Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 232 The Long-lost Renxue

Chapter 232 The Long-lost Qian Renxue
Tang San could feel Dai Mubai's anxiety, he thought for a while, and asked, "Because of Spirit Hall?"

Dai Mubai rubbed his temples, and then smiled: "The Star Luo Empire wants to unify the continent, and coincidentally, the Spirit Hall also wants to. There must be a battle between the two powers! After you return to the Clear Sky School, you'd better ask them Attitude……"

Dai Mubai glanced at Tang San, then raised his head to look up at the sky: "You know, once the two major forces go to war, it is the most wrong decision to protect oneself wisely and not to help each other, even if it is the world's number one!"

He has experienced the world of mortals to refine his mind, and Tang San has also been a national teacher, so he naturally knows this truth.

Standing on the wrong team will inevitably be purged, but in the eyes of those in power, the Sitting on the Fence is also unforgivable.

So he nodded: "I will explain the situation to the elders, but I can't guarantee that I can convince the elders."

Dai Mubai smiled, and said: "You are the only heir of the Clear Sky School, you are the veritable young master of the Clear Sky School, your opinion is enough to influence the decision of the Clear Sky School."

"The Clear Sky School and the Wuhun Palace are incompatible, so we can act as the Clear Sky School does now..." Tang San sighed, frowning, hesitantly, "I don't agree with what my father did back then, similarly, what the Clear Sky School did also made me I……"

Tang San held back the word "disappointed".

Dai Mubai smiled.

"The decisive battle will take at least three years. This time is not long or short." Dai Mubai took a sip of milk tea, his brows and eyes stretched two points again, "You go back to the Clear Sky School first, my side I will also make preparations to go to sea. In addition, you should deal with the matter of Haotianzong as soon as possible, and I will take you to a place before going to sea."

Dai Mubai didn't say where to take Tang San, Tang San didn't ask either.

For so many years, Tang San had established an indestructible trust in Dai Mubai.

"Teacher seems to have something on his mind, I'll go and see him." Tang San said, nodded to Dai Mubai, and walked towards the dormitory area at the foot of the mountain.

Dai Mubai thought for a while, and said to Tang San's back: "In terms of feelings, you don't need to persuade Master. He knows what he wants and what he is doing. But, you also need to know that Bibi Dong is not an ordinary woman."

Tang San waved his hand, without looking back.

Bibi Dong was an embarrassing person to Tang San.

He knew that his mother's death had nothing to do with Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong even avenged his mother, but Xiao Wu's mother was indeed killed by Bibi Dong, and now Xiao Wu's mother's soul ring and soul bone are still in Bibi Dong Dong body.

The mother-in-law is also a mother, after all, he still has a grudge against Bibi Dong.

However, Bibi Dong is also his teacher's first and true love.

He is very difficult.

One is his lover, and the other is the lover of a teacher who is like a teacher like a father.Tang San felt like a sandwich biscuit.

Flender's wedding was very lively, and this wedding also represented the end of a relationship between the previous generation.

On the second day of the wedding, the seven monsters parted ways.

Tang San wanted to go back to the Clear Sky School, and Xiao Wu wanted to stay by his side this time, Tang San couldn't resist her, and finally agreed.

Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Shui Bing'er, and a group of people from the Affiliated Academy of the Star Martial Academy all returned to the Star Luo City General Academy of the Star Martial Academy.

As for Dai Mubai, he led the mission into the Heaven Dou Empire.It happened to be on the way with Tang San's family.

"Brother, why don't you bring Zhuqing with you?" Xiao Wu asked displeased.

Dai Mubai gave her an evil look, and said: "What do you think the Crown Princess means? If you say missing, you will disappear, if you say you have found it, you will find it?"

"Otherwise?" Xiao Wu asked with a blank face.

"There needs to be a suitable occasion, at a suitable time, and a suitable reason to bring Zhuqing back into the eyes of the world." Holding a book in his hands, Dai Mubai said intently, "She will be our wife, there must be no stains on her body."

"What kind of stain!" Xiao Wu exploded immediately, "Dai Mubai, what do you mean? Do you dislike—"

Tang San quickly covered Xiao Wu's mouth with quick eyes and hands, he sneered at Dai Mubai: "Brother, Xiao Wu is impulsive, don't worry about her, I will explain to her."

Xiao Wu was aggrieved and tried to break free from Tang San's shackles, but was directly dragged away by Tang San.

Tang San didn't let go of Xiao Wu until he disappeared from Dai Mubai's sight.

"Brother, what are you doing!" Xiao Wu was furious, "Why does he despise Zhuqing! Zhuqing has been with me for the past few years, and he has never done anything except practice! Besides, he is the one who put Zhuqing It was sent to the Star Dou Great Forest! Why is he doing this now?!"

The more Xiao Wu talked, the more angry she became, especially for Zhu Zhuqing who felt worthless.

"What's so good about Dai Mubai?" Xiao Wu stomped her feet angrily, "Fantasy! Ruthless! Cold-blooded!"

"It's not what you think," Tang San held Xiao Wu's hand, and said helplessly, "Brother also has difficulties. He is different from us, and he bears the future of an entire empire on his shoulders. Maybe we can't understand him , but think about it, if you are the heir of the Star Dou Forest, don't you also have to be responsible for the Star Dou Forest and consider the future of the Star Dou Forest?"

Xiao Wu frowned.

She didn't know what the future looked like carrying an empire on her back.But she also saw with her own eyes that Long Aotian and Ditian were devoting themselves to the Star Dou Forest and the Soul Beast Clan.

She had also misunderstood some of Ditian's actions, and later found out that she was really the one who was wrong.

"Could it be that he has to sacrifice Zhuqing for the sake of the Star Luo Empire?" Xiao Wu's eyes quickly rose, and she asked Tang San sadly.

"It's not like that," Tang San hugged Xiao Wu distressedly, and comforted, "Brother won't sacrifice anyone. Although he and Zhuqing don't have the same relationship as us, you shouldn't doubt Big Brother. In his heart, Zhuqing It must be a very important person!"

Xiao Wu pursed her lips, although she didn't trust Dai Mubai, she more or less believed Tang San's words.

"Emotional matters are like drinking water. You know whether you are warm or not." Xiao Wu suddenly remembered what Ning Rongrong said when she was chatting with Ning Rongrong in the academy.

Except for the indestructible relationship between her and Tang San, other people's relationships have more or less problems.

However, does that mean that they are not in love with each other?
"Maybe I'm really meddling in my own business." Xiao Wu buried her face in Tang San's chest and said sullenly.

Tang San touched her long hair.

The mission traveled day and night, and finally arrived in Tiandou City a month later.

After 11 years, Dai Mubai came to Heaven Dou City again with great fanfare.

"It's been a long time since I saw Xue'er. This time, I will meet Emperor Qinghe."

Dai Mubai's mood was a bit complicated.

The main purpose of his visit this time is to obtain the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover in the treasury of the Heaven Dou Empire, which is a bit of a sea god's remnant token of inheritance!

"It feels like I want to eat my wife's soft food!" Dai Mubai thought melancholy.

(End of this chapter)

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