Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 241 Login to Sea God Island

Chapter 241 Login to Sea God Island

Dai Mubai really didn't take the Demon Soul Great White Shark seriously, even though they were moving in groups.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he is sure to defeat all the demon spirit great white sharks before he swaggers to the Sea God Island, but...he has a secret weapon.

Dai Mubai and others waited for the arrival of the demonic great white shark and the people from Sea God Island on the Xinghai. Not long after, a middle-aged man in a black robe led eight soul masters in purple costumes to drive Demonic great white sharks of different sizes stopped in front of the Xinghai under the leadership of a demonic great white shark with a body length of more than 20 meters.

Probably because of fear of Dai Mubai's strength, the Demon Soul Great White Shark didn't attack directly.

"Land soul masters, Sea God Island doesn't welcome outsiders, please go back." The middle-aged man said, although his tone was blunt, he was still polite.

Dai Mubai stood in front of the deck, smiled at him and said: "We are not outsiders, we are the descendants of the old man under the crown of Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi."

"Are you the descendants of the high priest's deceased?" The middle-aged man froze for a moment.

Bo Saixi has almost never left Sea God Island, how could she have any old friends?
Dai Mubai patted Tang San's shoulder next to him, and said: "San'er, release the Killing God Domain."

Although Tang San didn't know when they got involved with the Title Douluo on Sea God Island, but out of trust in Dai Mubai, he greeted everyone around him, and released the killing god with an extremely evil aura field.

Zhu Zhuqing held Zhuang Chenguang in his arms, and the bright moonlight shone on her body, bringing Zhuang Chenguang into her protection range.

Zhuang Chenguang was not affected by the killing field, but the others felt the pure murderous aura from the killing field.

The smaller demon spirit great white sharks twisted their bodies uneasily in the sea, but the biggest one showed its head from under the sea surface, as if looking straight at Tang San and...Zhu Zhuqing.

The eyes of the middle-aged man also moved back and forth on Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Killing God Domain... a member of the Clear Sky School?" The middle-aged man thought of the two brothers who came from the Clear Sky School more than 20 years ago.

But forgive him for not being a Titled Douluo long enough, I don't know who else the Death God Domain represents.

"Just Haotianzong is not enough." The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

Dai Mubai shook his head helplessly, he stretched out the left hand of fate, on the left hand there was a tetrahedron floating on the palm of the hand, dripping and rotating.

"The power of the sea god?" The middle-aged man was really dumbfounded this time.

He didn't expect to feel the pure power of the sea god from a land soul master... that was a power he had never felt from the sea god Douluo Bo Saixi.

"We came to Sea God Island for training." Dai Mubai quickly took back the Vast Sea Universe Mask, he was calm and fearless, "Sea God Island doesn't forbid anyone to participate in the test, does it?"

The middle-aged man did not answer.

He hasn't recovered yet.

"Who are you?" Under the agitation of the largest demon soul great white shark, the middle-aged man looked at Dai Mubai with a condensed gaze, and his tone was heavy.

Dai Mubai smiled: "Dai Mubai, the seventieth-level six-ring soul emperor."

The middle-aged man nodded: "Since you dare to come to Sea God Island, you must already know something about Sea God Island, and I won't say anything to stop you, but there are two points you must remember—— Sea God Island does not refuse anyone to participate in the island." Test, but the test for land soul masters is much stricter than sea soul masters. Also, once you participate in the test, you can't quit halfway, unless you die!"

Dai Mubai and the others looked at each other without raising any doubts.

The middle-aged man took a deep look at Dai Mubai, stepped on the Demon Soul Great White Shark on the sole of his foot, turned around and walked towards Sea God Island.

The 10-year Demon Soul Great White Shark didn't speak from the beginning to the end, except for looking at Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing for a while when Tang San released the Killing God Domain, it stared at Dai Mubai vigilantly at other times.

Dai Mubai turned a blind eye to the vigilance of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, and drove the Xinghai to catch up with the middle-aged man.

When approaching the coast, the demon spirit great white sharks all stopped, the middle-aged man led the sea spirit masters through the air, and the Xinghai rushed directly onto the beach.

The middle-aged man frowned.

It's not that Dai Mubai can't put away the Xinghai halfway, and then everyone flies to the island, but he thinks it's unnecessary.

Tang San tried to persuade him, but he rejected Tang San's proposal, he wanted to have fun.

Zhuang Chenguang's eyes widened nervously at the moment the Xinghai rushed onto the beach. He didn't think too much, he just thought it was very exciting and fun.

"It's so cool!" Zhuang Chenguang hugged Dai Mubai's arm, his little face flushed with excitement.

Originally the middle-aged man didn't care about Zhuang Chenguang, but now he noticed, he frowned and said: "Sea God Island is not a place where ordinary people can come."

Dai Mubai took Zhuang Chenguang from Zhu Zhuqing's arms with one hand, he didn't care, "Our Chenguang will definitely be a soul master, right?"

Zhuang Chenguang nodded heavily.

After eating one of Dai Mubai's flat peaches, Dai Mubai did not believe that Zhuang Chenguang was not a soul master.

What's more, Mu Bai said long ago that Zhuang Chenguang will definitely become a soul master, but he has not yet awakened his martial soul.

Martial soul is part of soul master's soul, everyone on Douluo Continent has martial soul, this is beyond doubt.What distinguishes a soul master from an ordinary person is the innate soul power, it doesn't make sense that Tang San can obtain soul power by practicing Xuantian Kungfu, and Dai Mubai's flat peach, which can be called a treasure of heaven and earth, cannot allow Zhuang Chenguang to obtain soul power.

In fact, under the induction of Mu Bai and other martial spirits and soul spirits, Zhuang Chenguang's small body was already overflowing with soul power.As long as he awakens his martial soul, he must be a genius little soul master with full soul power!
The middle-aged man didn't know where Dai Mubai's self-confidence came from, and he didn't say much, it was a blow to a child's confidence.

Walking through the beach and entering the woods, Tang San instinctively tried to connect with the Blue Silver Grass through the Blue Silver Domain when he saw the Blue Silver Grass.

Although he was able to complete the process of connecting with the Blue Silver Grass, he couldn't detect anything through the Blue Silver Grass and the Blue Silver Field.It seems that there is an invisible force protecting the woods.

The middle-aged man glanced at Tang San, and said: "Don't try to use your spiritual power to explore anything, this is Sea God Island, everything here is protected by His Majesty Sea God."

Dai Mubai said to Tang San: "Sea God's Island is the Sea God's Divine Kingdom on Earth, you are just a mortal now, don't waste your efforts in vain."

The middle-aged man looked at Dai Mubai in amazement, apparently he didn't expect him to say such a thing.

Tang San frowned, but he frowned when he thought of the inheritance token of the god of forging god he had obtained.

On the contrary, Oscar and the others were very curious: "Is there really a Sea God?"

Dai Mubai nodded: "Otherwise why would I bring you here?"

Tang San knew Dai Mubai's purpose, and didn't say anything.Oscar was thoughtful, Ning Rongrong looked at Dai Mubai in surprise, Zhu Zhuqing lowered his eyelids.Others are either heartless or don't know why.

Everyone passed through the woods, and what jumped into their eyes was a strange scene.

At the end of the woods is a water pool surrounded by dense forests. The area of ​​the pool is small, with a diameter of only about 500 meters.What is different from the small size of this pool is the rough waves on the surface of the pool.

There is a triangular platform in the middle of the pool, on which stands a stone pillar.The stone pillar is cone-shaped, and a statue is carved on the top.Numerous complex patterns are engraved on the column, which looks like a kind of writing.Intangible and strange energy is emanating from this strange pillar.

"Welcome to the sea in the sea, the holy pillar of the sea spear." The middle-aged man said, flying to the sacred pillar standing in the sea in the sea. Only in front of the Sea Spear Sacred Pillar are you qualified to accept the test."

As he said, a halo of blue light lit up behind him, and then the sacred pillar of sea spears suddenly lit up, and when he fell under the sacred pillar, a blue light rose from his feet to the top of the sacred pillar of sea spears.Centered on the top of the Sea Spear Sacred Pillar, a circle of blue ripples suddenly surged, like a light curtain across the sea in the sea.This layer of light curtain suspended above the sea in the middle of the sea is ten meters high, restricting the flying ability and forward space.

"Title Douluo?" Except Dai Mubai, everyone else was taken aback.

After all, Title Douluo has his own imposing manner. Apart from being ordinary in front of his own people, he is majestic and terrifying in front of others.And this titled Douluo had seemed too peaceful before.

"Sea Lance Douluo has such a good temper?" Dai Mubai rubbed his chin.

The sea soul master who followed them explained: "The sea soul masters on Sea God Island are graded according to the color of their clothes, but this does not represent the level of soul power, but the difficulty of accepting Sea God's test. The more difficult the test is, the more difficult it is. The higher you are, the higher your status on Sea God Island is. The colors of your clothes are also different, from low to high, they are arranged according to the color of the spirit ring, white, yellow, purple, black and red."

Everyone nodded to express their understanding, but a question also came up: "The Sea God Test of Title Douluo is only black?"

Sealance Douluo was wearing a black robe, apparently he had accepted the second most difficult black test back then.

The sea soul master said: "On Sea God Island, only the high priest has passed the red assessment. The high priest is the spokesperson of His Majesty the Sea God. If you are lucky enough to pass the test, you will be even more fortunate to be summoned by the high priest... No matter what your status is on land... , it is best to remain in awe of the High Priest!"

Dai Mubai smiled without saying a word.

He can maintain respect for the gods, but how dare he say that even gods and kings are not worthy!

"That's right, you should have this kind of momentum! As the heir of the holy beast White Tiger and the Peach Tree, your status is more noble than any existence in the Douluo Continent!" Mu Bai said with relief.

Dai Mubai: "..."

He felt that his mentality was often inflated, and it was 100% because of Mu Bai.

"I go first?" Dai Mubai raised an eyebrow at Tang San.

Tang San glanced at the blue mask covering the sea, saw Dai Mubai's relaxed expression, and shook his head.

"Brother, you should be more serious!"

He took Xiao Wu's hand and walked towards Hai Zhonghai first.

With their strength, Treading Water Wuhen is just mediocre.Although there were sea waves urged by Sea Lance Douluo to attack them, and some sea spears attacked their bodies, but generally speaking, this test was not difficult.

Tang San and Xiao Wu arrived under the Sea Lance Sacred Pillar step by step.

Sealance Douluo looked at them in surprise.

This test is not too difficult, but they passed it a little too easily, right?

"Xiao Ao, Rongrong, you guys go."

Oscar and Ning Rongrong nodded, and Ning Rongrong released the Nine Star Glazed Tower Martial Spirit, and the pagoda exuding starry night light was suspended above their heads, forming a protective shield.

Ning Rongrong's Sixth Wuhun Pagoda Zhen Heshan can not only imprison the enemy's body and living soul power, but also form a protective barrier to resist damage for himself.

Under the protective cover, the two used their flying soul skills and flew slowly close to the water surface.

"In addition to Rongrong's pagoda shield, did Oscar also add a layer of spiritual shield?" Dai Mubai's eyes lit up, "It seems that Oscar's special mental power training is very effective."

Oscar and Ning Rongrong also passed the test smoothly.

"Then let's go." Ma Hongjun held Shui Bing'er in his arms, and the two rushed over without saying a word, using their martial soul fusion skills.

In the blink of an eye, they had already reached their destination and exited the state of martial soul fusion. Ma Hongjun stood beside Oscar with his head held high with a stinky expression on his face.

Dai Mubai shook his head and laughed.

Now there are only him, Zhuang Chenguang, Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang left.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Bai Chenxiang, Bai Chenxiang bit her lower lip and said, "I can pass by myself."

Zhu Zhuqing smiled at her, Bai Chenxiang's figure flashed, like a white shadow, he spread his dexterous wings and flew straight towards the sea in the sea.She walked through the waves like a wisp of smoke. No matter how dense the waves were, there were ebbs and flows.Bai Chenxiang moved with the ups and downs of the waves as if he saw a needle in the sea.Even in places that seem to have no gaps, she can easily find some gaps to pass through.

"Pure agility type soul master, not bad." Sealance Douluo looked at the seven people who had passed with great interest.

Except for Ning Rongrong who released the martial soul, he didn't even know what other people's martial souls were. Except for Bai Chenxiang, he didn't see other people release their soul rings, so he didn't know their soul power levels.However, it can be seen from Ma Hongjun and Shui Binger's martial soul fusion skills that they are both owners of the Phoenix martial soul.

Are all the young soul masters on land so strong now?Sealance Douluo couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded to Dai Mubai, walking across the water more calmly than Tang San and Xiao Wu.

"Chenguang, how do you want to get there?" Only Dai Mubai and Zhuang Chenguang were left, he didn't rush to pass, instead he was in the mood to ask Zhuang Chenguang how to pass, as if this was not a test, but a game.

"Fly over!" Zhuang Chenguang said without hesitation.

Just now when he saw Oscar and others spread their wings and flew over, his eyes were full of little stars, so he naturally wanted to experience the feeling of flying at this time.

Although he is not a soul master yet, he can make Dai Mubai fly!
The humanoid car——Dai Mubai is online.

"Okay." Dai Mubai spread out the platinum wings behind him, in order to take care of Zhuang Chenguang's game experience, he flew very slowly.

This gave Zhuang Chenguang even time to watch the sea soul beasts in the sea.

"Uncle, those fish look delicious..." Zhuang Chenguang's tears of expectation flowed down from the corner of his mouth.

Dai Mubai was speechless.

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Chenguang is still a snack!
(End of this chapter)

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