Chapter 233 Rewards
Dai Mubai separated from Tang San's family outside Tiandou City, the mission came in the name of a visit, so Dai Mubai and his party were sent to the embassy by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Emperor Qinghe will officially receive them tomorrow.

This is the normal process, it is not normal for him to secretly go to Honglu Temple to meet beauties at night like before.

"Sure enough, how do you say that? A wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a thief!" Dai Mubai drank tea alone in the room, feeling very regretful.

He never denied his scum, and naturally he wouldn't feel ashamed because of this thought.

Well, at most, he would feel guilty when facing Zhu Zhuqing.

"I haven't seen Xue'er wearing a crown, Megatron..." Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, "It must be very charming."

Mu Bai really rolled his eyes.

"Can you stop being full of nasty jokes like an lsp?" Mu Bai couldn't help scratching his ground, "Think about the one, two, three or four light bulbs on you, okay?"

"Tsk, life is really lonely like snow!"

Dai Mubai didn't drink any more tea, and was about to wash up and go to sleep.

I'm going to see my little wife tomorrow.

Erha looked at Dai Mubai coldly, and sent him countless words of "shameless".

Erha felt more and more that hanging out with Dai Mubai was the worst choice he made.

It's a pity that the thief's boat is hard to get off!

Lu Mingfei and Huang Xin are too lazy to talk to Mu Bai and Erha, two single dogs.

The reason why they follow Dai Mubai is very simple, the reason why they are willing to follow Dai Mubai is also very simple.

In the middle of the night, Dai Mubai fell into a drowsy sleep, and suddenly felt his body sink.

He opened his eyes instantly and grabbed the person by the neck.

If he didn't feel that the person's breath was very familiar, he might not have time to see her appearance clearly, so he directly broke her neck.

Qian Renxue patted Dai Mubai's hand.

As a Contra, being strangled by the neck is not a fatal danger, it's just a little uncomfortable.

"You actually fell asleep?" In the darkness, Qian Renxue couldn't help but roll her eyes at Dai Mubai's heart.

"In your territory, what worries do I have?" Dai Mubai grabbed Qian Renxue's arm, brought her into his arms, and opened his mouth full of sweet words.

Qian Renxue snorted, pushed Dai Mubai, and said displeasedly: "You can only talk!"

"Then how do you want me to express?" Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows.

It was a quiet night, and he was very happy to do something he loved with Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue slapped him, stretched her waist, lay obediently in his arms, and muttered: "I'm tired, let me have a good rest."

Dai Mubai smiled, stroked her back, and coaxed her to sleep like a child.

Being a prince is tiring enough, let alone an emperor?
What's more, the emperor on the Douluo Continent not only has to deal with the affairs of ordinary people, but also cleans up the mess for the socially unstable soul masters.Qian Renxue herself has to cultivate her soul power, so it is no exaggeration to say that she is so busy all day long.

"It will be soon, ten years is not long." Dai Mubai stroked Qian Renxue's long hair, and fell asleep again.

Early the next morning, as soon as Dai Mubai opened his eyes, he saw Qian Renxue was fully dressed and ready to set off.

He got up and put his arms around Qian Renxue's waist, feeling very reluctant and distressed.

"Leaving so early?"

Qian Renxue fastened her belt, and said angrily, "Isn't it because you came here to give me a lot of things to do?"

"My fault, my fault!" Dai Mubai repeatedly begged for mercy, but after thinking about it, he said, "Isn't there still Xue Qinghe, you don't need to be so troubled, right?"

Qian Renxue turned her head and gave him a sideways glance, and said: "Power touches people's hearts, Xue Qinghe himself can be considered the pride of the heavens, if I really dare to hand over the power of the emperor to him, he will kick me aside, do you believe it or not?"

Dai Mubai shook his head: "I don't believe it, he doesn't have the backing of a Titled Douluo!"

"That's what it says..." Qian Renxue lowered her head and kissed Dai Mubai's forehead, and said with a smile, "But strength never proves everything."

"But strength can prove most things." Dai Mubai said, hooking Qian Renxue's neck and giving him a good morning kiss, "You are not only backed by Spirit Hall, but also me!"

"Hmm~" Qian Renxue pushed Dai Mubai away, and gave him a glare, "I still have to go to court! Be more honest when you meet with me later!"

Dai Mubai rolled his eyeballs, and said with a smirk: "Then do I have any reward?"

Qian Renxue sneered: "There are no rewards, but there are quite a few punishments."

Dai Mubai shrugged, expressing that he would honestly conduct a friendly diplomatic visit.

Qian Renxue was dubious, and warned: "If you dare to make trouble, you can sleep by yourself in the future, and if you touch my bed again, I will lose!"

Seeing that Qian Renxue was so serious, Dai Mubai had no choice but to suppress the desire to stir up trouble in his heart.

Normal diplomatic visits are so boring, life should be more fun, right?
Watching Qian Renxue leave with reluctance, Dai Mubai twisted his neck and got up numbly.

The few souls and martial souls who wandered outside in the middle of the night sensed that Dai Mubai's shield from them had been opened, and finally came back.

Mu Bai had to remind Dai Mubai: "Don't make trouble, we still need Qian Renxue's nod to get the Vast Sea Universe Shield!"

Dai Mubai knew the seriousness, so he just teased Qian Renxue, how could he really cause trouble?

He brought the mission to visit the Heaven Dou Empire, it was a matter of the empire's face, even if he hadn't borrowed the cover of the vast sea, he wouldn't do anything reckless.

Of course, if other forces want to make trouble, he will definitely get involved.

"However, if you think about it with your heels, you know that the Wuhun Palace will definitely cause trouble!" Dai Mubai laughed wickedly.

He definitely won't take the initiative to make troubles, but he didn't say that he won't resist when others make troubles!

"I'm looking forward to the method of Wuhundian."

Dai Mubai was in a good mood throughout the morning, and the smile on his face never faded, which made the Xingluo Envoy who followed him feel agitated.

The Star Luo Empire itself is stronger than the Heaven Dou Empire, and with the existence of the Star Martial Academy, the Star Luo Empire has once again distanced itself from the Heaven Dou Empire. sense of superiority.So he regarded the mission to the Heaven Dou Empire as a lucrative job.

How can interpersonal matters be called corruption and bribery?He just wanted to make more friends from the Heaven Dou Empire.

The messenger originally thought so.

But after knowing that Dai Mubai would go to the Heaven Dou Empire together as the main envoy, the small thoughts of the deputy envoy disappeared.

He is just a weak, pitiful and helpless soul king, and he still wants to go home after this trip, his wife and children are hot on the bed.

Forget about making friends or something, the risk is too great, and if he is not careful, his son will have to call other men "father" in front of his grave with grass growing two feet high.

Dai Mubai didn't know the deputy envoy's worried thoughts, he tidied up and went into the palace with gifts.

This time he brought a big gift to Qian Renxue!

(End of this chapter)

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