Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 239 Hanhai City

Chapter 239 Hanhai City

Looking at the dead bones and broken limbs all over the floor, after mental detection, he found that there were no human beings here except the pregnant woman, Dai Mubai closed his eyes.


Dai Mubai took the lead and rushed in.

"Nine stars turn out Liuli - Pagoda Town Heshan!" Ning Rongrong used her sixth soul ability.

A control-type soul skill!

Ning Rongrong shouted: "Within ten seconds, all wolf thieves will be suppressed!"

Dai Mubai nodded slightly: "Zhuqing, go save people! Xiao Ao, while protecting Rongrong, try to kill as many wolf robbers as possible."

As for himself, when the wolf thieves had no power to resist, he directly used the soul skill of the right arm bone to swallow and strangle all the wolf thieves.

In the City of Slaughter, the Soul Bone Skill of Devouring Darkness once killed thousands of people in one go, and the number of wolf thieves here is not as large as the massacre in the City of Slaughter.

To be honest, after seeing those people's miserable conditions, Dai Mubai was filled with hostility. He originally planned to use the golden leaf dance to strangle these wolf thieves into pieces, but that was too bloody and did not suit his status .

So he can only use another soul skill that makes these wolf thieves die without a place to bury them.

Killing these wolf thieves is not difficult for Dai Mubai and others at all, but killing them can't calm the anger of Dai Mubai and others.

Zhu Zhuqing walked over to Dai Mubai in a daze, her voice was difficult: "Mubai, go and have a look."

Dai Mubai clenched his fists.

He has the spirit detection soul ability, and he knew the tragic situation of those women earlier than Zhu Zhuqing.The reason why he didn't appear directly in front of them was also to allow Zhu Zhuqing, a female soul master, to awaken the hope in their hearts.

But in his scouting just now, when they saw Zhu Zhuqing, the first words they said were almost in unison.

"kill me!"

Dai Mubai held Zhu Zhuqing's hand, and stroked her hair.

Dai Mubai walked alone to the cave where the women were imprisoned, looking at those skinny women who looked like walking corpses but fell into despair and madness when someone came to rescue them, he said calmly: "I will make the wolf robbers extinct from now on!"


When the first cry sounded, what followed was a heart-piercing cry.

As wolf thieves' lust tool and reserve food, they have been looking forward to someone to rescue them.But when they are pregnant with wolf thief cubs, they can only hopelessly wait for the wolf cub to break open their stomachs and be born, and then become the wolf cub's first food.

Surveilled by wolf thieves, they have no power to resist, and even suicide is an extravagant hope.

"Give me a knife." A pregnant woman who was about to give birth leaned on the wall and walked in front of Dai Mubai.

She was covered with tattered clothes, her face was dirty, Dai Mubai couldn't even see her face clearly.

As she spoke, the others fell silent, all sobbing softly.

A trace of pain flashed across Dai Mubai's eyes.

He gave the knife to the woman.

"I want to die myself," the woman said.

Although it would be more painful than Dai Mubai's doing it to her, but she wanted to die by herself, and she wanted to control her final fate by herself!
"Thank you." The woman held a knife and said to Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and Oscar who had already walked over, "It's enough for you to kill the wolves and robbers, we will do it shouldn't be stained with our blood."

She looked back at the other women, and said: "If you still want to live, you can ask these master soul masters to help kill the evil seeds in your belly, and then find a secluded place to end your life."

Zhu Zhuqing bit her lower lip tightly, she could taste the bloody taste in her mouth, but the touch in her heart was far from being able to calm down.

If this woman possesses great strength, with her calm atmosphere and deep understanding of righteousness, she will definitely not be unknown.

But she is just an ordinary person!

Weakness is the original sin!

"Master Soul Master, give me a knife too." The other woman also stood up.

Without saying a word, Dai Mubai gave her the saber.

Ning Rongrong couldn't bear to look at it anymore, she buried her face in Oscar's arms, tears wet Oscar's clothes.

"In my next life, I must be a powerful soul master!"

The woman who spoke first saw everyone holding knives. She raised her head and plunged the knife into her stomach.She was convulsed with pain, but she pulled out the bloody knife with trembling hands.

"Master Soul Master, please do what you say!"

After speaking, she pierced her heart this time.

Dai Mubai looked at her straight eyes, and said affirmatively: "Wolf robbers will definitely be extinct!"

The woman seemed to be smiling, and she closed her eyes.

When Tang San and others rushed over, all the women in the cave committed suicide.

Tang San didn't speak.

Xiao Wu clenched her fists and trembled all over: "Damn wolf thief!"

"I have already ordered to wipe out the wolf robbers and Gale Demon Wolf." Dai Mubai said expressionlessly, "Xiaohong, burn this place down."

Tang San raised his head in shock: "Brother, why didn't you bury them?"

"Douluo Continent doesn't need this kind of sad history! I will let all wolf robbers, Gale Demon Wolf, and other similar soul beasts be buried with this history with the extermination of their clan!" Dai Mubai finally couldn't keep calm anymore, but after shouting After that, he calmed down again, "They came into this world clean as one person, let them leave as clean people too."

Dai Mubai didn't want these women to be buried in the soil in such a miserable state.

It's not that they have cleanliness, and they can't be buried after washing them.Rather...these are all pregnant women, and they all stabbed themselves in the stomach.

They don't want to be buried with wolf cubs.

Tang San understood Dai Mubai's thoughts.

Ma Hongjun nodded, and released the phoenix flames to burn the cave to nothingness.

After burning the mountain, the group left here.

After returning to the Starry Sky, everyone was in a bad mood.

Tang San mentioned to Dai Mubai the seized right leg spirit bone.

"The right leg bone of Hurricane of Bloodthirst and Madness?" Dai Mubai glanced at it, and said directly, "Give it to your cousin, she is the weakest, don't hold back."

Dai Mubai said so, Tang San didn't show any pretense, and directly gave it to Bai Chenxiang.

Although Bai Chenxiang had some doubts that the spirit bone came from wolf robbers, she also knew that she was a little bit behind, and that everyone else was not short of spirit bones, so she took it.

Not to mention Dai Mubai, except for the external spirit bones, he basically collected all the spirit bones.Tang San has a head spirit bone, an external spirit bone, and a right leg bone from his mother.Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing each have a soul bone from the soul master competition.

Oscar also has a soul bone, although this time he did not hunt the mirror soul beast to get the mirror sausage, but the sun chrysanthemum beast he hunted also gave him a soul bone, not the head soul bone, but a better torso soul bone.

Shui Bing'er, as the daughter of an earl and formerly the best student of Tianshui Academy... only got a soul bone with the support of Star Martial Academy.

Dai Mubai can leave this spirit bone to Zhuang Chenguang, but it's not necessary, Zhuang Chenguang is only six years old and has not yet awakened his martial soul.

Hanhai City, the largest city in the west of the Heaven Dou Empire, is also the largest seaside city and port city on the Douluo Continent.This is the closest city to Sea God Island, and it takes about ten days to reach Sea God Island by boat from here.

Of course, with the speedboat produced by the Star Martial Academy, this time can be shortened to three days.

"Take a break in the city and set off tomorrow."

Flying in the sky these days, and what happened before, everyone's mood is quite depressed.They all need to relax.

Because the members were all too good-looking, before entering the city, Dai Mubai directly activated the illusion of the world of mortals, covering up the real face for everyone.

After entering the city, Zhu Zhuqing frowned uncomfortably.She couldn't accept the fishy smell from the ocean.

People in Hanhai City are generally shorter in stature, and their skin is darker than those in the interior.

"Although they are all coastal cities, the environment in the Naga Kingdom is obviously better than here." Dai Mubai laughed.

Although it is mainly because the Naga Kingdom is a feminist kingdom, the national appearance is relatively high.

"Those hypocritical women in the Naga Kingdom?" A passing soul master curled his lips in disdain, "The environment over there is indeed better, but compared to strength, which of our Hanhai City can't be one against five?"

Dai Mubai smiled, did not speak, he was very clear about the strength of those women in the Naga Kingdom.Speaking of this buddy, don't say one hit five, it is unknown whether they can last 5 minutes in other people's hands.But this is Hanhai City, there is no need to argue with an ordinary person for the sake of talking.

Seeing that guy was about to push forward, Dai Mubai directly released the coercion of the soul saint level.

Dai Mubai ignored the frightened passerby, took Zhu Zhuqing's hand, hugged his little nephew, and left with a group of friends.

Hanhai City is too remote, and there is no Dai Mubai's property, so he can only randomly choose a high-end hotel to stay.

Dai Mubai shared a room with Zhuang Chenguang, Tang San shared a room with Xiao Wu, Oscar shared a room with Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun shared a room with Shui Binger, and finally Bai Chenxiang shared a room with Zhu Zhuqing.

Bai Chenxiang didn't mind sharing a room with Zhuang Chenguang, letting Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai live together, but Zhuang Chenguang didn't want to, so he had to stay by Dai Mubai's side, insisting on sharing a room with Dai Mubai.Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing considered that it was not an unreasonable request for a child to leave his parents for a long trip for the first time, so they followed him.

"Go to the big auction in Hanhai City in the evening, maybe you can buy some useful things for going to sea. Now everyone rest for a while." Dai Mubai hugged his tired nephew, nodded to Zhu Zhuqing, and went back to the room directly rest.

Although there is a room to rest on the Xingkong, after all, they are not down-to-earth, and everyone is still a little physically and mentally exhausted.

After sleeping until the afternoon, everyone had dinner and went to the auction house.

After spending ten gold soul coins to buy a brand and betting a hundred gold soul coins as a guarantee, the group entered the auction.

Next to the auction house is the Great Spirit Arena, Tang San touched his chin and said: "We can go to the Spirit Arena after shopping."

Dai Mubai didn't object, he also thought that he should go and experience the abilities of the sea soul master.

The auction had already started when they arrived.At this moment, the inside of the auction house was pitch-black, only the signs in their hands shone with a faint fluorescent light, which was for the convenience of bidding during the auction.

"The auction in Hanhai City is quite mysterious!" Ning Rongrong said.

As a frequent visitor to the auction house, although she often goes to auctions wearing a mask and a black robe, this is the first time she has encountered such a situation where the entire auction house is pitch-black.

After a while, the things Dai Mubai needed appeared on the stage.

Dragon Boat!
It was more than a year in advance, but I didn't expect to come across this thing.

The Longyuan boat is shuttle-shaped in appearance, milky white in color, like carved from jade, about one foot long from head to tail.Its front end is in the shape of a dragon's head, and its tail is erected like a fish's tail, with four fin-like wings on each side.

The Longyuan boat can accommodate twelve to fifteen people. It is an offshore soul tool and cannot enter the deep sea.It can dive into the seabed at a depth of 15 meters, and can only withstand the attack of a hundred-year-old sea spirit beast at most.

It's very tasteless. Although it was blown up by the auctioneer as an antiquity, it is not even qualified to carry shoes for the "Xinghai" speedboat.

Dai Mubai was very disappointed, he thought the Longyuan Boat was such a good thing.

Unexpectedly, [-] gold soul coins are just such a tasteless piece of cake.

After the auctioneer bid [-] gold soul coins, the entire auction hall fell silent.

The auctioneer, while a little disappointed, seemed used to it.

This is not the first time this item has been auctioned, nor is it the first time it has failed.

"Ten thousand gold soul coins."

Although he felt that this thing was useless, but it was a prop that had appeared in the plot, so Dai Mubai still opened his mouth and bought it.

The auctioneer was overjoyed and quickly completed the transaction.

Afterwards, Dai Mubai bought some things that sea soul masters could use, among which a pair of seashells was more interesting.

The pair of shells allows the user to communicate up to three hundred miles at sea.

It's not as wide as Dai Mubai's mental detection skill, but it's still very useful for other people to use.It is impossible for him to activate detection skills at any time, nor can he directly invade other people's minds, especially Tang San and the others are all his own.

Of course, Dai Mubai has also mentioned this skill to them many times, if it comes time to directly communicate spiritually, Dai Mubai will not hide it.

"Let's replenish some water and food first, and then go to the Spirit Arena." Tang San suggested.

Everyone else has no doubts.

Although there are a lot of resources in Dai Mubai's storage soul tool, there are really not many water resources and food.He knew that he was going to rest in Hanhai City, so he didn't prepare in advance.The fresher the water and food, the better.

Although it was said to replenish water and food, girls such as Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong still bought a lot of messy specialties.

Anyway, there are enough storage soul guides, the capacity is large enough, and there is no shortage of money, just buy, buy, and buy.

Being happy is the most important thing.

It was already late at night after buying, but everyone had enough rest during the day, and now they were not tired or sleepy, so they ran to the fighting spirit field.

"We really haven't fought a sea soul master before, this time we have to experience it well." Xiao Wu hadn't fought for a long time.

Facing wolf robbers a while ago, in order to protect the hostages, she had no chance to do anything.

Now she is eager to try.

Dai Mubai glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, obviously Zhu Zhuqing also wanted to test his current strength.

 It's very strange, since I can do more than 5000 words and [-] words a day, why do I often want to get on the bus first and then buy the ticket?
(End of this chapter)

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