Chapter 234
The etiquette system in Douluo Continent is not as complicated as in ancient China, and the etiquette system in Tiandou Empire is simpler than that in Star Luo Empire.

Naturally, the Heaven Dou Empire would not receive Dai Mubai and his party in the court, and the battlefield of the mission was never the court.

"Ou De," Dai Mubai opened his arms, enjoying Ou De's care at ease, then he remembered something, "Are you almost forty?"

Ou De's appearance hasn't changed much, he is still the boy who would secretly complain about Dai Mubai being too cruel to him back then.

"Your Highness, I'm already 41." He smiled all over his face, as if he was still a teenager.

Dai Mubai suddenly felt an inexplicable guilt.

He was not in the palace all the year round, and even during those years in the palace, he was not close to his attendants.

However, these people were born attached to him, no matter what happened to him, they would wait for him and protect him.

Although they are weak and can't help him much, at this moment, Dai Mubai really felt a sense of belonging from Ou De.

Dai Mubai suddenly understood the meaning of the phrase "My hometown is where my heart is at ease".

"Is Alita okay?" Dai Mubai asked.

Ou Dezhan: "Alita is now the aunt in charge of the East Palace, and her son was successfully admitted to the Intermediate Affiliated Academy of Star Martial Academy last year. Although she still looks stupid, she is doing well."

"Alita's children are already that old... Ode, haven't you thought about getting married?" Dai Mubai was curious.

Oude was stunned for a moment, he stared blankly at Dai Mubai for a moment, and when he reacted, he still said with a smile on his face: "Marriage or something is not suitable for me, but I want to go beyond it and ask Your Highness has a question."

"Ask." Dai Mubai shook his neck, feeling that the position of the cuff buttons made him uncomfortable, so he adjusted the position of the cuff buttons.

"When will you get married?" Ode quickly lowered his head after asking, and continued to hang ornaments on Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment.

"Hurry up." Dai Mubai said so.

"That's really great!" Ode finished hanging up the last ornament for Dai Mubai, and said with reverence on his face, "As expected of your Highness, you will definitely be the most dazzling person at today's banquet!"

"Isn't that what it should be?" Dai Mubai laughed, and patted Ouder's shoulder, "Your vision is the same as before!"

Ode breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only him, most of the subordinates in the entire Eastern Palace had a sense of urgency.

This sense of urgency comes from - they can't really help Dai Mubai!
Dai Mubai walked too fast, he was only 21 years old, but he was already close to being a soul saint!At this speed, even if his cultivation speed is three times slower, he can become a Titled Douluo before the age of 40, breaking the record of the youngest Titled Douluo in history left by Haotian Douluo!
And these subordinates, although the strongest is Contra, but even Contra doesn't have much chance of winning in front of Dai Mubai.

The gap in strength between monarch and ministers was widened infinitely by Dai Mubai, they were more like servants doing miscellaneous tasks than courtiers.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were many trivial but important things that needed to be dealt with by them, they would really have no face to continue working in Dai Mubai's East Palace.

In fact, it's quite sad, because the people who really help Dai Mubai with his work are all bigwigs in the court.

Dai Xinghe's courtiers are Dai Mubai's courtiers.Once Dai Mubai ascends the throne, the current bigwigs in the court can switch their identities seamlessly, from a loyal minister to Dai Xinghe to a loyal minister to Dai Mubai.

Although Dai Mubai and Dai Xinghe had a little gap because of Zhu Zhuqing, no one else knew about it.

In the eyes of the ministers, Dai Xinghe had nothing to say to Dai Mubai, even if Dai Mubai asked him to abdicate, he would probably abdicate directly without saying a word.

In history, such a harmonious emperor and prince as Dai Xinghe and Dai Mubai's father and son are really hard to find even with a lantern.

But the problem is that Dai Mubai seems to be very satisfied with the position of prince, and has no plans to inherit the throne in a short time, so the subjects of the Eastern Palace have no "road to success" for the time being.Unfortunately, they couldn't get rid of their status as servants of the Eastern Palace and joined Dai Xinghe's command.

In fact, Ode is not under any pressure. As a servant, he has a lot of money, not to mention things, and he can travel with his master from time to time. The master is easy to serve, but most of the time he is on vacation.

What's more, as the only servant who is close to Dai Mubai, others respect him very much, so his life is not to mention more nourishing.

That's right, I often feel that I am useless.

To exist in the world, human beings need a "sense of being needed", otherwise they will feel that their life is muddled and meaningless.

This is a sense of existence and an "irreplaceable" that needs to be proven.

Among the three deaths of human beings, physical death and social death are not the final death. The final death is that no one in the world will remember you anymore.

During those days when Dai Mubai was not in the Eastern Palace, Ou De would feel that he was worthless.

Ou really wanted to ask Dai Mubai for a promise of allowing him to serve him for life, but he never opened his mouth.

He is just a servant who can be replaced at any time, how can he be proud of the friendship he has established with His Royal Highness since childhood.

His Highness has not forgotten him, and still joked with him as he did when he was young, how wonderful!

As the crown prince, Dai Mubai didn't realize at all that he was really not doing his job properly.

If it wasn't for Dai Xinghe who forcibly detained him a few years ago and let him stay in the palace to learn how to be a prince, he would really be so careless now that he forgot who he is.

Dressed neatly, Dai Mubai looked in the mirror, looked at his perfect face, and said stinkingly: "My beauty is really sinful!"

Oude dared not speak.

Mu Bai and Erha have learned to ignore Dai Mubai's narcissism.

"When I think about meeting the emperor's version of Qian Renxue later, I'm still a little excited!" Dai Mubai stroked his hair in front of the mirror.

"That's Xueqinghe, not Qianrenxue." Mu Bai said.

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows: "When the time comes, let her wear the dragon robe and play something interesting with me! Oh, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Mu Bai gave him a silent sip.

Heaven Dou Palace.

In order to show how much they valued the Star Luo Mission, the largest palace in the imperial palace and the Tai Chi Hall, the palace where foreign envoys were received, arranged a grand banquet.

"It feels a bit nondescript..." Dai Mubai looked at the three words Taiji Temple, and looked at Xue Qinghe who obviously had a western face, feeling a great sense of disobedience.

It's as against harmony as he wears Hanfu.

He is obviously a Westerner, and the country structure is also Western. Even the emperor's enthronement is crowned by the Pope, but the name of the palace is Eastern!

"It doesn't matter."

In Dai Mubai's eyes, Qian Renxue's disguise is meaningless, because now his eyes can directly see the essence through the appearance, what he sees is the stunning beauty Qian Renxue!
"My daughter-in-law is so pretty."

After the ceremonial courtesies, the gifts were given, and the business exchanging was over, Dai Mubai sat on his seat and watched the dancers perform seriously.

He came to Tiandou Empire for only two purposes, the first is to see Qian Renxue, and the second is to ask Qian Renxue to borrow the Vast Sea Universe Shield.

He has no interest in what the task of the mission is, anyway, it is not difficult, and there is no need for him to do it himself.

"Prince Chongming, how is Tiandou's dance?" Seeing Dai Mubai's arrival, Qian Renxue said politely to her, and then concentrated on watching the young lady dance, feeling an inexplicable anger in her heart.

She didn't think that Dai Mubai fell in love with a certain dancer and was jealous because of it, but because Dai Mubai was too familiar, she thought it was Xing Luo!

Can you give her this Heaven Dou Empire some face!
You are a diplomatic ambassador!Can you be more enthusiastic about the emperor of the friendly state!
"Dancing gracefully with light steps, as graceful as a frightened bird." Dai Mubai was not stingy with words of praise, "Compared with the dances of the Star Luo Empire, it is more unrestrained and unrestrained."

The Star Luo Empire is more martial than the Heaven Dou Empire, but this is also the reason why the imperial power is stronger, and women are more graceful.

This is not to say that the status of women in the Star Luo Empire is low, but that in many respects, the men of Star Luo are more accustomed to including women in protection units, and most of the women of Star Luo also focus on their families.But there are also many strong women in the Star Luo Empire, and there are also women who occupy high positions in the court.Of course, the women who can excel in this environment are several times better than most men.

Hearing Dai Mubai's answer, Qian Renxue was almost speechless.

He really came to the banquet to watch dances and listen to music!
"Since Prince Chongming likes it, I will give this dance troupe to him." Qian Renxue laughed.

Dai Mubai raised his eyes, looked at Qian Renxue's gentle smiling face, smiled, and did not refuse: "Then respect is worse than obedience, thank you Your Majesty for giving up."

Qian Renxue took a deep breath, and smiled even brighter: "The prince is polite, as long as you like it."

Dai Mubai laughed, and said to the deputy envoy beside him: "Your Majesty gave Gu a gift, and Gu can't be stingy. Please trouble Sir Fang, and offer Gu's great gift."

"I obey the order." The deputy envoy got up and saluted Dai Mubai, and took out a brocade box from the storage soul guide.

At first glance, it is a low-key red rectangular wooden box, two inches high, three inches wide, and five inches long.

Of course, if you look carefully, you can see dense patterns from the surface of the box.

This box itself is a soul tool!

Deputy Envoy Fang handed the box to the waiter beside Xue Qinghe, saying proudly, "This box is a thousand machine box for a third-level soul guide. Of course, a mere third-level soul guide is irrelevant, so it cannot be called a great gift. A great gift is a gift. A piece of information in the box, I think Emperor Qinghe should be interested in it."

Xue Qinghe glanced at the wooden box, and swept his mental strength, but he couldn't find out what was inside. He raised his eyebrows: "Oh? The deputy envoy might as well say it clearly."

Deputy Envoy Fang didn't have the appetite to continue to sell Xue Qinghe, he proudly said: "In it is a design blueprint of the third-generation large-scale flying soul guide!"

Xue Qinghe was stunned for a moment.

The blueprint of the third-generation large-scale flying soul guide? !

This is a Class A confidential document of the Star Martial Academy!
The third-generation large-scale flying soul tool was released less than half a year ago, and it contains the current top technology of the Star Martial Academy.

The Heaven Dou Empire has been envious since Star Martial Academy approved the project of the third-generation large-scale flying soul guide, and now they are still studying the first-generation technology. As a result, Dai Mubai gave the third-generation technical blueprint as a big gift to him. Heaven Dou Empire?
Not only Xue Qinghe, but all the people in Tiandou Empire who are qualified to participate in the banquet looked at Dai Mubai who was leisurely watching the performance in surprise.

"This is really a great gift," Xue Qinghe stood up, he toasted, he did not doubt Dai Mubai at all, "I thank Prince Chongming for the Heaven Dou Empire!"

"Xing Luo Tian Dou is friendly to each other, and should help each other, Your Majesty is too polite." Dai Mubai also stood up holding his wine glass, and finished.

"However, Your Majesty Qinghe, don't be too happy," Dai Mubai said with a smile, "The wooden box that holds the blueprints looks simple, but it also uses the latest technology from Star Martial Academy, if you can't even open the box..."

Dai Mubai didn't speak any more.

If you can't even open the box, you won't be able to see the drawings in the box.

"Your Majesty and Tiandou should have a deep understanding of the anti-theft technology of the Star Martial Academy, so don't underestimate a mere box."

The reason why Dai Mubai gave Qian Renxue the blueprints of the third generation large flying soul tool was only because the fourth generation blueprints of the Star Martial Academy had almost been researched.

When the Heaven Dou Empire researches the third-generation technology, the Star Luo Empire's fifth-generation technology may be about to mature.

And generously sending out this blueprint is also to promote the progress of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Without a sense of crisis, there is no sense of urgency. Without a sense of urgency, how can it be possible to make rapid progress?

Although the Tianhun Academy of the Tiandou Empire is still a rookie, a rookie will also become a master.

The Star Martial Academy is actively cultivating opponents for itself.

It's a pity that Tianhunyuan started too late, and the Tiandou Empire's national power is not as strong as the Star Luo Empire, which makes Tianhunyuan's pursuit look a little weak.

"I hope that in ten years' time, the Tianhun Institute will have at least one technology that can surpass the Star Martial Academy." Ai Yun, the vice president of the Star Martial Academy, once said.

Star Martial Academy has never been afraid of being surpassed, it is only afraid of its own lack of progress.

Qian Renxue could feel the arrogance in Dai Mubai's bones, but it didn't matter.

Anyway, it was Dai Mubai's child who finally inherited the Heaven Dou Empire, she wasn't afraid of Dai Mubai's partiality at all.

"Prince Chongming's gift is really too big, a mere dance troupe is not qualified," Xue Qinghe looked at Dai Mubai with a smile, and asked, "I don't know what else the prince is looking for?"

Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, smiled a bit teasingly: "Gu is very interested in the treasure house of the Heaven Dou Empire."

"I heard that the treasury of the Star Luo Empire has everything that Crown Prince Zhongming wants, but the Heaven Dou Empire is not as rich and powerful as the Star Luo Empire. The treasury is the foundation of a country. I don't mind taking the prince to have a look, but I will be called a fool by my subjects. Yes." Qian Renxue smiled and rejected Dai Mubai, "But if the prince is really interested, my treasure house is open for the prince at any time, if you like something, I can give it to the prince."

Dai Mubai smiled and said to the other side's deputy: "A treasury that you can only look at, or a treasury of the royal family where you can get treasures, which one should you choose?"

(End of this chapter)

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