an elemental roulette.

Dai Mubai doesn't know what elements the other three seasons specifically represent, but judging from the fact that "summer" represents the element "fire", the other three seasons probably represent the three elements of wind, earth, and water.

"It's very interesting," Dai Mubai smiled, "Fu Xia's martial spirit still has a lot of room for improvement."

Oscar was full of approval, and he said to Dai Mubai: "As expected of the elder brother, he realized what the master and the others think so quickly. That's right, the master and the others intended to train Fu Xia to be an element master."

"Tsk," Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, and asked suddenly, "Have you spent a lot of resources on Fu Xia?"

"Emmmm," Oscar's expression twisted, he shook his head, and said, "Although Star Martial Academy did spend a lot of resources on Fu Xia, compared to his progress, it's actually worth the money. Kroger has the same resources as him, but it's clear that Kroger has not lived up to expectations."

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows: "My level 63 Battle Soul Emperor, this hasn't met expectations yet?"

Oscar sighed: "With Fu Xia Zhuyu in front, everyone's expectations for Kroger are inevitably greater."

Dai Mubai understood.

No wonder Kroger attacked Fu Xia so fiercely.

"However, Fu Xia's personality is relatively introverted, and dealing with people is really a headache." Oscar said helplessly.

"I can tell."

From meeting Fu Xia till now, he hasn't said a word, not even calling out the name of the soul skill.

To him, the crown prince, he just nodded and saluted, maintaining a superficial respect.

"Have you had contact with him?" Dai Mubai asked.

Oscar shook his head.

"I haven't heard of anyone Fu Xia had contact with unless it was necessary." Oscar shrugged. "Obviously, I am not the person Fu Xia must contact under necessary circumstances."

So lonely?
"That's really interesting." Dai Mubai smiled inexplicably.

Of course, Kroger is the student representative of the visiting group of the Star Martial Academy, not only because he is the oldest, and not only because he has the highest level of soul power, but because he is indeed the strongest among the 12 people.

"If Kroger was a woman, I'm afraid she would be another stunning beauty." Oscar winked at Dai Mubai, "Hu Liena's charm skills in Wuhundian are far inferior to Kroger's."

"Speaking of the soul ability of Charm, it's a waste to use it on Xiao Wu!" Oscar added fearlessly.

"The wave is not wasted, then you have to ask San'er." Dai Mubai watched Kroger and Fu Xia leave the stage, and then the two girls entered the stage.

Oscar didn't realize that the crisis was coming, he curled his lips in disdain: "With San'er's stupid look, what can he know?"

"Oscar!" A Taishan Wuying foot flew in the distance, "Don't speak ill of my third brother!"

Oscar's missed kick by Dai Mubai was finally made up by Xiao Wu.

Oscar supported his old waist and stood up, dissatisfied: "Xiao Wu, you have to know that there are three places where a man cannot kick, and the waist happens to be the third."

Xiao Wu rolled her eyes and spat at Oscar: "Sexy! Hooligan! Shameless!"

Oscar tried to refute, but shut his mouth under the threatening gaze of Ning Rongrong behind Xiao Wu.

Forget it, don't care about the 10-year-old rabbit!
Oscar kept silent, and Xiao Wu would not chase after him fiercely, she looked at Dai Mubai, her eyes suddenly became complicated.

Dai Mubai's expression was normal, he watched the competition in the arena, but turned his head to glance at them.

"Why didn't you see San'er?"

Xiao Wu said: "The third brother went to find his father, he said he would come to the academy in two days."

"Well," Dai Mubai said indifferently, "Di Tian actually sent the Demon Eye Demon Tree over?"

Yaoyan smiled slightly at Dai Mubai, a strange blush appeared on his face hidden behind the petal fan.

Dai Mubai turned his head and glanced at him as if feeling something.

This understatement made Yaoyan stiffen all over.


He actually felt the extreme danger from a soul emperor!

As if if he didn't put away those faux pas, he'd be torn apart by the unknown!

Yaoyan suddenly remembered Ditian's warning when she left the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Respect Prince Xingluo as His Majesty?" Yaoyan immediately lowered his eyebrows and looked pleasing to the eye.

Although he didn't know the phrase "Twins of the Dragon King above the throne", it didn't prevent him from believing Di Tian's words.

He respects and trusts Di Tian.

What's more...

"This Prince Xingluo is really dangerous!"

Seeing Yaoyan calm down, Dai Mubai stopped paying attention to him.

Good-looking ladies and sisters are all good-looking in fights, but compared to things like body and appearance, to Dai Mubai, their strength is more important.

Although these two girls have very good soul power levels and good martial souls, their just mediocre.

Although compared to the vast majority of soul masters, they are already top geniuses, but in Dai Mubai's eyes, they are not enough.

The 17-year-old soul king... is already amazing.But really, it's not amazing enough.

At least Dai Mubai didn't see the bright spot for the time being.

"Mubai, are you investigating them?" Zhu Zhuqing walked up to Dai Mubai, and asked thoughtfully.

Dai Mubai responded, and said: "In fact, this is also a two-way choice, even though they came here, it proves that I'm the only one who chooses them."

"How did you choose?" Zhu Zhuqing asked casually.

Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, a little entangled: "It stands to reason that if the Star Martial Academy brought them here, it means that they are already the best students of the Star Martial Academy. I should give the Star Martial Academy this face and take them all in." Under my command. But unfortunately, not all of them meet my requirements.”

"These two girls are already very good." Zhu Zhuqing said sincerely, "They are very powerful."

"Huh?" Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing in confusion.

What Zhu Zhuqing originally wanted to say disappeared under Dai Mubai's gaze.

"It's nothing." Zhu Zhuqing said a little discouraged.

Dai Mubai frowned and thought for a while, and then his rich palace fighting experience told him that Zhu Zhuqing was worried that he would bring these talented girls into the harem!
So he rubbed Zhu Zhuqing's hair helplessly, and said, "I need a group of elite subordinates."

Zhu Zhuqing blinked and understood.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu looked at her bitterly from behind.

"Zhuqing is too easy to compromise!" Xiao Wu said angrily, holding Ning Rongrong's arm, "Rongrong, did you persuade her just now?"

Ning Rongrong shook his head.

"I can't open my mouth about this kind of thing." Ning Rongrong was also very helpless.

If it wasn't for Oscar's great potential and being Dai Mubai's brother, her father Ning Fengzhi even wanted to marry her to Dai Mubai!

So, what does she say about this kind of thing?She almost got in by herself!
(End of this chapter)

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