Chapter 240 At Sea

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Dai Mubai hadn't been to the Soul Arena for a long time.

It's too boring to abuse food in the Soul Arena.

Moreover, with his Purple Gold Fighting Soul Medal level, there is no one who is qualified to be his opponent.

In the soul arena, soul masters of the level of soul saint and above rarely appear, so Dai Mubai is invincible in the spirit arena now.

And invincible, is very lonely.

There is no soul fighting platform in the soul fighting field of sea soul masters, but a soul fighting pool instead.

The Soul Fighting Pool is circular with a diameter of [-] meters and a depth of [-] meters.It's filled with azure waters.Participating soul masters who leave the vertical range of the fighting soul pool will be punished as losers, and those who voluntarily admit defeat or lose the ability to fight will be judged as losers.

Except for some changes in the terrain, the rules are basically the same as those in the Soul Arena.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu walked into the fighting spirit field excitedly, but finally sat impatiently in the spectator box.

At present, the strongest soul master level here is only the soul king, and the battle at the soul emperor level requires an appointment.

Of course they don't have the time or the mood to have fun!
So I can only let Bai Chenxiang to test the water.

Bai Chenxiang's opponent is a tuna soul master, who is also an agility attack system soul master.

"Chen Xiang is a flying spirit master, so he has certain advantages over sea spirit masters, but that tuna spirit master has rough skin and thick flesh, hiding in the soul fighting pool, Chen Xiang can't do anything about him." Tang San said with a frown.

Xiao Wu had a lot of contact with Bai Chenxiang when she was in Haotianzong. At this time, the two can be regarded as girlfriends. Xiao Wu said with some concern: "Xiangxiang's first three spirit rings are pure acceleration spirit rings, and the fourth The spirit ring is for evasion, and the fifth spirit ring has a little attack power, so she is not suitable for single-player spirit fighting."

"It's okay, let her admit defeat." Dai Mubai was very calm, "The so-called sea soul masters are just water attribute soul masters with relatively strong attack power in the sea."

As the former eldest sister of Tianshui Academy of Water Element Academy, Da Shui Bing'er agreed with Dai Mubai's words.

"Tianshui Academy also has soul masters who have sea soul masters, but they don't have to be in the water to fight like the sea soul masters here. Of course, fighting in the water can indeed increase." Shui Bing'er said, " This kind of attribute increase is like Hongjun is more suitable for practicing fighting in the volcanic environment, and the third brother is more suitable for practicing fighting in the forest environment."

Ma Hongjun nodded, absolutely supporting what his wife said.

Dai Mubai glanced at Ma Hongjun strangely.

If it wasn't for Dai Mubai's intrusion, Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang should be forming a two-on-two to show off their skills in the arena at this time, and Bai Chenxiang will also become Ma Hongjun's future wife.

"But I still think Shui Bing'er and Ma Hongjun are more suitable." Dai Mubai turned his head to look at Bai Chenxiang who was helpless against the sea soul master.

"It's not bad to have a scout in the team." Dai Mubai gave Bai Chenxiang's position in the team.

Tang San secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that Bai Chenxiang's status was embarrassing among this group of people, and he was indeed not as talented as the others.But after all, Bai Chenxiang is his own cousin, so if his uncle drags him to take care of Chenxiang, he will naturally do his best.

But the core of the team is Dai Mubai after all, and Dai Mubai's character is indifferent yet strong.Even if he intends to take care of Bai Chenxiang, he can't do anything if Bai Chenxiang doesn't get Dai Mubai's acknowledgment.

Now that Dai Mubai recognized Bai Chenxiang's position in the team, he felt relieved.

Zhuang Chenguang has been quietly hugged by Dai Mubai, but he is different from Dai Mubai and others, he is the only one watching this match with great interest.

"Uncle Prince, when can I become a soul master?" The little guy opened his big blingbling eyes and looked at Dai Mubai expectantly.

"You can do it after arriving at Sea God Island." Dai Mubai stroked his hair, hugged him and stood up, "Let's go back and rest, and leave early tomorrow."

Xiao Wu went to ask Bai Chenxiang to go back together.

Along the way, Bai Chenxiang kept his head down, depressed.

As her temporary roommate, Zhu Zhuqing patted her on the shoulder and smiled at her.

"We don't need talented teammates, because almost the most powerful geniuses in the entire Douluo Continent are here." Zhu Zhuqing said proudly, "You are joining us as Tang San's cousin and Xiao Wu's best friend. Those who join this team don't need to be under too much pressure. Besides, we really need a scout, and you have a pivotal position in this team."

Dai Mubai was a little surprised.

He knew that Zhu Zhuqing was actually very caring, but when did Zhu Zhuqing talk so much to someone he had just met not long ago?

Not to mention Dai Mubai was surprised, even Tang San Oscar and others were extremely surprised.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's changes are developing in a positive direction, but the change is a bit big, and it feels a bit wrong.

Except for Shui Bing'er and Bai Chenxiang who didn't know Zhu Zhuqing well, only the big-hearted Xiao Wu didn't take this matter to heart.

Xiao Wu even echoed Zhu Zhuqing: "Zhu Qing is right, scouts are also very important to us! Xiangxiang, you are actually very useful!"

Tang San covered his face.

Xiao Wu was clearly the person who spent the longest time with Zhu Zhuqing, but she didn't feel that Zhu Zhuqing's state was not right, why was her mentality still so childish?
Perhaps for Xiao Wu, apart from matters related to Tang San, other people and other things don't need her to worry too much, right?
Dai Mubai didn't worry about this either.

As long as Zhu Zhuqing's attitude towards him remains unchanged.

Since they were going to sea and had a good rest during the day, the girls were more excited at night, and chatted with their boyfriends or roommates for a long time before falling asleep.

Only Dai Mubai and Zhuang Chenguang slept very early.

The piers in Hanhai City are very large. At least twenty piers with a length of hundreds of meters protrude into the sea, where hundreds of sea ships are moored.This is the starting point and end point of Hanhai City's maritime trade, and it is also an important source of income for the entire Hanhai City.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains depends on water to eat water, this is an eternal truth.Before human beings have the ability to change the environment, they can only adapt to the environment. After they have the ability to change the environment, they have already gotten used to the environment.

Although there are many powerful sea spirit beasts in the sea, and the storms and hidden reefs on the sea often lead to tragedies of shipwreck and death, the income from the sea guarantees the lives of people in coastal cities such as Hanhai City.

To be born in the sea and to die in the sea is the fate of those who live in coastal cities and islands.

There are many ships on the pier, most of them have iron gray hulls, the Xingwuyuan staff who sent the speedboat to Dai Mubai introduced it to Dai Mubai, it is said that the ships painted iron gray can avoid sea damage to a certain extent. The attack of the soul beast.So the appearance of Dai Mubai's speedboat is also iron gray.

As a fifth-level soul tool, besides being able to change its size, the Xinghai speedboat also has an automatic driving system. After Dai Mubai imports the sea chart into the driving system, the speedboat can automatically drive.

So Dai Mubai and the others don't need the captain's mate and sailors, they only need to arrange one person in the cockpit to prepare for unexpected situations.

The Xinghai is 35 meters long and [-] meters wide. It is divided into upper and lower floors, with the upper deck and the lower deck.

In order to avoid unexpected situations, Dai Mubai and others got up very early, and chose a secluded place to go to sea.

They're not shy, but they don't have to be conspicuous.

A fifth-level soul guide is a rare treasure for a remote city like the Heaven Dou Empire like Hanhai City, and it is hard to guarantee that no one will take the risk.

Dai Mubai didn't want to waste time on some miscellaneous fish.

The sea scenery is magnificent and beautiful. Although it is still dark and the temperature is very low, almost everyone stands on the deck to enjoy the sea scenery.

The sea scenery is naturally unique, but the same scenery will not be interesting if you watch it for a long time.

The scenery that makes Dai Mubai and others feel unforgettable in this life is the sunrise on the sea.

There is a moon tonight, and the moon on the sea seems to be extraordinarily large and bright. When the sky turns from pitch black to gray blue, the brilliance of the moon begins to dim.In the same color of the sea and the sky, as the sky gets brighter and brighter, the gray-blue sky gradually turns into light blue, and the color of the sea gradually becomes lighter.

When the first ray of golden sunlight shines on the sea level, the clouds on the sea suddenly brighten up. The clouds are like lamps emitting light, pulling the sun that has not yet fully revealed its brilliance to the sky step by step.

The feeling of watching the sun rise from the sea level and hang directly above the sky is indescribable.If I have to say it, it is probably a kind of moving to witness a miracle happen.

The sun at sunrise is the most gentle, and only a few minutes are given to the world to look directly at it.

Even Dai Mubai was the first time to watch the sunrise seriously, and it was also the first time he dared to look directly at the sun.

Perhaps the greatest sense of accomplishment in watching a sunrise is the ability to look directly at the sun without fear of blinding it.

After watching the sunrise on the sea, everyone's excitement was over, and they began to feel various discomforts with sea travel, so they went back to their rooms to rest and adjust.

The speed of the Xinghai was very fast. After traveling for more than five hours, it encountered a cargo ship ahead.

Ning Rongrong, Tang San, and Ma Hongjun stood on the deck, Ning Rongrong looked at the sign on the ship ahead, and said with a smile: "That is the ship of the Hai family of Tiandou City, the Hai family has a good reputation, we are going to Say hello?"

Dai Mubai was taking care of Zhuang Chenguang, who was a little seasick, and Tang San was in charge of the boat at this time, and Tang San rejected Ning Rongrong's proposal.

"One thing more is worse than one thing less." Tang San rejected Ning Rongrong's proposal.

Ning Rongrong is not depressed either, now that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School has been renamed the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School, they have no friendship with the Hai family.Ning Rongrong just happened to know about the Hai family, so she just asked a question.She was still feeling uncomfortable in bed, so she ran out to get some air, but the wet and salty smell of the sea made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Thanks to the stable speed of the Xinghai, and the fact that their physiques have undergone special training and been strengthened by eating natural materials and earth treasures, they just feel unwell and do not have a serious seasickness reaction.

Since there was no plan to say hello, Ning Rongrong went back to the room and continued to rest.

Xinghai was far faster than other ships, and it didn't take long before it overtook the Haijia cargo ship and continued to move towards Sea God Island.

Although they encountered several sea storms because they were not familiar with navigation along the way, they were generally safe and sound. Two days later, they were able to see a huge island in the distance.

"Tang San, you stay on guard here, I'll go check out the surrounding situation."

Judging from the information given by Erha, there are a large number of powerful sea spirit beasts lurking around Sea God Island, these sea spirit beasts are basically strong enough to instantly kill Bai Chenxiang, so Dai Mubai can only volunteer.

Bai Chenxiang landed on the deck, lowered her head and pursed her lips, looking a little depressed.

These days, she has dutifully performed her duties as a scout, but now it seems that all of this is just wishful thinking on her part.

These people don't really need her at all.

This realization made her very disappointed.

Dai Mubai spread out his white golden wings, put on the world of mortals, and flew towards Sea God Island at a speed of at least Mach three.

Bai Chenxiang: "...(-ι_-`)" So what's the use of me as a scout?

Now the detection range of Dai Mubai's holy beast White Tiger Martial Soul's fifth soul ability Chongming Tong has reached a radius of ten kilometers, with a straight line distance of five hundred miles.

Now Xinghai is only about a hundred miles away from Sea God Island.

At this time, demon spirit great white sharks roamed around the entire sea god island in almost all directions.

"It found us." Dai Mubai frowned.

Unexpectedly, the great white shark in Sea God Island, the elder of Tang San and his granddaughter-in-law in the future, would have such a keen sense.

"Since we've been discovered, let's go say hello, we never thought of sneaking onto the island." Mu Bai got out from Dai Mubai's sea of ​​consciousness.

"There's something wrong with you!" Erha couldn't help complaining, "I didn't expect you to go to Sea God Island so recklessly, so why did you go to the Heaven Dou Empire to ask for the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover and buy the Dragon Boat? "

Dai Mubai and Mu Bai were stunned for a moment.

What Erha said makes sense!
"No, the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover is mainly for the divine power of the Sea God! As for the Dragon Boat, it is not expensive anyway, and it is a plot prop, so you can buy it if you buy it. Does this conflict with the Shanghai God Island that we want to be upright? "

Erha was speechless.

"But Erha, when you interrupted me like this, I remembered something very important." Mu Baihu said with a serious face.

Dai Mubai slapped his forehead, he also remembered.

Their journey to Sea God Island went so smoothly!Dai Mubai didn't know exactly what happened.

Judging from the content of the push articles he has read, among other things, didn't Tang San encounter a pirate group on the road?Didn't he still meet with the deep sea demon whale?Didn't the wandering island take in an apprentice and a servant?

But along the way, nothing happened.

"It's actually quite normal," Dai Mubai smiled, "Even the large-scale serial plot of Xiao Wu's sacrifice was lost by us, isn't it reasonable for Tang San to encounter less plots?"

"It is said that the captain of the pirate group is a very attractive sister Yu? It's a pity, Tang San doesn't understand the style." Mu Bai shook his head.

"Okay, stop sighing, let's go back." Dai Mubai turned around and flew back to Xinghai.

"Brother, what's the situation?" Tang San asked.

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "It's not a big problem, it's just a 10-year-level Devil Spirit Great White Shark and a few hundred of its kind patrolling around Sea God Island."

other people:""

Is this a big problem?

(End of this chapter)

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