Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 236 This question...

Chapter 236 This question...

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Now, on the one hand, he is going to Sea God Island and won't be able to return in a short time. If Qian Renxue is pregnant now, he may not be able to accompany her to give birth.On the other hand, he didn't know what method Qian Renxue would use to make this child justified.

His child must be justified!
Dai Mubai first raised the second question, wanting Qian Renxue to back down.

Qian Renxue didn't care, "If I'm really pregnant, let Xue Qinghe be the emperor for a few months, and I'll pretend to be his queen, and let him abdicate after I give birth to a child."

Dai Mubai: "..."

He wanted to say that Qian Renxue was too naive, and he also wanted to say that Qian Renxue trusted Xue Qinghe too much.

"Power is charming, once you return Xue Qinghe's throne to him, will he be willing to be your puppet?" Dai Mubai asked.

Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, and said: "I have given him many chances to return to his true identity, and he has never changed his mind! And even though I returned the throne to him, I will invite Grandpa to come here Sitting in town, I won't let him have unreasonable thoughts just because I'm pregnant."

It didn't sound like a problem, but then another question arose: "Do you think your grandfather, Angel Douluo, would agree to your giving birth to my child?"

Qian Renxue was full of doubts: "Why not? He only has one granddaughter, so why don't I give him a great-grandson? You are not bad, we will have a child with good talents."

Dai Mubai was silent.

Qian Daoliu would think that of course it's not good!He hopes that Qian Renxue can become a god and fulfill the long-cherished wish of him and even the whole family.Now Qian Renxue actually wanted to marry and have children like an ordinary woman, how could this be possible!How is it important for future generations to become gods? !
Dai Mubai knew about Qian Renxue's ending, so he knew Qian Daoliu's thoughts, but he knew, he couldn't tell Qian Renxue about this.

"Okay, even if Angel Douluo agrees." Dai Mubai had to find another reason, "I told you yesterday that I will go to sea recently and will not be in the mainland in the short term. If you are pregnant, I may not be able to accompany you You give birth to a fetus."

Qian Renxue frowned: "Although I really want you to stay with me during my pregnancy, and I hope you can see our child as soon as possible, but if you have something to do, it's not a big deal. You can take care of yourself. Don't worry, I'm not an ordinary woman."

Dai Mubai choked.

Thank you so much for your kindness and consideration!

"But I want to be with you. I don't want you to be pregnant with my child but be considered someone else's. I don't want you to be accompanied by other men during pregnancy." Dai Mubai nestled on Qian Renxue's chest and acted like a baby , "That's my first child! I hope that he will be guarded by me from conception to birth to growth! But it will take me a long time to go out this time, at least two years. I don't want to see me when I come back My child can run all over the place, which will make me miss a lot of memorable things with my child, Xueer, don’t you want our child to grow up with his father?"

Although it doesn't fit his image, but a man can bend and stretch.

Qian Renxue hesitated.

The misfortune of her childhood made her hope that her children could grow up in a happy family.

But she does need a baby now.

"You are now in your prime, and you are a Contra, what kind of accident can you encounter? You don't need to explain to my servant!" Dai Mubai held Qian Renxue's face in his hands, and suddenly smiled, "Could it be that Xue'er actually wanted to Use children to tie my heart?"

Qian Renxue pushed him away, and said angrily, "You think too much."

"Then what should I do if I want to use the child to tie Xue'er's heart?" Dai Mubai leaned closer shamelessly, his handsome face showing longing, "The child of Xue'er and I must be the best child in the world." most beautiful."

"What if it's a boy? And the prettiest?" Qian Renxue listened to Dai Mubai's imagination, and felt happy in her heart, but on the surface she snorted coldly.

"It's okay." Dai Mubai smiled, "We can have two, a boy and a girl."

Dai Mubai lowered his head, and pressed Qian Renxue's forehead against each other, he said: "But not now. It's one thing that I'm not ready to be a parent; I hope my child can be with parents from birth. On the one hand; most importantly, I hope to give my children a peaceful and stable world after the Douluo Continent really calms down."

Qian Renxue was silent.

She wanted a child, and being urged too much by the courtiers was on the one hand, and on the other hand, she really wanted a child to accompany her.

She and Dai Mubai get together less and leave more, she is very lonely.

"I see." Qian Renxue was a little sullen.

"Sorry." Dai Mubai hugged Qian Renxue into his arms.

It was fine if Qian Renxue didn't say anything, but Dai Mubai also felt very uncomfortable when this topic was brought up suddenly.

Being a human being in two lives, although he only lived 18 years in his last life, he is only 21 years old in this life. Age can’t be considered as a four-year-old when you add up two lives, but even those times in the illusion don’t count, he It is also true that I have spent 39 years as a human being.

"My child..." Dai Mubai's heart softened.

"Remember what I told you before?" After Dai Mubai and Qian Renxue were tender, Mu Bai left Dai Mubai's sea of ​​consciousness and looked at him seriously.

Dai Mubai was a little confused, Mu Bai had told him so many things, he really couldn't think of them now.

Mu Bai was speechless.

"I told you before, you must become a god within three years!"

Dai Mubai was stunned: "Isn't it five years or ten years? I remember wrongly? Such an important matter, it shouldn't be..."

"Anyway, it's three years now!" Mu Bai was also a little confused by what he said, but it quickly reacted and became firm.

Dai Mubai didn't refute: "I hope so too."

"Before Tang San arrives in Tiandou City, try to find a suitable heir of the Sea God, otherwise we can only choose him in the end." Mu Bai said, "The Sea God is really much more generous than other gods. We cannot miss!"

Dai Mubai nodded.

Then the question comes again, Douluo Dalu, besides Dai Mubai, is there any young man who is better and more suitable than Tang San?

Do you want him to find someone from the older generation?

It's not that it can't be done, it's just that Dai Mubai hopes to find a young man.

It's easier to fool around.

Really looking for an old fried dough stick, it's hard to control!
"Labor and management have discovered a blind spot." Erha raised his paw and said.

Dai Mubai and Mu Bai both looked at him.

Erha chuckled, and said, "There is a part of the sea god's power in the hood of the vast sea, why didn't you think about whoring first?"

Dai Mubai and Mu Bai were stunned.

That's right, there is the Seagod's Divine Sense in the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, which naturally also contains the Seagod's divine power. When they get it, they should directly give this part of the divine power to whoring!
As for the fact that the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover is the inheritance token of the Sea God's throne, it's not important.

If Dai Mubai doesn't want to inherit the seat of Seagod, how can Poseidon force him to inherit?

"Looks like I'm destined to be a scumbag." Dai Mubai took out the palm-sized Vast Sea Universe Cover from the stored soul tool, pricked his finger, and dripped a drop of blood onto it.

Dai Mubai's blood was absorbed by the blue tetrahedron, blue lights flickered one after another, as if asking Dai Mubai for more blood.

"A normal person would need a lot of energy and blood if they want the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover to recognize the Lord. Your essence is too different from that of the Son of God. About three to five drops of blood are enough." Mu Bai said.

Dai Mubai nodded, and dripped a few more drops of blood on it.

As if he was full of blood, streaks of blue light floated out of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, and these blue lights finally condensed into a blurry blue phantom.

"There are existences on Douluo Continent whose life level is almost the same as that of the young God Son. If you are not a human being, maybe I will kill you." The Seagod Divine Sense looked at Dai Mubai with very calm eyes, "I leave The main body has been around for too long, maybe the main body knows your identity. Since you have obtained the heart of the sea god, then this part of the divine power will be given to you."

After speaking, the phantom dissipated immediately.

"Isn't this too straightforward? I'll run away after complimenting, but don't give me more benefits, don't tell me I don't have the qualifications to inherit the seat of Sea God?" Dai Mubai suddenly became angry.

It's one thing for him to look down on the Seagod's position, but it's another thing to be looked down upon by the Seagod!
Dai Mubai dared to say that even if he wanted the throne of the two great god kings in the God Realm, he was entitled to it, why didn't Sea God even tell him about the succession of the throne?Who do you look down on?

Mu Bai was speechless: "I think it may be because you are really not suitable for the position of Sea God. The key is to prostitute your divine power. Anyway, you will not inherit the position of Sea God."

Dai Mubai just muttered a few words, not really complaining.

He just felt a little at a loss.

They should squeeze more good things out of the hands of the Seagod Divine Sense.

Unfortunately, He ran too fast.

Dai Mubai held the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, the blue divine power in it surged into Dai Mubai's body as if it had found a vent.

Dai Mubai snorted.

This is too rough, like injecting mercury directly into the body.

"As expected of the core of a divine tool, this divine power is pure!" Mu Bai smiled happily, unceremoniously snatching the divine power from Dai Mubai's body.

Dai Mubai: "...(╬◣д◢)"

If Lao Tzu suffers, he benefits!
This wave of divine power absorption didn't last long, just a few hours.

Mu Bai is comfortable all over, and the platinum hair on his body is even brighter.

Dai Mubai was deficient in Qi and blood, lying on the bed doubting his life.

This is not right!
This wave... feels like a loss!

"Hey, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine. Isn't it more comfortable to think about it this way?" Mu Bai said happily.

Dai Mubai: "...(_)"

No, and the more I think about it, the more angry I get!

Mu Bai joked with Dai Mubai, and began to feed him back.

"The Vast Sea Universe Cover seems to have several skills, after all it is the core of the artifact..." Dai Mubai played with the small tetrahedron, now it is dim and all the water ripples on the surface have disappeared, now it looks like an ordinary sapphire , Dai Mubai tried to input soul power into it.

Nothing happened.

"You really only gave me divine power?" Dai Mubai frowned.

If the skills of the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover can't be used, then why does Dai Mubai want this thing?

He is going to use the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover as a submarine to cross the sea to Sea God Island!
Mu Bai pawed at the Hanhai Cosmic Cover with his paws, and shook his head: "The skill should be usable, but the problem is that it has no energy now..."

As he said that, Mu Bai showed an embarrassed smile: "I sucked too much, and there is no energy in it."

Dai Mubai: "..."

"It's impossible for you to spit out your soul power, so what should you do?" Dai Mubai felt a little headache, "Can it automatically recover energy by putting it in sea water?"

Dai Mubai just said that casually, but Lu Mingfei replied seriously: "Yes, but the speed is relatively slow. Moreover, there is another method, injecting a large amount of soul power and a small amount of your fresh blood into it. Your blood It has a divine nature and can act as a purifying agent to purify soul power into low-level divine power. However, this method is relatively expensive."

The Star Martial Academy has researched the "milk bottle" that can replenish soul power for several years, and Dai Mubai also carries a lot with him.

After Lu Mingfei said this, Dai Mubai directly took out the baby bottle and began to recharge the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover.

He carried thirty fifth-level feeding bottles, and the fifth-level is the highest level of feeding bottle soul guides, which can store enough soul power for a Contra to fully recover.

After all the feeding bottles were used up, the Qiankun cover became a little bit brighter, but the water ripples on the surface still did not appear.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that the exchange ratio between divine power and soul power is about one to one hundred thousand. Of course, with your blood as a purifying agent, this ratio can be a little higher, so it's one to ten thousand." .”

Dai Mubai: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴

"Directly using your own soul power can narrow the gap again, and it should be one to one hundred." Lu Mingfei said, "Of course, it would be best if you can use Mu Bai's soul power. question."

Dai Mubai was shocked.

"Why am I one to one hundred, and he is one to one!"

Mu Bai sneered: "I am a holy beast and you are a human being, isn't the gap big enough?"

Dai Mubai showed a flattering smile: "Which one of us is with whom! Brother Hu, bring some soul power."

Mu Bai mercilessly refused.

"If I inject soul power into it, why should I grab the Seagod's divine power? Is it just a formality?"

Dai Mubai was helpless.

Mu Bai said: "You fill it with soul power, and I will help you practice."

"This is still using your soul power!" Dai Mubai couldn't understand why Mu Bai insisted on making him toss.

Mu Bai slapped Dai Mubai confused, and said: "The kind of soul power that Lu Mingfei said can be compared with divine power is the kind of soul power that contains a trace of my origin, and what I help you cultivate is only soul power , which does not contain my origin."

Dai Mubai understood.

"Then how much have you recovered now?"

Mu Bai rubbed his chin: "You can easily win a fight with the current Ditian, even if you fight with the Silver Dragon King alone, it won't be such a big deal, although you will lose your strength later."

After these few years, Ditian has made great progress due to his close relationship with Star Martial Academy. According to Long Aotian's words, the current Ditian can beat the Ditian of five Star Dou explosions.

Back then Long Aotian and Mu Bai cooperated to overwhelm Ditian, but this time Mu Bai was able to easily beat Ditian, even the Silver Dragon King alone.Tsk, Mu Bai hasn't slept in vain these past few years, and the Seagod's divine power hasn't prostituted in vain!
(End of this chapter)

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