Chapter 235

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Deputy Envoy Fang understood Dai Mubai's subtext, so he pretended to think about it seriously, and said to Dai Mubai: "I think that although His Royal Highness can go to the Tiandou Treasury to feast his eyes, obviously he didn't It’s a good deal to bring a few special products of Tiandou from the treasure house back to China!”

Things that can be placed in the royal treasure house are naturally called treasures.Deputy envoy Fang called the national treasure a special product, which is naturally belittling Tiandou.

Many Tian Dou ministers were full of anger, if there were not some clear-headed people around them stopping them, they might have already started to make trouble.

The Minister of Finance of Tiandou quietly communicated with the generals beside him: "Special products are special products, it's better than letting Prince Xingluo visit the treasury, right?"

The things in the royal treasure house are all Xue family's own things, whether they are treasures or not has little to do with Tiandou Empire.

Instead of putting it in the treasury to collect ashes, it is better to use it to exchange advanced soul tool technology with the Star Luo Empire.

But the treasury is closely related to every aspect of the entire Heaven Dou Empire, and that is the lifeblood of the Heaven Dou Empire.

These generals know how to fight and kill. Do they know how much money has been invested in Tianhun Academy in recent years?With the money used to study the leftovers eliminated by the Star Martial Academy, it is enough to form another legion!

With the jewels and jades of the Star Martial Academy in front, so what if you know that the Heavenly Soul Academy burns money?Shouldn't the appropriation be apportioned?
Now that the new technology of Star Martial Academy is in front of us for reference, the Minister of Finance does not want to give up no matter what.

No way, I really have no money in my pocket.The treasury was so empty that it would be useless for a mouse to go there.

The Star Luo Empire is ambitious, and has countless leads in soul guidance technology; the wolf ambition of the Wuhun Temple is clearly revealed, which is difficult to compare with the number and quality of soul masters.

Now Tiandou Empire is just a poor little guy caught between the two bullies of Wuhundian and Xingluo Empire.

They will try all methods that can make the Heaven Dou Empire stronger.

No one wants to be a subjugated person.

"Strength is the last word!"

Although I felt that Fang's words were too much and felt humiliated, but Tiandou was not as strong as Xing Luo, this was Fang's confidence to dare to be presumptuous!
"Vice Envoy Fang is right," Dai Mubai was satisfied with Deputy Envoy Fang's way, and he showed a smile towards Xue Qinghe that he must win something, "When the time comes, His Majesty Qinghe, don't feel bad. !"

In this way, he can take the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield from the Heaven Dou Empire openly and squarely.

"If you plan to let Tang San inherit the seat of God of Forging, then who will inherit the seat of Sea God?" Mu Bai just remembered this, "There is also the seat of God of Shura..."

"God Asura let him be a model worker!" Dai Mubai said without hesitation, "How can retirement be so easy?"

"As for the position of Seagod, what do you think of Ning Rongrong?"

Mu Bai: ""

"Ning Rongrong is an auxiliary type! Even if she is extremely talented and strong-willed now, the Sea God doesn't like her, right? Besides... Douluo God's succession is usually of the same gender."

When Dai Mubai was communicating with Mu Bai, Xue Qinghe also said to Dai Mubai: "Then you have to see Prince Chongming's eyesight, if you have the ability to catch all the treasures in the treasury, no matter how reluctant I am, I will say nothing! "

"Then I would like to thank Your Majesty." Dai Mubai's brows were bright, making it completely impossible to see that he was quite worried now.

"I think it's best to choose the same attribute for the god position." Lu Mingfei said, "Different attributes will cause the god position to not be able to play to the extreme."

Dai Mubai was noncommittal about this.

It can be seen from the original book that without the Sea Cucumber Trident and the Sea God's Thirteen Forms, Tang San would not be the Sea God.

If anyone with talent and perseverance could inherit the god position, then there wouldn't be enough god positions in Douluo Continent.

Luck is also a part of strength, this is a wise saying!

Where do you find someone with talent, perseverance, and luck now?

"Think about your elder brother-in-law?" Mu Bai suddenly suggested, "Your elder brother-in-law's martial spirit is water, absolutely water attribute, and his talent is not low, he is born at the eighth level."

"Fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields!" Erha also said, but his words didn't sound right.

"Am I like the kind of crony person?" Dai Mubai was not happy.

Erha grinned: "You don't look like you, you are!"

Dai Mubai: "Hey, let's get down to business, it sounds like the eldest brother-in-law is quite suitable, but to be honest, he may really not have that kind of willpower."

The eldest brother-in-law, wife, and children were hot on the kang, and had never suffered since he was a child. When he grew up, he suffered at the hands of Brother Dai Mubai and was beaten a few times, but overall, he had a very smooth life.

Dai Mubai doubted whether he had enough perseverance to pass the Seagod Trial.

"Although we really don't want Tang San to become the Seagod, and hope to find a more suitable successor to the Seagod, have you ever thought about one thing... The subsequent development of Douluo Dalu is based on Tang San becoming the Seagod. above!"

Dai Mubai picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

Tang San is the core of Douluo World, Dai Mubai never denied this, and he would not try to kill Tang San just to prove this point.

It's just that in his plan, Tang San doesn't have such an important position.

"Perhaps we can change our thinking... Tang San will still inherit the Seagod position, but we can let him fight for the God of Forging position at the same time, and let him give up the Seagod position after finding a suitable successor." Mu Mu Bai Dao.

Dai Mubai lowered his eyes.

"Tang San really listens to me, and he is not a person who loves power and position, but the God of Forging is indeed not as strong as the Seagod. He may not care about power and position, but he will not care about strength."

Mu Bai fell silent.

"Let's talk about it after getting the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield." Dai Mubai felt a headache.

He knew that the Vast Sea Cosmic Shield needed to identify its owner through a drop of blood, and it seemed that there was still the Seagod's mind inside.

This treasure can avoid many troubles after they go to sea.

However, since the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover is the core part of the Seagod Trident, also known as the "Seagod's Heart", it is the inheritance token of the Seagod's position, so it cannot be recognized casually.

How can I use the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield without a suitable owner?

"If there is no other way before going to sea, let Tang San go." Dai Mubai could only arrange like this.

Dai Mubai's purpose of coming to Heaven Dou Empire has basically been achieved, so he has no interest in this banquet.So after Xue Qinghe left, he also left.

Dai Mubai wanted to get the Vast Sea Cosmos Mask overnight, but that seemed too impatient, the left and right things were also in the hands of his wife, so there was no need to worry about this night.

Besides, Xue Qinghe, after getting the technical drawings containing the third-generation large-scale flying soul guide, he couldn't wait to open the wooden box to see what happened.Of course, he knew almost nothing about soul tools, but as an emperor, he understood the importance of this technology.

So he didn't stay long at the banquet, and soon sent the wooden box to Tianhunyuan.

What happened after that has nothing to do with him.

Qian Renxue returned to the embassy earlier than Dai Mubai, and when Dai Mubai came back, she had already drunk two cups of tea.

"What do you want to exchange for today's great gift?" Qian Renxue and Dai Mubai no longer need politeness, and they are not in that mood now.

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows.

It is comfortable to be with smart people, he just took out a blueprint of advanced technology, Qian Renxue knows the elegant meaning by listening to the string song, no need for him to waste words.

Dai Mubai didn't talk too much, he directly said openly: "I want the Vast Sea Cosmos Shield!"

Qian Renxue was taken aback, and was a little puzzled: "The Vast Sea Cosmic Cover is the treasure of the Tiandou Empire, but the treasure has spirits, and not everyone can be recognized by it. Moreover, it is said to be the treasure of the kingdom, it It has a really bad reputation.”

Dai Mubai put his arms around Qian Renxue, curiously asked: "What's wrong?"

Qian Renxue said: "I don't really know the reason, anyway, the owner of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover doesn't have a good end, basically its owner will die suddenly."

Dai Mubai didn't care, he insisted: "I need to use it to go to sea, I need to use it for something."

Qian Renxue was obviously not happy, she put her arms around Dai Mubai's neck, and asked: "Are you sure you want that thing?"

Dai Mubai nodded firmly: "I really want that."

Qian Renxue said helplessly, "Okay."

That's the end of this topic, Qian Renxue can finally talk about some personal matters.

"did you miss me?"

Dai Mubai looked honest: "I miss you every day."

"What do you miss me?"

"Beautiful, good figure, good voice and sweet work."

Qian Renxue: "..." She blushed pretty, and punched Dai Mubai hard.

"Can you be serious!"

Dai Mubai's face was full of innocence: "I'm serious, I'm telling the truth."


Qian Renxue spat at him, but still hugged his neck and did not let go.

"Then I'd better show it with practical actions." Dai Mubai did what he said, and carried Qian Renxue into the bathroom to take a bath.

And then start doing what you love.

Dai Mubai woke up refreshed with Qian Renxue in his arms, he was about to get a divine weapon today, thinking about it, he was a little excited.

Qian Renxue still left early, and didn't have time to spend more time in bed with Dai Mubai.

Being an emperor is really busy, tiring and difficult!
Qian Renxue knew that Dai Mubai wanted the Vast Sea Universe Shield, so she took the things out of the treasury before he came.

After Dai Mubai arrived at the palace, Qian Renxue personally took him into the royal treasure house to pick out other things.

"What else do you like?" Qian Renxue asked with a smile, "After passing this village, there will be no such shop. This is a rare opportunity."

There was no one around, Dai Mubai hugged Qian Renxue into his arms.

He smiled and said, "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours. When you get to the Star Luo Empire, I'll take you to the treasure house."

"Pull it down!" Qian Renxue gave him a white look, "The Xingluo Treasure House belongs to your father, not yours!"

Dai Mubai said: "I mean my own treasure house, I also have many good things, okay?"

He really has a lot of things, all of which were collected for him by the people below, and there are some treasures among them.

After wandering around the Heaven Dou Treasure House, Dai Mubai indeed saw many good things, but he didn't take them.

That is to say, he and Qian Renxue are indistinguishable from each other, but how can there be any reason to take things from his wife?Isn't that eating soft rice!

However, he really needs the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, and he got it in exchange.

Qian Renxue directly covered Dai Mubai with the vastness of the universe, without even frowning.

"This thing looks good!"

The Vast Ocean Cover is a crystal-clear tetrahedron that seems to be carved from sapphire, only the size of a palm.There are countless water ripples rippling on the surface of the crystal, and the blue precious light in the crystal flows densely, and there are constantly strange energy fluctuations coming from it.

A very attractive treasure, and at a glance, it is related to the ocean and water.

"I can get this so easily, thank you little lover." Dai Mubai buried his chest shamelessly.

Qian Renxue pinched him: "Thank you for being your little lover?"

"I was wrong," Dai Mubai begged for mercy, "Xue'er is the most beautiful in the world, does the big beauty need a little service?"

When Dai Mubai asked, Qian Renxue suddenly looked at Dai Mubai with some confusion: "Xiaobai, there is something I want to tell you."

"Huh?" Dai Mubai didn't pay much attention, "What trouble did you encounter?"

"It's not trouble!" Qian Renxue thumped Dai Mubai, she looked up at Dai Mubai, and whispered, "I want to give you a baby."

Dai Mubai nodded, "Mmm".

Three seconds later, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, and looked at Qian Renxue in his arms in astonishment.

"Why do you think so suddenly?" Dai Mubai didn't understand at all.

He hasn't given Qian Renxue a title yet!Why would Qian Renxue want to give birth to him?
The thing that mothers are more expensive than children is not applicable to Qian Renxue, she doesn't need to use children to tie Dai Mubai.

Qian Renxue's answer was simple: "The Heaven Dou Empire needs an heir, and I've been urged for a long time."

Dai Mubai's expression was a little complicated.

Qian Renxue is already 29 years old, she is middle-aged.

As an emperor, she has no heirs to inherit the throne.

Now the Tiandou imperial family is almost dead in the eyes of outsiders, so the subjects urgently need Xue Qinghe to spread branches and leaves for the imperial family.But Qian Renxue couldn't do it, and she couldn't let the real Xue Qinghe give birth to a child, and then make the real Xue Qinghe's child the crown prince.

She did not seek to seize the Heaven Dou Empire to finally return the empire to the descendants of the Xue family!
"Someone already suspects that I have a health problem!" Qian Renxue was angry and helpless, "Although I asked Zhenxue Qinghe to help me dispel the suspicion that I am a man of broken sleeves, but I have been unwilling to choose a concubine for a long time. I don’t have any children, it’s really annoying to hear them nagging in my ears every day!”

"Obviously I am in the prime of life, in the prime of life, and should focus on my career, but those courtiers value my family affairs!" Qian Renxue said angrily, "I know that the heir of a country is really important, and the heir is also called the country's foundation. Well, having a crown prince can indeed stabilize the empire, so that people don't have to worry about what happens to me and no one will be in charge of the family, but are they cursing me for something to happen?"

Dai Mubai didn't know how to comfort Qian Renxue.He himself is the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, and he knows the importance of a crown prince.

He was very happy that Qian Renxue was willing to have children for him, but he hoped to be with Qian Renxue in a fair manner after everything was over. At that time, Qian Renxue wanted to have as many children as possible.

But now is not the time!

(End of this chapter)

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