Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 223 Xiaohong's Martial Soul Fusion Skill

Chapter 223 Xiaohong's Martial Soul Fusion Skill
Dai Mubai is really a top-notch son-in-law!

Even the three words of golden turtle son-in-law are not good enough for him.

After hearing that Dai Mubai cheated on him, Ning Fengzhi breathed a sigh of relief for the first time.

A person who is too perfect will make people have no sense of reality, let alone a sense of security.

Dai Mubai is such a frightening person.So, after learning that Dai Mubai also had shortcomings, Ning Fengzhi heaved a sigh of relief.

At that time Ning Fengzhi murmured in a low voice: "It's good to be lustful...It's good to be lustful..." In this way, he can do what he likes.Ning Fengzhi just thought about this sentence in his heart, but didn't say it out of his mouth.

Ning Fengzhi didn't want Dai Mubai to be a perfect person.Not only Ning Fengzhi, no one wants Dai Mubai to be a perfect person.Of course, maybe Dai Xinghe and Bai Jintong are the only ones who want their son to be perfect.

His enemies will despair of it, and his friends will be ashamed of it.

Therefore, Dai Mubai needs to have weaknesses.Only when there are weaknesses, is it like a living person.

Ning Rongrong didn't know why her father felt that Dai Mubai's lust was a good thing, she only knew that her father was suddenly very interested in matching her and Dai Mubai.

At that time Ning Rongrong resolutely refused.

It's not about how loyal she is to Oscar, but, in her heart, it's really disgusting to be a husband with her own sister.Of course, she was quite satisfied with Oscar and had no intention of changing a man.

Ning Rongrong patted Xiao Wu's hand, and she persuaded: "Emotional matters are like people who know how warm they are drinking water. Don't worry about the matter of Big Brother and Zhu Qing, they are both reasonable people."

Ning Rongrong paused, and said helplessly: "As the big brother, he can't only have Zhuqing... unless Zhuqing is stronger than the big brother."

Xiao Wu was full of discouragement.

How could Zhu Zhuqing be stronger than Dai Mubai, she was eaten to death by Dai Mubai!

Yao Yan stood behind Xiao Wu boredly, if it wasn't for Di Tian's order, he wouldn't follow Xiao Wu and listen to the little girls talking about troublesome things about love and love!
Wouldn't it be nice to go to the Star Martial Academy to learn new knowledge?Wouldn't it be nice to study external soul rings with Di Tian?Or is it not good to practice at home?

But going out for a trip is not without gain, being able to get close to Dai Mubai who is equal to Long Aotian is also a good experience for Yaoyan.

"I really want to know why a soul emperor is so strong?" Yaoyan was eager to move, but thinking of Dai Mubai's cold eyes just now, he had to suppress his burning scientific research heart.

"Their level is still very high," Dai Mubai's brows stretched out after watching all the Star Martial Academy talent competitions, "There is still a lot of room for improvement."

Seven men and five women, among them Kroger, Fu Xia and Ye Changsheng, their genius level is almost the same as that of the Shrek Seven Monsters who Dai Mubai has been leading to cheat.

"Where's Xiaohong?" Dai Mubai turned to ask Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu pouted, still not looking good towards Dai Mubai.

"I don't know, I just arrived."

Dai Mubai looked at Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong replied uncertainly: "Xiao Hong and Shui Bing'er went to test the soul skills with Dean Flender, and it should not be over yet."

"I know this, Xiao Ao has already said it." Dai Mubai said, "What kind of soul skill to test? Could it be that they have completed the martial soul fusion skill?"

Oscar nodded, and said: "That's right, Xiaohong and Shui Binger's martial soul fusion skills were successfully completed two months ago. However, although it is said to be successfully completed, it is only a preliminary fusion, and the state is not very stable... Yes Yes, the master hopes to dig deeper into the martial soul fusion technique, he thinks that the martial soul fusion technique should be able to become even more powerful."

Once the door of scientific research is opened, everything is possible.

Yu Xiaogang now wants people, some people want money, power, power, and power... After his brain hole was opened, he almost became a scientific research madman.

Most importantly, there are also a group of like-minded scientific research madmen in the Star Martial Academy.

"Then let's go and see, I'm really interested in Xiaohong and his girlfriend's Ice Fire Phoenix martial soul fusion skill." Dai Mubai suggested.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong didn't feel anything, they had seen it many times before.So, not keen on that.

On the contrary, Xiao Wu was very excited: "Xiaohong has the martial soul fusion skill again? The martial soul fusion skill between him and Oscar was very interesting before, I don't know what it will be like this time!"

Oscar corrected unhappily: "Xiaohong and I don't have martial soul fusion skills, it's just the soul fusion skills of the Earth King and the Pink Queen!"

Xiao Wu pouted.

In her opinion, martial soul fusion skills and soul skill fusion skills are similar.

Yaoyan narrowed her eyes, and quietly glanced at Dai Mubai, a little confused about Dai Mubai's purpose.

Expose the matter about the martial soul fusion technique in front of him, a soul beast... Does Dai Mubai really not care, or does he trust him for Long Aotian's sake?
Or... Dai Mubai wants to borrow the power of the soul beast clan?

Ditian is knowledgeable and has a long lifespan. He can even create external soul rings, so how can he use mere martial soul fusion skills?
It's just that Di Tian is currently busy improving the external spirit ring, and has no time to care about other things.In the Star Dou Great Forest, apart from him, Yaoyan, only Bi Ji, a weak chicken, has independent research and development capabilities.

"Lord Ditian is indeed exhaustive." Yaoyan thought to himself, "Prince Xingluo may be one of our own in the Star Dou Great Forest. Could it be that he is also a 10-year-old soul beast? But he is obviously not yet Soul Sage, why didn't you show any lies? It doesn't make sense that I can see Xiao Wu's real body, but I can't see Dai Mubai's..."

While Yaoyan was thinking with lowered eyes, Dai Mubai had already brought a group of teenagers to the newly built actual combat training ground of Shrek Academy.

The master stood at the gate of the training ground, his left half of his body was dyed red by red light, and his right half of his body was dyed blue by blue light.

Dai Mubai and the others could only see the back of the red and blue master.

"What's the situation?" Oscar was the first to be confused, he had seen Ma Hongjun and Shui Bing'er performing the martial soul fusion technique yesterday, there was no such situation at all!

The master turned his head, his paralyzed face was accompanied by a strange red light, showing that he had a strange frenzy.

"Our theory is feasible!" The master said excitedly, "The martial soul fusion technique can be completely controlled by the soul master!"

Dai Mubai approached Grandmaster a few steps, and asked eagerly: "Has it been confirmed?"

The master stepped aside, allowing him to see Ma Hongjun and Shui Binger who were still in the state of martial soul fusion in the training ground.

Dai Mubai looked into the training ground, and saw a phoenix whose left half was burning with red flames, and whose right half was condensed with blue ice crystals.

From plumage to tail feathers, the color distribution of this phoenix is ​​very even...perfectly even.

"Big brother!"

"His Royal Highness!"

The two titles came out at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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