Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 243 The Sacred Pillar Cracked

Chapter 243 The Sacred Pillar Cracked

Seeing that Zhuang Chenguang made the Vast Sea Cosmic Mask recognize the master smoothly, Dai Mubai felt that this wave was more stable.

If Sea God really shook him, he would admit it.

He gave up such a chance to leave his god position and run out, what else could he do but admit defeat?

"However, it will only take 2 to [-] years for Sea God to become a god. It is understandable for him to give up this opportunity." Mu Bai had been vaccinated in advance. Decades have passed, and it’s normal for him not to play enough.”

Dai Mubai shook his head: "Sea God hasn't experienced the battle of Dragon God, the God Realm doesn't mean much to him, instead of guarding the God Realm as a first-level god, it's better to get rid of the shackles of the god position and run to the heavens and worlds."

"Every god who once shattered the void will not be satisfied with the status quo, especially the first-generation gods like Sea God who were killed with real swords and guns."

Mu Bai felt that what Dai Mubai said made sense.

He was influenced by the survival mode of the holy beast white tiger clan.As a holy beast, he eats, drinks, sleeps, and plays well. He is a second-level god in the Douluo God Realm since he was an adult. He really has no sense of crisis.

Even if I have experienced something extremely terrifying...then I have forgotten it, I can't remember it!So subconsciously forget to be vigilant, isn't it normal?

Zhuang Chenguang's whole body was shrouded in blue light, his sapphire-like eyes exuded golden light, and he looked at Dai Mubai with envy.

"Uncle, an old man with a white beard touched my head just now." Zhuang Chenguang had doubts on his face, "But there is no old man with a white beard here!"

"That should be Chenguang's patron saint, don't be afraid." Hearing what Zhuang Chenguang said, Dai Mubai felt a little more stable.

Unexpectedly, Sea God still kept a hand in the vast sea universe cover, but this is just right.

"Now Chenguang is also going to accept the Seagod's assessment. Later, like other uncles and aunts, a beam of light will fall on Chenguang. Chenguang should be serious and don't move, okay?" Dai Mubai said patiently to Zhuang Chenguang.

Zhuang Chenguang nodded obediently: "I will be obedient."

Dai Mubai looked at Sealance Douluo.

Sealance Douluo looked at Zhuang Chenguang.

A six-year-old little soul master with an innate soul power of twenty levels... He really has never applied for an assessment for such a young child.

Children on Sea God Island will be assessed when they arrive. If a child does not have innate soul power and cannot become a soul master, they will be sent out of the island before the child.

This is also the reason why Tang San and others met Jixiang, Tang San's second apprentice, in the original book.Of course, now Tang San's two apprentices were killed by Dai Mubai.

But his wife is fine!
Isn't it clear at a glance which is more important, the apprentice or the wife?

Dai Mubai stood opposite Zhuang Chenguang, encouraging him with his eyes.

Zhuang Chenguang didn't know what these things that happened meant, he just thought it was quite interesting and amusing.

When the beam of light fell on Zhuang Chenguang, his eyes widened and he smiled.

Obviously, he should feel that the beam of light made him very comfortable.

The color of the beam of light gradually changed, from white to red. At the same time, the lines on the sacred pillar of sea spears went straight to the top, and a humming like the whimper of the sea sounded from the holy pillar of sea spears. rise.

The whole Sea God Island seemed to tremble with the red light from the Holy Pillar of Sea Lance soaring into the sky, and the same six huge blood-colored beams of light rose from other places on Sea God Island.The seven beams of light converged at one point in the air, and the next moment, the blood color faded, and from the point where they converged, an extremely brilliant golden light descended from the sky.

The corners of Dai Mubai's mouth turned up, and he smiled.

Sea God, god position and freedom, you chose freedom after all!
This golden light is full of majesty and grandeur.The moment it appeared, the entire Seagod Island was completely rendered golden, and everyone seemed to be covered with a special layer of golden light.

Zhuang Chenguang raised his head, watching the golden light fall on him intently.

He had a dazed face, apparently unable to comprehend the large amount of information in Jin Guangzhong.

"The child is too young is also a problem," Dai Mubai felt a little tricky at this moment, "I can't wait that long."

For Sea God, Zhuang Chenguang would only take a few months to inherit the god position, but Dai Mubai couldn't wait for decades.

"Fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, this is already the best result." Dai Mubai was helpless, "It's impossible for everything to develop according to my intention...unless I find that space-time dragon and give Chen Guang time to speed up."

Back then there were nine dragon kings under the throne of Dragon God, among them was a time-space dragon, but neither Dai Mubai nor Mu Bai believed that the time-space dragon had the ability to control time and space.

Time, space, fate.

These are unfathomable mysterious forces.

Those who play with time will eventually be played by time.

Space is the infinite within the finite.

The gift given by fate has already marked the price secretly.

The authority of these three forces made Dai Mubai's mouth water.

But it is too difficult, not to mention mastering it, it is even difficult to touch it.

Zhuang Chenguang spit out several mouthfuls of foul air like a hiccup. He is not very old and there are not many impurities in his body.

As the turbid air exhaled, he narrowed his eyes comfortably.

The golden light gradually faded, and finally only Zhuang Chenguang still exuded the golden light.When the golden light on his body also subsided, a golden trident mark appeared on his forehead.

The faint golden trident carries a majestic nobility.

He is very immature, fair and clean, with a chubby face, but the existence of the golden trident makes people subconsciously forget his age, and it will only arouse awe from the bottom of their hearts.

"Sea God Nine Trials," Dai Mubai was the only one who was not affected by the Sea God's power, he hugged Zhuang Chenguang, kissed the little guy's cheek, "As expected of my great nephew!"

Too much information was forcibly stuffed into Zhuang Chenguang's mind, and now he was a little dizzy, he didn't speak, and lay obediently in Dai Mubai's arms, apparently planning to sleep before talking.

"You know a lot." A pleasant voice came from a distance, and when the last word fell, a red figure appeared under the sacred pillar of sea spear.

This is a strong and graceful woman.

Her height seemed to be about the same as Xiao Wu's, her body was covered in a bright red robe, and her long sea blue hair hung loose behind her.She looks about 30 years old, with a soft face, noble and elegant temperament, and gives people a warm and gentle feeling.In her right hand, she held a three-meter-long golden scepter, engraved with magic patterns all over the body, and the head of the scepter had a diamond-shaped protrusion like a spear.Five inches below the tip of the spear, there was a rhombus-shaped golden gemstone inlaid.

Dai Mubai blinked.

Tyrant gold... This scepter is like a big gold chain for an upstart. I'm afraid others won't know how valuable it is.

"See the big offering," Sealance Douluo quickly reacted, and bowed towards Bo Saixi, "This subordinate failed to fulfill Lord Sea God's guidance, please ask the big offering to punish."

With all that happened today, Sealance Douluo felt that he could blow himself into the ground.

Except for Bai Chenxiang, all of these ten people are above the top level assessment!


Uh... It seems that there is one person who has not passed the assessment?

Sealance Douluo looked at Dai Mubai who was also calm and composed in front of the great priest.

Zhuang Chenguang has already fallen asleep, and his ability to sleep in seconds has made many insomniacs envious and jealous.

Bo Saixi's eyes fell on the golden trident on Zhuang Chenguang's forehead.

"I've been waiting for 100 years, but I didn't expect it to be a child." Bo Saixi said calmly, she looked at Dai Mubai, "Who are you to this child?"

Dai Mubai replied: "I am his uncle."

Bo Saixi nodded slightly: "Since you know the Sea God Nine Trials, then I won't explain further. As his elder, you can enjoy the same treatment as him. You don't need to salute anyone on Sea God Island , including me."

Dai Mubai chuckled lightly: "I didn't intend to salute anyone."

Bo Saixi's eyebrows moved slightly, and Sea Lance Douluo's face suddenly became ugly.

This young man is too arrogant!
Bo Saixi's gaze swept across the crowd, and finally settled on Zhu Zhuqing.

"Young man, what's your name?" Bo Saixi asked gently.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly: "Zhu Zhuqing."

Bo Saixi nodded in return.

"I didn't expect Sea God Island to be so lively..." Bo Saixi looked at the sleeping Zhuang Chenguang with some confusion, "Can he complete an assessment every year?"

It sounded like she was asking Dai Mubai, but Dai Mubai knew that she was asking Seagod.

It is impossible for Sea God not to know the situation of the heir he has chosen. Zhuang Chenguang is such a blessed heir, he will not give up easily.

"I understand." Bo Saixi said to himself thoughtlessly.

It can be seen that she is no longer worried about Zhuang Chenguang failing the examination.

"Only you haven't accepted the assessment yet?" Bo Saixi looked at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai sent Zhuang Chenguang to Zhu Zhuqing's arms, and he looked at the Holy Pillar of Sea Lance.

"Yeah, I haven't accepted the assessment yet..." The ending sounded elongated and sounded weird.

Dai Mubai approached the sacred pillar of sea spear, stretched out his hand, and stuck it to the sacred pillar of sea spear.

Sealance Douluo looked at Dai Mubai in astonishment, then turned to look at Bo Saixi.

As Dai Mubai put his hand on the Sealance Pillar, Sealance Douluo could feel, as if his palm had a strong suction force, all the Seagod's power in the Sealance Pillar poured into his body like crazy.


There was the sound of something breaking.

The sacred pillar of sea spear that was still in good condition just now, when Dai Mubai withdrew his hand... split from the middle.

Sealance Douluo couldn't react.

Bo Saixi didn't respond either.

What is Dai Mubai doing?

Why is the pillar broken?
Since the day Seagod Island existed, the Seagod's Seven Sacred Pillars have stood on the island.

Now, a holy pillar is actually cracked? !

"What did you do?" Bo Saixi's originally kind eyes became icy cold, and the coercion from Level 99 Ultimate Titled Douluo swept across the entire sea in an instant.

Her coercion was mainly aimed at Dai Mubai, but the others were still suppressed until their faces turned pale.Only Zhu Zhuqing and Zhuang Chenguang were consciously avoided by Bo Saixi.

Dai Mubai remained motionless.

"It's just absorbing a part of the Seagod's divine power. Presumably, Your Majesty the Seagod won't care about this amount of divine power." Dai Mubai said lightly, "As for this sinking silver pillar from the deep sea, it can still be used after repairing it, so it's not a big problem."

Bo Saixi was almost stunned.

She has lived for more than 100 years, and this is the first time she has seen someone like Dai Mubai.

"San'er, can you repair this pillar?" Dai Mubai turned to look at Tang San.

Tang San circled around the sacred pillar of Sea Lance twice, stroked his chin and began to meditate.

"It's true that it's not a big problem, but I don't have enough cultivation right now. The lines on this pillar are very strange, and I can't restore it for the time being...Give me ten years, it should be fine."

Poseidon: "..."

How could I give you ten years!

Dai Mubai sighed.

"Your Majesty, Sea God, the quality of your stuff is not good. I haven't displayed my true strength yet." Dai Mubai looked at the sky and said.

Spirit world.

Poseidon, who was sitting on the throne, threw a burst of divine power down with a headache, restoring the sacred pillar of the sea spear.

"Mere mortals don't have any reverence for gods!" Sea God snorted coldly.

But thinking about hearing the two god kings talk about the mystery of Dai Mubai before, he decided to endure it.

"Does it seem like the reincarnation of a god king from another god system? Or the one who has awakened Su Hui... a bit difficult to deal with. But that child is indeed very suitable for my position."

"I've wanted to go to other gods for a long time..."

Douluo Dalu is really boring.

Bo Saixi didn't expect that after Dai Mubai sighed, he could actually get a response from His Majesty the Sea God.

Looking at the Sea Spear Pillar that cracked and recovered in just one or two minutes, Bo Saixi was in a bad mood.

Who is the great priest of Sea God Island?Who is the High Priest of the Sea God?

Dai Mubai looked at the restored Sea Lance Sacred Pillar, quite ready to move.

Want to prostitute divine power...

"You can't catch a sheep and pluck its wool, there are six other sacred pillars..." Dai Mubai pondered in his heart.

The other six guardians of the holy pillar shuddered.

It seems to be stared at by something terrifying.

Bo Saixi felt that what happened today was too weird, she needed to go back to the Sea God Temple to have a good communication with His Majesty the Sea God.

She looked at Sealance Douluo: "Jero, pass on my order. Before these ten people complete the test of Lord Seagod, they are the distinguished guests of this island, and no one should be slighted or offended. Apart from helping them complete the test, Satisfy their conditions as much as possible. Also, call the other six people to discuss matters at the Sea God Hall tomorrow morning!"

"Yes." Sea Lance Fighter Rogero saluted respectfully and agreed.

Bo Saixi looked at Zhuang Chenguang again, and then shifted his gaze to Dai Mubai: "I hope you can help him complete the assessment, this is an assessment where only success is not allowed!"

Dai Mubai nodded, he still has something to say: "Then what, I haven't accepted the assessment yet..."

Sealance Douluo: "..."

Just now the sacred pillar of sea spear was cracked and recovered again, his mood was also ups and downs, but he didn't dare to let Dai Mubai touch the sacred pillar of sea spear again.

If it continues, with his mind, he is afraid that his mentality will collapse.

Bo Saixi had no choice but to apply for the assessment for Dai Mubai herself.

Sea God was speechless.

On Dai Mubai, he had already lost a lot of divine power, he thought it was over, but he had to continue to lose.

No way, who told this to be a rule set by oneself?

If I had known earlier, I would have been more relaxed... No!If the conditions were relaxed, Dai Mubai would definitely take advantage of more loopholes!
It's so hard to be a god!
(End of this chapter)

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