Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 231 About the Redistribution of the 7 Monster Gods

Chapter 231 About the Redistribution of the Seven Monsters' God Positions

Dai Mubai: "... Douluo God and Greek God shouldn't be exactly the same?" Mu Bai didn't answer Dai Mubai's question.

Judging from the experience of Poseidon, the sea god on the Douluo Continent, he is indeed not born to be a god. Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea.

But the harvest goddess Demeter that Dai Mubai met was similar to the main Greek god, and the moon god Aphrodite that Zhu Zhuqing met was also similar.

But there is another problem, except for a few gods, the gods on Douluo Continent are completely different from the Greek gods.

For example, the god of destruction and the god of life, such as the two gods of good and evil.

"Perhaps in this parallel world, the God Realm is very different." Dai Mubai guessed, "We are almost soul sages, and it is time to consider the issue of inheriting the throne. Although Douluo wrote it in the original book There are only Sea God, Shura God, Rakshasa God, Angel God, Cook God and Nine Heavens Xuannv, but we know that on Douluo Continent, there are at least Moon God, Forging God, Vulcan God, Phoenix God, Speed ​​God, The gods of War God are inherited. Of course, what we don't know is whether the God of Fire and the God of Forging are the same god."

"Didn't we ask Master Ai Yun before, the god of forging is indeed Hephaestus, but we don't know if the god of fire here is him." Mu Bai said, "Now we can think about how to allocate it. "

"For Tang San, I hope that he would best inherit the position of the god of forging. Compared with the law enforcer of the gods, I hope that he will be a technical geek. Xiao Wu, can you make a deal with Long Aotian and let her become An orc god.

"Zhu Zhuqing needless to say, it's already been arranged."

"Ma Hongjun can fight for the position of the God of Lust, and the God of Phoenix can leave it to his wife, Shui Bing'er."

"The problem lies with Oscar and Ning Rongrong. We don't know whether Rong Nianbing, the god of emotions, has become a god at this time. If possible, I think the god of emotions is more suitable for Oscar. His future is definitely more than just a support It is the God of Cookery!"

"There is also Ning Rongrong. To be honest, Ning Rongrong in the original book is just an add-on. If it weren't for the strange heir setting of God of Cookery and Nine Heavens Profound Girl, she might not be able to get the god position. But Ning Rongrong now is different. Now, she is much stronger and more mature than the original book. If it is the Nine Heavens Profound Girl in Chinese mythology, it is okay, but Douluo, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, is not worthy of her."

"We are getting stronger and stronger, so it is no longer our gods who choose us, but we choose them!"

Dai Mubai is not satisfied with just becoming a god.

He also didn't want to wait tens of thousands of years before the God Realm returned from exile in space to establish the Great God Circle before transforming its strength.

Douluo Dalu is the basic disk of Douluo God Realm, Dai Mubai will not give up here, even if he has become a god!
He not only wants to become a god!
"Speaking of which, the flat peach tree is about to reach the next stage." Mu Bai looked up at the colorful flat peach tree with complicated eyes, "It's time to change the map."

Dai Mubai's head was full of black lines: "Although you say that, we are not even Title Douluo!"

"So go to Sea God Island to prostitute divine power!" Mu Bai said.

For some reason, Erha listened to Dai Mubai and Mu Bai's big talk for a long time, and couldn't help but said: "Are you really going to grab the God of Destruction's right to follow God?"

Dai Mubai nodded: "Why are you so concerned about this?"

Erha sneered: "Labor and management don't care about it!"

"The revenge of killing my father is not shared by the sky!"

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment.

Erha is the only surviving child of the three-eyed dog king of the mythical beast. He also said that in order to protect him, his father fell in the battle of the Dragon God.

Of course, the god who can kill the patriarch of the beast clan would not be a small character, but Dai Mubai did not expect that Erha's father-killing enemy turned out to be the God of Destruction.

"There's no way around it," Dai Mubai felt helpless, "Although I don't like the time when the God of Destruction fell in love with brains, I still agree with his ideas."

Erha grinned at Dai Mubai: "What about now?"

"Now?" Dai Mubai chuckled, "I can only be enemies with them, but it's a pity that he, as one of the cores that make up the God Realm, can't be completely killed."

Lu Mingfei said suddenly: "Although it cannot be killed, it can be sealed."

"It's still very early." Dai Mubai walked towards the academy on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, "Let's find a way to get to Sea God Island now."

"Have you decided to speed up the process?" Mu Bai was stunned for a moment, "There is still more than a year left before the five-year agreement."

Dai Mubai lowered his eyes halfway: "I'm already getting impatient."

Mu Bai stopped talking.

Erha and other souls also fell silent.


Dai Mubai and others stayed in Shrek Academy all the time, preparing to attend Flender and Liu Erlong's wedding, Tang San arrived a month before the wedding.

Although he said that he sincerely wished Flender and Liu Erlong, but seeing Liu Erlong marry Flender, Yu Xiaogang still felt that he could not do it.

He is also the man who held a wedding with Liu Erlong!

This feeling is like watching his ex-wife get married... He can't stand it.

Flender and Liu Erlong didn't force Yu Xiaogang either, they were already content to receive the blessing from Yu Xiaogang with a smile.

Especially Liu Erlong, she felt like she had betrayed Yu Xiaogang.

But when she thought that Yu Xiaogang was always talking about Bibi Dong, she couldn't tell what it was like.

Flender was really nice to her, and she didn't hate Flender either.

If this is the case, at least two of the three people are happy, right?

She withdrew and fulfilled Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong.She promised to repay Flender for his sincere treatment over the years.

Dai Mubai has participated in many weddings these years, mainly brothers and sisters.

Most of his grown-up siblings are married.

It was his first time to attend the teacher's wedding.After all, apart from these teachers from Shrek Academy, there were almost no teachers who were qualified to invite him to the wedding.

"Brother, after attending the wedding, I will go back to the Clear Sky School to recognize my ancestors." Tang San said to Dai Mubai.

They sat in the gazebo, besides the afternoon tea, there were many desserts on the stone table.

"Then go back, you will eventually have to pay for the sins your father committed. Besides, this matter itself has a lot to do with you." Dai Mubai stirred the milk tea in the cup with a small spoon, not at all satisfied Said with satisfaction, "However, you deal with it as soon as possible. We will go to Sea God Island in two months."

"Sea God Island?" Tang San showed a puzzled look.

Dai Mubai nodded: "You can ask your elders in the Clear Sky School. In short, the five-year agreement has been brought forward, let's go to Sea God Island as soon as possible. After that, there are still very important things to do."

Anxiety appeared in Dai Mubai's eyes: "Time is waiting for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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